The Awakening · Reading Assignment Answers

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What is a mother-woman? Why is Edna not one? Who is a mother-woman?

"Mother-women" are described as those who "idolized their children, worshiped their husbands, and esteemed it a holy privilege to efface themselves as individuals and grow wings as ministering angels." Edna is nowhere near as enthusiastic about her family and social standing as her friend Adèle Ratignolle, who is portrayed as a mother-woman.

Describe Adele Ratignolle.

Adèle Ratignolle is a very close friend of Edna, but she is very different from Edna in that she embodies Victorian ideals of proper women and dependent housewives. She portrays every trait of a mother-woman as described previously.

Who took charge of Edna's children while she was on the island?

Adèle Ratignolle takes charge of Edna's children while she is on the island.

How does Adele treat Edna's sadness? What does this say about her?

Adèle caresses Edna's hand and says, "pauvre cherie," or "poor darling." This is a very free and outward expression of affection, something that is customary in Creole culture, but it surprises Edna.

How do Edna and Adele's outward appearances represent their inner lives?

Adèle has a more "feminine and matronly" appearance than Edna. While both women dress in the fashions of the era, the feminine style seems to suit Adèle more than it does Edna. Adèle also owes to her feminine clothing for much of her beauty, whereas Edna's features are described as naturally "splendid." This difference reveals Adèle's beauty to be dependent upon her social standing, contrasted with Edna's outward and inward beauty, independent from her surroundings.

How does Adele feel about her domestic chores?

Adèle is enthusiastic about her domestic chores because she knows she is working for her husband and children.

Do you think Adele faked fainting? Why, why not?

Adèle probably faked fainting with an ulterior motive to be alone with Robert or simply to garner attention.

What is the advice Adele gives to Edna? How does Adele feel about Arobin?

Adèle suggests that there has been gossip about Arobin visiting Edna. She warns her to be careful, especially while living alone, of Arobin tarnishing her reputation. She knows that Arobin does not have a good reputation and is known to ruin those of other women.

Why does Adele say to Edna, "Think of the children"?

Adèle tells Edna to "think of the children," almost as if she suspects what is about to happen. This is foreshadowing Edna's future course of action.

Why does Adele tell Robert that Edna is not one of them?

Adèle warns Robert that Edna is different, not a Creole, and thus she might take his joviality or affection too "seriously." She does so in an attempt to have him leave Edna alone.

How does Leonce feel when Edna returns from swimming?

After Edna attempts to swim, Leonce finds her sleeping outside on a hammock. Although he orders her to go inside to sleep, she defies his orders, and he becomes impatient and irritated, especially because Edna would usually obey an order as simple as this.

Now that Edna is awakening from a dream, how does her everyday life affect her?

After feeling like she has awoken from a dream, Edna becomes even more unenthusiastic about her everyday life. It is as if her dreaming introduced her to a new version of herself, but now that she has awoken, she must face the depressing realities of life.

Who is Alcee Arobin? What stories does Robert tell about him?

Alcee Arobin is an infamous man who seduces married women into having affairs with him. Robert tells stories of Arobin seducing the consul's wife at Biloxi, as well as the tenor of the French Opera.

Who is Arobin? What kind of man is he?

Alcee Arobin is known as a seducer or womanizer, particularly for married women. He is now Edna's lover and attends to her whenever Leonce is on a business trip.

Arobin kisses Edna. What are the implications? Remember what the doctor said about Arobin.

Arobin kisses Edna, causing her to respond by holding his head, apparently a sign of her desire. This is the first time a kiss has caused this kind of response in her. This kiss will probably lead to a deeper connection as well as a more passionate romance between Edna and Arobin. However, this may not be good news, considering the doctor's previous foreshadowing of Arobin's behavior.

Arobin walks Edna to her new house. How does he treat her when they arrive?

Arobin walks Edna to her new house and is very respectable and polite toward her. Once they settle in the new house, he begins to caress her, and he does not leave until she complies with his "gentle, seductive entreaties."

What does Edna spend her time doing?

As Edna spends more time trying to explore herself, she spends time painting or exploring unfamiliar places.

Reflect upon the difference between the two women.

