The economic impact of the war
who benefited from the war?
1. fiat 2. montecatini 3. Breda
What were the economic consequences of the were exconomy?
1. major business suffered when the war was over. Demand fell and share prices halved 2. Ansaldo and Ilva collapsed in 1921 3. Wartime spending caused a severe budget defecit, Italy spent 41 bill lire and owed 23.3 bill lire after the war 4. gov printed money to help pay back British and American war loans. this led to inflation. 5. 1920 lira worth 25% of value in 1914 6. cost of living quadrupled
how did the war economy weaken the liberal state?
1. workers and peasants blamed government for crisis and started campaigning for alternatives 2. Middle class itlaians feared the liberal state unable to control the workers and started supporting more radical anti-socialist alternatives
what were the politcal consequences of the war economy?
weakened liberal democracy, economy was controllwed by military leaders and senior businessmen. Businesses kept waged low and raise price of their goods, workers believed government on the side of bis business rather than ordinary people