TestOut Hybrid Server Pro: Core labs

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6.4.12 In this lab, your task is to enable universal group membership caching in the branch office.

1. Connect to the CorpDC virtual machine. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. Under Virtual Machines, double-click CorpDC. 2. Enable universal group membership caching in the branch office. From Server Manager, select Tools > Active Directory Sites and Services. From the left pane, expand and select Sites > Branch2-Site. From the right pane, right-click NTDS Site Settings and select Properties. Select Enable Universal Group Membership Caching. Select OK.

1.2.4 QUESTIONS 1. How many updates were available (question 2) 2.Was the ping command successful (question 6) 3. How many hops did it take to find external DNS server (question 6)

1. None, the device is up to date. 2. Yes 3. 5

8.6.8 Enforce User Account Control In this lab, your task is to configure the following UAC settings in the Default Domain Policy on CorpDC:

1. On CorpDC, access the CorpNet.local domain for Group Policy Management. a. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. b. Double-click CorpDC. c. From Server Manager, select Tools > Group Policy Management. d. Maximize the window for easy viewing. e. Expand Forest: CorpNet.local > Domains > CorpNet.local. 2. Configure the UAC settings. a. Right-click Default Domain Policy and select Edit b. Maximize the window for easier viewing. c. Under Computer Configuration, expand and select Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > Security Options. d. From the right pane, double-click the policy you want to edit. e. Select Define this policy setting. f. Select Enable or Disable as necessary. g. Edit the value for the policy as needed and then select OK. h. Repeat steps 2d-2g for each policy setting

4.2.6 SCREENSHOT You are a network technician for a small corporate network. The network is connected to the internet and uses DHCP for address assignments. The owner of the company in the Executive Office and a temporary employee in the IT Administrator office both report that their workstations can communicate with some computers on the network, but cannot access the internet. You need to diagnose and fix the problem.

Complete this lab as follows: Troubleshoot From the Exec computer, begin troubleshooting by verifying the scope of the connectivity problem. Under Executive Office, select Exec. Right-click Start and then select Windows PowerShell (Admin). From the PowerShell prompt, run the following ping commands. Press Enter after each command: ping (CorpServer). ping (The Internet Service Provider, or ISP).Notice that both pings are unsuccessful. ping ITAdmin (the name of the computer in the IT Administration office).Notice that the ping to ITAdmin is successful. However, it is responding using an APIPA IP address. This indicates that this computer is not getting its IP address from the DHCP as it should. From CorpServer computer, continue troubleshooting the problem by trying to access the ISP. From the top left, select Floor 1 Overview. Under Networking Closet, select CorpServer. Right-click Start and then select Windows PowerShell (Admin). From the PowerShell prompt, type ping (the ISP).Notice that the ping to the ISP is successful. From the PowerShell prompt, type tracert and press Enter.

4.6.7 You have authorized the CorpDHCP server to assign IP addresses to client workstations on the subnet. Now you need to create an IPv4 scope on the CorpDHCP server for an address range on this subnet. In this lab, your task is to: Access the Hyper-V server name CorpDHCP. Create an IPv4 scope on CorpDHCP using the following parameters:IPv4 scope name: Bldg-A SubnetAddress range: to (default gateway): servers: and Activate the new scope upon completion.

Connect to the CorpDHCP server. From Server Manager, select Tools > Hyper-V Manager. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. Maximize the window for easier viewing. Under Virtual Machines, double-click CorpDHCP to connect to the servers. Create a scope. From Server Manager, select Tools > DHCP. From the left pane, expand CorpDHCP.CorpNet.local. Right-click IPv4 and select New Scope. Select Next. In the Name field, enter Bldg-A Subnet and select Next. Configure the start and end IP addresses as follows: Start IP address: End IP address: Select Next. For the Add Exclusions and Delay dialog, select Next. For the Lease Duration dialog, select Next. Make sure that Yes, I want to configure these options now is selected and select Next. Under IP address, enter for the router (default gateway) and then select Add. Select Next. Under IP address, enter for the DNS server and then select Add. Under IP address, enter for the second DNS server. Select Add and then select Next. From the WINS Servers dialog, select Next. Activate the scope. Make sure Yes, I want to activate this scope now is selected. Select Next. Select Finish to complete the process of creating the DHCP scope.

8.4.4 configure audit policies In this lab, your task is to configure the following audit policy settings in WorkstationGPO: local policies event log advanced audit policy configuration

Edit Audit Policies as follows: 1. Using Group Policy Management, access CorpNet.local's Group Policy Objects > WorkgroupGPO. a. From Server Manager's menu bar, select Tools > Group Policy Management. b. Maximize the window for better viewing. c. Expand Forest: CorpNet.local > Domains > CorpNet.local > Group Policy Objects. 2. Access the WorkstationGPO's Security Settings Local Policies. a. Right-click WorkstationGPO and select Edit. b. Maximize the window for better viewing. c. Navigate to Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies. d. Select Security Options. 3. Modify Local Policies. a. From the right pane, double-click the policy you want to edit. b. Select Define this policy setting. c. Select the policy settings as required. d. Select OK. e. Select Yes to confirm changes as necessary. f. Repeat steps 3a - 3e for the additional policy setting. 4. Modify the Event Log. a. From the left pane, select Event Log. b. From the right pane, double-click the Retention method for security log. c. Select Define this policy setting. d. Select Do not overwrite events. e. Select OK. 5. Modify Advanced Audit Policy Configuration. a. From the left pane, expand Advanced Audit Policy Configuration > Audit Policies. b. Select the audit policy category. c. From the right pane, double-click the policy you want to edit. d. Select Configure the following audit events. e. Select the policy settings as required. f. Select OK. g. Repeat steps 5b-5f for additional policy settings.

1.2.4 2. Check for Windows updates.

From Windows Settings app, select Update & Security. Select Check for updates. In the top right, select Answer Questions. Answer Question 1. Minimize the Lab Questions dialog. In the top left of the Settings app, select Home to return to the Windows Settings page.

4.2.5 pt2

From the CorpServer computer, use the ping and ipconfig commands to test connectivity and gather information.From the top left, select Floor 1 Overview.Under Networking Closet, select CorpServer.Right-click Start and select Windows PowerShell.From the PowerShell prompt, type ping Office2 and press Enter.From the PowerShell prompt, type ping and press Enter.Notice that this computer can get to the internet.From the PowerShell prompt, type ipconfig and press Enter.From the top right, select Answer Questions.Answer Question 5.Since Office2 and ITAdmin obtain their IP addresses from a DHCP server and their default gateway is different from CorpServer (which can access the internet), the problem is most likely related to the IP configuration for the network.Close PowerShell.

4.2.5 You are a network technician for a small corporate network. The network is connected to the internet and uses DHCP for address assignment. The employees in the IT Administration Office and Office 2 report that their workstations can communicate with some computers on the network but cannot access the internet. You need to diagnose and fix the problem. The following IP addresses are used in your network: SCREENSHOT

From the Office2 computer, use the ping and ipconfig commands to test connectivity and gather information.Right-click Start and select Windows PowerShell.From the PowerShell prompt, type ping IP_address and press Enter.Repeat steps 1b to ping the remaining computers.From the top right, select Answer Questions.Answer Question 1.From the PowerShell prompt, type ipconfig /all and press Enter.Notice that DHCP Enabled is set to Yes, meaning the IP information is obtained from a DHCP server.Answer Question 2. From the ITAdmin computer, use the ping and ipconfig commands to test connectivity and gather information.From the top left, select Floor 1 Overview.Under ITAdmin Office, select ITAdmin.Right-click Start and select Windows PowerShell.From the PowerShell prompt, type ping IP_address and press Enter.Repeat steps 2d to ping the remaining computers.Answer Question 3.From the PowerShell prompt, type ipconfig /all and press Enter.Notice that DHCP Enabled is set to Yes, meaning the IP information is obtained from a DHCP server.Answer Question 4.Minimize the Lab Questions dialog.

1.2.10 You are the network administrator for your company. You have decided to begin the configuration of Azure to help manage your network. You need to create a resource group to organize your Azure assets. In this lab, your task is to create a resource group using the following information:

In this lab, your task is to create a resource group using the following information: Azure portal:Site: http://portal.azure.com Project details:Subscription name: CorpNet Production Resource group name: CorpNetCloud Resource details:Region: (US) West US2 (Navigate middle of screen select resource group then select "create resource group") make sure to select the group to get the points

4.2.4 In this lab, you will discover important facts about network communications by using the ping, ipconfig, and tracert command utilities. The following local network IP addresses are used in this lab: SCREENSHOT

Use the ping and ipconfig commands to troubleshoot network issues. Use the tracert command to see how network packets are forwarded.

7.7.8 In this lab, your task is to: Create the following global security groups in the Users container for each administrative role:PasswordAdminsComputerAdminsGPOLinkAdmins Use the Delegation of Control wizard to delegate the necessary permissions at the correct level to each group. In the wizard, use the common tasks option for delegating control.

While completing this lab, use the following groups: PasswordAdmins - can reset passwords for any user in the domain and force password change at next logon. ComputerAdmins - can join computers to the domain. GPOLinkAdmins - can manage GPO links for Accounting, Marketing, Research-Dev, Sales, and Support OUs. Complete this lab as follows: 1. Access the CorpDC virtual server. a. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. b. Under Virtual Machines, double-click CorpDC to access the virtual server. 2. Create a group. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers. b. From the left pane, expand CorpNet.local. c. Right-click Users and select New > Group. d. In the Group name field, enter the name of the group. e. Make sure Global is selected as the group scope. f. Make sure Security is selected as the group type. g. Select OK. h. Repeat steps 2c-2g for the remaining groups. 3. Delegate the necessary permissions. a. From the left pane, browse to CorpNet.local or the OU where you want to delegate control (such as Accounting or Marketing). b. Right-click CorpNet.local or the OU and select Delegate Control. c. Select Next to start the wizard. d. Select Add. e. In the Enter the object names to select field, enter the name of the group to be added. f. Select Check names and then select OK. g. Select Next. h. Select the task you want to delegate and then select Next. i. Select Finish. j. Repeat steps 3b-3i for each delegation.

6.4.11 In this lab, your task is to designate CorpDC2 and CorpDC3 as global catalog servers.

1. Access the CorpDC server. a. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. b. Under Virtual Machines, double-click CorpDC. 2. Designate global catalog servers. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers. b. From the left pane, expand and select CorpNet.local > Domain Controllers. c. From the right pane, right-click CorpDC2 and select Properties. d. From the General tab, select NTDS Settings. e. Select Global Catalog. f. Select OK to accept the new NTDS settings. g. Select OK to close the Server Properties dialog. h. Repeat steps 2c-2g to designate an additional global catalog server for CorpDC3.

6.7.5 In this lab, your task is to: Connect to the CorpDC virtual server. Configure the NTDS Site Settings for the Main-Site with a replication schedule that replicates as often as possible per hour. Configure intrasite replication to occur 4 times per hour every hour of every day

1. Access the CorpDC virtual server. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. Under Virtual Machines, double-click CorpDC to connect to the server. 2. Configure the NTDS Site Settings for the Main-Site. From Server Manager, select Tools > Active Directory Sites and Services. From the left pane, expand and select Sites > Main-Site. From the right pane, right-click NTDS Site Settings and select Properties. Select Change Schedule. With the schedule highlighted, select Four Times per Hour. Select OK to close the NTDS Site Settings dialog. Select OK to close the NTDS Site Settings Properties.

6.4.8 In this lab, your task is to: Identify the operations master role that could cause the symptoms explained in the scenario. Transfer the correct operations master roles to the CorpDC2 domain controller.

1. Access the CorpDC2 server. a. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. b. Under Virtual Machines, double-click CorpDC2. 2. Transfer the master RID role. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers. b. From the left pane, right-click CorpNet.local and select Operations Masters. c. From the RID tab, select Change. d. Select Yes to confirm the transfer. e. Select OK to acknowledge the transfer. 3. Transfer the master PDC role. a. Select the PDC tab. b. Select Change. c. Select Yes to confirm the transfer. d. Select OK to acknowledge the transfer. e. Select Close.

4.10.4 pt2 Connect the 4 port NIC to the switchShow Details Create the NIC teamShow Details Configure the External network to use NetTeam

Configure the Hyper-V Virtual Switch Manager to use the new NIC team for the External network.From Server Manager's menu bar, select Tools > Hyper-V Manager.Right-click CORPSERVER and then select Virtual Switch Manager.In the left panel, under Virtual Switches, select the External switch for configuration options.Under Connection type, use the External network drop-down to select the Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexor Driver.Select OK. Verify the status of the team and your network connection using the Network and Sharing Center.From the system tray, right-click on the network icon and then select Open Network and Sharing Center.Verify that the NetTeam NIC has an internet connection. Also notice that the network icon in the system tray shows that the server is connected.

