THE 191

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Climatic Plot Structure

1. complications that build on each other through cause and effect 2. late point of attack

Serial plot structure

1. independent vignettes 2. The Colored Museum

Episodic Plot Structure

1. proliferation of events and characters 2. wide range of locations, extended periods of time 3. early point of attack

From the items that follow, select all those found by Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale in the kitchen?

A birdcage Some unfinished quilting A dead canary

Select the one correct answer to the following question: What does Mrs. Hale hide in her coat pocket?

A box containing a dead canary

This question is about the content in the video lectures about theatre audiences. Of the following statements, three are correct. Select all three correct statements.

A performance of a play cannot occur as a produced piece of theatre without a live audience. In 21st century Western culture, passive audiences are often seen as well-behaved ones. Cultural background can impact audience behavior and change what is considered "normal."

This question comes from the content of the module lecture videos. Choose all the correct answers. Theatre refers to...

A seeing place. A building or other places where performances happen. An activity to those producing it.

Agonists is a Greek word meaning both "combatant" and "________________."


This question comes from the content of those few pages of reading assigned from the book called Antigone. You read about the birth of drama in Athens in the 5th century BCE. From the groups of words that follow, select the one group that would complete the following sentence correctly: Drama was born when, instead of just narrating events, an __________ assumed a __________ and interacted accordingly with the __________, who were also now seen as persons specific to the drama.


This question comes from the content of the module lecture videos. Choose the one correct answer. Theatre played different roles to different people in different historical periods. Theatre was a religious celebration to ___________________________.

Ancient Greeks

Identify the character from the reading of Antigone who says the following lines: "...I would never thinkyour pronouncements had such strength that, beingmortal, they could override the unwritten,ever-lasting prescriptions of the gods,for those aren't something recently made, butlive forever, and no one knows when they firstappeared. I did not intend to paythe penalty to the gods for violatingthese laws in fear of some man's opinion,for I know I will die."


Select the one correct answer to the following question: Which theatre artist or group of artists decided to produce theatre in unconventional spaces like warehouses and airplane hangars in order to pull audiences out of their comfort zones to the point of shaking audiences to their very core?

Antonin Artaud

Extraordinary people in extraordinary conditions

Archetypal characters

Select the one correct answer. The last moments of the play...

Are of Gabriel dancing an eerie dance and then howling.

Select the one correct answer to the following question: Of the following theatre spaces, which one presents the challenge of designing scenery minimal enough so as not to block the audience's view of the actors?


This question comes from the content of the module lecture videos. From the statements below, choose all that are correct.

Art imitates the soul of the matter, not the matter itself. By definition, art contains some form of structure. Appreciation of the arts requires open mindedness.


Black box

Identify which character in Fences says the following lines of dialogue: "Tell you what I'll do...when you finish building this fence for Rose...I'll buy Lucille that refrigerator."



Characters with dominant trait

Sir Fopling Flutter, Lady Sneerwell, and Snake

Characters with dominant trait


Chinese opera

This question comes from the content of the video posted on YouTube called "Greek Drama: From Ritual to Theater." Select the one correct answer. "Catharsis" is a Greek word meaning...

Cleansing or purification.

This question comes from the content of the module lecture videos. All of the following answers are correct EXCEPT ONE. Choose the one INCORRECT answer. Learning about art can make a positive impact on our lives. Benefits include...

Confirming what we already believe.

Identify the character from Trifles who says the following lines: "No, Peters, it's all perfectly clear except a reason for doing it. But you know juries when it comes to women. If there was some definite thing. Something to show—something to make a story about—a thing that would connect up with this strange way of doing it—"

County Attorney, George Henderson

Identify the character from the reading of Antigone who says the following lines: "...She showedherself capable of insolence then,going beyond the laws put before her.Her second insolence, after she haddone it, was to exult in her deed andlaugh that she had done it. Now I am no man,but she is a man, if power lies with herwith impunity."


Characters that exhibit traits of having been created by external pressures like societal expectations

Deconstructed characters

For them, life boils down to a series of coincidences and meaningless talk.

Depersonalized characters

Of the following statements or phrases, select the three that are correct in describing some aspect of depersonalized characters.

