test bank questions

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What voltage would produce a current of 100 amps through an aluminum wire which has a resistance of 3.44 ohms ?

344 Volts

According to Ohm's Law, what would the current be if the resistance is 1.5 Ohms and the voltage is 12 Volts?


Chemical Energy Examples:

: Food, Battery, Burning candle or Wood, Fireworks, Fossil Fuels, Gasoline

If an AC source in a circuit produces 40V, and the resistor has a value of 20 Ω. What is the current?


Objects cannot be electrified by induction


What type of energy cooks food in a microwave oven?


Good Conductors have low resistance : .


how is Potential Energy Converted to Kinetic Energy ?

When stored energy begins to move, the object now transfers from potential energy into kinetic energy

Electromagnetic energy cannot travel through a vacuum. true or false


T/F the velocity of EM energy is equal to the speed of sound

false it is equal to the speed of light.

true/false Induction is a process of electrical fields acting on one another with direct contact

false (with out)

all circuit elements are connected in a line


Light behaves as both a _____and ______

particle and wave



known as a variable resistor


A ball is dropped from the top of a building. When is its potential energy the greatest?

right before it is dropped

T/F x-ray is a form of electromagnetic radiation


ice-cream melting gains thermal energy


insulator offer very large resistance to the flow of electrical current true/false


true or false As the length of the conductor increases, the resistance increase


true/ false All electromagnetic radiation travels at the same speed


true/ false for potential difference to exist, there must be electron flow


true/false If any part of a series circuit is broken , the circuit fails


true/false Lightening is a huge build up of static electricity in the clouds


true/false Objects can be electrified by induction


What is the formula for the conservation of mechanical energy?

(KE + PE) beginning = (KE + PE) end Mechanical energy is the sum of the potential and kinetic energies in a system. The principle of the conservation of mechanical energy states that the total mechanical energy in a system (i.e., the sum of the potential plus kinetic energies) remains constant as long as the only forces acting are conservative forces.

Electric current is which of these?

Flow of electrons, measured in amperes


Rubbing two objects together can cause electrons to be "wiped" from one object and transferred to the other


SI - kilogram, kg Defined in terms of a kilogram, based on a specific cylinder kept at the International Bureau of Standards

Potential Energy (PE)

STORED energy or Energy that is NOT being used

What is the voltage if a circuit has a resistance of 4 ohms (Ω) and a current of 6 A?

24 V

electrical energy

Electricity flows in a closed path to form a circuit, and stops when the circuit is broken Conductors-copper, aluminum, and steel Insulators- rubber, plastic, glass, wood, and cloth


Electrostatics is the study of fixed or stationary electric charge

X-rays and Light rays have the same : Velocity Wavelength energy intensity Frequency


which affects kinetic energy more? Mass or Velocity and why

Velocity has more of an affect on kinetic energy because the velocity is squared.

energy contained within a system that is responsible for its temperature


the energy acquired by the object upon which work is done is known as


Radio waves are used in

magnetic resonance imaging

The amount of matter in an object


Ice and steam are examples of two forms of


The energy acquired by the objects upon which work is done is known as ___________


energy contained within a system that is responsible for its temperature.


The SI unit of length


Forms of Kinetic Energy

sound waves, thermal energy (heat), the electromagnetic (light waves), electricity

Interaction of Light and Matter

-Emission • Absorption • Transmission (passing through) • Reflection (scattering)

An object moving with a speed of 21m/s and has a kinetic energy of 140J. What is the mass of the object : 0.63kg 1.98Kg 1.28kg 3.48kg 16.87kg


an object moving with a speed of 21 m/s and has a kinetic energy of 140 j. what is the mass of the object


the total distance in a circuit is 9 ohms and the total voltage is 3 volts what is it's current

1/3 ampere.

What voltage produces a current of 50 amps with a resistance of 20 ohms ?