4.7.7 pt 2

On ITAdmin, verify the connectivity problem by pinging Exec, CorpServer, and the internet service provider (ISP). From the top navigation tabs, select Floor 1 Overview. Under IT Administration, select ITAdmin. Right-click Start and select Windows PowerShell (Admin). At the PowerShell prompt, type ping exec and press Enter. Notice that Exec is translated to, and the ping is returned. Type ping CorpServer and press Enter. The request times out. Type ping and press Enter. The request times out. Type ipconfig /all and press Enter. Notice that DHCP is enabled, but there is no default gateway address or DHCP server entry. Notice that the Autoconfiguration IPv4 Address is This is the same problem that occurred with the Exec workstation.

1.2.4 10. Use Computer Management to configure the Application Identity service.

Right-click Start and then select Computer Management. Maximize the window for better viewing. From the left pane, expand and select Services and Applications > Services. (Optional) For easier viewing, you can select the Standard tab at the bottom. From the middle pane, double-click the Application Identity service. Using the Startup type drop-down, select Automatic to allow the service to start automatically at boot. Under Service status, select Start to start the service. Select OK. Close Computer Management.

1.2.7 Turn off the display in one hour. I HAVE SCREENSHOT

Right-click Start and then select Power Options.The Settings app is opened to the Power & sleep page. Under Screen, use the drop-down to select 1 Hour.

6.4.6 In this lab, your task is to: Transfer the Relative ID (RID) master role to CorpDC3. Transfer the Primary Domain Controller (PDC) emulator role to CorpDC3.

1. Access the CorpDC3 virtual server. a. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER2. b. Under Virtual Machines, double-click CorpDC3. 2. Transfer the master RID role. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers. b. From the left pane, right-click CorpNet.local and select Operations Masters. c. From the RID tab, select Change. d. Select Yes to confirm the transfer. e. Select OK to acknowledge the transfer. 3. Transfer the master PDC role. a. Select the PDC tab. b. Select Change. c. Select Yes to confirm the transfer. d. Select OK to acknowledge the transfer. e. Select Close

6.3.8 PT2

4. Add Allow permissions for the Branch4-RODC account. a. Select Add. b. Select Allow passwords for the account to replicate to this RODC; then select OK. c. In the Enter the object names to select box, enter Research-Dev; Mark Woods; Acct2; ResM1; ResM2; ResM3 d. Select Check Names. e. Select OK to add the new objects. f. Select OK to save your changes.

1.2.7 QUESTIONS 1. How many hops does it take to get to


4.7.7 pt 3

Activate the scope.From the top navigation tabs, select Floor 1 Overview.Under Networking Closet, select CorpServer.In Hyper-V Manager, CORPSERVER.Maximize the window for easier viewing.Under Virtual Machines, double-click CorpDHCP to connect to the virtual server.In Server Manager, select Tools > DHCP.In the left pane, expand and select CorpCHCP.CorpNet.local > IPv4.In the center pane, notice that the Scope [] Subnet1 is inactive. (It has a small red down arrow added to the folder icon.)Right-click Scope [] Subnet1 and select Activate. Verify that activating the DHCP scope resolved the issues for the Exec computer.From the top navigation tabs, select Floor 1 Overview.Under Executive Office, select Exec.At the PowerShell prompt, type ipconfig /all to view the IP address information.Notice that the IPv4 address is now, the default gateway address is now, and the DHCP server is now ping CorpServer and press Enter.Notice the reply from CorpServer.Type ping and press Enter.Notice the reply from the ISP address.Type ping ITAdmin and press Enter. The request is successful because the IP address is updated automatically.

4.2.6 pt3

Answer Questions 3 and 4. From Exec, use the ipconfig /all command to continue troubleshooting. From the top left, select Floor 1 Overview. Under Executive Office, select Exec. From the PowerShell prompt, type ipconfig /all and press Enter. Answer Questions 5. Minimize the Lab Questions dialog. Fix the Issue Since it appears that the DHCP server is not functioning correctly, check the current state of the DHCP services. Access the CorpDHCP virtual server. From the top left, select Floor 1 Overview. Under Networking Closet, select CorpServer. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. Maximize the window to view all virtual machines. Double-click CorpDHCP to connect to the server. Confirm that the DHCP service is enabled and activated for the local network. From Server Manager, select Tools > DHCP to start the DHCP console. Maximize the window for better viewing. From the left pane, expand CorpDHCP.CorpNet.local > IPv4.The down arrow for Scope [] Subnet1 indicates that the scope is not active.

4.2.7 SCREENSHOT You are a network technician for a small corporate network. The network is connected to the internet and uses DHCP for IP address assignments. The employee in Office 1 reports that their workstation can communicate with some computers on the network but not on the internet. You need to diagnose and fix the problem. While completing this lab, use the following IP addresses:

Complete this lab as follows: Troubleshooting From Office 1, use the ping command to begin troubleshooting the problem by verifying the scope of the connectivity issues. Under Office 1, select Office1. Right-click Start and then select Windows PowerShell. From the PowerShell prompt, run the following ping commands (press Enter after each command): ping (CorpServer) ping (ITAdmin) ping (the internet service provider) Notice that all the pings were unsuccessful. From the IT Administration office, use the ping and ipconfig /all commands to continue determining the scope of the connectivity issues. From the top left, select Floor 1 Overview. Under IT Administration, select ITAdmin. Right-click Start and then select Windows PowerShell. From the PowerShell prompt, run the following ping commands (press Enter after each command): ping (CorpServer) ping (Office1) ping (Exec) ping (the internet service provider) Notice that all the pings were successful.

7.4.7 In this lab, your task is to: Change the Managers group scope to Global. Change the Managers group type to Security.

Connect to the CorpDC virtual machine. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. Double-click CorpDC to open the virtual server. Configure the group named Managers. From Server Manager, select Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers. Maximize the window for easier viewing. In the left pane, expand CorpNet.local. Select Users. From the right pane, right-click Managers and select Properties. Under Group scope, select Universal. Select Apply. The Global option is now available for selection. Select Global. Under Group type, select Security. Select OK to apply the changes.

1.2.4 5. Enable a network adapter.

From Windows Settings app, select Network & Internet. From the left pane, select Ethernet. From the right pane, select Change adapter options. Right-click Ethernet and select Enable. Close the Network Connections window. Close the Settings app.

4.2.6 PT2

From the top right, select Exhibits. From the top right, select Answer Questions. Answer Question 1. Close the Exhibits and Answer Questions windows. From the ITAdmin computer, continue troubleshooting the problem by trying some additional ping tests. From the top left, select Floor 1 Overview. Under IT Administration, select ITAdmin. Right-click Start and then select Windows PowerShell (Admin). From the PowerShell prompt, run the following ping commands. Press Enter after each command: ping (CorpServer). ping (the ISP).Notice that the ping to the ISP fails. ping exec (the name of the computer in the Executive Office).Notice that the ping to Exec is successful. However, the Exec computer is responding with an APIPA IP address. From the top right, select Answer Questions. Answer Question 2. From ITAdmin, use the ipconfig /all command to continue troubleshooting. From the PowerShell prompt, type ipconfig /all and press Enter.

4.8.8 In this lab, your task is to: Locate the current IPv4 IP address for the external vEthernet network adapter. Answer Question 1. Configure the external vEthernet network adapter with the following IPv6 address:Prefix: 2620:14F0:45EA:0001Interface ID: Use the current IPv4 address (in the correct format) for this adapterSubnet prefix length: 64 Use ipconfig to verify the information. SCREENSHOT

Locate the current IPv4 IP address for the external vEthernet network adapter. Right-click Start and then select Settings. Select Network & Internet. From the right pane, select Change adapter options. Right-click the vEthernet (External) adapter and select Properties. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and then select Properties. From the top right, select Answer Questions. Answer Question 1. From the TCP/IPv4 Properties page, select OK. Configure the external vEthernet network adapter. Select Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) and then select Properties. Select Use the following IPv6 address and configure the settings as follows: IPv6 address: 2620:14F0:45EA:0001:192:168:0:10 Subnet prefix length: 64 Select OK. Select Close. Verify the IPv6 address. Right-click Start and select Windows PowerShell (Admin) to verify the address configuration. At the prompt, type ipconfig /all and press Enter to view the IPv6 address. From the Lab Questions window, select Score Lab.

4.2.6 pt4

Right-click Scope [] Subnet1 and select Activate.The down arrow for the scope is gone, and the DHCP service for the local network is now active. Verify the fix by viewing the IP information for Exec and using the ping command. From the top left, select Floor 1 Overview. Under Executive Office, select Exec. From the PowerShell prompt, type ipconfig /all and press Enter to check the Ethernet configuration. Notice the lines for the default gateway, DNS server, and DHCP server are now configured, along with a new IP address within the DHCP scope for the local network. From the PowerShell prompt, type ping and press Enter.Notice that the ping to the ISP succeeds. From the PowerShell prompt, type tracert and press Enter. (Optional) Repeat step 3 for the ITAdmin computer. From the top right, select Answer Questions. Select Score Lab.

1.2.4 7. Use File Explorer to create a folder named Reports.

Right-click Start and select File Explorer. From the left pane, select This PC. From the right pane, double-click Data (D:) to open this drive. From the right pane, right-click in the white space and select New > Folder. In the Name field, type Reports and then press Enter. Close File Explorer.

1.2.4 6. Use PowerShell to identify the network addresses and routes.

Right-click Start and select Windows PowerShell (Admin). Maximize the window for better viewing. From the PowerShell prompt, type ipconfig /all and then press Enter. View the IP addresses set for the default gateway and the DNS Servers. From the PowerShell prompt, type ping and then press Enter to ping the gateway. In the top right, select Answer Questions. Answer Question 2. From the PowerShell prompt, type tracert and then press Enter to discover the path to the external DNS server. From the Lab Questions dialog, answer Question 3. Minimize the Lab Questions dialog. Close the PowerShell window.

1.2.7 Launch Windows PowerShell and run tracert I HAVE SCREENSHOT

Right-click Start and then select Windows PowerShell. At the PowerShell prompt, type tracert and then press Enter to discover the path to the external DNS server. Each router in the path to the DNS server is displayed. From the top right, select Answer Questions. Answer Question 1. Minimize the Lab Questions dialog. Close the PowerShell window.

4.2.4 You are a network technician for a small corporate network. The network is connected to the internet and uses DHCP for address assignment. Employees in Office 1 and the Executive Office are reporting problems with their network connections. In this lab, your task is to explore, diagnose, and fix the reported TCP/IP configuration problems.

screenshot on computer Use the following troubleshooting tools: The ping, ipconfig, or tracert command utilities The Network and Sharing Center in the Windows 10 or Windows 2022 operating system The DHCP server console in the Windows 2019 operating system The network diagram/schematic as found in Exhibits Complete this lab as follows: From CorpServer, mouse over the network icon in the Notification Area.Notice that the Notification Area appears normal (a computer icon is shown), which indicates a connection to the local network and the internet. When you mouse over the network icon, you see the details of this status. Access the Network Connections window.Right-click Start and then select Settings.Select Network & Internet.The Settings Status diagram confirms that CorpServer is connected to the local network and to the internet.Close the Settings app. Ping the ISP to verify connectivity through the router and the internet.From the top right, select Exhibits.Locate the IP address of the ISP.From the top right, select Answer Questions.Answer Question 1.Close the Exhibits window.Right-click Start and select Windows PowerShell (Admin).From the PowerShell prompt, type ping ISP_IPaddress and press Enter.Notice that the ping was successful, verifying a valid connection to the internet. Use the ipconfig and tracert commands to find the devices used to access the ISP.From the PowerShell prompt, type ipconfig /all and press Enter.Locate and examine the vEthernet (External) configuration settings and note the following:DHCP Enabled: NoThis tells us that the server is configured with a static IP address and is not enabled for DHCP.IPv4 Address: Mask: server is using the default subnet mask for the Class C IP address range.Default Gateway: router's internal interface is configured

6.3.8 Edit the Allowed RODC Password Replication Group group in the Users container. Add the following as members of the group: Edit the properties for the Branch4-RODC account. Configure the password replication policy as follows: SCREENSHOT

. Connect to the CorpDC virtual machine. a. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. b. Under Virtual Machines, double-click CorpDC to open the virtual server. 2. Modify the group membership. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers. b. Maximize the window for better viewing. c. From the left pane, expand and select CorpNet.local > Users. d. From the right pane, right-click Allowed RODC Password Replication Group and select Properties. e. Select the Members tab. f. Select Add. g. Select Object Types. h. From the Object Types pane, select Computers and Contacts. i. Make sure Users and Groups are selected; then select OK. j. In the Enter the object names to select field, enter Sales; Mark Woods; Acct2; Sales1; Sales2; Sales3; Sales4; Sales5 k. Select Check Names. l. Verify that all the names were found. m. Select OK to accept the names. n. Select OK to close the Password Replication Group Properties window. 3. Deny the Allowed RODC Password Replication Group. a. In the left pane, select Domain Controllers. b. From the right pane, right-click Branch4-RODC and select Properties. c. Select the Password Replication Policy tab. d. Select Allowed RODC Password Replication Group. e. Select Remove. f. Select Yes. g. Select Add. h. Select Deny passwords for the account from replicating to this RODC; then select OK. i. In the Enter the object names to select box, enter Allowed RODC Password Replication Group. j. Select Check Names. k. Select OK to add the group.

