Testicular cancer

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is a testicular biopsy or an inguinal orchiectomy done to diagnose testicular ca

inguinal orchiectomy

what is the primary treatment for testicular cancer

inguinal orchiectomy

much many testicular ca pts have history of crypto


cryptochidism increases testicular ca risk by how much

10-50 fold

risk of replase with survelliance in Stage I Seminoma


risk for developing a contralateral tumor in testicular ca

2.7%- requires continued follow up of contralateral testicle

risk increase of family history of testicular ca

3-10 fold brother; 8-10 fold father/son; 3-4 fold

what percent of testicular cancer are stage 1


CS1 Non-seminoma: RPLND

A standard option in stage I and minimal stage II non-seminoma Complication: Retrograde ejaculation as low as 5-10% with a modified "nerve-sparing" approach

what are the lab tests to order for testicular tumor


when is inguninal orchiectomy done

ALL patients with suspected testicular cancer must undergo orchiectomy even if they are metastatic at the time of diagnosis

how to treat a post chemo mass

ANSWER: Surgical Resection if possible Additional chemotherapy (2 cycles) if mass has viable cancer

when is adjuvant therapy considered in stage 1 seminoma

Adjuvant therapy may be considered for selected patients (with adverse features) Radiotherapy to Retroperitoneal lymph nodes Chemotherapy (Carboplatin)- this is preferred LONG-TERM Toxicity is unknown

what are extragondal GCTs associated with

Associated with Klinefelter's (XXY) (20%)

Adjuvant BEP vs RPLND in CS I non-seminoma

BEP chemo seems to be better than surgery

agressiveness of extragonadal GCTs

Biologically more aggressive Genetically / histologically identical to testis primary

what are the chemo toxicity risks

Bleomycin lung toxicity (<5%) Monitor DLCO Secondary leukemia (<1%) Etoposide, Cisplatin Nephrotoxicity (cisplatin) (20%, elevated Cr) Neuropathy / ototoxicity (cisplatin) (20-30%) Infertility (25-50%) 25% infertile at baseline, dose related Sperm Banking is essential Raynaud's (25-40%) May persist for years Cardiovascular (6%) CAD increased upto 7-fold compared to age-match controls Increased rates of hypercholesterolemia, HTN

Stage I Seminoma Adjuvant Chemotherapy

Carboplatin 400mg/m2 x 2 cycles Follow up: 20 to 120 months 1.8% relapse rate Low toxicity (<5% grade 3 or 4 hematologic toxicity)

radiation v chemo for stage 1 seminoma

Carboplatin caused less fatigue and time off work Relapse rate 3.5% (RT) vs 4.7% (carbo) Second GCT 1.96% (RT) vs 0.54% (carbo) at 5 years because RT had the greater risk for a 2nd cancer, it is the less preferred option

why are serum tumor markers important

Critical in making diagnosing GCTs Prognostic and assessing treatment outcomes

what is beta-HCG found in

Elevated in either seminomatous and nonseminomatous tumors Half-life is approximately 1 to 3 days

Types of non seminoma GCT

Embryonal carcinoma- if this is pure it is more chemosensitive but aggressive with a high recurrance rate Choriocarcinoma Yolk sac tumor Teratoma: mature or immature

what is the most common histology in testicular cancer


how is GCT managed in extragonadal primary sites

GCT can also occasionally occur in extragonadal primary sites, but managed the same as testicular GCTs

what is the tumor assumption when a testicular mass is found

GCT unless proven otherwise

what is most common type of testicular cancer

Germ cell tumor is the most common type of testicular cancer (95%)

what are the cycles of chemo for the different risk GCT (in advanced diseases)

Good risk (= 3 cycles of BEP) Intermediate risk (= 4 cycles of BEP) Poor risk (=4 cycles of BEP)

treatment of different advanced types of non-seminoma

IIA (marker NEGATIVE): RPLND >> Chemotherapy IIA (marker POSITIVE): Chemotherapy IIB:/IIC Chemotherapy stage 3 is chemo

what can residual masses post chemo be in non seminoma

In non-seminoma, residual masses may represent cancer, teratoma, or fibrosis Up to 50% contain either cancer or teratoma

what does management of GCT depend on

Management depends on the Stage and Risk stratification

CS I Non-Seminoma: Surveillance

Not Passive: Requires compliant patient, intensive monitoring to avoid late detection of relapse (most occur in first 2 years) Avoid surgery or chemotherapy for 70% of CS I patients without residual disease Equivalent high cure rate when salvage chemotherapy given at relapse

what are adverse prognostic features of stage 1 non seminoma

Predominant embryonal carcinoma lymphovascular invasion

treatment for stage 1S non seminoma

Primary Chemotherapy (BEP x 3 cycles or EP x 4 cycles) depends on age- Blemomycin have bad lung symptoms, this is more common in older pts, so older pts get EP

what does risk stratification for advanced disease depend on

Primary Tumor Histology Seminoma or non-seminoma Site of primary tumor: Testicular/RP primary or Mediastinal primary Lung mass doesnt increase recurrance, but other organs does Non-pulmonary visceral metastasis (e.g., liver, bone, or brain) Presence or absence Levels of Post-orchiectomy Serum Tumor Markers

what are the risk factors for GCT

Prior history of a GCT Positive family history Cyroptochidism Testicular dysgenesis Klinefelter syndrome

what is AFP found in

Produced exclusively by nonseminomatous cells (embryonal or yolk-sac tumors); NEVER by seminoma. Elevated AFP with a histological "pure" seminoma to undetected focus of nonseminoma and treated as non-seminoma. Half-life 5 to 7 days

prognosis for extragonadal GCTs

Prognosis is poor, unless pure teratoma

what are the salvage therapies if the cancer replases quickly

Salvage Chemotherapies TIP VIP or VeIP High Dose chemotherapy followed by Autologous Stem Cell Transplant

what are the serum markers for GCT

Serologic tumor markers (AFP, b-HCG, and LDH) are prognostic and their serologic staging guides treatment

what are the other testicular ca beside GCT

Sex cord-stromal tumors, paratesticular cancer, mesothelioma, and metastasis

what is stage 1S GCT

Stage 1S is the patients with persistent tumor markers after orchiectomy.