1000 Volts

How much voltage gives 5 amps of current through a 3 ohm light bulb

15 v

A MP3 player uses a standard 1.5 V battery. How much resistance is in the circuit if it uses a current of 0.010A:

150 ohms

a current of 2 amepers and a resistance of 8 ohms require what voltage in a circuit


the ampere is defined as _______ coulomb passing by a point is____ second


The ampere is defined as ______ coulomb passing by a point in ____ second.

1; 1

What voltage produces a current of 500 amps with a resistance of 50 ohms?

25,000 Volts

An object moving with a speed of 35m/s and has a kinetic energy of 1500J, what is the mass of the object: 2.45kg 1.28kg 3.48kg 16.87kg


an object moving with a speed of 35 m/s and has a kinetic energy of 15000 J what is the mass of the object.


A filament bulb has a current of 0.2 A running through it, with a potential difference of 5V across it. What is the resistance of the filament in the bulb

25 Ω

If a person riding a bike has a mass of 200 Kg and is moving at a velocity of 5 m/s , what is its Kinetic Energy: 2500J 10J 500J 2J 20J


if a person riding a bike has mass of 200 kg and is moving at a velocity of 5 m/s what is its kinetic energy.


A kitchen toaster draws 0.5 A through a conductor that has a resistance of 6 Ohms. What is the voltage across the conductor?

3 V

An electric circuit has a current of 3 amperes and a resistance of 2 ohms. What is the current if you increase the total resistance in the circuit to 6 ohms? (Assume that the voltage is unchanged.)

3 amperes

Find the voltage in an extension cord having a 6.600 Ω resistance and through which a 5.00A current is flowing:


A current of 250 amps is flowing through a copper wire with a resistance of 2.09 ohms. What is the voltage?

522.5 Volts

What current flow through a hairdryer plugged into a 110v circuit if it has a resistance of 25 ohms


An x-ray unit draws a current of 220.5 A. If the voltage is 1000 V what is the electrical resistance of the unit :

4.5 ohms

A kitchen toaster draws a current of 2.5 A. If the household voltage is 110 V, What is the electric resistance of the toaster?

44 Ohms

What is the voltage in a circuit of 100 amperes and 5 ohms

500 V

what is the voltage in a circuit if the current is 200a and the resistance is 3 O

600 v

What is the voltage in a circuit if the current is 200A and the resistance is 3 Ω?


The overall resistance of a mobile x-ray imaging system is 12 Ω. When plugged into a 110 V receptacle, how much current does it draw?

9.2 A

the overall resistance of a mobile x-ray image is 12 O when plugged into a 110v receptacle how much current does it draw.

9.2 a

electromagnetic energy

A form of energy that travels through space as waves

chemical energy

A form of potential energy that is stored in chemical bonds between atoms.

How is a magnetic field produced?

A magnetic field is produced by the motion of electric charge.

States of Matter: Plasma

A plasma is an ionized gas. A plasma is a very good conductor of electricity and is affected by magnetic fields. Plasma's, like gases have an indefinite shape and an indefinite volume. plasma is the common state of matter Particles in Plasma Particles in Plasma

Which of the following is true of all electromagnetic energy? All are true It has no mass. It travels in waves. It moves at the speed of light.

All are true

What is the mechanical source of energy for electrical generators that supply electricity to our cities?

All of the answers are correct

What is the device called that measures the amount of electric current flowing through a circuit at a particular point?


The measurement of the height of an electromagnetic wave form the average to the maximum is called:


The refraction of light waves is seen in which of the following?

Bending of light waves by a prism

Identify the Energy Transformation

Chemical --->Mechanical

Chemical Energy

Chemical Energy is the potential energy stored in substances. Calories = the chemical energy of food Batteries also have chemical energy It all depends upon the position and arrangement of the atoms in a compound.

Please match the following terms with their meanings

Closed circuit

Name examples of conductors

Conductors Any material that allows electric charges to move through it Examples: Metals (esp. copper) Your body Electric wires Insulators Materials that do not allow electric charges to flow freely through them Examples: Wood Glass Rubber


Definite shape and volume Particles in Solids: Are packed tightly together Have very little energy Vibrate in place

Identify the Energy Transformation

Electrical ----> Heat (Thermal)

Which of the following is true?