2.2.5 You are using the CorpFiles16 server as a virtual file server. You can do basic file server management for network users, but you need to be able to perform the following file server management tasks: Define policies that prevent users from saving .wmv files in the home folders stored on the server. Share files with UNIX-based clients. In this lab, your task is to: Add the File Server Resource Manager (FSRM) role service, which allows you to configure file screens to prevent users from saving specific file types in specific folders. Add the Server for NFS role service to be able to share files with UNIX-based clients. Add the File Server Resource Manager role service Add the Server for Network File System role service

1) From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. 2) Maximize the window to view all virtual machines. 3) Right-click CorpFiles16 and select Connect. 4) From Server Manager, select Manage > Add Roles and Features. 5) In the Add Roles and Features Wizard, click Next. 6) Make sure Role-based or feature-based installation is selected; then click Next. 7) Make sure CorpFiles16.CorpNet.com is selected in the Server Pool area; then click Next. 8) Expand File and Storage Services > File and iSCSI Services. 9) Select the File Server Resource Manager role. 10) Select Add Features. 11) Under File and iSCSI Services, select the Server for NFS role. 12) Select Add Features. 13) Select Next. 14) On the Select features window, select Next. 15) Select Install. 16) When the installation is complete, select Close.

7.3.10 In this lab, your task is to create the following user accounts on CorpDC: Create the user account in the departmental OU corresponding to the employee's job role. User account name: First name + Last name Logon name: firstinitial + lastname with @CorpNet.local as the domain Original password: asdf1234$ (must change after the first logon) Configure the following for the temporary sales employee:Limit the logon hours to allow logon only from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.Set the user account to expire on December 31st of the current year.

1. Access Active Directory Users and Computers on the CorpDC server. a. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. b. From the Virtual Machines pane, double-click CorpDC. c. From Server Manager's menu bar, select Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers. d. Maximize the window for better viewing. 2. Create the domain user accounts. a. From the left pane, expand CorpNet.local. b. Browse to the appropriate OU. c. Right-click the OU and select New > User. d. In the First name field, enter the user's first name. e. In the Last name field, enter the user's last name. f. In the User logon name field, enter the user's logon name which should be the first letter of the user's first name together with their last name. (e.g. jsuarez) The domain, @CorpNet.local, is appended automatically to the end of the logon name. g. Select Next. h. In the Password field, enter asdf1234$. i. In the Confirm password field, enter asdf1234$. j. Make sure User must change password at next logon is selected and then select Next. k. Select Finish to create the object. l. Repeat steps 2b-2k to create the additional users. 3. Modify user account restrictions for the temporary sales employee. a. Right-click Borey Chan and select Properties. b. Select the Account tab. c. Select Logon hours. d. From the Logon Hours dialog, select Logon Denied to clear the allowed logon hours. e. Select the time range of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. f. Select Logon Permitted to allow logon. g. Select OK. h. Under Account expires, select End of. i. In the End of field, use the drop-down calendar to select 31 December of the current year. j. Select OK.

7.3.11 In this lab, your task is to use the following information to make the necessary user account changes on CorpDC: Mary Barnes from the Accounting Department has forgotten her password, and now her account is locked.Unlock the account.Reset the password: asdf1234$Require a password change at the next logon. Mark Woods has been fired from the accounting department. Disable his account. Pat Benton is returning to the Research-Dev department from maternity leave. Her account is disabled to prevent logon. Enable her account. Andrea Simmons from the Research-Dev department has recently married.Rename the account: Andrea SockoChange the last name: SockoChange the display name: Andrea SockoChange the user logon and the pre-Windows 2000 user logon name: asocko For all users in the Support OU (but not the SupportManagers OU), allow logon only to the Support computer.

1. Access Active Directory Users and Computers on the CorpDC server. a. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. b. From the Virtual Machines pane, double-click CorpDC. c. From Server Manager's menu bar, select Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers. d. Maximize the window for better viewing. 2. Unlock the Mary Barnes account. a. From the left pane, expand CorpNet.local. b. Select Accounting. c. Right-click Mary Barnes and select Reset Password. d. Enter asdf1234$ in the New password field. e. Enter asdf1234$ in the Confirm password field. f. Make sure the following are selected: User must change password at next logon Unlock the user's account g. Select OK. h. Select OK to confirm the changed. 3. Disable the Mark Woods account. a. From the right pane, right-click Mark Woods and select Disable Account. b. Select OK to confirm the change. 4. Enable Pat Benton's account. a. From the left pane, select Research-Dev. b. From the right pane, right-click Pat Benton and select Enable Account. c. Select OK to confirm the change. 5. Rename the Andrea Simmons account. a. Right-click Andrea Simmons and select Rename. b. Enter Andrea Socko and press Enter. This opens the Rename User dialog. c. Enter Socko in the Last name field. d. Replace the old logon name with asocko in the User logon name field. e. Select OK. 6. Configure user account restrictions. a. From the left pane, select Support. b. From the right pane, press Ctrl and select both the Tom Plask and Janice Rons users to edit multiple users at the same time. In Safari, press Command and select each user. c. Right-click the highlighted user accounts and select Properties. d. Select the Account tab. g. Select The following computers. h. In the Computer name field, type Support. i. Select Add. j. Select OK. k. Select OK.

7.4.5 In this lab, your task is to: Create the following global security groups on the CorpDC server in their corresponding OUs Add all user accounts in the corresponding OUs and sub-OUs as members of the newly created groups.

1. Access Active Directory Users and Computers on the CorpDC server. a. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. b. From the Virtual Machines pane, double-click CorpDC. c. From Server Manager's menu bar, select Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers. d. Maximize the window for better viewing. e. From the left pane, expand CorpNet.local. 2. Create the groups. a. Right-click the OU where the new group is to be added and select New > Group. b. In the Group name field, enter the name of the group. c. Make sure the following are selected: Group scope: Global Group type: Security d. Select OK. 3. Add users to the groups. a. In the right pane, right-click the user account(s) and select Add to a group. (Use the Ctrl or Shift keys to select and add multiple user accounts to a group at one time.) b. In the Enter the object names to select field, enter the name of the group. c. Select Check Names and verify that the object name was found. d. Select OK to accept the groups added. e. Select OK to acknowledge the change. f. If a sub-OU with users exist, double-click on the sub-OU and then repeat step 3. Do this for each subgroup. 4. Repeat steps 2 - 3 for additional groups and users.

6.5.6 create trusts In this lab, your task is to create trust relationship(s) with the CorpNet network to meet the requirements specified in the scenario above. You are currently working at CampusServer1, which is a Hyper-V host. Domain controllers for the PartnerCorp.xyz domain run as guests on this server. Create both sides of the trust. As necessary, use the following usernames and passwords to connect to the destination domain: Any additional configuration required in the CorpNet.local forest beyond creating the trust relationship will be performed by administrators in their respective domains. -------------------------------------------------------------- Create the trust to the Branch1.CorpNet.local domain Create an external trust Create an incoming trust Create the trust in the target domain Configure selective authentication in the target domain

1. Access the CampusDC1 virtual server. a. From Hyper-V Manager, select CAMPUSSERVER1. b. Under Virtual Machines, double-click CampusDC1 to open the virtual server. c. Maximize the window for better viewing. 2. Access the properties of the PartnerCorp.xyz domain. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > Active Directory Domains and Trusts. b. Maximize the window for better viewing. c. From the left pane, right-click PartnerCorp.xyz and select Properties. 3. Create the new trust relationships. a. From the PartnerCorp.xyz properties dialog, select the Trusts tab. b. Select New Trust. c. Select Next to start the wizard. d. In the Name field, enter Branch1.CorpNet.local and select Next. e. Select One-way: incoming and then select Next. f. Select Both this domain and the specified domain, and then select Next. g. Enter Administrator in the User name field. h. In the Password field, enter 2ManyP@ssw0rds (0 is a zero), and then select Next. i. Select Selective authentication, and then click Next. j. Select Next to create the trust. k. Select Next to configure the new trust. l. Select Yes, confirm the incoming trust, and then click Next. m. Select Finish. n. Select OK on the SID filtering prompt. o. Select OK to close the domain properties dialog.

8.7.4 Configure Restricted Groups You are the IT security administrator for a small corporate network. A group of desktop administrators needs administrative rights to all of the workstations in the domain. The workstations are located in the Workstations OU. In this lab, your task is to perform the following on CorpDC: Create a global security group named Desktop Admins in the Admins OU. (Members of the group will be added later.) Configure a restricted group policy in the WorkstationGPO object that adds the domain Desktop Admins group to the local Administrators group on all the workstations.

1. Access the CorpDC virtual server. a. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. b. Double-click CorpDC to access the server. 2. Create a group. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers. b. From the left pane, expand CorpNet.local. c. Right-click the Admins and select New > Group. d. In the Group name field, enter Desktop Admins. e. Select OK. f. Close Active Directory Users and Computers. 3. Create a restricted group. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > Group Policy Management. b. Maximize the window for better viewing. c. Expand Forest: CorpNet.local > Domains > CorpNet.local > Group Policy Objects. d. Right-click WorkstationGPO and select Edit. e. Under Computer Configuration, expand Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings. f. Right-click Restricted Groups and select Add Group. g. Select Browse. h. In the Enter the object names to select box, enter Desktop Admins and then select OK. i. Select OK to add the group. j. For This group is a member of, select Add. k. Enter Administrators (do not browse) and then select OK. l. Select OK.

5.1.5 In this lab, your task is to: Create a primary forward lookup zone on CorpDC using the following parameters:Deselect Store the zone in Active Directory.Use acct.CorpNet.local as the zone name.Use the default name for the zone file.Do not allow dynamic updates.Allow zone transfers to any server. Create a secondary forward lookup zone called acct.CorpNet.local on CorpDC3.Specify or CorpDC.CorpNet.Local as the master DNS server for the zone. SCREENSHOT

1. Access the CorpDC virtual server. a. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. b. Double-click CorpDC to connect to the server. c. Maximize the window for better viewing. 2. Create a primary forward lookup zone. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > DNS. b. Maximize the window for better viewing. c. Expand CORPDC (the server that will host the zone). d. Right-click Forward Lookup Zones and select New Zone. e. In the New Zone wizard, select Next. f. Make sure Primary zone is selected. g. Clear Store the zone in Active Directory (this option is only available for domain controllers) and then select Next. h. In the Zone name field, enter acct.CorpNet.local for the zone and then select Next. i. Verify that Create a new file with this file name is selected and then click Next. j. Make sure Do not allow dynamic updates is selected and then click Next. k. Select Finish to complete the New Zone wizard. 3. Configure zone transfers. a. Expand Forward Lookup Zones. b. Right-click acct.CorpNet.local (the new zone) and select Properties. c. Select the Zone Transfers tab. d. Verify that Allow zone transfers is selected. e. Select To any server. f. Select OK. 4. Create a forward secondary zone. a. Expand CORPDC3 (the server that will host the new zone). b. Right-click Forward Lookup Zones and then select New Zone. c. Select Next. d. Select Secondary zone as the zone type and then select Next. e. In the Zone name field, enter acct.CorpNet.local and then select Next. f. In the Master Servers box, select Click here. g. Enter or CorpDC.CorpNet.Local as the server that hosts a copy of the zone. h. Press Enter or click away from the IP address to begin validation. i. After validation is complete, select Next. j. Click Finish to complete the New Zone wizard

5.1.6 In this lab, your task is to: Create an IPv4 Active Directory-integrated primary reverse lookup zone for subnet Be sure to accept the default replication and dynamic update settings. Create A records and PTR records under CorpNet.local for the following hosts: Host NameIP AddressCorpServer192.168.0.10 CorpFiles16 CorpFiles12 CorpDHCP CorpWeb SCREENSH(OT

1. Access the CorpDC virtual server. a. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. b. Double-click CorpDC to connect to the server. c. Maximize the window for better viewing. 2. Create a primary reverse lookup zone. a. From Server Manager, select Tool > DNS. b. Expand CORPDC. c. Right-click Reverse Lookup Zones and select New Zone. d. Select Next. e. Make sure that Primary zone is selected. f. Make sure that Store the zone in Active Directory is selected and then select Next. g. Keep the default replication scope setting and select Next. h. Keep the default reverse lookup zone settings and select Next. i. For Network ID, use 192.168.0 as the network ID. j. Select Next. k. Keep the default dynamic update settings and then select Next. l. Select Finish. 3. Create a host (A) and associated pointer (PTR) record. a. From DNS Manager, expand Forward Lookup Zones. b. Right-click CorpNet.local and select New Host (A or AAAA). c. In the Name field, enter the hostname. d. In the IP address field, enter the IP address. 2/29/24, 7:20 PM Learning Platform | CompTIA https://labsimapp.testout.com/v6_0_588/simwindow.html?c2ltRGVmVXJsPWh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGY2RuLnRlc3RvdXQuY29tJTJGX3ZlcnNpb25fNT... 2/2 e. Select Create associated pointer (PTR) record as needed. The reverse lookup zone must exist for this record to be created. f. Select Add Hosts. g. Select OK for the prompt shown. h. Repeat steps 3c through 3g to add the additional host records. i. Select Done.

