That Was Then, This is Now: Chapter Questions

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How did M&M's father treat M&M?

His father always picks on him about his failing grades in gym and about his hair and all the other bad things about M&M.

What did M&M do while they were at the Ribbon?

M&M got out of the car and ran away with his friends from Cathy and Bryon. He told them he was never going back home.

Describe M&M at the beginning of the book.

M&M is a serious, honest, nonviolent, trusting thirteen-year-old. He has charcoal hair and big gray eyes, either going barefoot or wearing moccasins. He would always have a bag of M&Ms with him.

What did M&M say when Mark said he wanted to find someone to jump?

M&M stated that Mark and Bryon are the weird ones due to rescuing him from being beaten up for his differences, but deciding to do the same to a person that is different.

What was Mr. Carlson's reaction to the news about M&M?

M&M's father "knew" that he would be back by the next day and that it was just a phase.

Describe the meeting between Bryon, Mark, and Angela at the Ribbon.

Mark and Bryon parked near Angela at the Ribbon. Angela wanted to see the boys and joined them in a ride to get rum. Bryon and Angela drank all the rum, while Mark secretly had Coke. Angela sobbed about her life, passed out, and Mark shaved her head. They left her on her front yard.

What happened to Mark because of his talent?

Mark got Charlie to give in to giving him and Bryon a Coke, paying him three dollars the next day. He also got caught hot-wiring a car and is on probation.

Describe the incident with the principal's car and Mark.

Mark got caught trying to steal and hot-wire the principal's car. His explanation was that he used it everyday to tell his probation officer that he won't hot-wire cars. The principal laughed and Mark had to get picked up by his officer instead.

Where did Mark live? Why?

Mark lived with Bryon and his mom because his parents shot each other during a drunken argument.

Where did Mark and Bryon get the money to pay Charlie?

Mark stole the money from the people with Curly who tried to beat up M&M.

What did Mark think about Curtis?

Mark thought that Curtis probably didn't even have a clue that Angela liked him and that he was good-looking.

What was Mark's opinion of Mike, just like who?

Mark thought that Mike was stupid for doing a black girl a favor only to get beaten up. He thought Mike was retarded for not hating them for the rest of his life, similar to the old man.

How did Bryon find out where M&M was?

Mark told Bryon that he knew where M&M was, telling him that he was just fine.

What talent did Mark have?

Mark was able to make people give in to doing what he wanted. Mark also had the ability to hot-wire cars.

What was Mark doing for Bryon to think he was acting strange?

Mark was acting strange around Bryon and Cathy, seeming like he was jealous of their relationship.

What did Bryon and Mark discuss when they left the place?

Mark was talking and defending pot, grass, and rum against Bryon, although not saying anything. Mark claims to not smoke pot since Bryon is suspicious.

What did Mark, Bryon, and Cathy do at the Ribbon?

Mark, Cathy, and Bryon were hanging out there with M&M in their car.

What is another alternate way of seeing the story?

People come and go, but you have to live with yourself forever.

How did people at school feel about the school party fight?

People were talking about all kinds of versions for the fight and believed what they wanted to instead of the real thing. Mark was a hero of some sort, everyone hated Angela, and Curtis was sympathized with.

Who was Randy and what did he do for the two boys?

Randy was a hippie with long hair and a beard, majoring in English. He gave the boys a ride to the hospital.

What was the Ribbon?

The Ribbon was a two-mile long stretch of hot dog, hamburger stands, drive-ins, and supermarkets, where teens usually hang out and pick up chicks. This also used to be where the Socs lived.

What eventually happened to the Texans?

The Texans were caught, tried, and sentenced to life in prison.

Bryon said he had never been able to accept...


Describe the incident involving Mark and Curtis at the school party.

A random guy wanted to pick a fight with Curtis and they start swinging. However, the guy picks up a broken beer bottle and Mark tries to defend Curtis. Mark ends up on the ground unconscious with a gash on his head.

How did the incident happen? What did Bryon do about the situation?

Angela used the guy to pick up a fight with Curtis as a way for revenge. Bryon wanted to get back at Angela and went along with Mark to the hospital.

How did Bryon and Mark spend the afternoon?

Bryon and Mark spent the afternoon thinking and talking about the memories they hold when they were younger together and how things changed.

What happened after Mark and Bryon hustle the Texans, including Dirty Dave?

