Test bank - Human development (Chap 2)

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a. Mitosis

. _____ is the process of cell division during which DNA replicates itself. a. Mitosis b. Meiosis c. Fertilization d. Cellular mutation

c. 23; 23

A human zygote contains ____ chromosomes from the biological mother and ____ chromosomes from the biological father. a. 10; 20 b. 23; 46 c. 23; 23 d. 46; 46

b. what you eat and do today could affect the health and characteristics of your children.

A particularly important finding associated with the study of epigenetics is that: a. heredity actually plays a minimal role in long-term development. b. what you eat and do today could affect the health and characteristics of your children. c. females are actually more vulnerable to genetic diseases than males. d. passive gene-environment correlations influence development well into old age.

a. sex selection

A process called ______ enables couples with a family history of diseases carried on the sex chromosomes to have a healthy baby of the sex unaffected by the disease they carry. a. sex selection b. gender modification c. gene therapy d. surrogacy

c. range of reaction

A wide range of potential expressions of a genetic trait, depending on environmental opportunities and constraints, is called ______. a. canalization b. behavioral genetics c. range of reaction d. gene-environment correlation

d. zygote

A(n) ____ is a fertilized egg. a. chromosome b. gamete c. allele d. zygote

b. 12

About 1 in ____ males are affected by color blindness. a. 5 b. 12 c. 70 d. 100

a. Casey and Jordan, who are biological siblings

According to research examining the relationship between genotype and environment to intellectual abilities, which of the following pairs of individuals will be MOST similar in intelligence? a. Casey and Jordan, who are biological siblings b. Eileen and Sarah, who are mother and daughter c. Hugh and Connor, who are grandfather and grandson d. Maleeka and Chantel, who are adopted siblings

d. development results from ongoing reciprocal interactions between genetics an

According to the epigenetic framework: a. genetics have a greater influence on development than environmental factors. b. environmental factors play a greater role in development than genetics. c. both identical and fraternal twins are more similar than different. d. development results from ongoing reciprocal interactions between genetics an

c. range of reaction

Although both of his parents are 5 feet 7 inches tall, 17-year-old Theo is 6 feet tall. He is healthy and has been well nourished since birth. This example illustrates the concept of _____. a. canalization b. behavior genetics c. range of reaction d. gene-environment correlation

a. 15th

Amniocentesis should not be conducted before the _____ week of pregnancy, as it may increase the risk of miscarriage. a. 15th b. 20th c. 27th d. 30th

b. triple X

Approximately 1 in 1,000 females are born with _____ syndrome. a. Klinefelter b. triple X c. XYY d. fragile X

b. incomplete dominance.

Approximately 8 percent of African Americans carry the recessive sickle cell trait. However, sickle cell carriers do not develop full-blown sickle cell anemia. In fact, they may function normally but show some symptoms, such as reduced oxygen distribution throughout the body and exhaustion after exercise. This illustrates the ______ genetic inheritance pattern. a. dominant-recessive b. incomplete dominance c. polygenic d. mutated

d. 99

As a human, you share ___ percent of your DNA with our closest genetic relative, the chimpanzee. a. 10 b. 25 c. 68 d. 99

b. 50

C.J. and Naya are fraternal twins. They share about ____ percent of their genes. a. 25 b. 50 c. 75 d. 100

b. are monozygotic twins

Chase and Carson share the same genotype, with identical instructions for all physical and psychological characteristics. Chase and Carson: a. are dizygotic twins. b. are monozygotic twins. c. each have two large X-shaped chromosomes. d. each have two small Y-shaped chromosomes.

a. female; male

Child A has two large X-shaped chromosomes (XX), and Child B has one large X-shaped chromosome and one much smaller Y-shaped chromosome (XY). Child A is _____ and Child B is ____. a. female; male b. male; female c. an identical twin; a fraternal twin d. a fraternal twin; an identical twin

d. Turner

Danica, age 28, is very short in stature, has an abnormally small jaw, and her neck has extra folds of skin. Danica has never ovulated and she has underdeveloped breasts. Danica suffers from ____syndrome. a. Klinefelter b. triple X c. XYY d. Turner

c. typically do not show the disorder.

Daughters who inherit the gene for hemophilia: a. usually die from the disease before the age of 20. b. demonstrate more severe symptoms than sons who inherit the gene. c. typically do not show the disorder. d. have an 80 percent chance of transmitting the gene to their offspring.

b. share about one half of their genes.