5.1.7 In this lab, your task is to: Allow connections to the web server by creating the following ALIAS (CNAME) records in the zone using the following information: SCEENSHOIT

1. Access the CorpDC virtual server. a. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. b. Double-click CorpDC to connect to the server. c. Maximize the window for better viewing. 2. For the sales.private zone, create the ALIAS (CNAME) record with a blank name pointing to CorpWeb.CorpNet.local. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > DNS. b. Maximize the window for better viewing. c. Expand CORPDC > Forward Lookup Zones. d. Right-click the sales.private zone and select New Alias (CNAME). e. Configure the new record as follows: Alias name: Leave blank Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for target host: CorpWeb.CorpNet.local f. Select OK. 3. For the sales.private zone, create the intranet ALIAS (CNAME) record pointed to CorpWeb.CorpNet.local. a. Right-click the sales.private zone and select New Alias (CNAME). b. Configure the new record as follows: Alias name: intranet Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for target host: CorpWeb.CorpNet.local c. Select OK. 4. For the sales.private zone, create the www ALIAS (CNAME) record pointed to CorpWeb.CorpNet.local. a. Right-click the sales.private zone and select New Alias (CNAME). b. Configure the new record as follows: Alias name: www Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for target host: CorpWeb.CorpNet.local c. Select OK

8.1.9 In this lab, your task is to: Enable the Administrative Templates central store by creating a Starter GPOs folder. Create a starter GPO named DNS Settings. Configure the DNS Settings policies:DNS Servers:State: EnableIP addresses: and a space to separate the two addresses.)Primary DNS Suffix:State: EnableDNS suffix: CorpNet.localRegister PTR Records:State: EnabledOption: RegisterDynamic Update:State: EnabledTurn off smart multi-home Name Resolution:State: Enabled(Enabling the policy turns off LLMNR.) Create a new GPO named CommonGPO using the new starter GPO you created. Do not link the GPO at this time. Verify that the starter GPO settings were applied to the CommonGPO.

1. Access the CorpDC virtual server. a. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. b. Double-click CorpDC to connect to the virtual server. c. Maximize the window for better viewing. 2. Create a starter GPO folder. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > Group Policy Management. b. Maximize the window for better viewing. c. Expand Forest: CorpNet.local > Domains > CorpNet.local. d. Select Starter GPOs. e. From the right pane, select Create Starter GPOs Folder. 3. Create a starter GPO. a. From the left pane, right-click Starter GPOs and select New. b. In the Name field, use DNS Settings for the name of the starter GPO and then select OK. 4. Configure the starter GPO policies. a. Right-click DNS Settings and select Edit. b. Under Computer Configuration, expand and select Administrative Templates > Network > DNS Client. c. From the right pane, double-click the policy you want to edit. d. Select Enabled or Disabled for the setting. e. Configure additional parameters as required. f. Select OK. g. Repeat steps 4c-4f for each policy. h. Close the Group Policy Starter GPO Editor. 5. Create a GPO using a starter GPO. a. From the left pane, expand Starter GPOs. b. Right-click DNS Settings and select New GPO From Starter GPO. c. Use the name of CommonGPO for the new GPO and then select OK. 6. Verify the CommonGPO policy settings. a. From the left pane, select Group Policy Objects. b. From the right pane, right-click CommonGPO and select Edit. c. Maximize the window for better viewing. d. Under Computer Configuration, expand Administrative Templates > Network. e. Select DNS Client. f. Verify that the values set in the starter GPO have been applied to the new policy.

8.8.4 In this lab, your task is to configure AppLocker in the WorkstationGPO on CorpDC as follows: Configure AppLocker to enforce executable rules. For AppLocker, create default executable rules to ensure you maintain access to:All files located in the Program Files folder.All files located in the Windows folder. Create an AppLocker rule using the following file attributes:Allow the Support group to run the call center software.Make sure the application is signed by the software publisher.Use C:\CallCenter\CallStart.exe as the reference file.Allow the rule to be applied to only the publisher of the file.Do not add exclusions to the rule.

1. Access the CorpDC virtual server. a. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. b. Double-click CorpDC to connect to the virtual server. c. Maximize the window for better viewing. 2. Enforce AppLocker rules for executable rules. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > Group Policy Management. b. Maximize the window for better viewing. c. From the left pane, expand Forest:CorpNet.local > Domains > CorpNet.local > Group Policy Objects. d. Right-click WorkstationGPO and select Edit. e. Maximize the window for better viewing. f. Under Computer Configuration, expand Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Application Control Policies. g. Select AppLocker. h. From the right pane, select Configure rule enforcement. i. Under Executable rules, select Configured. j. Make sure Enforce rules appears in the drop-down list. k. Select OK. 3. Create default executable rules. a. From the left pane, expand AppLocker. b. Right-click Executable Rules and select Create Default Rules. c. From the right pane, notice that the three default executable rules that allow the group Everyone access to the Windows and Program Files directories were created. 4. Configure a Publisher rule and allow the Support group to run the call center software. a. From the left pane, right-click Executable Rules and select Create New Rule. b. Select Next. c. Make sure Allow is selected. d. For User or group, click Select. e. Enter Support for the required group and then select OK. f. Select Next. g. Make sure Publisher is selected and then select Next. h. For Reference files, select Browse. i. Browse to and select C:\CallCenter\CallStart.exe. j. Select Open. k. Slide the pointer from File version to Publisher and then select Next. l. Select Next. m. Select Create to accept the default name. Notice that the Publisher rule was created.

8.5.4 configure user rights In this lab, your task is to add the following groups to the associated User Rights Assignment policy, located in the ServerGPO policy object, from the CorpDC server:

1. Access the CorpDC virtual server. a. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. b. Double-click CorpDC to open the virtual server. 2. Access the Group Policy Management Editor for the ServerGPO group policy object. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > Group Policy Management. b. Expand Forest:CorpNet.local > Domains > CorpNet.local > Group Policy Objects. c. Right-click ServerGPO and select Edit. d. Maximize the window for better viewing. 3. Configure the User Rights Assignments. a. Under Computer Configuration, expand Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies. b. Select User Rights Assignment. c. Double-click the policy you want to edit. d. Select Define these policy settings. e. Select Add User or Group. f. Enter the name of the group (or use Browse, if desired), and then select OK. g. Select OK. h. Repeat steps 3c-3g to define the remaining policy settings.

8.6.3 configure security options In this lab, your task is to: Configure the following security policies on CorpDC using Group Policy Disable the User Configuration portion of the GPO.This is required because all GPO settings in the SupportGPO are in the Computer Configuration portion. Start Lab

1. Access the CorpDC virtual server. a. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. b. Under Virtual Machines, double-click CorpDC to access the server. 2. Edit the Default Domain Policy security options. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > Group Policy Management. b. Maximize the window for easier viewing. c. From the left pane, expand Forest: CorpNet.local > Domains > CorpNet.local. d. Right-click Default Domain Policy and select Edit. e. Maximize the window for easier viewing. f. Under Computer Configuration, expand Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies. g. Select Security Options. h. From the right pane, double-click the policy you want to edit. i. Select Define this policy setting. j. Select Enabled or Disabled. k. Configure the values for the policy as needed. l. Select OK. m. Repeat steps 2h-2l to configure the additional policies. n. Close Group Policy Management Editor 3. Configure SupportGPO security options. a. From the Group Policy Management dialog, expand Support. b. Right-click SupportGPO and select Edit. c. Maximize the window for easier viewing. d. Under Computer Configuration, expand Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies. e. Select Security Options. f. From the right pane, double-click the policy you want to edit. g. Select Define this policy setting. h. Select Enabled or Disabled. i. Configure the values for the policy as needed. j. Select OK. k. Repeat steps 3f-3j for additional policies. l. Close Group Policy Management Editor. 4. Disable user settings in the SupportGPO. a. From the Group Policy Management console, expand Group Policy Objects. b. Right-click SupportGPO and select GPO Status > User Configuration Settings Disabled. c. Close the Group Policy Management window

8.3.4 In this lab, your task is to edit the Default Domain Policy and configure the account policy settings as follows: Configure the password polices.New passwords must be different from the previous 10 passwords.Users must change passwords every 90 days.Users cannot change a new password for at least 14 days.Passwords must be at least 10 characters long.Passwords must contain uppercase letter, lowercase letter, number, and symbol characters. Configure the account lockout policies.If 5 incorrect passwords are entered, lock the account.After a failed logon attempt, lock the account for 10 minutes.Keep accounts locked for 60 minutes and then unlock the account automatically.

1. Access the CorpDC virtual server. a. In Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. b. Under Virtual Machines, double-click CorpDC to connect to the virtual server. 2. Modify the password policies. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > Group Policy Management. b. Maximize the window for better viewing. c. From the left pane, expand Forest: CorpNet.local > Domains > CorpNet.local. d. Right-click Default Domain Policy and select Edit. e. Maximize the window for better viewing. f. Under Computer Configuration, expand Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Account Policies. g. Select Password Policy. h. From the right pane, double-click the policy you want to edit. i. Make sure Define this policy setting is selected. j. Edit the value for the policy, and then select OK. k. Repeat steps 2h-2j for each policy. 3. Modify account lockout policies. a. From the left pane, select Account Lockout Policy. b. From the right pane, double-click the policy you want to edit. c. Make sure Define this policy setting is selected. d. Edit the value for the policy and then select OK. e. Repeat steps 3b-4d for additional policies.

8.9.5 Deploy Desktop Shortcuts in a GPO In this lab, your task is to create a shortcut for all computers in the SupportGPO using the preference settings as follows: Action: Update Name: CallStart Target Type: File System Object Location: All Users Desktop Target Path: ​\​​\​CorpFiles​\​CallCenter​\​CallStart.exe

1. Access the CorpDC virtual server. a. In Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. b. Under Virtual Machines, right-click CorpDC and select Connect. 2. Open the SupportGPO in the Group Policy Management Editor. a. In Server Manager, select Tools > Group Policy Management. b. Maximize the window for better viewing. c. In the left pane, expand Forest: CorpNet.local > Domains > CorpNet.local > Group Policy Objects. d. Right-click SupportGPO and select Edit. e. Maximize the window for better viewing. 3. Create a new shortcut policy. a. Under Computer Configuration, expand Preferences > Windows Settings. b. Right-click Shortcuts and select New > Shortcut. c. Enter CallStart in the Name field. d. Using the Location drop-down, select All Users Desktop. e. Enter \\CorpFiles\CallCenter\CallStart.exe in the Target path field. f. Select OK.

8.9.4 configure power options In this lab, your task is to configure the following Power Option policy settings in the WorkstationGPO policy: Set the policy Action to Update. Set the Balanced power plan as the active power plan for all workstations. Set the following advanced settings:

1. Access the CorpDC2 virtual server. a. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. b. Under Virtual Machines, double-click CorpDC2 to access the server. 2. Access the WorkstationGPO Power Option policy. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > Group Policy Management. b. Maximize the window for better viewing. c. From the left pane, expand Forest: CorpNet.local > Domains > CorpNet.local > Group Policy Objects. d. Right-click WorkstationGPO and select Edit. e. Maximize the window for better viewing. 3. Start a new power plan. a. From the left pane, under Computer Configuration, expand Preferences. b. Expand Control Panel Settings. c. Right-click Power Options and select New > Power Plan (At least Windows 7). 4. Configure your new power plan. a. From the Action drop-down list, make sure Update is selected. b. From the list of power plans, make sure Balanced is selected. c. Select Set as the active power plan. d. Expand Hard disk > Turn off hard disk after. e. Select On battery. f. In the On battery field, enter 60. g. Select Plugged in. h. In the Plugged in field, enter 120. i. Expand Display > Turn off display after. j. Select On battery. k In the On battery field, enter 30 l. Select Plugged in. m. In the Plugged in field, enter 60. n. Select OK.. In the On battery field, enter 30

6.4.7 In this lab, your task is to: Transfer the Domain Naming Master role from CorpDC to CorpDC4.This means that CorpDC will only host the infrastructure master role. Remove the global catalog from CorpDC.This is required because you will create additional domains in the forest, and you want to follow Microsoft's recommendation not to place the infrastructure master on a global catalog server.