treatment of different sadvanced types of seminoma

Stage II IIA ("Non-bulky"): XRT > Chemotherapy IIB ("Bulky" disease: Chemotherapy >> XRT Stage IIC or Stage III: Chemotherapy Good risk Intermediate risk

what are the types of non-GCT

Stromal tumors (Leydig, Sertoli) Extratestciular intrascrotal tumors Metastatic tumors (lymphoma, leukemia, prostate cancer)

Stage I Seminoma Treatment Options

Surveillance Adjuvant Therapy: Radiation Therapy (note that surgery is not discussed here) Chemotherapy (Carboplatin)

Stage I Non-Seminoma Treatment Options

Surveillance Nerve-Sparing Retroperitoneal Lymph Node dissection Chemotherapy (BEP: bleomycin, etoposide, cisplatin) x 1 cycle

what initial test is done to evaluate a testicular mass


what are extragonadal GCTs tumors treated with

Treat with standard poor-risk regimens

Any adverse features for high risk of relapse in seminoma

Tumor >4cm Rete testis involvement

what does relapse risk and management stragety depend on

Type of histology: Seminoma or Non-seminoma TNM-S Stage and Risk Stratification

stage 3 tumor

abnormal lymph nodes above diaphragm or other organs; elevated markers (S1, S2, S3) IIIa IIIb IIIc

what is stage 2

abnormal retroperitoneal lymph nodes, w or w/o S1 IIa: <2cm or elevated markers only IIb: 2-5 cm IIc: >5cm (LN mass)

what is the risk of relapse in non-seminoma

about 30%

how is the 5 year survival rates of testicular cancer

above 95% in localized and regional 72% in distant

is staging based on tumor marker elevation before or after orchiectomy


right orichetomy LN landing zone

aorta cava LN

Stage I Seminoma Radiation Therapy

can still do even if no disease is on the scan Prophylactic/Adjuvant retroperitoneal radiation with low doses (25-30Gy) decreases the rate of relapse to 3-6% at 5 years Toxicity: GI, infertility(small added risk)- recommend sperm banking Relative risk of secondary cancer: 1.3 to 7.5 fold (GI, renal, bladder, leukemia)

how do you treat a stage 1 non seminoma that has relpased in the lungs

chemotherapy- BEP x 3

what is stage 1

confined to the testies without N or M 1a is T1 1b is T2-5 1s is serum marker elevation

what classifies nonseminoma pts into the different risk categories

different serum marker levels, location of primary tumor, and metastases (mediastinal primary tumor or nonpulmonary visceral metastasis are poor risk)

standard of care for CS1 non seminoma

discuss the 3 options and the preferred option is survelliance Chemotherapy may be considered in selected patients with adverse features (embryonal predominance and LVI)

what are the types of nonseminatous germ cell tumors

embryonal choriocarcinoma yolk sac tumor teratoma teratoma with malignant/somatic transformation mixed germ cell tumor

what is the most common solid testicular mass in a men aged 20 and 34 yrs

germ cell tumor

what tumors does Peutz-Jeghers syndrome give

increased incidence of sex cord tumor (Sertoli cell testicular tumors), breast, GI cancers

how is the incidence of testicular cancer changing in the past 2 decades


what is LDH found in

less specific marker- over 100,000 isnt good

what is the most common presentation of testicular cancer


tumor staging

look at notes

what are the common sites of cancer metastasis

lungs is most common also liver, brain, bone

what is the most common solid testicular mass in a man aged 50 or older


what tumors does Klinefelter syndrome (47, XXY) give

mediastinal extragonald GCTs

where can extragonadal tumors arise

mediastinum or retroperitonium

what has higher recurrance rate- seminoma or non seminoma

non seminoma

are most GCT seminoma or non-seminoma


what does risk stratification determine

number of chemo cycles

how to decrease risk of testicular ca in crypto

ochiopexy before puberty

what are the risk categories for seminoma

only fall into good or intermediate risk

left orichetomy LN landing zone


treatment for 1S seminoma

repeat tumor markers and assess with CT A/P for evaluable disease

what are the regional LN that testicular ca spreads to

retroperitoneal LN

what are the divisions of GCT

seminoma, non seminomas, spermatocytic

of GCT, what is the rate of seminoma v non-seminoma

seminoma- 30% non-seminoma- 70%

general summary of the treatment options for S v NS

stage 1 S or NS- active survelliance Stage 2a S- RT over chemo Stage 2a NS- surgery All other stages the chemo is recommended (BEP for NS, carboplatin for S)

what is preferred for most pts with stage 1 seminoma

surveillance- 10-15% of patients will experience relapse.

what tumors does Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21) give

testicular GCT

what is Klinefelter syndrome

testicular atrophy, absence of spermatogenesis, a eunuchoid habitus, and gynecomastia 47, XXY karyotype Increased risk for mediastinal GCT (testies and retroperitoneum)

what is the most common cancer in young men

testicular cancer

what is the cure rate in testicular cancer

very high with chemo

what race has most testicular ca


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