As a mother-woman, Adèle prioritizes her family, whereas Edna no longer seems to care for her own family and is instead often reflecting inward. Adèle's lifestyle as a housewife does not seem fitting for Edna, who does not seem to love her family in the same way that Adèle loves hers.

Edna can't swim! What are the implications, then, of her focus on the ocean?

Because Edna cannot swim, she never enters the water. She can only describe the view of the sea from above it or outside of it, not from within it.

Do you agree with Doctor Mandelet's assessment that "woman... is a very delicate and peculiar organism"? Why, why not?

Doctor Mandelet seems to be much more sensible about the subject than Leonce, and while he offers great insight, his words can be applied to any human, not woman alone. Under the correct circumstances, any human can react with peculiar behavior. Here, he is only referencing women to be delicate and peculiar, and this generalization is largely due to the time period and the oppression that women faced.

Doctor Mandelet speaks to Edna as they leave Adele's house. What advice does he give her?

Doctor Mandelet tells Edna that she should visit him if she should ever want to talk about her troubles.

Edna goes to Adele's sick bed. How does this make her feel?

Edna accompanies Adèle as she gives birth. However, the situation causes her to remember giving birth to her own children and how painful it was.

Mlle Reisz mothers Edna; why does Edna let her treat her that way?

Edna allows Mlle Reisz to mother her because Reisz is the only person who knows the most of Edna's current condition and affair with Robert. She may also be offering her company because Mlle Reisz seems to be a lonely figure and gets exicted when Edna visits her.

Describe Edna and Robert's relationship.

Edna and Robert have a platonic friendship. In some ways it is stronger than the relationship between Edna and her husband, since Robert seems to value Edna's thoughts and opinions.

Edna says, "He'd never be in bad humor if it weren't for me," (Leonce). Why does Edna think this?

Edna believes her recent behavior has upset Leonce. She has stopped being so submissive toward him, and as a result, blames herself for his bad mood.

What does Edna blame her change upon?

Edna blames her change upon her time spent with Adèle. She expresses her feelings openly with Adèle, much to her own shock.

Edna meets Robert by chance at an outside cafe. Describe their meeting.

Edna coincidentally meets Robert at an outside café and offers to share her meal with him. She asks why he has been avoiding her, and this sparks some bickering.

After her visit with Adele, what does Edna do about her domestic obligations? Does this surprise you?

Edna completely stopped performing her domestic duties. This is not surprising, considering Edna's recent changes in attitude. She opts to paint instead of do housework.

How does Edna feel after the kiss?

Edna cries after the kiss and after Arobin leaves. Her emotions have overcome her, in addition to a sense of irresponsibility. She lacks any remorse for the kiss, but she regrets that the kiss was one of passion rather than love.

Arobin declares his love to Edna. Does she believe him? Would you?

Edna does not believe it when Arobin declares his love to her and asks him if it is something he would say to all women. Knowing Arobin's tendencies, I would not have believed him either.

What new information did you learn about Mlle Reisz?

Edna does not enjoy Mlle Reisz's company because of her gossiping. Edna goes into the water as Mlle Reisz waits for her, hoping that she will eventually leave, but she does not. Mlles Reisz remains friendly as they walk back from the ocean.

Edna says to Arobin that she would like to "determine what character of a woman" she is. He replies, "Why should you bother thinking about it when I can tell you what manner of a woman you are." Think about Edna's comments concerning wanting to be her own woman, to be possessed by no one. Why would Chopin not have Edna protest such a comment?

Edna does not protest Arobin's comment despite her desire to become her own woman. This may be because she already knows her fate with Arobin; she chose to have this affair, and so she knows what kind of woman that makes her.

Mlle Reisz says to Edna, "To be an artist includes much; one must possess many gifts— absolute gifts— which have not been acquired by one's own effort. And, moreover, to succeed, the artist possess a courageous soul. The brave soul. The soul that dares and defies." Do you think Edna has such a soul? Why, why not? Do you think Mlle Reisz has such a soul? Why, why not?

Edna does possess a courageous soul; she summoned the audacity to rebel against social norms and abandon her responsibilities in order to enjoy her hobbies. Mlle Reisz may possess this kind of soul too, if only for the fact that she is quite peculiar and brave enough to be so.

