The art of public speaking chapter 8

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Numerical data. Understanding statistics. A speech that is supported by the 26 is usually more persuasive than an undocumented presentation.

Quoting out of context

Quoting a statement in such a way as to distort its meaning by removing the statement from the word and paraphrases surrounding it.


To restate or summarize a source is ideas in one's own words.

Brief examples

A specific case referred to in passing to illustrate to the point.

Extended example

A story, narrative, or anecdote developed at some length to illustrate a point.

Hypothetical example

An example that describes an imaginary or fictitious situation. Examples Dama this hypothetical example is especially effective. The speakers create a realistic scenario, related directly to her listeners, and get them involved in the speech. In addition, she uses figures from the speaker for academic integrity to show that honor codes help reduce the incidence of cheating on college campus as an example. Whenever you use a example, it is a good idea to follow it with the tistics for testimony to show that that example is not far fetched.

Practice delivery to enhance your extended examples

An extended example is just like a story on Harrison. The impact of pens as much on delivery as on content. Many students have discovered this the hard way. After spending much time and energy developing a splendid example, they have seen it fall flat because they did not make it vivid and gripping for the listeners.

Summary of chapter 8

Good speeches need strong supporting materials to bolster the speaker's point of view. The three basic types of supporting materials are examples, physics, and testimony. In the course of a speech you should use brief examples, Pacific instances referred to in passing, and sometimes you may want to give several brief examples in a row to create a stronger impression. Extended examples are longer and more detailed hypothetical extended examples are longer more details. Hypothetical examples describe imaginary situations and can be quite effective for relating ideas to the audience. All three kinds of examples help clarify ideas, reinforce ideas, or personalized ideas. To be most effective, they should be visited and richly textured. This kiss Dix can be extremely helpful in conveying your message as long as you use them sparingly and Nathan meaningful to your audience. Above all, you should understand your statistics and use them fairly. Makes your pictures are representative of what they claim to measure, that you use the testicle measures correctly, and that you make statistics only from reliable sources. Fighting the testimony of expertise is a good way to make your ideas more credible. You can also use peer testimony, from ordinary people who have first hand experience on the topic examples describe imaginary situations and in the white sex is for relating I see is the audience. All 3 * help clarify ideas, reinforced ideas, or person. To be back is, this is chris lee have your. Tuesday extremely helpful game your message as long as you use an errand and mason so your audience. Above all, you should understand your sisters and use them barely. Make sure years are represented is what they clean to measure, that you use the testicle measures correctly, you make statistics on reliable sources. Siding have a bird is a good way your ideas credible. You can also use. Have any, from ordinary people first and experience on the topic. Regardless of the kind of testimony, you can either quote someone for Batum or paraphrase his or her words. Be sure to quote or paraphrase accurately and to use qualified, I'm biased sources. When citing sources in a speech, you need to let your audience know where you got your information and why they should accept it as qualified and credible. In most cases, this means identifying the document you are citing, its date of publication or posting, the author or sponsoring organization, and the author's credentials.


Quotation or paraphrases used to support a point.

Peer testimony

Testimony from ordinary people with first hand experience or insight on a topic.

Expert testimony

Testimony from people who are recognized expert in their field

Direct quotation

Testimony that is presented word for word.

Supporting materials

The materials used to support the speakers I did. The three major kinds of supporting materials are examples, statistics and testimony.


The middle numeric number in a group of numbers arranged from highest to lowest.

Make your examples vivid and richly textured

The richly textured examples supplies everyday details that bring the examples to life the speaker provides many details about the subject.


The specific cause he used to illustrate or represent a group of people, ideas, conditions, experiences, or the like.


The value of a group of numbers.

Using examples to clarify your ideas

You probably use a clarifying examples all the time in everyday conversation. If you were explaining to a friend about different body types, you might say quotation look at professor Shanker. He's a typical ectomorph tall, thin, and bony if your morning is we're made up of people from miliar with structural systems, they might be able to visualize what a suspension bridge looks like as an example for example listeners lacking this background you might want to add a simple example. Use examples to reinforce your ideas. To reinforce highdeas the speaker cited the example of something that identifies her topic. Use examples to personalize your ideas. Try using examples but human interest in your speeches. You will soon discover why accomplished speakers consider then the very lifeof a speech.

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