Testbank Exam 6

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) Which lobe(s) of the cerebellum controls subconscious movement of skeletal muscles? a) anterior and posterior b) flocculonodular c) anterior and flocculonodular d) posterior and flocculonodular


Select the best description of nerve fiber: a) may refer to either an axon or dendrite b) joins axon to cell body c) fine processes at the ends of axons d) contains a nucleus surrounded by cytoplasm


When compared to unmyelinated axons, myelinated axons: 1. are electrically insulated 2. are gray in color 3. have a faster speed of nerve impulse conduction 4. are more numerous a) 1, 2, 3, 4 b) 1, 3, 4 only c) 2, 3, 4 only d) 1, 2, 4 only


A _____ refers to a small mass of nervous tissue, consisting primarily of neuron cell bodies, outside of the brain and spinal cord. a) nucleus b) nerve c) tract d) ganglion


A midsagittal section of the brain would pass through which of the following? a) longitudinal fissure b) corpus callosum c) falx cerebri d) all of these choices


A synapse is a functional junction between: a) two neurons. b) a neuron and a muscle cell. c) a neuron and a glandular cell. d) all of these choices


Dendrites are processes of a neuron that: a) carry nerve impulses away from the neuron cell body. b) are usually myelinated. c) are usually longer than axons. d) none of these choices


In what lobe of the cerebrum would you find the motor speech area (Broca's area)? a) occipital lobe b) temporal lobe c) parietal lobe d) frontal lobe


In what lobe of the cerebrum would you find the primary motor area? a) occipital lobe b) temporal lobe c) parietal lobe d) frontal lobe


In what part of the brain would you find the corpus striatum? a) midbrain b) medulla oblongata c) hypothalamus d) cerebrum


In what part of the brain would you find the insula? a) thalamus b) medulla oblongata c) hypothalamus d) cerebrum


A bundle of axons in the central nervous system is called a/an _____.


A dermatome is an area of skin that provides sensory input to the CNS via one pair of spinal nerves or the trigeminal (V) nerve.


A neurolemma (sheath of Schwann) is a characteristic of cells located in the peripheral nervous system, but NOT in the central nervous system.


A significant difference between neurons and neuroglia is that mature neuroglia can divide whereas mature neurons generally cannot divide.


Cell bodies of motor neurons that supply smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, or glands via the autonomic nervous system can be found in the lateral gray horns of the spinal cord.


Dendrites conduct signals toward the neuron cell body; the axon conducts nerve impulses away from the neuron cell body.


Most unipolar neurons are sensory neurons that transmit information along afferent pathways to the central nervous system.


Neurons that originate in the central nervous system and that function to carry information to smooth, skeletal, or cardiac muscle are efferent (motor) neurons.


Pigmented nuclei in the midbrain called substantia nigra control subconscious muscle activities.


The afferent (sensory) portion of the autonomic nervous system carries sensory information from the viscera to the central nervous system.


The afferent (sensory) portion of the somatic nervous system carries sensory information from the eyes and ears to the central nervous system.


The denticulate ligaments and the filum terminale are both structures that help to anchor the spinal cord and protect it against sudden displacement.


The efferent (motor) portion of the autonomic nervous system consists of sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions.


The epidural space found between the dura mater and the wall of the vertebral canal contains a protective cushion of fat and connective tissue.


The hypothalamic mammillary bodies serve as relay stations for reflexes related to the sense of smell.


The portion of the plasma membrane of a neuron that surrounds the axoplasm is called the axolemma.


The thin transparent spinal meninx called pia mater separates the spinal cord from the surrounding cerebrospinal fluid.


The transverse fissure separates the cerebrum from the cerebellum.


The vast majority of neurons in the body are interneurons.


There are two types of neuroglia that produce myelin sheaths: oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells (neurolemmocytes).


The efferent (motor) portion of the somatic nervous system is _____ (voluntary or involuntary).


