The Crucible Act 2

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deputy governor


what does the quote "the girl is a murder, she must be wiped from the earth" mean?

Elizabeth points out Abigail as the evil one for convicting innocent people to die. Cheever sees this as a curse and as proof of witchcraft

who judges john

God and only God

Why will Goody Osborn hang and Goody Good won't?

Goody Osborn did not confess to witchcraft while Goody Good did

what is significant about the poppet Mary Warren makes Elizabeth?

Mary Warren places the needle she uses to make the poppet in court in the stomach area.

How does Mary "save" Elizabeth's life

Mary defended Elizabeth when she was accused of witchcraft during the trials saying she never once saw her send out her spirits

what happened between the little boy making the fire and Mr Jacobs

Mr jacobs waves his cane and the little boy adds branches containing sap to the fire making it rise. Mr Putnam sees this and takes advantage of his daughter. this is motivated by greed

who confessed to witchcraft first

Sarah Good

Why does Elizabeth want John to go to Salem?

She wants John to tell that the girls were not afflicted with witchcraft.

what excuse does herrick use to justify chaining women?

basically saying he's just "following orders"

why are sarah good and goody osborne good scapegoats?

because they're poor and are considered outsiders (McCarthyism)

what is the significance of the dinner?

danforth explains how the will remove the devil from Salem and everyone agrees. Sewall says they should make sure the evidence is true and is not made up my distracted and mentally challenged people. no one agrees with him and believe that the devil is truly present in salem.

who does McCarthyism target? who does the crucible target?

gay people. the poor

local judge, sycophant


why does John Proctor call Hale a broken minister?

he doesn't think Hale is doing his duty as a man of God. Hale should be able to see through the lies and insist on solid evidence

how does Mr jacobs deny this?

he explains to the court that he could not possibly climb through a window since he walks with 2 canes. the court twists this fact and accuses him of sending out his spirit

why does john meet with abigail in the woods?

he meets with her to tell her that she must stop lying and tell the truth about what happened and to threaten her for accusing Elizabeth

what is johns excuse for not being able to tell the court about abigail faking everything

he was alone in the woods with her and no one saw them together therefore he'd be barring false witness

what does Sewall worry about ?

he worries that the children are making this up. he knows that Mr Putnam is a known liar and the since Mrs Putnam has lost so many children she may not be in the right state of mind

what is Reverend Hale concerned about

he's worried that the trials are getting out of control

how does good evidence relate to McCarthyism?

if you have no good judgement and no good evidence make it up and listen to the liars

what does the quote "theology, sir, is a fortress. no crack in a fortress may be accounted small" mean?

it means that your knowledge and study of your faith is your only defense against the devil if there's a small gap in your knowledge then the devil will find a way in (WE BELIEVE THIS!)

what does the quote "we are why we always were but naked now" mean?

it means we've always been sinners the only difference is now everyone will know about john and abigails affair and about mary warren lying to the court

what does the quote "are all the accusers holy nkw?" mean?

it points out that the accusers are assumed to be truthful and correct

what is ironic about John Proctor "not remembering" the commandment about adultery?

it's his greatest sin and is always seen as the topic of discussion in the house

why is chaining them ridiculous?

it's ridiculous because if they really are witches they could just send out their spirits

describe John and Elizabeth Proctors relationship in Act 2

john and elizabeth currently have a cold marrige. they're untrusting. he tries to show he loves her but it quickly goes south

beverly judge , reasonable


who does Martha Corey call fools?

she calls everyone in the courtroom fools for believing the girls

what's the proof of goody osborne being a "witch"

she cannot recite her commandments

What does Ruth Putnam say about Mr Jacobs

she explains that he comes through her window at night and laying on top of her taking her breath away.

on what charge is Rebecca Nurse charged? what is the motive?

she is charged with the supernatural murders of the Putnam's babies. the motivation is jealousy

why does abigail stab herself?

she stabs herself to say that Elizabeth sent out her spirit to do so

What does Rebecca Nurse do to Mr Jacobs?

she walks up to him and places her hand on his shoulder showing that she believes him.

how does Mary Warren want to feel?

she wants to feel important and like an adult even thought she acts as a child

why is Mary Warren scared of telling the truth (about the poppet) in court ?

she's scared the "afflicted" girls will turn on her

what is Elizabeth doing by saying "if you believe i'm a witch even thought i only do good then i have to say i don't believe in witches" ?

she's sticking up for herself being brave and resisting injustice but also fanning herself

why was the bible mentioned when Sewall and Danforth are talking?

the bible is used to justify people to their deaths wrongfully

what happens to the goat owner and gardener?

the owner of the goat accuses the woman of witchcraft and this is motivated by anger and revenge

why is the placement of the needle important

the placement is important because abigail watches where Mary Warren places it is later where she stabs herself

what is the purpose of chaining the women?

the purpose is to further humiliation

what happened between the wood carrier and the child and her mother?

the wood carrier accuses the little girl and her mother of witchcraft as they're looking and the cart of wood when it falls. this is motivated by coincidence out of context and ignorance

why does it matter that the Proctors believe in witches?

they are puritans who believe the bible word for word therefore witches and witchcraft are mentioned in the bible

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