Test The Bronze Bow

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Which of the following sentences might best be classified as "indirect characterization?"

"I LOVE history class!" Shelby announced, striding into the room with a grin.

In chapter 9, when Daniel cannot bring himself to hurt a man he has robbed, this is an example of which type of conflict?

Person vs Self


A contrast between expectation and reality


A narrative device that hints at coming events; often builds suspense or anxiety in the reader.

Who is Rosh?

A revolutionary leader that Daniel follows

Which words best describe how Daniel feels toward Rosh?

Admiration and gratitude

How are Daniel and Leah similar?

Leah does not want to be healed of her demons and Daniel does not want to be healed from his anger

Malthace's View On The Messiah

Believes that a true deliver is coming

Daniel's View On The Messiah

Believes the Messiah is a made up fairy tale

Joel's View On The Messiah

Believes the Messiah will be ordinary people taking up arms.

What did Simon do to show Daniel how important the synagogue meeting was?

Broken the Sabbath law to carry him fresh clothes

"Below him lay the sea, like a great blue jewel in the sun, and at its edge the town of Capernaum, a mass of dark stone houses, thick-clustered. A transparent veil of mist and smoke hung over the rooftops. He fancied he could hear the hum of a thousand voices." Based on this passage, Capernaum could best be described as what?


In chapter 8, when Daniel and Joel go to visit Simon and Jesus, what does Jesus do that shocks and frustrates Joel?

Calls the unclean children of God

When Daniel talks with Jesus in chapter 21, he reveals his heart and the reason behind his frustration. Why does he say he is so frustrated?

Everything he hoped for has failed.

Which moment is the climax of the book?

Daniel deciding to accept Jesus

Check the things that seem to be in the way of Daniel and Thacia getting married.

Daniel is poor. Daniel does not want to break his oath. Daniel feels he would not make a good husband because he only knows how to fight.

From chapter 11, name two ways that Leah or Daniel change once she lives with Daniel in Simon's house.

Daniel learns to accept Leah's possession and Daniel can now work and provide food for him and Leah.

Why does Daniel feel shut out from the men and unhappy at the beginning of chapter 3?

Daniel longs to feel accepted and seen as important.

"Do not plan evil against your neighbor, who dwells trustingly in you." (Proverbs 3:29) How does this verse apply to Daniel's new life in Simon's shop and house?

Daniel occasionally has to do work for the Romans and must learn to do it quietly.

How could Jesus say that Daniel's vow "to live and die for God's victory" was not a vow of hate? Explain in 1-2 sentences.

Daniel's vow is not a vow of hate because, although Daniel doesn't know it, he doesn't have to fight and cause harm to live and die for God's victory.

"He was a tall boy, with little trace of youth in his lean, hard body." This quote is an example of:

Direct Characterization

The text gives details to describe Leah. Read some of them below: "She did not tire readily at the loom." "Was it work in the little garden that had brought a faint flush to her pale cheeks?" What can you infer about Leah based on these hints?

Leah is beginning to get better and be more comfortable.

In the space below, list three differences between Rosh and Jesus that you wrote down in your notes while reading. Please use complete sentences.

Firstly, Jesus is attempting to enlighten people while Rosh uses people to fight against the Romans. Secondly, Rosh is trying to start a revolution while Jesus is trying to bring them closer to God. Lastly, Jesus is teaching people to repent while Rosh is teaching people to fihgt.

Based on what you know from the end of the book, when chapter 24 opens with a burst of spring beauty, despite Daniel's hopeless circumstances, is it ironic or foreshadowing?


What does Rosh's obsession with his lucky dagger reveal about his character?

He does not truly trust God to provide.

Why does Daniel tell Joel he can not marry?

He has made a vow to fight the Romans.

How does Daniel feel about his home village?

He hated living there.

What inference does Daniel make about Jesus when he first sees him?

He is a fighter.

Why is Daniel ashamed after he finds out about Leah's secret?

He is ashamed of his angry reaction toward her.

Character development is when a character shows he or she has grown by the way they handle new situations. Daniel shows change and growth by looking Rosh in the eye, even though Rosh is disappointed with him. What does this show about Daniel?

He is confident he can make the right decision for himself.

Thacia's kindness

He is learning to love another person more than he hates the Romans.