Energy can be transformed from one form to another.

the law of conservation of energy Light

Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be changed from one form to another

Electromagnetic Energy

Energy consisting of an electric field and magnetic field, perpendicular to each other, but traveling together through space

Light (Radiant) Energy

Energy created by vibrating particles that create waves that travel through space and time. [These waves are called electromagnetic waves.]


Energy in MOTION or Energy that IS being used

light energy

Energy in the form of moving waves of light

Potential Energy

Energy of an object by virtue of its position

kinetic energy

Energy of an object by virtue of its speed K.E. = (1/2) X mv2 m= is mass v = velocity

Chemical Energy

Energy stored in chemical bonds When chemical bonds are broken, new chemicals are formed and some of it is released energy

Nuclear Energy

Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom

nuclear energy

Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom

Nuclear Power

Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom from fission or fusion

Electromagnetic Energy

Energy that travels in waves

If any part of a series circuit is broken, the circuit continues to work :


true/false According to the Law of Conservation, mechanical energy can never be converted to thermal energy, only electrical energy


true/flase the velocity of EM energy is 3x10-10 p cm/sec2

False all electromagnetic radiation travels at the same speed which is about 3.0 * 10-8 meters per second through a vacuum.


Force exerted on an object that causes it to move

Resistance caused by one object moving against another


When electrons rub off one object and are deposited on another, this is said to be electrification by:


When your charged fingertip touches a metal doorknob and the charge is transferred to the door, this is done by: All the answers are correct Friction Induction Contact


At room temperature helium does not have a definite shape or volume . Which state is it in :



Gases spread out to fill the entire space given and do not have definite volume. Gases have mass. Gases take up space. Particles in Gases: Move freely Have LOTS of energy

Albert Einstein 1905

German physicist who developed the theory of relativity, which states that time, space, and mass are relative to each other and not fixed. He showed that if matter is destroyed, energy is created, and if energy is destroyed mass is created. 2 E = MC

Which of the following has the lowest frequency?

Infrared light

Something that does NOT allow thermal energy to pass easily


SI unit for work and energy


What is the unit for Kinetic and Potential Energy ?


Mass without movement has no:

Kinetic energy

mechanical energy

Kinetic or potential energy associated with the motion or position of an object

List the three systems of measurement

Length, Mass and time

Identify the Energy Transformation

Light ---->Chemical


Liquids take the shape of their container and have definite volume. Liquids have mass. Liquids take up space Particles in Liquids: Are loosely packed Have medium energy levels Particles flow around each other

When you plug an electric fan to a power outlet, electrical energy is transformed into what type of energy?


What type of energy is the spinning plate inside of a microwave oven?


electromagnetic radiation causes both _____ and _____ disturbances.

Magnetic, electrical

Albert Einstein

Mass-Energy Equivalence Albert Einstein E=mc2 E = energy m= mass c= speed of light 3 x 108 m/s

Energy of motion The total energy of motion and position of an object (potential energy + kinetic energy

Mechanical Energy

What type of matter is classified as a conductor of thermal energy:



Meters per second squared (m/s2) is the unit of measure of:

Thermal Energy Transfer

Movement of thermal energy from an area of high temperature to an area of low temperature

Electrical Energy

Moving electrical charges that produce electricity and energy.

X-rays were discovered:

November 8, 1895


Occurs when charges in an uncharged object are rearranged WITHOUT direct contact with the charged objec

What is the formula for gravitational potential energy?

PE = mgh

what is the formula for gravitational potential energy?

PE= mgh

There are two main kinds of energy


How is all energy divided? Potential Energy Kinetic Energy All Energy?

Potential Energy a) gravitation potential energy. b) elastic potential energy c) chemical potential energy Kinetic Energy Kinetic Energy is the energy of motion or energy in use Any matter in motion has Kinetic Energy There are many forms of Kinetic Energy Some forms include: light (radiant), thermal (heat), sound (acoustic), electrical, and mechanical

gravitational potential energy

Potential energy that depends on the height of an object

Identify the electrical properties of subatomic particle

Protons (+) and electrons (-) are charged Objects can become charged when atoms in the objects gain or lose electrons.