Dizygotic twins: a. are also known as identical twins. b. share about one half of their genes. c. are more similar to each other than ordinary siblings. d. occur less frequently than monozygotic twins.

b. trisomy 21

Down syndrome is also called ______. a. fragile X syndrome b. trisomy 21 c. Klinefelter syndrome d. trisomy 15

b. 700

Down syndrome occurs in approximately 1 out of every ____ births. a. 500 b. 700 c. 1200 d. 1500

a. behavior

Dr. Rashaud recognizes that even traits that have a strong genetic component, such as height, are modified by environmental influences. Dr. Rashaud studies ______. a. behavior genetics b. molecular biology c. biochemistry d. fetal medicine

a. fetal surgery

Due to recent advances in genetics and fetal medicine, _______ can repair defects of the heart, lung, urinary tract and other areas. a. fetal surgery b. chorionic villus sampling c. NIPT d. ultrasound

b. father

Emily has Prader-Willi syndrome, a disorder that is characterized by obesity, insatiable hunger, short stature, motor slowness, and mild to moderate intellectual impairment. According to the concept of genomic imprinting, Emily inherited this disorder from her _____. a. mother b. father c. maternal grandmother d. paternal grandfather

d. twin; adoption

Family studies usually involve _____ studies and _____ studies. a. twin; selective breeding b. identical twin; fraternal twin c. genetic; environmental d. twin; adoption

a. passive

Four-year-old Sam's parents were star athletes in high school and college. They are both coaches and manage a gym during the summer months. Sam has been exposed to sports since he was a baby. In addition to throwing and kicking balls with his parents, Sam recently started soccer and T-ball. He has also been enrolled in swimming lessons since he was 9 months old. Sam is already demonstrating strong athletic skills, despite being very young. This example demonstrates a(n) _____ gene-environment correlation. a. passive b. evocative c. active d. positive

b. meiosis

Gametes reproduce through _____. a. mitosis b. meiosis c. fertilization d. dominant-recessive inheritance

a. deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

Genes are composed of stretches of _____, a complex molecule shaped like a twisted ladder or staircase. a.deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) b. gametes c. zygotes d. nuclei

b. the blueprint for creating all of the traits that organisms carry.

Genes are: a. rod-shaped structures located in each human nucleus. b. the blueprint for creating all of the traits that organisms carry. c. sex cells that combine to create a unique individual d. identical molecules for every existing species on earth.

b. phenotype

Gia has brown hair, brown eyes, and dark skin. These traits are part of Gia's ______. a. genotype b. phenotype c. reaction range d. epigenetic framework

a. 4

Identical twins occur in ____ of every 1,000 U.S. births. a. 4 b. 17 c. 23 d. 35

a. Y; X

If an ovum is fertilized by a(n) ____ sperm, a male fetus will develop. If an ovum is fertilized by a(n) ____ sperm, a female fetus will form. a. Y; X b. X; Y c. XY; XX d. XX; XY

c. that mutations can sometimes be beneficial.

In Africa, children who inherit a single sickle cell allele are more resistant to malarial infection and more likely to survive. This demonstrates: a. that nature is more influential than nurture. b. the epigenetic framework. c. that mutations can sometimes be beneficial. d. the purpose of behavioral genetics.

c. half

In about ____ of fraternal twin pairs, one twin is a boy and other is a girl . a. 10 percent b. one third c. half d. 80 percent

d. 23 matching pairs of

In each human cell, a nucleus contains _____ chromosomes. a. 12 b. 12 matching pairs of c. 23 d. 23 matching pairs of

b. evocative

In general, we respond to happy, playful toddlers differently than we respond to standoffish, irritable toddlers. For instance, we may smile and interact more with the happy toddler, while redirecting, ignoring, or trying to change the behavior of the irritable toddler. This example illustrates a(n) ______ gene- environment correlation. a. passive b. evocative c. active d. positive

d. 22

In humans, ___ of the 23 pairs of chromosomes are matched and contain similar genes in almost identical positions and sequence. a. 5 b. 14 c. 20 d. 22

a. mutation

In some instances, a(n) ______ causes a sudden change and abnormality in the structure of genes. a. mutation b. extra chromosome c. broken chromosome d. allele