A broad region where gray matter and white matter show a netlike arrangement in the brain stem and the inferior part of the diencephalon, and whose function is to influence muscle tone and to cause arousal from sleep are collectively referred to as the a) reticular formation b) medial lemniscus c) cerebral peduncles d) cerebellar peduncles


A nerve is a structure that may contain: 1. axons 2. blood vessels 3. neuron cell bodies 4. connective tissue 5. myelin 6. oligodendrocytes a) 1, 2, 4, 5 b) 1, 3, 5, 6 c) 1, 4, 5 only d) 2, 3, 4


A typical reflex arc involves the following components: 1. sensory neuron 2. motor neuron 3. sensory receptor 4. integrating center 5. effector The correct order is: a) 3, 1, 4, 2, 5 b) 3, 4, 1, 2, 5 c) 3, 2, 1, 5 d) 3, 4, 2, 5


At a synapse between the axon of one neuron and the dendrite of another neuron, the axon would be part of a _____ neuron; the dendrite would be part of a _____ neuron. a) presynaptic, postsynaptic b) visceral, somatic c) postsynaptic, presynaptic d) somatic, visceral


Cerebrospinal fluid is found between two layers of the meninges, in a space called the _____. a) subarachnoid space b) subpial space c) epidural space d) subdural space


During development, most of the protective structures of the brain, that is, most of the bones of the skull, associated connective tissues, and meningeal membranes arise from a) the neural crest. b) the neural tube. c) the diencephalons. d) the rhombencephalon.


From which plexus does the axillary nerve arise? a) brachial b) cervical c) lumbar d) sacral e) thoracic


In order to flex your fingers, which type of impulse will the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle need to receive? a) efferent (motor) b) afferent (sensory) c) visceral d) autonomic


In what lobe of the cerebrum would you find the primary visual area? a) occipital lobe b) temporal lobe c) parietal lobe d) frontal lobe


In what part of the brain would you find the cerebral peduncles? a) midbrain b) medulla oblongata c) hypothalamus d) cerebrum


In what part of the brain would you find the medial and lateral geniculate nuclei? a) thalamus b) medulla oblongata c) hypothalamus d) cerebrum


Loss of taste in the anterior region of the tongue may be an indication of damage to which cranial nerve? a) facial VII b) trigeminal V c) glossopharyngeal IX d) vagus X


Select the best description of neurotransmitter molecules: a) stored in synaptic vesicles b) accumulate as yellow-brown granules as the cell ages c) fine processes at the ends of axons d) usually short and branched


Select the best description of the oligodendrocytes: a) form myelin sheaths in the central nervous system b) help maintain the blood-brain barrier c) form myelin sheaths in the peripheral nervous system d) surround neurons in peripheral nervous system ganglia


The _____ plexus serves the skin and muscles of the head, neck, and superior part of the shoulders and chest. a) cervical b) brachial c) thoracic d) lumbar


The postcentral gyrus is in the _____ lobe of the cortex; it contains the primary _____ area. a) parietal, somatosensory b) parietal, motor c) frontal, somatosensory d) frontal, motor


The regions of the brain stem involved in the control of respiration are the a) medulla and pons. b) pons and midbrain. c) midbrain and medulla. d) midbrain, pons, and medulla.


The white matter of the spinal cord: a) contains ascending (sensory) and descending (motor) tracts. b) is surrounded by gray matter. c) is subdivided into regions called horns. d) all of these choices


There are _____ pairs of spinal nerves, consisting of the following groups: _____ pairs of cervical, _____ pairs of thoracic, _____ pairs of lumbar, _____ pairs of sacral, and _____ pair of coccygeal spinal nerves. a) 31, 8, 12, 5, 5, 1 b) 41, 8, 13, 6, 6, 2 c) 31, 7, 12, 5, 5, 1 d) 24, 9, 10, 4, 5, 3


What is the best description of the dura mater? a) meninx closest to the bone of the vertebral column b) between arachnoid mater and pia mater c) between pia mater and spinal cord d) contains blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients to the spinal cord e) consists of collagen and elastic fiber network; has no blood vessels