An ohm is the SI unit for:


on the surface of an electrified object , the charges concentrate

Sharpest curvatures.

Different types of energy

Some different types of energy are: Thermal energy Kinetic energy Gravitational potential energy Elastic potential energy Chemical energy Magnetic energy Electrostatic energy Nuclear energy


Something that allows thermal energy to pass easily Metal Water

sound energy

Sound energy is caused by an object's vibrations A vibrating object transmits energy through the air around it in waves (longitudinal waves)

The metric system is also known as the:

System International (SI)

Discuss the derivation of scientific system of measurement

The SI consists of base units and derived units: (1) The base units comprises an irreducible set of units for measuring all physical variables (2) The derived units can be expressed in terms of the base units

the flow of electrons along a conductor is:

The force required to make current flow through a conductor is called voltage and potential

Law of Conservation of Energy

The rule that energy cannot be created or destroyed

Energy conversions

The sun's energy through solar cells can be converted directly into electricity. Green plants convert the sun's energy (electromagnetic) into starches and sugars (chemical energy).

Increasing the resistance in the a circuit results in a?

This means that increasing the voltage will cause the current to increase, while increasing the resistance will cause the current to decrease.


Transfer of electrons from one object to another THROUGH direct contact

Which of the following devices can increase or decrease voltage by a set amount?


Insulators offer very large resistance to the flow of electrical current : True False


T/F as two electrical charges move farther apart the force between them decreases proportionally to the inverse square of their separation


Water is a good conductor:


Which of the following can cause skin cancer?

Ultraviolet light


Units SI - meter, m Defined in terms of a meter - the distance traveled by light in a vacuum during a given time

The difference in the electric potential between two points is measured in:


Water is a good conductor of electricity.

Which of the following statements about water and electricity is MOST accurate? (170)

x-rays where discovered by

Wilhelm Roentgen, Professor of Physics in Wurzburg, Bavaria, discovered X-rays in 1895—accidentally—while testing whether cathode rays could pass through glass.

the first x-ray was

Wilhelm Roentgen, wife hand

Which of the following is the best electrical insulator? Wood Water Nickle Copper


a step-up transformer results in

a transformer that increases voltage The step-up transformer uses a process called mutual induction to convert low voltage into high voltage. Diodes are the main component within rectifiers

Ohms law can be written as : Volts = amps x ohms Ohms = volts x amps amps= volts x ohms all are correct

all are correct

If a conductor is curved, the greatest amount of charge will be found:

along the straightest area of thalong the straightest area of the conductor.e conductor.

Current that changes direction in the conductor is:

alternating current

electron oscillating back and forth

alternating current

When considering the wave properties of electromagnetic radiation, the maximum height of a wave is


the measurement of the height of an electromagnetic wave form the average to the maximum is called.


current that changes direction in the conductor is

at the area of the greatest curvature of the conductor

A device that temporarily stores charge is the:


principles of non moving electric charges


a device that temporarily stores charge is the


stores charges


the study of stationary or resting electric charge is called


the device that produces electrons through a chemical reaction is a


the refraction of light waves in seen in which of the following?

bending of light waves by a prism



electromagnetic, chemical, electrical and thermal are all types of:


the ability to do work


x-rays and light have the same


Light travels with a speed of

c= 300,000 km/s

Energy stored in the bonds of chemical compounds and may be released during a reaction


energy stored in the bonds of chemical compounds and may released during a reaction


A way of drawing electrical circuits

closed circuit

what determines the state of matter?

energy amount of temperature and pressure

The direct transfer of heat from one object to another


A material that


any material that allows the free flow of electrons is called an


A unit used in measuring the amount of charge


The unit of measurement of electrical charges (SI) is:


the unit of measurement of electrical charge (si) is


Force of attraction or repulsion inversely proportional to the square of distance

coulombs law



The flow of electricity through a circuit


Obtained by combining SI units

derived unit

In an electric fan the energy transformation that occurs is

electrical to mechanical

Caused by the flow of electrons


The study of electric charges in motion is:


Light energy is an example of which form of energy?


the energy of an x-ray is


radio waves, light and x-rays are all examples of____ energy

electromagnetic energy

Different electromagnetic radiations are put in order by the:

electromagnetic spectrum

elastic potential energy

elastic potential energy is associated with objects that can be stretched or compressed. Elastic potential energy can be stored in rubber bands, bungee chords, trampolines, springs, an arrow drawn into a bow, etc.