d. genomic imprinting

Instances in which the expression of a gene is determined by whether it is inherited from the mother or the father is called _______. a. polygenic inheritance b. incomplete dominance c. dominant-recessive inheritance d. genomic imprinting

a. polygenic inheritance

Most traits are a function of the interaction of multiple genes, known as _______. a. polygenic inheritance b. incomplete dominance c. dominant-recessive inheritance d. genomic imprinting

c. XYY

Kaden is very thin, has severe acne, and demonstrates poor coordination. He also produces excessive levels of testosterone. Kaden has _____ syndrome. a. Klinefelter b. Down c. XYY d. fragile X

c. Down

Kevin suffers from the most widely known chromosome disorder. Kevin has ____ syndrome. a. Prader-Willi b. Klinefelter c. Down d. triple X

c. Huntington's disease

Levi has a fatal disease that causes the central nervous system to deteriorate, leading to significant declines in muscle coordination and cognition. He was unaware that he had the disease until his late-30s because he did not experience any symptoms in childhood, adolescence, or young adulthood. Levi has ______. a. cystic fibrosis b. Marfan syndrome c. Huntington's disease d. PKU

d. 99.7

Lu is from Korea and Pedro is from Ecuador. Lu and Pedro share ____ percent of their genes. a. 15.7 b. 25.8 c. 44.2 d. 99.7

a. homozygous for

Maddox and Maecy both carry alleles for brown hair. Their 4-year-old son, Drake, also has brown hair. Therefore, Drake is ______ the trait of brown hair. a. homozygous for b. heterozygous for c. a carrier of d. recessive for

b. Marcus is at greater risk for aggression and criminal behavior in adulthood than J.J.

Marcus and J.J grew up in the same neighborhood, which has a reputation for poverty and gang violence. Both of their fathers were violent alcoholics, and they experienced periodic homelessness. Marcus carries the low-MAOA gene, while J.J. carries the high-MAOA gene. Which statement about Marcus and J.J. is true? a. Both boys are at equal risk for aggression and criminal behavior in adulthood. b. Marcus is at greater risk for aggression and criminal behavior in adulthood than J.J. c. J.J. is at greater risk for aggression and criminal behavior in adulthood that Marcus. d. Neither boy is at-risk for aggression and criminal behavior in adulthood.

c. active

Marlo's parents are talented artists. When he was young, Marlo was exposed to drawing and painting lessons, taken to art shows, and encouraged to be creative in his daily life. Today, at age 18, Marlo creates experiences and environments that correspond to and influence his genetic predisposition. For example, he enjoys spending weekends at the park or other public areas drawing people and objects. He often invites friends to various art exhibits in the city and he has enrolled in several art classes in college. He even helped paint a mural at a local children's hospital. Marlo's artistic endeavors at age 18 are an example of a(n) ______ gene-environment correlation. a. passive b. evocative c. active d. positive

d. 100

Michael and Matthew are identical twins. The boys share ____ percent of their genes. a. 25 b. 50 c. 75 d. 100

b. develop from a single fertilized egg into a child, adolescent, and eventually, an adult.

Mitosis ultimately enables humans to: a. reproduce and pass on their genetic material. b. develop from a single fertilized egg into a child, adolescent, and eventually, an adult. c. develop into either a male or a female. d. establish a unique genetic blueprint for development.

d. PKU

One of the most common recessive disorders is _____, which is diagnosed in about 1 of every 15,000 newborns. a. cystic fibrosis b. Marfan syndrome c. Huntington's disease d. PKU

a. genotype

Our genetic makeup, inherited from our biological parents, consists of a complex blend of hereditary characteristics known as ______. a. genotype b. phenotype c. behavior genetics d. canalization

b. genomic imprinting

Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes illustrate the concept of _____. a. polygenic inheritance b. genomic imprinting c. dominant-recessive inheritance d. incomplete dominance

d. sex selection

Preconception sperm sorting and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis are two methods of _____. a. surrogacy b. gene therapy c. gender modification d. sex selection

b. 20,000; 25,000

Researchers have estimated that ______ to ______ genes reside within the chromosomes and influence all genetic characteristics. a. 10,000; 15,000 b. 20,000; 25,000 c. 50,000; 70,000 d. 100,000; 200,000