Depersonalized characters appeared in the works of playwrights beginning in the 20th century. Depersonalized characters can be found in Absurdist plays. Depersonalized characters fill their lives with meaningless activities and chatter.

This question comes from the content of the video posted on YouTube called "Greek Drama: From Ritual to Theater." Which one of the gods worshipped by the ancient Greeks is considered the god of theatre? The same god was also considered the god of ecstasy and fertility.


This question comes from the content of the video posted on YouTube called "Greek Drama: From Ritual to Theater." Select the one correct answer. Why was theatre an appropriate way to worship Dionysus?

Dionysus represents the breakdown of traditional hierarchies between male and female, rich and poor, old and young, and citizens and slaves. Tragedies and comedies in the theatre often represented plots and experiences that reflect such breakdowns.

This question is about the content in the video lectures about theatre audiences. Samuel Taylor Coleridge used the phrase "willing suspension of __________________" to describe the unspoken contract between audience and performance.


This question comes from the content of the module lecture videos. Fill in the blanks with the one correct combination of words. _______________________ is the story of humankind; ____________________ is one means of presenting that story.


This question comes from the content of those few pages of reading assigned from the book called Antigone. You read about Greek tragedy and its importance in Athens in the 5th century BCE. Of the statements that follow, one is INCORRECT. Select the one that is INCORRECT.

Each day during a festival, one tragedy would be performed before an audience that numbered up to 7,500 people.

Ta' ziyeh

Enactment of origin of division between Sunni and Shiite Muslims

This question comes from the content of those few pages of reading assigned from the book called Antigone. You read and learned about the mythological background to Antigone. From the statements about mythological background that follow, select the ONE that is INCORRECT.

Eteocles killed his brother Polynices in a fight for the kingdom of Argos.

Indicate whether the following statement is true or false: Since its invention during the Renaissance in Italy and up to our own time, the proscenium stage struggled to gain popularity in the West.


This question comes from the content of those few pages of reading assigned from the book called Antigone. Select all correct answers. You read about the importance of burial in Greek religion. You learned that...

Giving a proper burial to a loved one fell to the family, especially to the women. A proper burial ensured that the departed soul can cross the river Styx and enter Hades. Burials involved cremation, tombs, and libations.


Greek Theatre

Identify the character from the reading of Antigone who says the following lines: "This is how it happened: When we came back,threatened by those terrible things you said,we brushed back all the dust that was coveringthe body, left the clammy thing well andtruly bare. Then, we lay under shelterof the highest hills, fleeing the foul stench....After a while...the girl was seen, who was wailingbitterly like the shrill voice of a birdwho sees her empty nest, stripped of its nurslings.Thus she screamed, when she saw the uncoveredbody...."


Archetypal characters personify important aspects of ________________________ that speak across cultures and time.


This question comes from the content of the module lecture videos. One idea conveyed by art is beauty. According to the lecture posted for this module, beauty has a something to do with all of the following statements, EXCEPT ONE. Choose the one INCORRECT answer.

In a picture, only color and texture can convey beauty.

This question is about the content in the video lectures about theatre audiences. From the following phrases, three complete the sentence accurately. Select all three of the phrases that complete the sentence accurately. Realism is a style of theatre...

In which actors pretend the audience is not present. That happened at a time of advances in lighting technology allowing producers to light the whole stage and darken the house. That grew out of the interest of some playwrights to examine psychological and sociological forces.

This question comes from the content of the video posted on YouTube called "Greek Drama: From Ritual to Theater." Select all of the correct responses. In the tragic play Oedipus, taboos, or cultural prohibitions, are broken, including...

Incest. Killing one's own parent.

Choose the one correct answer. Why can your dorm room--or, if you don't live in a dorm room, some other living space--be transformed into a theatre space?

It's a space where people can gather to attend an enactment of the events of a story.


Japanese theatre that emphasizes meditative stillness


Japanese theatre that emphasizes star actors

Identify the character from Trifles who says the following lines: "Well, my first thought was to get that rope off. It looked ... (stops, his face twitches) ... but Harry, he went up to him, and he said, 'No, he's dead all right, and we'd better not touch anything.' So we went back down stairs. She was still sitting that same way. 'Has anybody been notified?' I asked. 'No', says she unconcerned. 'Who did this, Mrs Wright?' said Harry. He said it business-like—and she stopped pleatin' of her apron. 'I don't know', she says. '"

Lewis Hale

This question comes from the content of the module lecture videos. Type the correct word to complete the following sentence. In order to receive credit, avoid typos (typographical mistakes). "The little world of theatre helps us understand the big world of _______________."