1. Access the CorpDC4 server. a. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER2. b. Under Virtual Machines, double-click CorpDC4. 2. Transfer the Domain Naming Master role to CorpDC4. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > Active Directory Domains and Trusts. b. From the left pane, right-click Active Directory Domains and Trusts and select Operations Master. c. Select Change. d. Select Yes to confirm the transfer. e. Select OK to acknowledge the transfer. f. Select Close. g. Close the Active Directory Domains and Trusts dialog. 3. Remove the global catalog from CorpDC. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > Active Directory Sites and Services. b. From the left pane, expand Sites > Main-Site > Servers > CorpDC. c. Right-click NTDS Settings and select Properties. d. Unmark Global Catalog. e. Select OK.

8.1.8 Create and Link a GPO In this lab, your task is to configure Group Policy on CorpDC as follows: Create a GPO named Workstation Settings. Link the Workstation Settings GPO to the following OUs:The TempMarketing OU (in the Marketing OU)The TempSales OU (in the Sales OU)The Support OU Import security settings from the security template (ws_sec.inf) located in C:\Templates for the Workstation Settings GPO. Create the Workstation Settings GPO Link the GPO to the TempMarketing OU Link the GPO to the TempSales OU Link the GPO to the Support OU Import the policy from C:\Templates\ws_sec.inf

1. Access the CorpNet.local domain. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > Group Policy Management. b. Maximize the window for better viewing. c. Expand Forest: CorpNet.local > Domains > CorpNet.local. 2. Create the Workstation Settings GPO and link it to the CorpNet.local domain. a. Right-click the Group Policy Objects OU and select New. b. In the Name field, use Workstation Settings and then select OK. 3. Link OUs to the Workstation Settings GPO. a. Right-click the OU and select Link an Existing GPO. b. Under Group Policy Objects, select Workstation Settings and then select OK. c. Repeat step 3 to link the additional OUs. 4. Import the ws_sec.inf security policy template. a. Expand Group Policy Objects. b. Right-click Workstation Settings and select Edit. c. Under Computer Configuration, expand Policies > Windows Settings. d. Right-click Security Settings and select Import Policy. e. Browse to the C:\Templates. f. Select ws_sec.inf and then click Open.

6.5.7 Create a new shortcut trust between the Branch1.CorpNet.local and Branch2.CorpNet.local domains. This can be accomplished from either domain. When creating the trust, use the following parameters: Create a shortcut trust using the following settings:

1. Access the New Trust Wizard for the desired branch. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > Active Directory Domains and Trusts. b. From the left pane, expand CorpNet.local. c. Right-click the trusting domain and select Properties. d. Select the Trusts tab. e. Select New Trust. 2. Create the new trust. a. Select Next to start the wizard. b. In the Name field, enter the target trusted domain and then select Next. c. Make sure Two-way is selected and then select Next. d. Select Both this domain and the specified domain and then select Next. e. In the User name field, enter Administrator. This is the username on the target domain. f. In the Password field, enter the password. This is the password of the user account on the target domain. g. Select Next. h. Make sure Domain-wide authentication is selected for the local domain and select Next. i. Make sure Domain-wide authentication is selected for the specified domain and select Next. j. Select Next to create the trust. k. Select Next to configure the new trust. l. Select Yes, confirm the outgoing trust and then select Next. m. Select Yes, confirm the incoming trust and then select Next. n. Select Finish. o. Select OK.

6.7.6 In this lab, your task is to customize replication as follows: Designate CampusDC1 as the preferred bridgehead server for IP.

1. Configure inter-site replication. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > Active Directory Sites and Services. b. Maximize the window for better viewing. c. From the left pane, expand and select Sites > Inter-Site Transports > IP. d. From the right pane, right-click the site link and select Properties. e. In the Cost field, enter the cost. f. In the Replicate every field, enter the replication frequency. g. Select Change Schedule. h. Adjust the replication schedule as needed. i. Select OK to save the new schedule. j. Select OK to close the site link properties. k. Repeat steps 1d-1j to configure the additional site links. 2. Designate the preferred bridgehead server. a. From the left pane, expand and select Campus1-Main-Site > Servers. b. From the right pane, right-click CampusDC1 and select Properties. c. Under Transports available for inter-site data transfer, select IP and then select Add. d. Select OK to save the changes

5.5.8 Make CampusDC1 the Key Master. Add a Key Signing Key with the following non-default parameters: Key length (Bits): 1024 Rollover frequency (days): 730 Add a Zone Signing Key with the following non-default parameters: Key length (Bits): 1024 Rollover frequency (days): 730 Use NSEC3 to generate and use a random salt length of 8. Enable the distribution of trust anchors. Configure Signing and Polling parameters as follows: DS record TTL (seconds): 4800 DNSKEY record TTL (seconds): 4800 Refresh the zone to make sure the records have been signed.

1. Configure the Key Master. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > DNS. b. Maximize the window for better viewing. c. Expand CAMPUSDC1 > Forward Lookup Zones. d. Right-click partnercorp.xyz and select DNSSEC > Sign the Zone. e. Select Next to start using the wizard. f. Select Next to use the default of Customize zone signing parameters. g. Select Next to use the default of The DNS server CampusDC1 is the Key Master. h. Select Next. 2. Configure the Key Signing Key. a. From the Key Signing Key window, select Add. b. Under Key Properties, use the drop-down list for Key length (Bits) to select 1024. c. Use 730 for the Rollover frequency (days) field. d. Select OK. e. Select Next. f. Select Next. 3. Configure the Zone Signing Key. a. From the Zone Signing Key window, select Add. b. Under Key Properties, use the drop-down list for Key length and select 1024. c. Use 730 in the Rollover frequency (days) field. d. Select OK. e. Select Next. 4. Use NSEC3 to generate and use a random salt of length. a. Make sure Generate and use a random salt of length is selected. b. For the Generate and use a random salt of length field, use 8. c. Select Next. 5. Configure distribution of trust anchors and rollover keys. a. From the Trust Anchors windows, select Enable the distribution of trust anchors for this zone. b. Select Next. 6. Configure the Signing and Polling Parameters. a. For the DS record TTL (seconds) field, use 4800 for the time to live. b. For the DNSKEY record TTL (seconds) field, use 4800 for the time to live. c. Select Next. d. In the DNS Security Extensions window, select Next. e. Select Finish. 7. Right-click partnercorp.xyz and select Refresh to view the signed zone records.

5.2.5 In this lab, your task is to configure the DNS service on CorpDC using the following settings: Forward name resolution requests outside of the CorpNet.xyz domain to the following ISP DNS servers: Use root hints for requests if the ISP DNS servers are unavailable.

1. Connect to the CorpDC virtual machine. a. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. b. From the Virtual Machines pane, double-click CorpDC to connect to this server. c. Maximize the window for better viewing. 2. Create the forward name resolution requests. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > DNS. b. From the left pane, right-click CORPDC and select Properties. c. Select the Forwarders tab. d. Select Edit. e. From the Edit Forwarders window, select Click here. f. Enter an as a forwarding server. g. Click in a blank area below the IP addresses shown, and verify that a server is located. h. Select Click here. i. Enter an as a second forwarding server. j. Click in a blank area below the IP addresses shown, and verify that a server is located. k. Select OK. l. Ensure that Use root hints if no forwarders are available is marked. m. Select OK to exit the Properties window.

6.3.7 In this lab, your task is to pre-create the RODC account in Active Directory as follows: Create a global security group named Branch3-RODC Admins in the Users container. Members of this group will be able to manage the read-only domain controller at the new location. Create the following RODC account in the Domain Controllers OU:Name: Branch3-RODCSpecify your current credentials to complete the installation.Add the account to the Main-Site site.Make the domain controller a global catalog server and DNS server.Identify the Branch3-RODC Admins group to manage the read-only domain controller. Create the RODC administrator group Create the Branch3-RODC accountShow Details

1. Connect to the CorpDC virtual machine. a. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. b. Under Virtual Machines, double-click CorpDC to open the virtual server. c. Maximize the window for better viewing. 2. Create a global security group named Branch3-RODC Admins. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers. b. From the left pane, expand CorpNet.local. c. Right-click Users and select New > Group. d. Enter Branch3-RODC Admins in the group name field. e. Under Group scope, make sure Global is selected. f. Under Group type, make sure Security is selected. g. Select OK. 3. Pre-create a read-only domain controller (RODC) account. a. From the left pane, right-click Domain Controllers,and select Pre-create Read-only Domain Controller account. b. Select Next to start the wizard. c. Select Next to accept the current credentials. d. Enter Branch3-RODC in the Computer name field. e. Select Next. f. Under Sites, make sure Main-Site is selected and then select Next. g. Select Next to accept the additional domain controller options. h. Select Set to configure a group to manage the RODC. i. Enter Branch3-RODC Admins under Enter the object names to select. j. Select OK. k. Select Next. l. Review the Summary dialog and then click Next. m. Select Finish.

7.4.8 In this lab, your task is to implement a group strategy that meets the above requirements on CorpDC as follows: Create the following groups in the Support OU:SupportSupport Resources For each group, configure the appropriate group scope, group type, and membership based on the following information:

1. Connect to the CorpDC virtual machine. a. In Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. b. Under Virtual Machines, double-click CorpDC to connect to the server. 2. Create the group named Support. a. In Server Manager, select Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers. b. Maximize the window for better viewing. c. In the left pane, expand CorpNet.local. d. Right-click Support and select New > Group. e. Type Support in the Group name field. f. Under Group scope, make sure Global is selected. g. Under Group type, make sure Security is selected. h. Select OK. 3. Create the group named Support Resources. a. Right-click Support and select New > Group. b. Type Support Resources in the Group name field. c. Under Group scope, select Domain local. d. Under Group type, make sure Security is selected. e. Select OK. 4. Modify the membership for the Support group. a. From the right pane, right-click Support and then select Properties. b. Select the Members tab. c. Select Add. d. Select Advanced. e. Select Find Now. f. Under Search results, hold down the Ctrl key and select the users you need to add. g. Select OK to use the selected users or group. h. Select OK to add the new group members. i. Select OK to close the Properties dialog. 5. Modify the membership for the Support Resources group. a. From the right pane, right-click Support Resources and then select Properties. b. Select the Members tab. c. Select Add. d. In the Enter the object names to select box, enter Support. e. Select OK to add the new group members. f. Select OK to close the Properties dialog.

7.2.4 In this lab, your task is to: Create the following computer accounts in the Workstations OU of the CorpNet.local domain:Sales1Sales2Sales3Sales4Sales5 Create the Sales1 computer account in the Workstations OU Create the Sales2 computer account in the Workstations OU Create the Sales3 computer account in the Workstations OU Create the Sales4 computer account in the Workstations OU Create the Sales5 computer account in the Workstations OU

1. Connect to the CorpDC virtual server. a. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. b. Double-click CorpDC to connect to the virtual server. c. Maximize the window for better viewing. 2. Create computer accounts in the Workstations OU. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers. b. Maximize the window for better viewing. c. Expand CorpNet.local. d. Right-click Workstations and select New > Computer. e. In the Computer name field, enter the computer name. f. Select OK. g. Repeat steps 2d-2f to create additional computer accounts.

7.1.4 In this lab, your task is to create OUs on CorpDC as follows: Beneath the domain, create the following OUs:AccountingAdminsMarketingResearch-DevSalesServersSupportWorkstations Within the Sales OU, create the following OUs:SalesManagersTempSales Prevent accidental deletion of each OU you create. Accounting OU Show Details Admins OU Show Details Marketing OU Show Details Research-Dev OU Show Details Sales OU Show Details Servers OU Show Details Sales\SalesManagers OU Show Details Sales\TempSales OU Show Details Support OU Show Details Workstations OU Show Details

1. Connect to the CorpDC virtual server. a. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. b. Double-click CorpDC to connect to the virtual server. c. Maximize the window for better viewing. 2. Create the OUs beneath the domain. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers. b. Maximize the window for better viewing. c. Select CorpNet.local. d. Select the Create a new organizational unit in the current container icon from the menu bar. e. Enter the name of the OU. f. Make sure that Protect container from accidental deletion is selected to prevent the OU from being deleted. g. Select OK. h. Repeat steps 2c-2g for each additional OU. 3. Create the OUs beneath the Sales OU. a. From the left pane, select Sales. b. Select the Create a new organizational unit in the current container icon from the menu bar. c. Enter the name of the OU. d. Make sure that Protect container from accidental deletion is selected to prevent the OU from being deleted. e. Select OK. f. Repeat steps 3a-3e for each additional OU.