Which man does Edna fantasize about?

Edna fantasizes about Robert and a Mexican girl, who makes her jealous. She feels that Robert was much closer to her when he was farther away in Mexico.

Leonce is angered when Edna tells him she went out. Why is he angry?

Edna happened to go out on the same day that she usually stays home to receive Leonce's calls. He is angry because no one would receive his calls, and this would affect his business relations.

Why did Edna have an encounter with death?

Edna has an encounter with death when she tries to learn how to swim. As she goes deeper into the surf, she feels that the water between her and the safety of land was too great of a barrier for her to cross alone.

Describe Edna Pontellier. What does she look like? Where is she from? Where does she live now?

Edna is a beautiful, rich, and obedient housewife who is from Kentucky but lives in New Orleans with her husband.

Describe Edna's reaction to hearing Robert is going to Mexico.

Edna is bewildered to learn of Robert's sudden leaving to Mexico.

How is Edna different from Creole women?

Edna is different from the Creole women because she does not feel like a true part of their tight-knit community. Although her husband is a Creole, she still feels very much like an outsider.

Describe Edna's demeanor concerning moving.

Edna is somewhat eager to move to her new house and be free from her family and housework. She takes some of her and her husband's belongings without giving it a second thought.

How is Edna feeling about the house and her domestic chores?

Edna no longer feels the need to perform her domestic chores. Her house, and everything around her, seems "antagonistic" and almost foreign to her.

Edna spends time with Arobin. He feels her "latent sensuality." What does she feel?

Edna only feels indifferent when she spends time with Arobin. She seems to still be hung up over Robert, and not even Arobin can distract her from these feelings.

Edna imagines her time with Arobin means she is being unfaithful to Robert. Does Edna ever think of her husband?

Edna only thinks of Robert when she thinks of betraying her lover because marriage to Leonce is simply a circumstance; it is not a marriage bound by love.

What does Edna come to realize about her "position in the universe"?

Edna realizes that she does indeed have value as an individual, and that she has unique relationships with the world around her. She realizes that beginnings are often "vague, tangled, chaotic, and exceedingly disturbing," but that great things can arise from this chaos.

What doesn't Edna realize about herself?

Edna realizes that she is now different than her past self, but she does not yet realize that she is now seeing the world through "different eyes" and becoming accustomed to "new conditions in herself" that are changing her perception of the world.

Discuss Edna's regard for the sea.

Edna regards the sea with memories of walking through a Kentucky meadow as a young girl when she had no worries or thoughts.

Mlle Reisz tells Edna, "The bird that would soar above the level plain of tradition and prejudice must have strong wings. It is a sad spectacle to see weaklings bruised, exhausted, fluttering back to earth." Do you think Edna is strong enough to soar? Why, why not?

Edna seems to have a promising fate with her decision to break tradition, but she still relies on others around her in order to feel free, especially her lovers. Because of this, she is probably not strong enough to "soar" alone.

Why does Edna cry?

Edna seems to have reached a breaking point when she cries. She had just determined that their son Raoul was not sick with a fever, but Leonce insists that he sick. His reaction seems to have hurt her, or to have brought about some revelation about their relationship.

How does the novel end? What is Edna's fate? Are you surprised? Why, why not?

Edna sinks into the sea, drowning, although it is not known whether this was an accident or an attempt at suicide. Her final thoughts are of her family and her fleeting romance with Robert. This death does not come as a surprise, as it was foreshadowed in previous chapters; however, it is a bit sudden, and Edna only finds closure about her awakening during her final moments.

They return to Edna's house where she kisses him and declares she is possessed by no one. What else does she tell Robert?

Edna tells Robert that she does indeed love him. She claims that Robert caused her awakening, but that she is now in turmoil because he seems to not care for her anymore.

What story does Edna tell at dinner with the doctor and her father?

Edna tells the story of a woman who eloped with her lover by way of canoe. The two escaped to the Baratarian Islands, where they would never be found. The entire story was her own fabrication.

How does Edna feel about sketching?

Edna treats sketching as an unprofessional hobby, one that provides her with satisfaction in a way that no other hobby can.