Which is a function of the glossopharyngeal (IX) nerve? a) conveys impulses from taste buds on the posterior one-third of the tongue b) conveys impulses to visceral, cardiac, and skeletal muscles c) conveys motor impulses to laryngeal and pharyngeal muscles, and to the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles d) controls movement of the tongue during speech and swallowing


Which is a function of the olfactory (I) nerve? a) conveys nerve impulses related to smell b) conveys nerve impulses related to vision c) causes movement of eyelid and eyeball; constriction of pupil d) causes movement of eyeball via superior oblique muscle


Which is a function of the trigeminal (V) nerve? a) conveys sensory impulses from the facial region and anterior scalp b) turns eyeball laterally via lateral rectus muscle c) causes movement of eyelid and eyeball; constriction of pupil d) causes movement of eyeball via superior oblique muscle


Which of the following contain cell bodies of interneurons? a) posterior (dorsal) gray horns b) anterior (ventral) gray horns c) posterior (dorsal) root ganglia d) all of these choices


Which of the following could serve as an effector for a somatic reflex? a) skeletal muscle. b) smooth or cardiac muscle. c) gland. d) all of these choices


Which of the following is FALSE regarding the sciatic nerve? It: a) arises from the lumbar plexus. b) splits at about the level of the knee into tibial and common fibular nerves. c) is the largest nerve in the body. d) sends branches to the hamstring muscles.


Which of the following is NOT a correct description of the location of the brachial plexus? a) on the neck alongside the first four cervical vertebrae b) passes above the first rib posterior to the clavicle c) extends inferiorly and laterally on either side of the last few cervical and first thoracic vertebrae d) enters the axilla


A multipolar neuron consists of three parts: cell body, _____ and _____.

axon, dendrites

Which of the following neuroglia would be found in the peripheral nervous system? a) satellite cells b) astrocytes c) oligodendrocytes d) microglia


Which structure of the neuron is included in the neuromuscular junction? a) the axon terminal b) the axon hillock c) the cell body (perikaryon) d) the dendrites




) Which is a function of the vagus (X) nerve? a) conveys impulses from taste buds on the posterior one-third of the tongue b) conveys impulses to visceral, cardiac, and skeletal muscles c) conveys motor impulses to laryngeal and pharyngeal muscles, and to the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles d) controls movement of the tongue during speech and swallowing


A block of which nerve would provide anesthesia to the lower teeth and chin? a) maxillary branch of cranial nerve V b) mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve c) glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) d) cranial nerve VII


A main difference between neurons (nerve cells) and neuroglia (glia) is: a) neuroglia are found only in the central nervous system. b) mature neurons do not normally divide; neuroglia do. c) neurons are more numerous than neuroglia. d) neurons are generally smaller than neuroglia.


Accidentally stepping on a nail with the sole of your foot causes you quite a bit of discomfort. Which type of pathway is involved in relaying information about the nail to the central nervous system? a) efferent (motor) b) afferent (sensory) c) visceral d) autonomic


Circumventricular organs in the wall of the third ventricle lack a blood-brain barrier. This enables them to a) facilitate the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles. b) monitor the chemical composition of the blood. c) secrete cerebrospinal fluid into the ventricles. d) all of these choices.


Diverging circuits allow for transmission of nerve impulses from _____ neuron(s) to _____ neuron(s). a) several, one b) one, several c) unipolar, multipolar d) multipolar, unipolar


In what lobe of the cerebrum would you find the primary auditory area? a) occipital lobe b) temporal lobe c) parietal lobe d) frontal lobe


In what part of the brain would you find the hippocampus? a) thalamus b) limbic system c) hypothalamus d) cerebellum


In what part of the brain would you find the oval shaped swellings called olives? a) midbrain b) medulla oblongata c) hypothalamus d) cerebrum


Lateral gray horns are present in ALL segments of the _____ region of the spinal cord. a) cervical b) thoracic c) lumbar d) all of these choices


Motor impulses that help maintain muscle tone and posture are conveyed from the brain through the spinal cord by the: a) direct pathways. b) indirect pathways. c) spinothalamic tracts. d) posterior columns.