7.1.5 In this lab, your task is to Delete the Workstations OUs from within the:Marketing OUResearch-Dev OUSales OU Delete the Marketing\Workstations OU Delete the Research-Dev\Workstations OU Delete the Sales\Workstations OU

1. Connect to the CorpDC virtual server. a. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. b. Double-click CorpDC to connect to the virtual server. c. Maximize the window for better viewing. 2. Delete the unneeded Workstation OUs. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers. b. Maximize the window for better viewing. c. Select View > Advanced Features. d. Browse the Active Directory structure to the required OU. e. Right-click the OU and select Properties. f. Select the Object tab. g. Unmark Protect object from accidental deletion and then select OK. h. Right-click the OU again and select Delete. i. Select Yes to confirm deleting the OU. j. Repeat steps 2d-2i to delete the other OUs. k. Select View > Advanced Features again to turn off the advanced features view.

6.6.4 In this lab, your tasks is to: Rename the Default-First-Site-Name site to Main-Site. Create new sites for the branch offices using DEFAULTSITELINK as the site link object. Move the branch servers into their respective sites. Create a subnet for all the sites and choose the corresponding site object. Configure sites and subnets using the following table:

1. Connect to the CorpDC virtual server. a. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. b. Under Virtual Machines, double-click CorpDC to connect to the server. c. Maximize the window for better viewing. 2. Rename the default site to Main-Site. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > Active Directory Sites and Services. b. From the left pane, expand Sites. c. Right-click Default-First-Site-Name and select Rename. d. Enter Main-Site. 3. Create new sites for the branch offices. a. Right-click Sites and select New > New Site. b. Enter the site name. c. Select DEFAULTSITELINK as the site link. d. Select OK. e. Repeat steps 3a-3d to create the additional site. 4. Move the branch servers into the correct sites. a. Expand Main-Site. b. Expand Servers. c. Right-click the server and select Move. d. Select the destination site and select OK. e. Repeat steps 4b-4d to move the remaining server. 5. Create subnets for all three sites. a. Right-click Subnets and select New Subnet. b. In the Prefix field, enter the subnet address and prefix (for example, c. Under Site Name, select a site for the new subnet. d. Select OK. e. Repeat steps 5a-5d for additional subnets.

5.3.7 In this lab, your task is to: Create a forward lookup zone on the CorpDC DNS server using the following guidelines:Zone type: Primary (stored in Active Directory)Replicate data: To all DNS servers in the CorpNet.local forestZone name: mrktg.privateDynamic update type: Allow only secure dynamic updates

1. Connect to the CorpDC virtual server. a. In Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. b. Double-click CorpDC to connect to this server. c. Maximize the window for better viewing. 2. Create a forward lookup zone on the CorpDC DNS server. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > DNS. b. Maximize the window for better viewing. c. Expand CORPDC. d. Right-click Forward Lookup Zones and select New Zone. e. From the New Zone Wizard, select Next. f. Make sure that Primary zone is selected as the zone type. g. Make sure that Store the zone in Active Directory is selected and then select Next. h. Select To all DNS servers running on domain controllers in this forest. i. Select Next. j. Enter the mrktg.private and then select Next. k. Make sure that Allow only secure dynamic updates is selected; then select Next. l. Select Finish.

6.5.3 In this lab, your task is to create a forest root trust between the CorpNet.local and PartnerCorp.xyz forests. Create a forest root trust using the following settings

1. Create the trust from CorpNet.local to PartnerCorp.xyz. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > Active Directory Domains and Trusts. b. Right-click CorpNet.local and select Properties. c. Select the Trusts tab. d. Select New Trust. e. Select Next to start the wizard. f. Enter PartnerCorp.xyz as the target domain and then select Next. g. Select Forest trust and then select Next. h. Make sure Two-way is selected as the direction for the trust and then select Next. i. Make sure This domain only is selected and then select Next. j. Make sure Forest-wide authentication is selected and then select Next. k. In the Trust password field, enter Trust@urF@r3st as the password. l. In the Confirm trust password field, enter Trust@urF@r3st and then select Next. m. Select Next to create the trust. n. Select Next to verify the trusts. o. Select Next to use No, do not confirm the outgoing trust. p. Select Next to use No, do not confirm the incoming trust. q. Select Finish. r. Select OK.

5.3.8 In this lab, your task is to complete the following: Convert the sales.private zone to an Active Directory-integrated zone. Change the replication scope to store data on all DNS servers in the domain.

1. In Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. 2. Right-click CorpDC and select Connect. 3. In Server Manager, select Tools > DNS. 4. Expand CORPDC. 5. Expand Forward Lookup Zones. 6. Right-click the zone and select Properties. 7. Under Type, select Change. 8. Make sure that Primary zone is selected. 9. Select Store the zone in Active Directory. 10. Select OK. 11. Select Yes to confirm Active Directory integration. 12. Under Replication, select Change. 13. Select To all DNS servers in this domain. 14. Click OK. 15. Click Yes to confirm your changes. 16. Click OK.

6.6.5 In this lab, your task is to complete the following: Delete the Default-First-Site-Name site or rename it as one of the three sites in the table. Create and configure three sites and subnets as follows: Move the domain controllers into their applicable corresponding sites. Delete the DEFAULTIPSITELINK site link or rename and configure it as one of your three site links in the table. Create and configure three site links as follows:

1. Rename the default site. a. From Server Manager, select Tools > Active Directory Sites and Services. b. Maximize the window for better viewing. c. From the left pane, expand Sites. d. Right-click Default-First-Site-Name and select Rename. e. Enter Campus1-Main-Site and then press Enter. 2. Create additional sites. 3/23/24, 12:44 PM Learning Platform | CompTIA https://labsimapp.testout.com/v6_0_591/simwindow.html?c2ltRGVmVXJsPWh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGY2RuLnRlc3RvdXQuY29tJTJGX3ZlcnNpb25fNT... 2/2 a. From the left pane, right-click Sites and select New Site. b. In the Name field, enter the site name. c. Under Link Name, select DEFAULTIPSITELINK and then select OK. d. Repeat steps 2a-2c to create the additional site. 3. Create subnets. a. From the left pane, right-click Subnets and select New Subnet. b. In the Prefix field, enter the subnet IP address followed by the prefix (example, c. From the lower pane, select the site name that goes to the selected IP address and prefix. d. Select OK. e. Repeat steps 3a-3d to add the additional subnets. 4. Move the servers into their correct sites. a. From the left pane, expand Campus1-Main_Site. b. Select Servers. c. From the right pane, right-click the server to move and select Move. d. Select the destination site name and then select OK. e. Repeat steps 4b-4d to move the additional servers. more

5.1.8 In this lab, your task is to: Test the connectivity to CorpWeb using the ping command.Ping CorpWeb.CorpNet.localPing (the IP address for CorpWeb).Answer Question 1. Create any DNS records needed to fix the problem using the following information:Host name: CorpWebIP address: Test the connectivity to CorpWeb using the ping command.Ping CorpWeb.CorpNet.localPing (the IP address for CorpWeb).Answer Question 2.

1. Test the connectivity to CorpWeb using the ping command. a. Right-click Start and select Windows PowerShell (Admin). b. At the prompt, type ping CorpWeb.CorpNet.local and press Enter. c. At the prompt, type ping (the IP address for CorpWeb) and press Enter. d. From the top right, select Answer Questions. e. Answer Question 1. f. Close PowerShell. 2. Access the CorpDC virtual server. a. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. b. Double-click CorpDC to connect to the server. c. Maximize the window for better viewing. 3. Create any DNS records needed to fix the problem. a. In Server Manager, select Tools > DNS. b. Expand CORPDC > Forward Lookup Zones. c. Right-click CorpNet.local and select New Host (A or AAAA). d. In the Name field, enter CorpWeb. Notice that the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) is now CorpWeb.CorpNet.local. e. Enter in the IP Address field. f. Select Create associated pointer (PTR) record to automatically create the PTR record for the new host. g. Select Add Host. h. Select OK. i. Select Done to close the New Host dialog. 4. Test the connectivity to CorpWeb using the ping command. a. Right-click Start and select Windows PowerShell (Admin). b. At the prompt, type ping (the IP address for CorpWeb) and press Enter. c. At the prompt, type ping CorpWeb.CorpNet.local and press Enter. d. Answer Question 2. e. Select Score Lab.

5.4.5 In this lab, your task is to: Use nslookup to query the DNS for the CorpWeb server using its fully qualified domain name (CorpWeb.CorpNet.xyz).What are your results? Use nslookup to query the CorpDC3 DNS server for CorpWeb. Use the fully qualified domain name for both CorpDC3 and CorpWeb.What are your results?What is the problem?How would you resolve this problem?How would you verify that the problem has been fixed?

1. Use nslookup to query the DNS for the CorpWeb server using its fully qualified domain name. a. Right-click Start and select Windows PowerShell (Admin). b. At the PowerShell prompt, type nslookup CorpWeb.CorpNet.xyz and press Enter. The CorpDC DNS server responds with the name resolution information for CorpWeb. 2. Use nslookup to query the CorpDC3 DNS server for CorpWeb. a. Type nslookup CorpWeb.CorpNet.xyz CorpDC3.CorpNet.local and press Enter. The CorpDC3 DNS server responds that it can't find CorpWeb. CorpDC3 does not have a DNS record for CorpWeb. 3. Answer the following questions: What is the Problem? The information between the DNS databases is not consistent. Since this DNS zone is an Active Directoryintegrated zone, this indicates that Active Directory is not synchronizing properly. How would you resolve this problem? You would likely attempt to force replication between the Active Directory domain controllers. If CorpDC held a primary zone and CorpDC3 held a secondary zone, you would likely initiate a zone transfer to make sure that the DNS records were consistent between servers. How would you verify that the problem has been fixed? After implementing the above solution, you could verify that the problem was fixed by repeating step 2. The CorpDC3 DNS server should respond with name resolution information for CorpWeb.

5.2.6 In this lab, your task is to: Verify that Root Hints are being provided.Answer Question 1. Create a new forwarding lookup zone on CAMPUSDC1.Zone named: . (a dot to represent the root zone.)Do not allow dynamic updates. Verify that root hints are no longer configured on the server.Answer Question 2.

1. Verify that root hints are being provided. a. In Server Manager, select Tools > DNS. b. Maximize the window for better viewing. c. From the left pane, right-click CAMPUSDC1 and then select Properties. d. Select the Root Hints tab. e. From the top right, select Answer Questions. f. Answer Question 1 then minimize window. g. Close the CAMPUSDC1 Properties window. 2. Create a new forwarding zone. a. Expand CAMPUSDC1. b. Right-click Forward Lookup Zones and select New Zone. c. Select Next to start the New Zone Wizard. d. Make sure Primary zone is selected; then select Next. e. Make sure To all DNS servers running on domain controllers in this domain: partnercorp.xyz is selected; then select Next. f. Type . (a dot to represent the root zone) for the zone name and then select Next. g. Select Do not allow dynamic updates and then select Next. h. Select Finish to complete the New Zone wizard. 3. Verify that root hints are no longer configured on the server. a. Right-click CAMPUSDC1 and select Properties. b. Select the Root Hints tab. c. From the top right, select Answer Questions. d. Answer Question 2. e. Select Score Lab.

6.5.3 pt2 SCREENSHOT

2. Create the trust from PartnerCorp.xyz to CorpNet.local. a. From the top left, select Domains. b. Under PartnerCorp.xyz, select CampusDC1. c. From Server Manager, select Tools > Active Directory Domains and Trusts. d. Right-click the PartnerCorp.xyz and select Properties. e. Select the Trusts tab. f. Select New Trust. g. Select Next to start the wizard. h. Enter CorpNet.local as the target domain and then select Next. i. Select Forest trust and then select Next. j. Make sure Two-way is selected as the direction for the trust and then select Next. k. Make sure This domain only is selected and then select Next. l. Make sure Forest-wide authentication is selected and then select Next. m. In the Trust password field, enter Trust@urF@r3st as the password. n. In the Confirm trust password field, enter Trust@urF@r3st and then select Next. o. Select Next to create the trust. p. Select Next to verify the trusts. q. Select Yes, confirm the outgoing trust, and then select Next. r. Select Yes, confirm the incoming trust, and then select Next. s. Select Finish. t. Select OK.


5. Rename and modify the site link properties. a. From the left pane, expand and select Inter-Site Transports > IP. b. From the right pane, right-click DEFAULTIPSITELINK and select Rename. c. Enter Campus1-Campus2 and then press Enter. d. From the right pane, right-click Campus1-Campus2 and select Properties. e. Under Sites in this site link, select Campus3-Site and then select Remove. f. Select OK 6. Create the site links. a. From the left pane, right-click IP and select New Site Link. b. In the Name field, type the new site link name. c. Under Sites not in this site link, select the appropriate site(s). d. Select Add. e. Select OK. f. Repeat steps 6a-6e to create the additional site links.