Why does Edna try to destroy her wedding ring? What change is taking place in her?

Edna tries to destroy her wedding ring by crushing it under her heel but fails to do so, and breaks a vase instead. She is frustrated with her marriage and with the way Leonce treats her. She is finally allowing her emotions to grow and overcome her.

Do you agree with Edna's idea that she would never sacrifice herself for her children?

Edna's claim that she would never sacrifice herself for her children does not seem motherly, but it reflects the changes she is experiencing. In explaining to Adèle, Edna reveals that she does not consider "[her] life" and "herself" to be the same thing; she would sacrifice the former for the sake of her children, but she would not sacrifice the latter. She also reveals that her life is "unessential" whereas her self is essential; she values her identity and personality more than she values her mortal life.

We learn that Edna has decided to move out of her house. How do you think her family will react to this action?

Edna's family will probably not react well to her moving out. Generally, a spouse moving out indicates some conflict in the marriage, and most people will suspect an affair.

Describe Edna's father.

Edna's father is a protestant. He was once a colonel in the Confederate army. He is somewhat rugged, very tall and lanky, but wears padded clothing that exaggerates the breadth of his figure. He seems to be very strict with Edna and the way in which Leonce should treat her.

Describe Edna's infatuation with Robert. What is she jealous about?

Edna's infatuation with Robert is somewhat immature and superficial, but it affects her greatly just as it would affect a young couple. Edna is jealous because Robert wrote to his mother rather than to her.

Describe Edna's sisters.

Edna's younger sister, Janet, was usually quarrelsome around her. Her older sister, Margaret, had assumed a "matronly and dignified" persona. She became the woman of the household and quite "practical" after their mother had passed away when they were still young.

Describe Edna's encounter with him after the races.

Even though Arobin had met Edna several times before the day of the races, this time she seems approachable. He begins to admire her and makes conversation with her. During their second encounter, once they are back in the Pontellier house, Edna reveals her reserved sexuality for the first time.

How does Robert relate to women on the island?

Every summer, Robert devotes himself to being the attendant of one woman on the island. He forms a platonic relationship with them and often holds light conversation with them.

How does Edna think about her emotions?

For her entire life, Edna has become used to harboring her emotions inside of her, but she never let them become struggles. She believes she has a right to her emotions and does not allow anyone else to become involved in them.

How does he feel about Edna's mothering skills?

He does not approve of Edna's mothering skills, scorning her "habitual neglect" of their children.

How would you feel if your partner informed you she/he was moving out?

If my partner were to move out so suddenly, I would suspect that it would not be for no reason. A conflict should not be so impossible that it results in one partner moving out. However, if there were no large conflict, it would definitely raise suspicions of infidelity.

In this last chapter, the novel seems to be repeating itself. Which quotes are similar to or are repeats of previous lines?

In her final moments, Edna thinks about her family, her life, her hobbies, and how Mlle Reisz would have told her that an artist must have a "courageous soul," something she may think Edna lacks.

Edna is pleased to see her children. Does this surprise you? Why, why not?

It is a bit surprising that Edna is pleased to see her children and that it is so hard for her to leave her children, since she never showed any true signs of affection or love for them. However, it is definitely understandable; they are her children, after all, and unlike Leonce, they did not mistreat Edna and ultimately cause her to pursue affairs and move out.

Describe Leonce Pontellier. Specifically describe his reaction to the parrot, how he speaks to his wife, and his reaction to Mrs. Pontellier's question about dinner.

Leonce Pontellier is the husband of Edna. He is a somewhat disrespectful and arrogant man who is rude to his wife. The parrot's outburst makes him stay away from it. He shrugs off Edna's question about dinner, saying that he prefers the club to dinner in his house.

Describe the conversation between Leonce and Doctor Mandelet.

Leonce and Doctor Mandelet discuss Edna's recent drastic changes. While the doctor seems to believe Edna looks completely normal, downplaying her odd behavior, Leonce is worried because Edna has abandoned her social duties, which has made him very uncomfortable.

What is Leonce most worried about? What actions does he take?