Bryon and Mark were stopped in an alley by the Texans, one of them holding a gun and one holding brass knuckles. Charlie saves them with a sawed-off shotgun, but Mark and the Texans end up shooting at each other. Charlie was shot and killed.

What was Bryon's problem at the bar?

Bryon couldn't get a Coke from Charlie, as he was three dollars in debt.

How does Bryon describe his relationship with Mark in Chapter 1?

Bryon describes Mark as his best friend and the brother he never had, as they treat each other that way.

How did Bryon describe himself and Mark, as a partnership?

Bryon describes himself as the hustler, while Mark being the thief; a great pair. However, Bryon knew what was wrong with what he was doing, while Mark didn't.

How did Bryon feel about the sentence given to the Texans?

Bryon didn't feel any hatred, happiness, care, or vengeance towards them, unable to change the fact that Charlie has died.

What were Bryon's feelings towards Curtis and why?

Bryon didn't like Curtis and felt furious toward him. He believed that Curtis is conceited and attracted Angela away from him.

Describe the first meeting between Cathy and Bryon.

Bryon didn't recognize Cathy, at first, thinking she was pretty and they started talking. Cathy had a job there and gave him a Coke and a hamburger, Bryon realizing it was M&M's sister.

Did Bryon want to get even with Curly and Tim?

Bryon didn't want to get even with them or even hated them.

How did the date with Cathy end?

Bryon dropped Cathy off at her place and they talked only for a bit.

Describe Bryon's mood on Monday, during school.

Bryon felt as if the afternoon speaking with Mark was still going on. He thought that he knew what people were thinking and doing, and why.

Where did Bryon get a job and how?

Bryon got a job at the supermarket by changing his attitude.

In what ways, did Charlie mention, was Bryon dishonest? What did Bryon think?

Bryon lies mostly like a dog, about his statements, Charlie always double-checking them. Bryon was too mad to think about it but wanted to think about it later.

What was Bryon's thinking of why everyone wanted to be Mark's friend?

Bryon thought of Mark as an innocent little lion. He thought that people had always dreamed of having a pet lion.

Why did Curly have a grudge against Bryon?

Bryon used to go out with Curly's sister, Angela, but she broke up with him. Bryon spreads rumors about him breaking up with her.

How did Bryon solve his problem at the bar?

Bryon was saved by Mark. Mark claims to have the three dollars by the next day if they were both given a Coke each.

Where was Bryon's mother in Chapter 2? Why?

Bryon's mother was at the hospital because she had to go through an expensive operation.

What were the problems with M&M at home?

Cathy claims that M&M is hanging out with the wrong kind of people, is smoking marijuana, and isn't happy anymore at home.

Who understood how Bryon felt, Cathy or Mark?

Cathy knew how Bryon felt about Charlie's death, feeling guilty, everything in slow motion, and he was forced to mature quickly.

What was Cathy's response to her father's reaction?

Cathy said it was all his fault because he always teased him about his hair and grades. Cathy said that M&M usually never does things like this and it is not just a phase. She believes that her father should've said more better things to M&M.

What does Cathy think of her father's treatment toward M&M?

Cathy thinks that her dad needs to acknowledge and tell M&M about how great he is, because he feels underappreciated.

What happened to Bryon while he was waiting on the steps at Terry Jones's house?

Curly and Tim came along and beat up Bryon for what Mark did to Angela. He easily told them what had happened and apologized. He didn't hate them for beating him up.

TRUE OR FALSE: Bryon bought Charlie's car after his death.

False: Bryon actually was given the car after the death of Charlie.

How did Bryon say he felt about Cathy?

He felt a vague feeling of jealousy, but mostly love for the people she cares about.

What was Bryon's main problem about Cathy?

He knew that Cathy only liked him. Bryon wanted her to go crazy over him.

Whom did Bryon's mother ask him to visit? What did Bryon learn about the person?

He was told to go visit the boy about his age who didn't get any visitors. He learned that he was in pretty bad shape and almost got killed due to giving a black girl a ride home, but ended up getting beat up by her neighbors.

What were the hippie years?


What year did S.E. Hinton wrote the book?


What historical events led up to Bryon's generation?

There was a stock market crash, the Great Depression, World War II, and baby boomers.

Where did Bryon and Mark go to look for M&M? Did they find him?

To look for M&M, they went to an old part of town that used to be fancy. One of the big houses had the sign "LOVE" on it. They couldn't M&M, although seen and known around that area.

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