4.4.7 You have several printers on Subnet1 that need static IP addresses assigned. In this lab, your task is to: Use the CorpDHCP server. Configure the IPv4 scope. Use the following reservation information:

Access the CorpDCHP virtual server. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. Maximize the Hyper-V Manager window to view the available server. Double-click CorpDCHP to connect to the server. Configure the IP address. From Server Manager, select Tools > DHCP. Maximize the window for better viewing. From the left pane, expand CorpDHCP.CorpNet.local > IPv4 > Scope [] Subnet1. Right-click Reservations and select New Reservation. In the Reservation name field, enter a reservation name. In the IP address field, enter the IP address. In the MAC address field, enter the MAC address. Under Supported types, select DHCP only (as needed). Select Add to create the client reservation. Select Yes to the DHCP prompt. Repeat steps 2d - 2j for additional reservations. Select Close.

4.5.5 You have just authorized the CorpDHCP server to assign IP addresses to client workstations on the subnet. You now need to create an IPv4 scope on the CorpDHCP server for an address range on this subnet. In this lab, your task is to: Create an IPv4 scope on CorpDHCP using the following specifications:IPv4 scope name: SalesAddress range: to gateway: servers: and Activate the new scope upon completion.

Access the CorpDCHP virtual server. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. Maximize the Hyper-V Manager window to view the available server. Double-click CorpDHCP to connect to the server. Create an IPv4 scope on the CorpDHCP. From Server Manager, select Tools > DHCP. Expand the CorpDHCP.CorpNet.local server node. Right-click IPv4 and then select New Scope. Select Next. In the Name field, enter Sales and then select Next. Enter in the Start IP address field. Enter in the End IP address field. Select Next > Next > Next > Next. From the Router (Default Gateway) dialog, enter an IP address of and then select Add. Select Next. From the Domain Name and DNS Server dialog, add two DNS server addresses as follows: In the IP address field, enter and then select Add. In the IP address field, enter and then select Add. Select Next > Next. From the Activate Scope dialog, make sure that Yes, I want to activate this scope now is selected and then select Next. Select Finish to complete the process of creating the DHCP scope.

4.4.5 You have just configured a scope on the CorpDHCP server to service the subnet. You need to configure additional TCP/IP parameters for all clients serviced by the CorpDHCP server. In this lab, your task is to: Configure the following DHCP options for the CorpDHCP server (not on the Subnet1 scope):006 DNS Servers (in the following order): DNS Domain Name: CorpNet.local Configure Subnet1 scope options as follows:003 Router (default gateway) as SCEENSHOTT

Access the CorpDCHP virtual server. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. Maximize the Hyper-V Manager window to view the available server. Right-click CorpDHCP and select Connect. Configure the DHCP server options. From Server Manager, select Tools > DHCP. Maximize the DHCP window for better viewing. Expand CorpDHCP.CorpNet.local > IPv4. Right-click Server Options and select Configure Options. Under Available Options, select the 006 DNS Servers. Enter under IP Address. Select Add to add the IP address to the list. Under IP Address, enter for the second server and then select Add. From the top pane, scroll down and select 015 DNS Domain Name. In the String value field, enter CorpNet.local. Select OK to save the options that you have defined. Configure DHCP scope options. Expand Scope [] Subnet1. Right-click Scope Options and select Configure Options. Under Available Options, select 003 Router. Enter under IP address. Select Add to add the IP address to the list. Select OK to save the options you defined.

4.4.6 You have just configured a scope on the CorpDHCP server to service the subnet. You defined a scope to distribute IP addresses between and However, some of the servers and other network devices on the network have been assigned static IP address in this range. In this lab, your task is to: Prevent the DHCP server from assigning addresses.Exclusion range: to

Access the CorpDHCP Hyper-V server. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER.Resize the window to view all virtual machines. Double-click CorpDHCP to access the server. Exclude the IP address range.From Server Manager's menu bar, select Tools > DHCP. Maximize the window for better viewing.Expand CorpDHCP.CorpNet.local > IPv4 > Scope [] Subnet1. Right-click the Address Pool node and select New Exclusion Range. Enter in the Start IP address field. Enter in the End IP address field. Select Add. Select Close to close the Add Exclusion Range dialog.

4.2.5 pt3

Access the CorpDHCP server.From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER.Maximize the window for better viewing.Double-click CorpDHCP to connect to the server. From the CorpDHCP server, use the DHCP console to reconfigure the settings for the DHCP scope.From Server Manager's menu bar, select Tools > DHCP to start the DHCP console.Expand and select CorpDHCP > IPv4 > Scope [] Subnet1 > Scope Options.Right-click Scope Options and then select Configure Options.Select the 003 Router option.In the bottom pane, select and then select Remove.In the IP address field (the default gateway address), change the address listed to then select Add.Select OK to apply the change. Verify that the ITAdmin and Office2 computers can access the internet.From the top left, select Floor 1 Overview.Under IT Administration, select ITAdmin.From the PowerShell prompt, type ipconfig /renew.This will request the new IP address information from the DHCP server and reconfigure the settings for the Ethernet connection.Enter ipconfig /all to check the Ethernet configuration.Notice that the default gateway is now correctly configured.At the PowerShell prompt, type ping (the ISP) and then press Enter.From the top left, select Floor 1 Overview.Under Office2, select Office2.Repeat steps 6c-6e to fix the problem for the second workstation.Select Score Lab.

5.1.4 In this lab, your task is to: Configure the IPv4 settings for the Ethernet network card to use the following DNS server addresses:Preferred DNS server: alternate DNS server: alternate DNS server: the static DNS server information. SCREEN SHOT

Access the Ethernet properties dialog. a. Under Dorm Room, select Dorm-PC. b. Right-click the Network icon in the taskbar's notification area and select Open Network & Internet settings. c. From the right pane, select Change adapter options. d. Right-click Ethernet and select Properties. 2. Configure the new DNS addresses. a. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4). b. Select Properties. c. Select Use the following DNS server addresses to manually configure the DNS server addresses. d. Select Advanced to configure more than two DNS server addresses. e. Select the DNS tab. f. Under DNS server addresses, select Add to configure DNS server addresses. g. Enter the DNS server address and then select Add. h. Repeat steps 2f-2g to configure the two additional DNS server addresses. i. Select OK. 3. Validate the new DNS settings. a. From the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IP4) Properties window, select Validate settings upon exit. b. Select OK. c. Select Close to close Ethernet Properties

4.1.11 You work as the IT administrator for a small corporate network. You need to configure the workstation in the executive office so it can connect to the local network and the internet. The workstation has two network interface cards (named Ethernet and Ethernet 2). Having two network cards allows the workstation to connect to the local network (as shown in the exhibits) and another small network, which is not yet built. In this lab, your task is to: For both network cards, configure the IP version 4 TCP/IP settings using the settings specified in the table below. From the Exec computer, ping the preferred DNS server assigned to the Ethernet NIC to verify that it can communicate successfully.

Access the properties for the NIC named Ethernet. Right-click Start and then select Settings. Select Network & Internet. From the right pane, select Change adapter options. Right-click Ethernet and then select Properties. Configure the IP version 4 TCP/IP settings for the Ethernet NIC. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4). Select Properties. Make sure Use the following IP address is selected. This lets you manually configure the IP address and default gateway. Configure the Internet Protocol information as follows: IP address: Subnet mask: Default gateway: Preferred DNS server: or Select OK. Select Close. Configure the IP version 4 TCP/IP settings for the Ethernet 2 NIC. From the Network Connections window, right-click Ethernet 2 and then select Properties. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4). Select Properties. Select Use the following IP address. Configure the Internet Protocol information as follows: IP address: Subnet mask: Default gateway: None Preferred DNS server: None Select OK. Select Close. Ping the preferred DNS server assigned to the Ethernet NIC. Right-click Start and select Windows PowerShell. From the PowerShell prompt, type one of the following: ping ping Press Enter.

4.5.4 In this lab, your task is to: Use Routing and Remote Access to configure CorpServer2 as a DHCP Relay Agent by performing the following:Add the DHCP Relay Agent routing protocol.Add NetTeam as a DHCP Relay Agent interface.Set the boot threshold to 0.Configure the DHCP Relay Agent properties to identify as the DHCP server. Renew the TCP/IP information on Exec2 (the client machine in Building B). Verify that Exec2 has a network connection.

Add the DHCP Relay Agent routing protocol. From Server Manager, select Tools > Routing and Remote Access. Expand IPv4. Right-click General and select New Routing Protocol. Select DHCP Relay Agent and then select OK. Add and configure a Relay Agent interface. From the left pane, right-click DHCP Relay Agent and select New Interface. Select NetTeam and then select OK. Make sure Relay DHCP packets is selected. Set the boot threshold to 0 (zero). Select OK. Configure the DHCP Relay Agent properties to identify the DHCP server. Right-click DHCP Relay Agent and select Properties. In the Server address field, enter (the IP address of the DHCP server). Select Add and then select OK. Renew the TCP/IP address and verify the connection. From the top left, select Floor 1. Under Manager Office, select Exec2. Right-click Start and select Windows PowerShell (Admin). In PowerShell, type ipconfig. Notice that the current IP address is on the network. In PowerShell, type ipconfig /renew and then press Enter. The computer should receive an address on the network. From the taskbar, select the network icon to view the connection status.

2.7.3 You need to customize Remote Desktop settings on your computer to allow Tom Plask, a help desk technician, remote access to your system. In this lab, your task is to: Configure Office1 to allow connections from Remote Desktop. Add Tom Plask as a user that will be able to connect to Office1 using a Remote Desktop connection. Verify that the firewall ports for Remote Desktop are opened appropriately.

Configure Office1 to allow connections from Remote Desktop. 1.Right-click Start and select Settings. 2.Maximize the window for better viewing. 3,Select System. 4.From the left pane, select Remote Desktop. 5.Under Enable Remote Desktop, slide the button to the right. 6.Select Confirm. Add Tom Plask as a user that will be able to connect to Office1 using a Remote Desktop connection. 1.Under User accounts, click Select users that can remotely access this PC. 2.Select Add. 3.Enter Tom Plask. 4.Select OK to add the user. 5.Select OK to close the dialog. Verify that the firewall ports for Remote Desktop are opened appropriately. 1.From the Settings app, select Home (upper left). 2.Select Update & Security. 3.Select Windows Security. 4.Select Firewall & network protection. 5.Select Allow an app through firewall. 6.Scroll down and verify that Remote Desktop is marked. (The corresponding port is opened or closed automatically when you enable or disable the service in System Properties.) Select Cancel.

7.4.6 In this lab, your task is to: Create an Active Directory group account named Managers in the Users folder. Configure the Managers group with a domain local group scope and a distribution group type. Add the following user accounts as members of the Managers group:Juan SuarezMark BurnesShelly Emery

Connect to the CorpDC virtual machine. From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER. Double-click CorpDC to open the virtual server. Create a domain local distribution group. From Server Manager, select Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers. Maximize the window for better viewing. From the left pane, expand CorpNet.local. Right-click Users and select New > Group. Enter Managers in the Group name field. From the Group scope pane, select Domain local. From the Group type pane, select Distribution. Select OK. Add user accounts to the Managers group. From the right pane, right-click Managers and select Properties. Select the Members tab. Select Add. In the Enter the object names to select field, enter the following including the semicolon: Juan Suarez; Mark Burnes; Shelly Emery Select Check Names and verify that the object names were found. Select OK to add the new group member. Select OK to apply the changes.

4.6.8 In this lab, Explore the DHCP configuration on CorpDHCP and identify which scopes, exclusions, and options are currently configured. Add the CorpDHCP2 server to the DHCP console. Explore the DHCP configuration on CorpDHCP2 and identify which scopes, exclusions, and options are configured. On CorpDHCP, use the Split-Scope wizard to split the Subnet1 scope between CorpDHCP and CorpDHCP2.Configure CorpDHCP to handle 85 percent of the IP addresses.Configure CorpDHCP2 to handle 15 percent of the IP addresses.Configure a 2 millisecond delay for the target server response.Identify which exclusions have been added to the CorpDHCP server.Identify which scopes, exclusions, and options have changed on the CorpDHCP2 server. Activate the backup scope for Subnet1 on CorpDHCP2. SCRENNSHOT

Explore the DHCP configuration Add the CorpDHCP2 server to the DHCP console Explore the DHCP configuration on CorpDHCP2 Configuring a DHCP Split-Scope. Explore and activate the new scope

4.2.7 pt3

Fixing the Issue From your troubleshooting steps, you found that Office1 was the only computer having connectivity issues. As you examined and compared Office1's IP settings, you found that it was using the wrong subnet mask and DNS server. Since DHCP was not being used (DHCP Enabled was set to NO), the IP information must have been manually entered using bad or outdated information. You will now rectify the issue by configuring the Office1 computer to obtain its IP information from the DHCP server. From Office1, configure the network connection to request the IP address information from the DHCP server: Right-click Start and then select Settings. Select Network & Internet. Select Ethernet. From the right pane, select Change adapter options. Right-click Ethernet and then select Properties. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and then select Properties. Select Obtain an IP address automatically. Select Obtain DNS server address automatically. Select OK. Select Close. Close the Networking Connections and Settings windows. Verify that Office1 is now able to connect to the internet. From the PowerShell prompt, type ipconfig /all. Verify the following settings: DHCP Enable: Yes Subnet mask: DNS Servers: From the PowerShell prompt, run the following ping commands (press Enter after each command): ping (CorpServer) ping (ITAdmin) ping (the internet service provider) Notice that both pings are successful. From the top right, select Answer Questions. Scroll to the bottom and select Score Lab.