Select the best description of Nissl bodies: a) form(s) part of the cytoskeleton b) rough endoplasmic reticulum c) accumulate as yellow-brown granules as the cell ages d) usually short and branched


Select the best description of astrocytes: a) form myelin sheaths in the central nervous system b) help maintain the blood-brain barrier c) form myelin sheaths in the peripheral nervous system d) surround neurons in peripheral nervous system ganglia


Select the best description of the microglia: a) help maintain the blood-brain barrier b) phagocytes of the central nervous system c) phagocytes of the peripheral nervous system d) form lining of brain ventricles


The axon hillock is the part of a neuron that: a) passes nerve impulses directly to another cell. b) connects the axon to the neuron cell body. c) gives rise to axon collaterals. d) stores neurotransmitters in vesicles.


The corpus callosum allows information to travel between cerebral hemispheres. Therefore the corpus callosum contains _____ tracts. a) association b) commissural c) projection d) all of these choices


The following are all functions of astrocytes EXCEPT: a) they help maintain the blood-brain barrier. b) they synthesize neurotransmitters. c) they participate in brain development. d) they help maintain proper K+ balance.


The main plexuses formed by the anterior (ventral) rami of spinal nerves are: a) thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal b) cervical, brachial, lumbar, and sacral. c) cervical, lumbar, sacral, and inguinal. d) cervical, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal.


The two main routes for sensory information traveling up the spinal cord to the brain are _____ tracts and _____ columns. a) direct, indirect b) spinothalamic, posterior c) reticulospinal, vestibulospinal d) corticospinal, corticobulbar


What collection of commissural fibers is located deep in this structure? a) association tracts b) corpus callosum c) internal capsule d) projections tracts


Which neuroglia would be most responsible for helping to prevent pathogens and toxins from entering the brain from the blood? a) Schwann cells (neurolemmocytes) b) astrocytes c) oligodendrocytes d) ependymal cells


Which of the following is NOT a correct description of the location of the lumbar plexus? a) lateral to the first four lumbar vertebrae b) posterior to the quadratus lumborum muscle c) between the two heads of the psoas major muscle d) None of these choices


Which of the following statements about the basal nuclei is/are TRUE? a) The caudate nucleus consists of the globus pallidus and the putamen. b) The corpus striatum consists of the caudate nucleus and the lentiform nucleus. c) The putamen and caudate nucleus regulate muscle tone required for specific movements d) all of these choices.


_____ (or motor) impulses travel from the _____ to the _____ (muscles or glands). a) Efferent, effectors, central nervous system b) Efferent, central nervous system, effectors c) Afferent, central nervous system, effectors d) Afferent, effectors, central nervous system


A neuron having one axon and one dendrite, such as those located in the retina or inner ear, are classified as _____ neurons.


Choroid plexuses are specialized capillaries in the CNS that 1. are covered by ependymal cells. 2. are located in the walls of the ventricles. 3. are located in the dural venous sinuses. 4. are the sites for reabsorption of CSF. 5. are derived from the arachnoid layer of the meninges. a) 3, 4, 5 b) 1, 2, 4, 5 c) 1, 2 d) 2, 3, 4


From which plexus does the iliohypogastric nerve arise? a) brachial b) cervical c) lumbar d) sacral e) thoracic


In what part of the brain would you find the arbor vitae? a) thalamus b) limbic system c) cerebellum d) pons


Motor neurons that supply skeletal muscles have cell bodies in _____ gray horns of the spinal cord, and their axons exit the cord via a/an _____ root. a) anterior (ventral), posterior (dorsal) b) posterior (dorsal), posterior (dorsal) c) anterior (ventral), anterior (ventral) d) posterior (dorsal), anterior (ventral)


Select the best description of axon terminals: a) stored in synaptic vesicles b) join axon to cell body c) fine processes at the ends of an axon d) side branches along the length of an axon


Select the best description of dendrites: a) stored in synaptic vesicles b) accumulates as yellow-brown granules as the cell ages c) usually short and branched d) usually myelinated