c. gametes

Sex cells produce _____. a. DNA b. chromosomes c. gametes d. the genome

c. 30

Shannon and Frankie just found out that they are pregnant. They are interested in the odds of having twins. You can tell them that twins occur in about 1 out of every ____ births in the United States. a. 10 b. 20 c. 30 d. 40

a. dominant-recessive inheritance

Some genes are passed through __________, in which some genes are always expressed, regardless of the gene they are paired with other. Others will only be expressed if paired with another recessive gene. a. dominant-recessive inheritance b. incomplete dominance c. polygenic inheritance d. genomic imprinting

d. 23rd

Some of the most common chromosomal abnormalities affect the _____ pair of chromosomes. a. 9th b. 15th c. 21st d. 23rd

a. autism

Some research suggests that fragile X syndrome is strongly associated with ____. a. autism b. ADHD c. Huntington's disease d. PKU

b. biological sex

The 23rd pair of chromosomes specify the ______ of the individual. a. DNA b. biological sex c. intelligence d. personality

c. genome

The ____ is the set of instructions to construct a living organism. a. zygote b. nucleus c. genome d. gamete

b. Y chromosome

The ______ contains genetic instructions that will cause the fetus to develop male reproductive organs. a. X chromosome b. Y chromosome c. gamete d. nucleus

b. the epigenetic framework

The dynamic interplay between heredity and environment is known as ______. a. genetic studies b. the epigenetic framework c. an evocative gene-environment correlation d. niche-picking

d. alleles

The genes within each chromosome can be expressed in different forms, or ______, that influence a variety of physical characteristics. a. zygotes b. nuclei c. gametes d. alleles

c. chromosomes

The human nucleus contains 23 matching pairs of rod-shaped structures called _______. a. genomes b. DNA c. chromosomes d. zygotes

d. ultrasound

The most widespread and routine method of prenatal diagnosis is _______. a. amniocentesis b. chorionic villus sampling c. noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) d. ultrasound

d. niche-picking

The tendency to actively seek out experiences and environments compatible and supportive of our genetic tendencies is called ______. a. a passive gene-environment correlation b. range of reaction c. the epigenetic framework d. niche-picking

c. 60

Today, the average life expectancy of individuals with Down syndrome is ____. a. 25 b. 40 c. 60 d. 75

a. recessive

Tonya has straight red hair, blue eyes, and her big toe is longer than her second toe. These characteristics are called _____ traits. a. recessive b. dominant c. polygenic d. codominant

b. Alzheimer's disease

Trenton, age 50, has Down syndrome. Compared to unaffected adults his age, Trenton is at greater risk for developing ______. a. Huntington's disease b. Alzheimer's disease c. Cooley's anemia d. Cystic fibrosis

a. genes; the environment

Twin studies help us estimate how much of a trait or behavior is attributable to _____, whereas adoption studies shed light on the extent to which attributes and behaviors are influenced by ______ a. genes; the environment b. the environment; genes c. siblings; parents d. random events; a controlled environment

d. determine the sex of the fetus.

Ultrasound allows physicians to: a. analyze the fetus' genotype. b. administer hormones to the developing fetus. c. diagnose most chromosomal disorders. d. determine the sex of the fetus.


Using _____, cell-free fetal DNA are examined by drawing blood from the mother. a. amniocentesis b. chorionic villus sampling c. NIPT d. ultrasound

b. selective

Using ______, behavior geneticists deliberately modify the genetic makeup of animals to examine the influence of heredity on attributes and behavior. a. research on twins b. selective breeding studies c. family studies d. heritability estimates

a. Klinefelter

Vince has one of the most common sex chromosome abnormalities. Vince has _____ syndrome. a. Klinefelter b. Down c. XYY d. fragile X

b. heterozygous

When alleles of the pair of chromosomes are different, the person is _____ and the trait expressed will depend on the relations among the genes . a. homozygous b. heterozygous c. dominant d. polygenic

c. a carrier of

When an individual is heterozygous for a particular trait, the dominant gene is expressed and the person becomes _____ the recessive gene. a. codominant for b. an allele for c. a carrier of d. a producer of

c. chorionic villus sampling

When conducted prior to 10 weeks gestational age, _______ may increase the likelihood of limb defects and miscarriage. a. ultrasound b. amniocentesis c. chorionic villus sampling d. noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT)