1.2.7 Clean up system files I HAVE SCREENSHOT

From Server Manager, select Tools > Disk Cleanup. From the Disk Cleanup: Drive Selection window, verify that System (C:) is selected and then select OK. From the Disk Cleanup tab, under Files to delete, leave all items currently marked as-is and then place a checkmark in each of the following:Microsoft Defender AntivirusWindows error reports and feedbackDirectX Shader CacheDelivery Optimization FilesSetup Log filesSystem queued Windows Error Reporting Select OK. Select Delete Files.

1.2.4 3. Install the SalesPrinter attached to the CorpFiles16 server and then set it as your default printer.

From Windows Settings app, select Devices. From the left pane, select Printers & scanners. From the right pane, select Add a printer or scanner. Select SalesPrinter on CorpFiles16. Select Add device. After the printer has been installed, under Printers & scanners, select SalesPrinter on CorpFiles16. Select Manage. Select Set as default. In the top left, select the Home icon to return to the Windows Settings page.

1.2.4 4. Enable Remote Desktop.

From Windows Settings app, select System. From the left pane, select Remote Desktop. From the right pane, under Enable Remote Desktop, slide the switch to On. Select Confirm. In the top left, select Home to return to the Windows Settings page.

4.2.7 pt2

From the PowerShell prompt, type ipconfig /all and press Enter. From the top right, select Answer Questions. Answer Questions 1 and 2. From Office1, use the ipconfig /all command to analyze the differences between Office1 and ITAdmin IP information. From the top left, select Floor 1 Overview. Under Office1, select Office1. From the PowerShell prompt, type ipconfig /all and then press Enter. Answer Questions 3-6. Minimize the Lab Questions dialog.

1.2.7 Modify adapter settings. I HAVE SCREENSHOT

From the top left of the Settings app, select Home. Select Network & Internet settings. From the right pane, select Change adapter options.Notice that there are several real and several virtual network adapters. Right-click vEthernet (External) and select Properties. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and then select Properties. Change the subnet mask to and then select OK. Select Close. Close Network Connections.

1.2.7 Adjust the display setting. I HAVE SCREENSHOT

From the top left of the Settings app, select Home. Select System. From the left pane, scroll down and select About. Maximize the windows for better viewing. From the right pane, scroll down and under Related settings select Advanced system settings. From the Advanced tab, under Performance, select Settings. Select Adjust for best performance and then select OK. Select OK to close System Properties. Close the System window. From the top right, select Answer Questions. Select Score Lab.

4.4.4 You are a network technician for a small corporate network. You want to use DHCP to provide TCP/IP address information to the workstations on the network. You already have a Windows Server 2022 server named CorpDHCP installed and running as a guest on CorpServer. You have installed the DHCP server role, and now you are ready to configure an IPv4 scope.

In this lab, your task is to: On the CorpDHCP server (running as a guest on CorpServer), create a DHCP IPv4 scope with the following parameters: Scope name: Subnet1 Address range: to Length: 24 Subnet mask: Exclusions and delays: Do not set Lease duration: Accept the default duration Scope option for the router (default gateway): Parent domain: Accept the default Scope option for DNS servers: WINS Servers: Do not set On CorpDHCP, activate the Subnet1 scope. On Gst-Lap in the Lobby, confirm the DHCP scope settings by configuring the local area connection to obtain its IP and DNS addresses automatically from the DHCP server. SCREENSHOT

4.10.4 In this lab, your task is to configure a NIC team on CorpServer as follows: Move the network cable from the onboard adapter in the CorpServer to the 4 port NIC in CorpServer. Connect network cables from the 4 port NIC on CorpServer to switch ports 19, 20, and 22. Configure the adapter ports as members of a NIC team using the following parameters:Team name: NetTeamConfigure Ethernet 3 through Ethernet 6 as members of the team.Teaming mode: LACPLoad balancing mode: Address HashStandby adapter: None (all adapters Active) Configure the Hyper-V Virtual Switch Manager to use the new NIC team for the External network, using the Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexor Driver. Verify the status of the team and your network connection in Network and Sharing Center. SCREENSHOT

Move the network cable from the onboard adapter in CorpServer to the 4 port NIC in CorpServer.Above the rack, select Back to switch to the back view of the rack.Drag the network cable from the onboard network adapter on CorpServer (the 1U server) to a free port on the 4 port NIC in CorpServer.Above the rack, select Front to switch to the front view of the rack.In the Selected Component window, verify that the other end of the network cable is connect to port 21 on the switch. Connect network cables from the 4 port NIC on CorpServer, to switch ports 19, 20, and 22.Under Shelf, expand Cables.Select Cat6a Cable, RJ45.From the Selected Component pane, drag an unconnected RJ45 cable end to a port (19, 20, or 22).Repeat steps 2b-2c for two more cables.Above the rack, select Back.From Partial Connections:Drag a cable to an open port on the 4 port NIC in CorpServer.Repeat the previous step until there are no more cables in Partial Connections. Configure the adapter ports as members of a NIC team.On the CorpServer monitor, select Click to view Windows Server 2022.From Server Manager, select Local Server from the menu on the left.Next to NIC Teaming, select Disabled to enable and configure NIC Teaming.In the Teams panel, select Tasks > New Team.Type NetTeam in the Team name field.Select adapters Ethernet 3 through Ethernet 6 to be included in the team.Expand Additional Properties.Configure the additional properties as follows:Teaming mode: LACPLoad balancing mode: Address HashStandby adapter: None (all adapters Active)Select OK to close the NIC Teaming dialog.Close the NIC Teaming window.

4.7.7 The owner of the company (in the Executive Office) and a temporary employee (in the IT Administrator office) both report that their workstations can communicate with some computers on the network, but not on the internet.

On Exec, verify the connectivity problem by pinging ITAdmin, CorpServer, and the internet service provider (ISP). Under Executive Office, select Exec. Right-click Start and select Windows PowerShell (Admin). At the PowerShell prompt, type ping ITAdmin and press Enter. Notice that ITAdmin is translated to, and the ping is returned. The IP address for ITAdmin is in the APIPA range ( to Since Exec can communicate with ITAdmin, it is likely that Exec has been assigned an APIPA address as well. Type ping CorpServer and press Enter. The request times out. Type ping and press Enter. This is the IP address for the ISP. The request times out. There is probably no default gateway configured so that the workstation can send traffic to another network. Type ipconfig /all and press Enter. Notice that DHCP is enabled, but there is no default gateway address or DHCP server entry. Notice that the Autoconfiguration IPv4 Address is This confirms that Exec is using an APIPA address. It also indicates that there is a problem getting IP configurations from a DHCP server.

1.2.4 1. Configure the screen saver settings.

Right-click Start and then select Settings. Maximize the window for better viewing. Select Personalization. From the left pane, select Lock screen. From the right pane, scroll down and select Screen saver settings. Under Screen Saver, use the drop-down to select Photos. Configure the Wait time to 5 minutes. Select On resume, display logon screen. Select OK to close the Screen Saver Settings dialog. In the top left, select Home to return to the Windows Settings page.

4.6.4 The CampusDHCP_1 server is currently the only DHCP server for clients on the subnet. It has a scope that distributes addresses between and with an exclusion for static addresses for servers from to To provide DHCP fault tolerance for this subnet, you plan to configure DHCP failover for the scope with the CampusDHCP_2 server (located on subnet in Campus 2). Routers have been configured to pass DHCP requests between subnets.

SCREENSHOT In this lab, your task is to: Explore the DHCP configuration on CampusDHCP_1. Which scopes, exclusions, and options are configured? Explore the DHCP configuration on CampusDHCP_2. Which scopes, exclusions, and options are configured? On CampusDHCP_1, configure failover of the Campus1 scope with the CampusDHCP_2 server.Failover mode: Load balancedLoad balance percentage for the local server: 75%Load balance percentage for the partner server: 25%Shared secret: HelpMyDHCP123 Which scopes, exclusions, and options have been added to the CampusDHCP_2 server?

4.6.5 CampusDHCP_3 is currently the only DHCP server for clients on the subnet. It has a scope that distributes addresses between and with an exclusion for static addresses for servers from to To provide DHCP fault tolerance for this subnet, you want to configure DHCP failover for the scope with the CampusDHCP_2 server (located on subnet in Campus 2). Routers have been configured to pass DHCP requests between subnets.

SCREENSHOT In this lab, your task is to: On CampusDHCP_3, configure failover of the Campus3 scope with the CampusDHCP_2 server.Failover mode: Hot StandbyRole of Partner Server: StandbyAddresses reserved for the standby server: 10%Shared Secret: HelpMyDHCP456 Which scopes, exclusions, and options have been added to the CampusDHCP_2 server?

1.2.4 9. Configure the default minimum password length to 10 characters.

Select Start. Scroll down and select Windows Administrative Tools and then select Local Security Policy. From the left pane, expand and select Account Policies > Password Policy. In the middle pane, double-click Minimum password length. Increase the value to 10 characters and then select OK. Close the Local Security Policy console.

1.2.4 8. Optimize the C: drive.

Select Start. Select the letter A to access the alphabetic options. Select the letter W to jump to the W section of the Start menu. Expand and select Windows Administrative Tools > Defragment and Optimize Drives. Select System (C:). Select Optimize.Viewing the Current Status column, watch the optimization process run. Upon completion, select Close.

4.7.6 pt 2 SCREENSHOT

Use CorpServer to access CorpDHCP and reconfigure the default gateway settings for the DHCP scope.From the top navigation tabs, select Floor 1 Overview.Under Networking Closet, select CorpServer.From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER.Maximize the window for better viewing.Under Virtual Machines, double-click CorpDHCP to connect to the virtual server.From Server Manager, select Tools > DHCP.Maximize the window for better viewing.From the left pane, expand CorpCHCP.CorpNet.local > IPv4 > Scope [] Subnet1.Select Scope Options.In the center pane, double-click 003 Router.Under IP address, select Remove.Enter in the IP address field.Select Add.Select OK. Renew the IP address configurations on the Ethernet adapter for the Support workstation.From the top navigation tabs, select Floor 1 Overview.Under Executive Office, select Exec.At the PowerShell prompt, type ipconfig /renew and press Enter.Notice that the default gateway address is now correctly configured as ping and press Enter.Notice the reply from the ISP address. Renew the IP address configurations on the Ethernet adapter for the Office2 workstation.From the top navigation tabs, select Floor 1 Overview.Under Office 2, select Office2.At the PowerShell prompt, type ipconfig /renew and press Enter.Notice that the default gateway address is now correctly configured as ping and press Enter.Notice the reply from the ISP address.

4.7.6 In this lab, your task is to: Diagnose and fix the problem. Use the following troubleshooting tools to accomplish the task: Command line utilities:ping(ping IP address or hostname)ipconfig(ipconfig /all or ipconfig /renew)tracert(tracert IP address or hostname) Network and Sharing Center. Network & Internet settings. The DHCP server console in the Windows Server operating system. The network diagram and schematic found in Exhibits. The employees in the Exec Office and Office 2 report that their workstations can communicate with some computers on the network, but not on the internet. SCREENSHOT

Use Office2 to verify the connectivity problem by pinging Exec, CorpServer, and the internet service provider (ISP).Right-click Start and select Windows PowerShell (Admin).At the PowerShell prompt, type ping Exec and press Enter.Notice that Support is translated to, and the ping is returned.Type ping Corpserver and press Enter.Notice that CorpServer is translated to, and the ping is returned.Type ping (the ISP) and press Enter.The request times out. Use Exec to verify the connectivity problem by pinging Office2, CorpServer, and the internet service provider (ISP).From the top navigation tabs, select Floor 1 Overview.Under Executive Office, select Exec.Right-click Start and select Windows PowerShell (Admin).At the PowerShell prompt, type ping Office2 and press Enter.Notice that Office2 is translated to, and the ping is returned.Type ping Corpserver and press Enter.Notice that CorpServer is translated to, and the ping is returned.Type ping and press Enter.The request times out. Use ipconfig /all to check the Ethernet adapter configuration.At the PowerShell prompt, type ipconfig /all and press Enter.Notice that the Ethernet adapter is configured with DHCP Enabled, and the DHCP server has an IP address of This is the correct IP address. The Ethernet adapter is receiving its IP address, default gateway address, and DNS addresses from the correct DHCP server.However, notice that the default gateway address is incorrectly configured as The Exhibit shows that the default gateway should be The DHCP server must be giving out the wrong default gateway address. This is probably why the workstation can't communicate with the ISP and the internet.

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