Leonce appears to be most worried about his reputation. In order to draw attention away from his wife's absence, he hires people to renovate the house.

How does Leonce react to Edna's move?

Leonce does not speak to Edna in person but writes a letter to her concerning her moving out. He disapproves of her abandoning her family and does not fail to mention his concern with "financial integrity."

How does Leonce react to Edna's actions?

Leonce is surprised by Edna's rebellious actions. He becomes angry with her but then leaves her alone, as per her request.

How did Leonce react to Edna's late return?

Leonce is uneasy that Edna is still not home yet and is determined to look for her at the Cheniere, but Monsieur Farival convinces him that Tonie will take good care of her and she will return safely.

How does Leonce feel when he returns home?

Leonce returns from Klein's hotel in the upmost of spirits. He seems to have taken up an entirely different persona, now very talkative and upbeat.

Do you think this would be an effective way for Leonce to relate to Edna?

Leonce should not follow this advice, as it would cause Edna to feel even more oppressed, just as she is finally beginning to feel a sense of freedom.

What does Leonce think Edna should do about the cook?

Leonce wants Edna to look after the cook because he is beginning to dislike her food. The fish is scorched, and Leonce does not like the way she served his vegetables.

Describe Madame Antoine and her life.

Madame Antoine is a heavyset woman who lives with her son Tonie. She shows Robert and Edna great hospitality and care, welcoming them with dinner. She is shown to be clumsy.

How is Robert affected by the letter from Montel?

Madame Lebrun tells Robert about a letter from a man named Montel. Montel has fled to Mexico and hopes that Robert will join him. Robert is enthusiastic about this letter because he has always wanted to leave for Mexico, and this may be his chance to finally do so.

Describe Mademoiselle Reisz. How does Edna feel about her?

Mademoiselle Reisz is an elderly, stubborn woman who has a bad temper. Edna sees her as an old, ill-tempered woman who does not know how to dress properly but is very musical.

What does Mlle Reisz think about Madame Lebrun's relationships with her sons?

Mlle Reisz disagrees with Madame Lebrun's relationships with her sons because Madame Lebrun seems to worships Victor, not Robert. Mlle Reisz sees Victor as a brat and undeserving of her worship.

Edna admits to Mlle Reisz that she is in love with Robert. How does Mlle Reisz react?

Mlle Reisz does not seem too surprised about Edna's confession, but she does question why Edna chooses to love him when she knows it is forbidden.

How does Mlle Reisz react to Edna's arrival?

Mlle Reisz is quite surprised to see Edna arrive, but she is happy nonetheless.

How does Mlle Reisz react to Edna?

Mlle Reisz questions Edna about her feelings, now that Robert has left to Mexico.

Describe Mlle Reisz's apartment.

Mlle Reisz's apartment is described as "dingy" but always open. While there is often smoke and soot coming in through the door and windows, the light and air floods in as well.

How does Mlle Reisz's playing affect the audience?

Mlle Reisz's performance excites the audience, but it does not speak to them in the profound way that it speaks to Edna.

Describe the story Mlle Reisz's playing conjures for Edna.

Mlle Reisz's piano playing causes Edna to see no solitude or despair, but instead passion in the form of waves upon her body.

The Lebruns comment that Edna looks better. Why do you think Edna looks healthier?

Now that Edna has obtained some freedom and is no longer bound to her housework, her complexion may reflect her newfound happiness.

Robert sees Arobin's photograph in Edna's "pigeon house." How does he react?

Once Robert notices Arobin's photograph, he begins to interrogate Edna, revealing his suspicions of their affair.

How do others feel about Leonce?

People who know the Pontellier family seem to think that Leonce is a good and rich husband who provides for his family and is very supportive of Edna, since he pays for her hobbies and whatnot. They do not realize the stress he places upon Edna, especially when he often leaves his family to enjoy himself somewhere else.

Who is Emerson? What kind of literature did he write? Why would Edna be reading his works?

Ralph Waldo Emerson was a Transcendentalist essayist and poet in the nineteenth century. His essays concerned the value of self-reliance, which must be of interest to Edna, who is just beginning to find independence.

What is Robert Lebrun like? What are his plans for the future? Do you think he will ever follow through with his plans? Why, why not?