From the statements that follow, select all that were listed as tips for reading plays in the recorded lecture?

Look up words and references you do not know. Read slowly, especially at first. Read out loud sometimes.

This question comes from the content of the module lecture videos. Choose the one correct answer. Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote that the purpose of drama is to imitate the inner process of reality. By "inner process," he meant...

Motivations, yearnings, and needs.

Identify the character from Trifles who says the following lines: "I might have known she needed help! I know how things can be—for women. I tell you, it's queer... We live close together and we live far apart. We all go through the same things—it's all just a different kind of the same thing, (brushes her eyes, noticing the bottle of fruit, reaches out for it) If I was you, I wouldn't tell her her fruit was gone. Tell her it ain't. Tell her it's all right. Take this in to prove it to her. She—she may never know whether it was broke or not"


This question comes from the content of the video posted on YouTube called "Greek Drama: From Ritual to Theater." Select the one INCORRECT response: The chorus...

Never comments on the actions, issues, or themes of the unfolding play.

Complete the following statement with the one correct answer: __________________________ contain a passageway, or bridge, through which actors make their entrances and which symbolizes the connection between the spiritual world and earth.

Noh theatres

From the following statements about characters, choose the three that are correct.

One reason that characters are memorable is because they can provoke strong feelings. Playwrights create characters according to the values of their own time and culture. Moliere was a French playwright who created characters that show dominant traits and psychological complexity.

Select the one correct answer. _______________ is/are a convention used by playwrights in writing plays. It is the central conflict of the play.

Opposed forces


Picture Frame

Select the one INCORRECT response to complete the following sentence: One of the functions of dialogue is that it moves the plot of the play forward. Another way of saying this is that dialogue...

Presents arguments between two or more people.

This question is about the content in the video lectures about theatre audiences. Select the one correct answer. Political theatre is a kind of theatre...

Produced with the intention of supporting a political movement.

Characters whose desires and emotions are drawn in great detail

Psychological characters

The character of Nora from A Doll's House

Psychological characters


Roman Colesium

Identify which character in Fences says the following lines of dialogue: "From right now...this child got a mother. But you a womanless man."


Identify which character in Fences says the following lines of dialogue: "I got a life too. I gave eighteen years of my life to stand in the same spot with you. Don't you think I ever wanted other things? Don't you think I had dreams and hopes? What about my life? What about me?"


This question comes from the content of those few pages of reading assigned from the book called Antigone. You read about the chorus in Greek drama. From the following phrases, select all that complete the statement correctly. The chorus...

Sang and danced lyric odes between dramatic episodes. Marched into the orchestra after the play's prologue. Could also act as a character, interacting with the other characters on stage.

Select the one correct answer to the following question: Which theatre artist wrote for and performed on a thrust stage contained within a round, open-air theatre that featured a yard, or pit, for standing audience members and covered galleries for seated audience members.


Complete the following statement with the one correct answer: The ___________________________ was a stage house inside ancient Greek theatres. It provided a backdrop to the action, it allowed actors to make entrances through doorways, and it gave actors a place in which to change their masks.


This question is about the content in the video lectures about theatre audiences. Of the following statements about performance artist Tim Miller, three are correct. Select all three correct statements.

Sometimes performed nude Pushed or challenged audiences with performances that crossed normative or expected behavior Did a performance piece that had to do with the AIDS crisis

Commedia dell'arte

Stock characters

Defined by class, occupation, or marital status

Stock characters

Wily maid and braggart warrior

Stock characters

This question comes from the content of the module lecture videos. Choose all the correct answers. The ingredients of theatre include...

Story Audience

This question comes from the content of the module lecture videos. All of the following answers are correct EXCEPT ONE. Choose the one INCORRECT answer. From the video lectures, you learned that art is difficult to define because each spectator or audience member sees art through his or her own...


This question comes from the content of the module lecture videos. Choose the one correct answer. Theatre played different roles to different people in different historical periods. Theatre was a den of vice to ___________________________.