"How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?" (Psalm 13) How does this passage of Scripture relate to Daniel?

He is waiting to see Israel free.

In chapter 15, Daniel meets with Thacia and Joel to plan a way to help Rosh. What does Daniel do that displays character growth?

He is willing to overcome his jealousy because he understands that Joel can do a job he can not do.

Why is Daniel ashamed that his grandmother gets grain from the "pauper's share?"

He should be providing for his family, as the man of the house.

Why is Daniel disappointed with Jesus in chapter 23, after the miracle of feeding the 5000?

He wanted Jesus to accept the crown and lead Israel.

Why is Daniel hesitant to follow Jesus?

He wants to revenge and Jesus does not.

What request does Marcus make of Daniel?

He wants to say goodbye to Leah

In chapter 14, when Daniel visits the mountain, why does Samson bring a huge meal of meat for all the men?

He was celebrating Daniel's return.

In chapter 19, what promise does Joel make to Daniel before he leaves for Jerusalem?

He will care for Leah if anything happens to Daniel.

In chapter 8, when Daniel and Joel go to visit Simon and Jesus, what does Daniel see Jesus do that causes such interest but also unbelief?

Heal a boy with a broken arm

When Daniel arrives at Capernaum, what shocks him the most?

How the Jews seem to tolerate the Romans soldiers

Which word means "to deduce from evidence rather than be told explicitly."


Which moment shows the most significant change in Daniel's heart?

Inviting Marcus inside his home

Who does Joel think their true leader might be?


Why is Daniel disappointed with Jesus' message?

Jesus calls them to repentance, not to fighting.

Why does Joel listen to Jesus talk, even though he does not think Jesus would join their cause?

Jesus has explained the law in new ways.

What does Joel reading from the Book of Enoch reveal about his character?

Joel is arrogant: he thinks he has enough training to teach the Scriptures when he does not.

Why does Daniel think Joel is the kind of man Rosh and his men need?

Joel is passionate and stubborn.

What does Jesus say the only thing stronger than hate is?


Which literary device evokes feelings from the reader using the atmosphere and emotional setting?


In chapter 14, when Daniel is struggling between staying with his sister and going back to the mountain, what type of conflict is he facing?

Person vs Self

What does "only love could bend a bow of bronze" mean?

Only Jesus' love truly healed Daniel's heart.

In chapter 10, which words best describe Daniel's grandmother's final moments?


In first-century Galilee, which people group is in control of Israel?


What is one reason that Simon does not like Rosh?

Rosh and his men steal food to survive.

In chapter 18, what event causes Daniel to turn away from Rosh?

Rosh refuses to rescue Joel.

Why does Daniel admire Rosh more than Jesus?

Rosh takes action instead of waiting.

Which important religious activity has Daniel forgotten about?


Which character fits the archetype of "Christ-figure"?


Which word means: the description of where and when a story takes place?


In chapter 11, Simon offers Daniel his blacksmith shop and house. What metaphor best describes how Daniel feels about this offer?


Why does Thacia beg Daniel to leave their house?

She does not want Joel to be distracted by Daniel.

What event causes Daniel to yell at Leah?

She has been seeing a Roman soldier.

What is Joel's father's attitude toward Daniel?


Which metaphor best describes Daniel's emotions when he is eating with Joel's family?

Swelling tides

What motivates Daniel to buy new cloth for Leah?

Thacia's kindness

Leah does not want to be healed of her demons and Daniel does not want to be healed from his anger

That the boys are acting rashly and will not accomplish anything lasting

What significance do Daniel, Joel, and Thacia give to 2 Samuel 22:35 ("He trains my hands for war, so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze")?

They believe God will give them strength to fight the Romans.

Why does Daniel carry a Roman soldier's pack, even though he swore he would never do such a thing?

To help and save Thacia

Daniel thinks rest will come once he has fought the Romans off the land. Where does the Bible say true rest comes from?

Trusting in the work of Jesus

What activity do Joel and Thace do that causes Daniel to feel so out of place and astonished?

Wash before eating

In chapter 17, Daniel and the watchtower boys try to find the best plan to attack Rome. What is one character quality that Daniel seems to have developed?


How does Jesus tell Daniel he can repay Samson's sacrifice?

With love

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