Robert Lebrun has plans to go to Mexico, but he will probably never make this dream a reality, since he shows no real ambition to do so.

Who is Robert Lebrun? What is his part in this story?

Robert Lebrun is the son of Madame Lebrun, who owns the resort in which the Pontelliers stay. He is a stark contrast with Leonce Pontellier, and he serves as an alternative love for Edna, although their relationship begins with a respectful friendship.

Where are Robert and Edna going, and why is it unusual?

Robert and Edna go to the Cheniere church, which is somewhat ironic because they are having an affair.

What keeps Edna awake?

Robert has written Edna a letter. He proclaims his love for her, but he insists that he must leave her only because he loves her. Edna lies awake all night thinking about him and the letter.

Predict an ending to this love story.

Robert is probably not satisfied with Edna at this point. It is doubtful that he will wait for her as she asked, since Edna could not do the same thing when he left for Mexico.

What do you think is in Robert's letter to Mlle Reisz? Why hasn't he written to Edna?

Robert may have written Mlle Reisz to simply inquire about Edna's wellbeing and update her on his current status in Mexico. However, with Edna's reaction, it seems that the letter contained some bad news. 4. Robert may have written Mlle Reisz to simply inquire about Edna's wellbeing and update her on his current status in Mexico. However, with Edna's reaction, it seems that the letter contained some bad news. Robert does not write directly to Edna, lest Leonce should open his letters before she does. Mlle Reisz is the only person to know of their affair.

Where does Robert take Edna after they leave church?

Robert takes Edna to Madame Antoine's cot because she does not feel well.

What does Robert's song, "si tu savais" (if you knew), represent?

Robert's song represents his repressed feelings for Edna. When Edna sings the song, it represents her growing love for Robert and also the secrecy of their relationship. There would be no end to the consequences if anyone were to find out about it.

What is the role of the "quadroon"?

The "quadroon" refers to the African Americans who are the children's caretakers.

Describe the Pontellier children.

The Pontellier children seem to be well off by themselves and very independent. They appear to occasionally want Edna's attention, much to her annoyance.

Compare and contrast the Pontellier marriage with the Ratignolle marriage.

The Pontellier marriage is weak and insecure. Leonce believes Edna to be a failure while Edna is extremely unhappy in the marriage. Leonce and Edna's relationship is not one of mutual respect, whereas Adèle's relationship with her husband is more balanced.

What is the doctor's assessment of Edna's health?

The doctor assesses Edna's health to conclude that she has inherited a mental illness.

Why does Chopin begin the last chapter with Victor Lebrun and Mariequita?

The final chapter begins by revealing the relationship between Victor Lebrun and Mariequita. It is revealed that Mariequita is jealous of Edna because Victor seems to be in love with her. This brings the characters' relationships into a full circle, and it also reveals that Edna is desired by other men.

What does the neighborhood grocer think of Mlle Reisz? Why do you think he feels this way?

The grocer claims to know Mlle Reisz better than anyone, but he believes that she is the most unpopular and unpleasant woman around. He probably felt this way about her because he got to know her well when she lived in his neighborhood, and she might have been an odd character or stirred a lot of conflict.

"A certain light was beginning to dawn dimly within her— the light which, showing the way, forbids it." Take apart this sentence. What does the light represent? How does the light forbid as it compels?

The light represents Edna's freedom from the strict social restrictions placed upon women, as well as her realization that she has value as an individual in the world. This light compels her to break free of her current situation, but this is obviously forbidden because of the social stigma that would result from her following the light.

Describe the meeting of Arobin and Robert.

The meeting between Arobin and Robert is somewhat awkward. Arobin arrives at the dinner, uninvited, and Robert recognizes him from the photo. The uncomfortable situation eventually causes Robert to leave.

Who are the "thousand muffled voices" telling Edna to leave her home?

The muffled voices represent a part of Edna's consciousness that knows what she is doing is unacceptable. They may also represent the disapproving voices of society from which she is so eager to flee.

Again, Edna sees the ocean and remarks on its restlessness. How does the ocean reflect Edna's own feelings?