Select the best description of lipofuscin: a) form(s) part of the cytoskeleton b) rough endoplasmic reticulum c) accumulates as yellow-brown granules as the cell ages d) usually short and branched


Select the best description of the Schwann cells (neurolemmocytes): a) form myelin sheaths in the central nervous system b) help maintain the blood-brain barrier c) form myelin sheaths in the peripheral nervous system d) surround cell bodies in peripheral nervous system ganglia


Select the best description of the satellite cells: a) form myelin sheaths in the central nervous system b) help maintain the blood-brain barrier c) surround cell bodies in peripheral nervous system ganglia d) form lining of brain ventricles


The Reticular Activating System receives input from ALL of the following types of stimuli except a) visual. b) auditory. c) smell. d) pain.


The adult spinal cord extends from the _____ of the brain inferiorly to the superior border of the _____ lumbar vertebra. a) Midbrain; first b) Pons; third c) Medulla oblongata, second d) Medulla oblongata, fourth


The blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier a) is the same thing as the blood-brain barrier. b) is due mainly to tight junctions between endothelial cells of the capillaries throughout the brain tissue. c) protects the neurons of the brain and spinal cord from potentially harmful substances in the blood. d) is another name for cranial meninges.


The infundibulum is the anatomical link between the brain and the pituitary gland, and therefore it is the primary link between the nervous and endocrine systems. Structures contained in the infundibulum consist of which of the following? a) a tract that transports hormones from the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei to the posterior pituitary b) small blood vessels that transport regulating hormones from the median eminence of the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary c) Both choices are correct. d) Neither choice is correct.


The senses of pain and temperature are conveyed to the brain by: a) direct tracts. b) indirect tracts. c) lateral spinothalamic tracts. d) posterior columns.


Which is a function of the accessory (XI) nerve? a) conveys impulses from taste buds on the posterior one-third of the tongue b) conveys impulses to visceral, cardiac, and skeletal muscles c) conveys motor impulses to the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles d) controls movement of the tongue during speech and swallowing


Which is a function of the facial (VII) nerve? a) conveys nerve impulses related to smell b) turns eyeball laterally via lateral rectus muscle c) conveys impulses from the taste buds on the anterior two-thirds of the tongue d) conveys impulses associated with hearing and equilibrium


Which of the following contain cell bodies of sensory neurons? a) anterior (ventral) gray horns b) posterior (dorsal) gray horns c) posterior (dorsal) root ganglia d) lateral gray horns


Which of the following contains sensory information ONLY? a) anterior (ventral) root b) anterior (ventral) ramus c) posterior (dorsal) root d) posterior (dorsal) ramus


Which of the following convey information from the central nervous system (CNS) to skeletal muscles only? a) sympathetic motor neurons b) parasympathetic motor neurons c) somatic motor neurons d) afferent motor neurons


Which of the following is NOT a branch of a spinal nerve? a) ramus communicans (plural: rami communicantes) b) meningeal branch c) lateral ramus d) anterior (ventral) ramus


Which of the following is NOT a branch of the trigeminal (V) nerve? a) mandibular b) ophthalmic c) temporal d) maxillary


Which of the following is an incorrect statement about a feature of the medulla oblongata? a) The inferior cerebellar peduncles are fiber tracts that connect the olives of the medulla to the cerebellum. b) The vestibular nuclear complex is found mostly in the medulla. c) Pyramids contain the main sensory tracts that pass through the brain stem from the spinal cord; they are visible on the dorsal surface of the medulla. d) Vital reflex centers for control of heart rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure are located in the medulla.


Which of the following is incorrectly matched regarding the midbrain? a) Inferior colliculi; reflex centers for sudden movements of the head and trunk in response to auditory stimuli b) Superior colliculi; reflex centers for movements of the eyes, head and neck in response to visual stimuli c) Red nucleus; origin of the tectospinal tract d) Substantia nigra; production of the neurotransmitter dopamine


Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding oligodendrocytes? a) They are smaller than astrocytes. b) They form myelin sheaths around central nervous system axons. c) They line the fluid-filled ventricles of the brain. d) They are not as numerous as astrocytes.


