"The Anime-zing Miyazaki!" and "What's in a Name and a Logo?" Achieve 3000 articles
: artwork or drawing
main idea
What the passage is mostly about
caricature (noun)
a drawing that makes someone look funny or foolish because some part of the person's appearance is exaggerated
animus (noun)
a strong feeling of dislike or hatred
a unique Japanese-style of illustration
caring feelings for others who are having trouble, along with a want to help
inanimate (Adjective
condition of not being alive
dynamic (adjective)
constantly active or changing
displaying little concern for laws or societal rules
derogatory (adjective)
expressing a low opinion of someone or something: showing a lack of respect for someone or something
of recognized authority or excellence
pieces of information that support or tell more about the main idea
compulsive (adjective)
relating to obsessive behavior
the making of movies using drawings that appear to move when shown quickly, one after the other
appropriate (verb)
to take or use (something) especially in a way that is illegal, unfair, etc