The ocean's restlessness reflects Edna's inner strife; she does not now how to address her developing feelings for Robert.

What does the parrot say? What does it mean? How might these comments foreshadow what will occur in the novel?

The parrot says, "Allez vous-en! Allez vous-en! Sapristi!" This translates from French to mean, "Go away! Go away! Good heavens!" The parrot's actions may reflect Edna's attitude toward other people.It may foreshadow Edna's pushing away of the important people in her life.

Describe Robert's relationship with his mother.

The relationship between Robert and his mother, Madame Lebrun, is somewhat strained. Their conversation is described as dull and boring.

What is the ocean's affect [sic] on Edna?

The sea is seductive to Edna because it encourages inward contemplation and immersing oneself in solitude.

We learn the second line in the song Robert sang to Edna. What is that line? Why is it important? Why does Edna not want Victor to sing that song?

The second line of the song is "Ce que tes yeux me disent," which translates to "what your eyes tell me." The entire song then means, "If you only knew what your eyes tell me." This may now represent Edna's revelation that is finally making an outward appearance. Edna does not want Victor to sing the song because it reminds her of Robert; she may miss him immensely, or she may feel very guilty for being unfaithful to him.

The setting has changed. Where is the story taking place now?

The setting shifts to New Orleans in the Pontellier household.

Where is this story taking place?

The story takes place in a resort on Grand Isle on the Gulf of Mexico.

What is the "outward life which conforms, and the inward life which questions"?

This describes Edna's dual life, which she has maintained even since she was young: her "outward existence" obeys social norms, while her "inward life" challenges these norms in a way that would not otherwise be socially acceptable.

Does her reaction surprise you? Why, why not?

This reaction itself is not surprising, but Edna's inability to maintain her composure is a bit of a shock. She is unable to hide the passion of her feelings for Robert.

Why would Edna tell Leonce that "a wedding is one of the most lamentable spectacles on earth"?

This remark reflects Edna's attitude toward marriage. Because of her unstable and oppressive relationship with her husband, marriage has come to resemble the end of a woman's freedom.

"She wanted to swim far out, where no woman had swum before." List all of the meanings you make from this sentence.

This sentence implies that Edna wants to explore uncharted territory in the world of being a woman. She wishes to break social norms and do what no woman dares to do in Victorian society.

Chopin says of Edna that she "resolved never again to belong to another than herself." Do you think this is an accepted way for women to think in the late 1800s?

This was not an acceptable way for women to think in the late nineteenth century. It was common for women to marry and then become the property of their husbands; if they were not yet married, they were still the property of their fathers or families.

Why does the doctor say to himself, "I hope it isn't Arobin"?

Through his observations, Doctor Mandelet has picked up on the fact that Edna is having an affair. He does not know what to do with this information and wishes he never accepted the invitation to dinner in the first place, but because he knows Alcee Arobin has a reputation for seducing married women, he hopes that Edna is not having an affair with him.

Describe the altercation between Victor Lebrun and the black woman.

Victor answers his door to Edna, who hears an argument between him and a black woman in an apron. The woman appears to be upset because it is her duty to answer the door to guests, and Victor took this opportunity away from her.

Edna's father gives Leonce the following advice concerning Edna, "Authority, coercion are what is needed. Put your foot down good and hard; the only way to manage a wife."

What a ladies' man

Describe the meeting of Robert and Edna.

When Robert arrives at Mlle Reisz's house, Edna is shocked. Learning that he had arrived back from Mexico a day earlier, and that their encounter now was only one of coincidence, she questions why he did not visit her sooner. She also asks why he never wrote her.

Describe Mariequita's encounter with Robert.

When Robert meets Mariequita, the young girl immediately inquires if Edna is his "sweetheart." Robert denies this, claiming that Edna is marries and has children, but Mariequita refers to another married woman who ran off with a man, taking all of her husband's money and one of their children. Robert turns to Edna and begins talking to her, ignoring Mariequita, and the young girl looks at him with "childish ill humor and reproach" as she leaves.

What does Chopin say Leonce is not aware of?

While Leonce suspects that Edna is becoming mentally "unbalanced," he does not realize that she is becoming her true self as she casts aside her "fictitious self."

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