a. When genetic counseling has determined a risk for genetic abnormalities

When is prenatal screening likely to be recommended? a. When genetic counseling has determined a risk for genetic abnormalities b. When the mother is under age 20 or over age 30 c. When the mother has gained more than the recommended weight in the first trimester d. Prenatal screening is recommended for all pregnancies in the United States

d. Cystic fibrosis

Which of the following diseases/disorders is an example of dominant-recessive inheritance? a. Prader-Willi syndrome b. Down syndrome c. Autism d. Cystic fibrosis

c. Older maternal age

Which of the following factors increases the likelihood of having twins? a. Being underweight b. One or both parents of Asian ancestry c. Older maternal age d. High carb diet

b. Beth, who is 37

Which of the following individuals would be a good candidate for genetic counseling? a. Maria, who previously had twins b. Beth, who is 37 c. Ariel, who is a pregnant teenager d. Coral, who is unsure if she wants children

b. Exposure to radiation

Which of the following may result in mutated genes? a. High-fat diet b. Exposure to radiation c. Young maternal age d. Poverty

d. It occurs in both males and females.

Which of the following statements about fragile X syndrome is true? a. It only affects males. b. It only affects females. c. It occurs in about 1 in every 3,000 U.S. births d. It occurs in both males and females.

a. Monozygotic

____ twins originate from the same zygote . a. Monozygotic b. Dizygotic c. Male d. Female


Which of the following tests is the least invasive for detecting chromosomal abnormalities? a. ultrasound b. amniocentesis c. chorionic villus sampling d. NIPT

d. Crawling

Which of the following traits is strongly canalized? a. Personality b. Intelligence c. Weight d. Crawling

d. intelligence

Which of the following traits reflect polygenic inheritance? a. sickle cell anemia b. facial dimples c. baldness d. intelligence

b. dominant

Xavier has dark curly hair and facial dimples. These characteristics are called _____ traits. a. recessive b. dominant c. polygenic d. codominant

a. Dizygotic twins

____ are conceived when a woman releases more than one ovum and each is fertilized by a different sperm. a. Dizygotic twins b. Conjoined twins c. Triplets d. Monozygotic twins

b. Meiosis

_____ increases genetic variability and accounts for genetic uniqueness. a. Mitosis b. Meiosis c. Sexual selection d. Fertilization

b. Amniocentesis

_____ is recommended for women ages 35 and over, especially if the woman and partner are both known carriers of genetic diseases. a. Ultrasound b. Amniocentesis c. Chorionic villus sampling d. Noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT)

c. Behavior

_____ is the field of study that examines how genes and experiences combine to influence the diversity of human traits, abilities, and behaviors. a. Human lifespan development b. Neurology c. Behavior genetics d. Molecular biology

d. Heritability

_____ refers to the extent to which variation among people on a given characteristic is due to genetic differences. a. Phenotype b. Genotype c. Reaction range d. Heritability

d. Gene-environment correlation

_____ refers to the idea that many of our traits are supported by both our genes and environment. a. Range of reaction b. Heritability c. Canalization d. Gene- environment correlation

c. Canalization

_____ refers to the tendency of heredity to narrow the range of development to only one or a few outcomes. a. Range of reaction b. Epigenesis c. Canalization d. Passive correlation

C) incomplete dominance.

______ is a genetic inheritance pattern in which both genes influence the characteristic. a. Dominant-recessive inheritance b. Polygenic inheritance c. Incomplete dominance d. Genomic imprinting

d. Genetic counseling

______ is a medical specialty that helps prospective parents determine the risk that their children will inherit genetic defects and chromosomal abnormalities. a. Obstetrics b. Behavior genetics c. Prenatal diagnosis d. Genetic counseling

a. Tay-Sachs disease

______ is a recessive disease that primarily affects descendants of Central and Eastern European Jews. There is no cure for this disease and most die by age 4. a. Tay-Sachs disease b. Cooley's anemia c. Sickle cell anemia d. Huntington's Disease

b. Chorionic villus sampling

______ requires studying a small amount of tissue from the chorion to determine the presence of chromosomal abnormalities. a. Amniocentesis b. Chorionic villus sampling c. Noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) d. Ultrasound

d. Down syndrome

_______ is the most common genetic cause of mental retardation. a. Fragile X syndrome b. PKU c. Tay-Sachs disease d. Down syndrome

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