The Americans- Chapter 19

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Franz Ferdinand

*Archeduke of the Austrian-Hungary Empire *Attempted to incopperate Serbian population in the Austrian-Hungary Empire as equals

Schlieffen Plan

*Avoid 2 front war *Based on speed (quick attacks) *Attack stronger opponent first (France) *Plan to win war

Western Front

*Battlefield on the France/German border *Trench warfare (slow, high casualty rate) *Little transfer of territory 2-5 miles

Battle of Somme

*British encounter offensve *last 4 months *half a million killed on each side, *made no difference in war

Sinking of the Lusitania

*British passenger vessel *flying neutral (US) color *sunk by u-boat *130 passenger

Total War

*Complete efforts are dedicated to war *Civilians and cities are military factories

Battle of Marne (II)

*Final major German offensive of the war *Failed to break all lines *Captured Paris *Exhausted its war time capablity

Why were the Balkans considered the "Powder Keg" of Europe prior to WWI

*Formally under control of Ottoman Empire *Recently free due to collaborative European effort *New countries desired and dominated by major European power

Battle of Marne (I)

*French victory over the swift moving German military * Due to the interception of the German plan *Ended the schlieffen plan

Alfred Graf von Schlieffen

*German General *Mastermind of Germany's Plan to win WWI and avoid 2 front war

Eastern Front

*Germany and Russia *Less trench warfare *One sided (Germany) *Large transfer of land

Zimmerman Telegram

*Germany to Mexico *Mexican invasion of the southern united states *Britain stopped the telegram

Black Hand

*Serbian terrorist *Associated and supported by the Serbian government *Looking to remove Austrian-Hungarian from the Balkins

What was the purpose of Wilson's "Peace Amongst Equals"

*attempt to end war and bring peace *no terms (no winner or loser)

Why did Russia leave the war early

*eastern front *huge losses *extreme shortage *communist revolution

What effect did it have on the war

*ended hostilities *closes esatern front

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

*ends war between germany and russia *germany is allowed to keep only territory currently occupied, also the russian border

What were the terms of the Treay of Versailles 1919

*losers (central powers) suffered all colonial claims *germany, austria-hungary, ottoman empire suffered territorial loss *limits of military opponent *democratic gov't *financial damages

Technological Advancements

*machine guns- 600 bullets per min *posion gas *planes *tanks (break stalemate in trenches) *big bertha *penicillin *fake limbs

What was America's stance at the outbreak of WWI

*neutrality *tried to help allies

Fourteen points

*plan for peace *last point was adopted *national self determination

League of Nations, its purpose, and its weaknesses

*post WWI peace organization, collective security, no WWII *not all countries were allowed to join *imperalism as the mandate system

Economic/Political ties to the Allies

*same form of government w. British/France *language, history, religion, economy *double the business w. Britain and France than Germany

Big Four

*woodrow wilson (us) *david lloyd george (britain) *vittorio emanuele orlando (italy) *george clemenceau (france)

Gavrilo Princip

19 yr old assasin, Serbian nationalist, member of the Black Hand

Approximately, how many caualties world-wide were suffered in WWI

20 million


Agreement between countries to go to war if an ally is attacked- IRON CLAD

Eddie Rickenbacker

America's greatest pilot

Identify the countries that were mmbers of the Triple Entente

Briatian, Russia, France


Concept that your country is the best and has the right to take advantage of the other weaker countries- produces ultra-patriotic citizens willing to die for their countries

Which country contributed the most men and $$$ to the war for each side: allies

French (men), USA second most($$$), British first most($$$)

Which country contributed the most men and $$$ to the war for each side: central powers


Battle of Verdun

German offenses, 300,000 each side (western front)

Which country suffered the most casualties for each side: Central Powers


Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

Germany sinking all and neutral ship without warning, endanger US neutrality

Identify the countries that were members of the Triple Alliance

Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary


Idea that your country must be the strongest; use of the military to get needed resources from weaker countries

Economic Competition

International competiton for the limited global resources that bring major nations into conflict


Largest ethic group in the Balkins, dominated and oppress by the Austrian-Hungarians

Which country suffered the most casualties for each side: Allies



Stronger countries taking over weaker countries to get needed resources

National War Labor Board

US federal agency (woodrow wilson)

War Industries Board

US government agency established on july 28, 1917, during WWI to coordinate the purchase of the war supplies. The organization encouraged companies to use mass production techniques to increase efficiency

Committee on Public Information

Wilson created the committee on public info. to promote the war domestically while publizing American war aims board

Shell Shock

an inability to eat or sleep after the slaughter, was common


cold like flu, killed between 20-40 million

John J. Pershing

commander of the american expeditionary force on the western front

"Less Days"

designated days in which the civilian population would go without war sensitive days

Trench Foot

exposure of the feet due to damp, unsanitary, and cold conditions

Field Marshall Foch

french general and marshal of france, great britain, and poland, and a military theorist

What was the American reaction to the Versialles Treaty

german and irish immigrants did not like it republicans did not want any part of it

Espionage & Sedition Act

give gov't control over the justice system and allow them to silence, imprision, jail, execute citizens involved in what was considered unamerican activity

War Bonds

gov't coupons sold to american ppl in order to finance the war beyond military budget

Henry Cabot Lodge, why did he oppose US signing the Versailles Treaty

leading republican senetor, head of opposition of the treaty of versialles

Describe the make-up of the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF)

made up of inexperienced multi-ethnic citizen soldiers

Great Migration

mass exodus of African American from southern states to industrial states from the north

Victory Gardens

personal gardens encouraged by gov't to make sure there is enough food for the miliatry

What is an armistice, and when was the armistice for WWI signed

sieze fire, not an agreement, nov 11th 1919

Alfred Zimmerman

state secretary for foreign affairs of the German empire

Alvin York

took command and captured 132 german soldiers. promoted to the rank of sergeant and recieved the medal of honor

What impact did WWI have on the role women in America

took on jobs of men

What impact did WWI have on African Americans

took on jobs of white men

What was Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles

war gulit cause

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