The Puritans

Alteration in plot structure

The Sound of Music

Select the one correct response to complete the following sentence: The written portion of a musical is called ...

The book

Select the one correct response to complete the following sentence: Dialogue compresses emotion. This means that...

The dialogue covers much emotional ground in a short amount of time.

Found or created

The living theatre

This question comes from the content of the video posted on YouTube called "Greek Drama: From Ritual to Theater." Select the one INCORRECT answer.

The translator of Greek tragedies must honor only the original text written over 2,000 years ago, not his or her own poetic language.

This question comes from the content of the module lecture videos. Choose all the correct answers. Which of the following is or are distinctive aspects of theatre?

Theatre is live. Theatre's subject and medium are the human being.

From the statements below, choose the three that are true of proscenium stages.

Theatres with proscenium stages have conveyed at different historical periods a sense of wealth, power, and influence. In theatres with proscenium stages, the house is sometimes raked. The proscenium stage helps to hide stage mechanics, like ropes and pulleys.

Identify the character from the reading of Antigone who says the following lines: "And you--know well that before the sun hasrun a few laps more, you will give one fromyour loins, a corpse for corpses, in exchangefor those you have sent from above the earthto below it, the living souls you have lodgeddishonorably in a tomb, and theunhappy, unburied, unholy corpseyou hold back from the gods below. ... Take me home, boy, so that this man may venthis anger against younger men and learnto keep his tongue quieter and fill his mindwith more elevated thoughts than he has now."


Identify which character in Fences says the following lines of dialogue: "Death ain't nothing. I done seen him. Done wrassled with him. You can't tell me nothing about death. Death ain't nothing but a fastball on the outside corner."


Because dialogue provokes and embodies action, it can inspire movement or physical action.


This question is about the content in the video lectures about theatre audiences. An audience can be made up of people with different backgrounds, but still come together as a community to go on an emotional journey together.


This question is about the content in the video lectures about theatre audiences. In trying to cultivate a middle-class family audience, managers of Vaudeville theatres sometimes passed out notes to audiences, asking them to remain quiet.


True or False: Characters can fit into more than one character category.


True or False: Stock characters appear in television programs today.


This question comes from the content of the video posted on YouTube called "Greek Drama: From Ritual to Theater." Select the one correct answer. In Athens, Greek plays were put on as part of a(n)...

Weeklong festival in which award-winning plays were produced.

Select the one correct answer. Troy was once a(n)...

a baseball player

Select the one correct answer. Blue is...

a dog

This question comes from the content of the module lecture videos. Choose the one correct answer. Greek philosophers Aristotle and Plato disagreed about the purpose of art. Aristotle believed that the purpose of art was to _____________________, while his teacher Plato believed that it was to ________________________.

awaken the soul...promote the wellbeing of the state

Circular plot structure

breakdown of communication and meaningless characters

This question is about the content in the video lectures about theatre audiences. All of the following answers are true EXCEPT ONE. Select the one INCORRECT answer. During Shakespeare's time at the Globe Theatre in London...

characters addressed (spoke to) each other, but never addressed the audience.

This question is about the content in the video lectures about theatre audiences. One of the following answers is INCORRECT. Select the one INCORRECT answer. In the context of the video lectures for this module, a heterogenous audience is one composed of individuals with different...

clothing styles

Structural variation

departures from chronological order as in flashbacks

This question comes from the content of those few pages of reading assigned from the book called Antigone. Choose the correct answers. From one of the pages of thematic context you read, you learned that Antigone represents ________________________________, while Ismene represents __________________________________.

feeling...reason insanity...rationality

Select the one correct answer. The inciting incident of a play is...

the event in the plot of a play that sets the conflict into motion.

Select the one correct answer. Over the course of the plot of the play, Gabriel moves from a rented room to...

the hospital

Indicate whether the following statement is true or false: In proscenium stages, the so-called "fourth wall" is invisible.


This question is about the content in the video lectures about theatre audiences. Select the one correct answer. Bertolt Brecht sought to increase aesthetic distance as a way of commenting on the social and political implications of the action of the play. To do so, he made use of certain theatrical tools and techniques, including projections, film clips, and an acting technique that allowed the actors to comment on their characters rather than become their characters. He called such techniques...


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