Which peripheral nerves are responsible for cutaneous sensation from the skin of the anterior abdominal wall as well as motor innervation to anterior abdominal wall muscles? a) median and musculocutaneous nerves b) sciatic and sural nerves c) intercostal (thoracic) nerves d) inferior and superior gluteal nerves


_____ (or sensory) impulses travel from the _____ to the _____. a) Efferent, central nervous system, receptors b) Efferent, receptors, central nervous system c) Afferent, receptors, central nervous system d) Afferent, central nervous system, receptors


spinal nerves T2-T12 differ from all other spinal nerves in that: a) they do not branch to form rami. b) they are autonomic nerves. c) the anterior (ventral) rami do not contribute to a plexus. d) the posterior (dorsal) rami form a plexus.


The two principal divisions of the nervous system are the _____ and _____ nervous systems.

central, peripheral

Inability to control eyeball movement may indicate damage to which cranial nerve(s)? 1. trochlear IV 2. optic II 3. oculomotor III 4. trigeminal V 5. abducens VI a) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 b) 2, 3, 4, 5 c) 1, 2, 4 d) 1, 3, 5


Regeneration of nerve fibers in the central nervous system is highly unlikely because: a) there are no neurolemmas (sheaths of Schwann). b) oligodendrocytes inhibit axon regeneration. c) astrocytes rapidly form a physical barrier of scar tissue. d) all of these choices


Select the best description of an axon: a) accumulates as yellow-brown granules as the cell ages b) contains a nucleus surrounded by cytoplasm c) receiving or input portion of a neuron d) carries nerve impulses toward another neuron, a muscle fiber, or a gland cell


Select the best description of the ependymal cells: a) form myelin sheaths in the central nervous system b) help maintain the blood-brain barrier c) surround neurons in peripheral nervous system ganglia d) form lining of brain ventricles


The central canal of the spinal cord is located in the center of the: a) anterior (ventral) white commissure. b) anterior (ventral) gray horns. c) posterior (dorsal) white columns. d) gray commissure.


The cerebellar peduncles conduct information into and out of the cerebellum. The correct statement is a) the superior cerebellar peduncles conduct only sensory information. b) the inferior cerebellar peduncles contain only motor fibers. c) the middle cerebellar peduncles contain only afferent (sensory) fibers. d) none of these choices.


The cranial nerve which conveys parasympathetic control of most organs of the thoracic and abdominal cavities is a) accessory (XI) nerve b) glossopharyngeal (IX) nerve c) facial (VII) nerve d) vagus (X) nerve


The gray matter of the spinal cord: a) is subdivided into regions called horns. b) is surrounded by white matter. c) contains neuronal cell bodies. d) all of these choices


The peripheral nervous system includes: a) cranial nerves and their branches. b) spinal nerves and their branches. c) ganglia d) all of these choices


The spinal cord is protected by which of the following? a) vertebral column b) meninges c) cerebrospinal fluid d) All of these choices


The tectum of the midbrain bears four rounded elevations a) called substantia nigra. b) that control all subconscious muscle activities. c) that transmit all sensory and motor information between the upper and lower brain regions. d) that control reflex movements in response to visual and auditory stimuli.


The two largest branches of a spinal nerve are the anterior (ventral) ramus and the posterior (dorsal) ramus. b) All spinal nerves are mixed nerves. c) The outer covering of a spinal nerve is the epineurium. d) Every pair of spinal nerves exits through the intervertebral foramina above the vertebra that has the same name and number as the nerves.


The two main routes for motor information traveling down the spinal cord are _____ pathways and _____ pathways. a) corticospinal, posterior column b) anterior spinocerebellar, posterior spinocerebellar c) gracilis fasciculus, cuneate fasciculus d) direct, indirect


This structure is separated from the occipital lobe of the cerebrum by a fold of the dura mater referred to as the a) transverse fissure. b) longitudinal fissure. c) falx cerebri. d) tentorium cerebelli.