A magnetic field is produced by

electric charges in motion.

A closed pathway of wires and related elements is a(n):

electric circuit

The ampere is the unit of measure for:

electric current

The flow of electrons along a conductor is:

electric potential

Energy that's stored in charged particles within an electric field__


energy thats stored in charged particles within an electric filed


Light (Radiant)

energy can be absorbed, transmitted, or reflected. • Includes energy from gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet rays, visible light, infrared rays, microwave and radio bands

Kinetic energy is best defined by which of the following?

energy of action/movement

heat energy (thermal energy)

energy that comes from internal vibration of atoms and molecules

The ______ is the number of peaks that pass by any point each second, measured in cycles per second or Hertz (Hz


the rate of rise and fall of a wave is called it's


which of the following can bemusement destroy cancer cells?

gamma waves

potential energy is at its ?

higher the object, the more potential energy.

The first radiograph produced by William Roentgen was of:

his wife's hand

Increasing the resistance in a circuit results in a (n)

increase in current

A step-up transformer results in:

increased voltage

the resistance in a wire decreases as it's diameter


When there is movement of some of the electrons of an uncharged metallic object as it is brought into the electric field of a charged object, this is electrification by:


A material that resists the flow of electricity


Photon wavelength is

inversely proportional to photon frequency


is a form of energy that involves the movement of electrons from one point to another


is the study of the basic components of the universe and their interactions. Theories of physics have to be verified by the experimental measurements.

The SI unit of mass


mass without movement has no

kinetic energy

thermal energy (heat)

kinetic energy associated with the random movement of atoms or molecules

Five laws governing static electricity

laws of electrostatics

Body will remain at rest unless acted on by a force

laws of motion

During the process of freezing, a liquid

loses kinetic energy

During the process of freezing, a liquid

loses potential energy

an electronic current can be introduced in a coil of i wire if it is placed in an

moving magnetic field.

the formula E=MC2 is the basis for the theory that led to the development of

nuclear power

The only difference between x-rays and gamma rays is their



potential difference

Watt is the unit of measure of:




A watt is a unit of measurement know as?


Light is a form of energy _______ energy


The lowest energy range of the electromagnetic spectrum is _____.

radio waves

Which of the following electromagnetic radiations have the lowest energy level?

radio waves

Light is ____ when it bounces off of mirrors or shiny surfaces


One of the laws of electrostatics is that like charges ________ and unlike charges ___________.

repel; attract

Photons with the highest frequencies have the _____.

shortest wavelengths

A substance that has its own shape


the four states of matter are

solids, liquids, gases, plasma

The movement of energy through waves


the movement of energy through waves


A prism split light into a ______ (rainbow of colors)


A build up of charge on an object

static electricity


the ability to do work


the ability to do work

Static Electricity

the build up of electrical charges on an object

kinetic energy

the energy an object has due to its motion

energy conversion

the process of changing energy from one form to another

A German School teacher found the relationship between current , voltage and resistance: true/flae


the speed at which an object is moving at a given instant in time


Microwaves heat up food because their energy causes the atoms and molecules to


Microwaves heat up food because their energy causes the atoms and molecules to:


Examples of Light (Radiant) Energy

visible light, x-rays, gamma rays, and radio waves

Pushes electricity through a circuit


The ______ is the distance between adjacent peaks of the electric or magnetic field


Laws of motion and gravitation

were discovered by Isaac Newton

Electromagnetic Radiation

•EM sometimes act like particles, sometimes like waves

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