The Byzantine Empire and Crusades Study Guide

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List the reasons why Jerusalem is holy to Jews

Spiritual and political capital of their first kingdom and where their great Temple once stood.

Who were the Seljuk Turks?

A Central Asian people who migrated west and expanded their empire into Palestine (the Holy Land) and part of the Byzantine Empire.

Why was Justinian's Code significant?

A committee revised and improved outdated and confusing Roman laws. It became the basis for many legal codes in the western world.

What were the Crusades?

A series of religious wars launched by European Christians to reclaim Jerusalem and other holy cities from the Muslims

List the cultural, political and religious differences of medieval western Europe and the Byzantine empire that came into conflict starting with Byzantine Empire

Cities, trade and wealthy. Influenced by Greek heritage. Greek was common language. Emperors did not claim authority over Christians (equals in the eyes of God).

How was the Reconquista connected to the Crusades?

Crusaders not only waged war in the Middle East against Muslims, but also in Europe and North Africa. The Reconquista was a series of wars launched by Christians to retake the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) from the Muslims.

What religion was practiced in the Byzantine Empire? How was it different from Christianity in the West?

Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Religion and government were more closely linked in the Byzantine Empire (one pyramid). For example, they viewed the emperor as the head of government AND the living representative of God.

Positive impact of the Crusades on Christians

Economic: Use of money increased in Europe because: 1. Crusaders needed a way to pay for supplies; 2. Some knights began performing banking functions such as making loans; 3. Monarchs began tax systems to raise money for the Crusades; 4. Merchants made huge profits on trade goods. Social: Monarchs grew more powerful because nobles & knights left, which weakened feudalism; Christians were influenced by new Muslim culture - new foods and clothing, which led to greater trade between Europe and Asia

Positive Impact of the Crusades on Muslims

Exposed to new weapons and military ideas Ex. Standing (ready) army; Muslim merchants gained wealth from trade with Europe, helping to fund new mosques and schools; Muslims united to fight their common enemy; kept control of Holy Land

Describe the city of Constantinople at its peak

Home to around 1 million people, many languages spoken, many trade goods, rare sewer system, hospitals, homes for elderly, orphanages, and many attended chariot races in the Hippodrome.

How did the Byzantine Empire develop out of the original Roman Empire

In 330 C.E. Emperor Constantine moved his capital from Rome to the city of Byzantium, calling it "New Rome" then Constantinople or "Constantine's City". Control of the original Roman Empire was divided between 2 emperors-one in Rome (west) and one in Constantinople (east). The Western Roman Empire fell in 476, but the Eastern Roman Empire, later changed to the Byzantine Empire, lasted for another 1,000 years.

What about Constantinople's location made it an ideal capital of the Byzantine Empire?

It was easy to defend because it was surrounded by water on 3 sides and it stood at the crossroads of Europe and Asia between many water and land trade routes.

Negative Impact of the Crusades on Jews

Jews killed in Holy Land and others enslaved; Jews in Europe suffered violent persecutions Ex. Murdered and tortured, synagogues destroyed, homes and businesses looted; Anti-semitism (hostility/discrimination against Jews) spread among non-Crusaders and riots and massacres broke out throughout Europe; European Jews' place in society worsened. Ex. Couldn't hold public office, Jewish businesses were seized and some countries expelled all Jews; Many forced to live in ghettos (isolated communities) in many European cities

What event forced Justinian I to start rebuilding parts of Constantinople?

Large parts of the city were ruined when the Blues and Greens united in rebelling against Justinian after their members were arrested. Justinian improved bridges, public baths, parks, roads, hospitals, and built the grand church of Hagia Sophia.

Negative Impact of the Crusades on Muslims

Many died in battle; lost lands on Iberian Peninsula (Reconquista); Muslim property in Jerusalem was destroyed

List the cultural, political and religious differences of medieval western Europe and the Byzantine Empire that came into conflict starting with medieval western Europe

Mostly rural, agricultural and poor. Influenced by Frankish and Germanic cultures. Latin was common language. Pope claimed supreme religious authority over all Christians.

Positive Impact of the Crusades on Jews


Three major disagreements contributed to a complete split in the Christian Church by 1054. Fill in the chart below with details of those three events and how they led to the final split, starting with 730 CE

People Involved: Emperor Leo III and Pope Gregory III; Event that led to Disagreement: Iconoclasm. Emperor Leo III banned religious icons in Christian churches and homes, leading to iconoclasm; Result of the Disagreement: Pope Gregory III excommunicated the emperor.

Three major disagreements contributed to a complete split in the Christian Church by 1054. Fill in the chart below with details of those three events and how they led to the final split, starting with 800 CE

People Involved: Empress Irene, Pope Leo III and Charlemagne; Event that led to Disagreement: Holy Roman Emperor. Pope Leo crowned Charlemagne as Holy Roman Emperor instead of Empress Irene, the ruler of the Byzantine Empire because she was a woman and saw her as unfit to rule; Result of the Disagreement: Byzantines were outraged and felt that the Empress should be crowned. Pope crowned Charlemagne

Three major disagreements contributed to a complete split in the Christian Church by 1054. Fill in the chart below with details of those three events and how they led to the final split, starting with 1054 CE

People Involved: Patriarch Cerularius, Pope Leo IX and Cardinal Humbert; Event that led to Disagreement: Patriarch Cerularius closed all "western" churches, the Pope sent Cardinal to excommunicate the Patriarch, the Patriarch excommunicated Cardinal Humbert; Result of the Disagreement: Final Break. It led to the splitting of the religion. West became Roman Catholic Church and East became Eastern Orthodox Church, splitting completely

What was the Inquisition?

Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain established a Roman Catholic court against Muslims and Jews who claimed to have converted to Christianity. Judges call inquisitors, used torture to find out if converts were secretly practicing their old religion and thousands were burned at the stake.

Up until the 10th century, Jews, Christians, and Muslims lived in Jerusalem peacefully. What changed?

The Seljuks took control of Palestine, and it was hard to travel and highway robbers attacked and killed Christian pilgrims. Christians feared that they would not be able to visit Jerusalem and other sacred sites. By 1095, the Seljuks came within 100 miles of Constantinople.

List the reasons why Jerusalem is holy to Christians

The city where Jesus was crucified and arose from the dead; birthplace of Christianity

The Byzantine emperor asked for the help of Pope Urban II who called for a crusade to drive out the Muslims. What persuaded men to join the Crusades

To reclaim the Holy Land, help Christian brothers in the East, knights use fighting skills; peasants escape dreary life, gain salvation; merchants saw the chance to earn money, seek adventure; noble sons hoped to gain estates in the Holy Land, and earn respect and prestige.

List the reasons why Jerusalem is holy to Muslims

Where Muhammad ascended to heaven after his Night Journey from Mecca

Negative impact of the Crusades on Christians

Wounded/killed in battle; many died from disease; start of taxes

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