What is the best description of the pia mater? a) contains a protective cushion of fat and connective tissue b) most superficial meninx c) thick strong layer composed of dense, irregular connective tissue d) contains blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients to the spinal cord e) consists of collagen and elastic fiber network; has no blood vessels


Which is a function of the abducens (VI) nerve? a) conveys sensory impulses from the facial region and anterior scalp b) turns eyeball medially via medial rectus muscle c) causes movement of eyelid and eyeball, constriction of pupil d) causes movement of eyeball via lateral rectus muscle


Which is a function of the hypoglossal (XII) nerve? a) conveys impulses from taste buds on the posterior one-third of the tongue b) conveys impulses to visceral, cardiac, and skeletal muscles c) conveys motor impulses to laryngeal and pharyngeal muscles, and to the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles d) controls movement of the tongue during speech and swallowing


Which is a function of the vestibulocochlear (VIII) nerve? a) conveys sensory impulses from the facial region and anterior scalp b) turns eyeball laterally via lateral rectus muscle c) conveys impulses from the taste buds on the anterior two-thirds of the tongue d) conveys impulses associated with hearing and equilibrium


The pineal gland is attached to the hypothalamus by the infundibulum.


Which of the following is NOT a part of the hypothalamus? a) preoptic region b) tuberal region c) supraoptic region d) intermediate mass


Which of the following is NOT an extension of the dura mater? a) falx cerebelli b) falx cerebri c) tentorium cerebelli d) epidural space


Which of the following pairs of terms is most closely matched? a) gray matter, myelinated axons of the peripheral nervous system b) white matter, neuron cell bodies in a ganglion c) gray matter, Schwann cells (neurolemmocytes) in the peripheral nervous system d) white matter, tracts in the central nervous system


Which structure of the neuron will contain the greatest number of neurotransmitter receptors? a) the Nissl bodies b) the axoplasm c) the synaptic vesicles d) the dendrites


White matter includes: a) ganglia b) a thin outer layer of most of the brain c) nuclei in the brain d) tracts in the spinal cord


Select the muscle(s) served by the common fibular nerve. a) anterior muscles of thigh (quadriceps and sartorius) b) adductor muscles of thigh c) gluteus maximus d) gastrocnemius and soleus muscles e) tibialis anterior and fibularis (peroneal) muscles


What is the best description of the arachnoid mater? a) meninx closest to the bone of the vertebral column b) between subarachnoid space and pia mater c) contains a protective cushion of fat and connective tissue d) contains blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients to the spinal cord e) consists of collagen and elastic fiber network; has no blood vessels


One class of neuroglial cells is cuboidal to columnar cells arranged in a single layer that possess microvilli and cilia that line fluid-filled spaces in the CNS. These neuroglia are called _____.

ependymal cells

All cranial nerves are mixed nerves.


All segments of the spinal cord contain lateral, posterior (dorsal), and anterior (ventral) gray horns.


Complete anesthesia of a dermatome typically requires blocking of only one pair of spinal nerves because there is never overlap between neighboring dermatomes.


Complete paralysis of the diaphragm occurs if the spinal cord is crushed or destroyed just below the C5 region.


Gray matter is only located in the brain.


Neurogenesis, the birth of new neurons, does NOT happen in adult humans.


Neuroglia derived from monocytes are called astrocytes


Small openings in the roof of the third ventricle allow passage of CSF into the subarachnoid space.


The anterior median fissure of the spinal cord is shallower and narrower than the posterior median sulcus.


The femoral nerve is a branch of the sciatic nerve.


The name given to rough endoplasmic reticulum in neurons is lipofuscin granules.


A Schwann cell (neurolemmocyte) contributes to the myelin sheath of _____ (one or several) axon(s).


The three basic functions of the nervous system are _____ function, _____ function, and _____ function.

sensory, integrative, motor

An oligodendrocyte contributes to the myelin sheath of _____ (one or several) axon(s).


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