The Enjoyment of Music Part 2

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The madrigal flourished principally in France


The music of the early Christian church service was largely polyphonic


The preeminent composers of sacred Renaissance motets were from southern Italy


The text setting in Alleluia, O virga mediatrix is mostly syllabic


The two categories of prayer in the Catholic Mass during the Renaissance were the Ordinary and the Extraordinary


Which era does Sumer is icumen in exemplify?

Middle Ages

Early musical notation was fostered in monasteries and cloisters


Fair Phyllis features repeated sections with repeated text


Gregorian chant can be characterized as a monophonic vocal composition


Hildegard's chant Alleluia, O virga mediatrix was intended for performance on feast day for the Virgin


Homorhythm describes a texture in which all of the voices are rhythmically aligned


Most surviving examples of Gregorian Chant are anonymous


The texture of Sumer is icumen in is best described as:


When was the renaissance


When was the middle ages

476 AD-1500

The following statements are true about Josquin's motet (The meter changes within the piece, moving from duple to triple and back to duple, the text is a rhymed poem) EXCEPT:

Each voice sings a different text praising the Virgin Mary.

One of the earliest examples of secular polyphony comes from:


A cappella style refers to singing with instrumental accompaniment


During the Renaissance, the Mass was recited and sung in the vernacular (the language of the people)


Gregorian chant features regularly phrased melodic lines supported by instrumental accompaniment


Gregorian chant usually features multiple texts occurring simultaneously


Humanists were inspired by ancient Egyptian culture


Martin Luther was the leader of the Counter-Reformation


Palestrina's Gloria from the Pope Marcellus Mass belongs to the Proper, the variable part of the Mass celebration


The English madrigal preceded the development of the Italian madrigal by some 20 years.


The Renaissance marks the passing of European society from a predominately secular society to a more sacred one


The Sanctus is the only mass section sung in Greek


The art and literature of ancient Greece and Rome was of little interest to artists and writers in the Renaissance


The chants of the Catholic Church used only the major and minor scale patterns found in later music


The first type of notated secular music was a plain chant


Hildegard was known for all of the following (her visions and interpretations of the scriptures, her poetry and music) EXCEPT:

Her historical writings about the saints

Despite being of northern European birth, Josquin spent most of his career in:


_______ melodic scale patterns were preferred in the Middle Ages


Which of the prayers in the Mass Ordinary is NOT in Latin?


Which of the following make up the sections of the Mass Ordinary?

Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Agnus Dei

In which language is Josquin's motet text written?


In which form is Sumer is icumen in set?


Which was NOT a recommendation of the Council of Trent regarding music for the church?

Sing in vernacular

The text of Sumer is icumen in tells of:

Summer, the season of renewal

The text Alleluia, O virga mediatrix is from which portion of the mass?

The Proper

The text of Josquin's motet Ave Maria . . . virgo serena praises the virtues of:

The Virgin Mary

A cappella singing met the demands for clarity of text set forth at the Council of Trent


A unique feature of Hildegard's chant is her occasional use of an upward leap of a fifth, lending a dramatic feel to the music


Palestrina experimented with different textures and "density" of voices in his Gloria from the Pope Marcellus Mass


Palestrina's Pope Marcellus Mass was probably intended for a cappella performance


Sumer is icumen in has no repeated musical sections


The Pope Marcellus Mass was written for six voice parts


The liturgy refers to the set order and structure of each service in the Catholic Church


The most popular subject of the sacred Renaissance motet was the Virgin Mary


The text of most sacred Renaissance motets was in Latin


The text of the Gloria in Palestrina's Pope Marcellus Mass is easily understood, due largely to its syllabic nature and Palestrina's frequent use of homorhythm


The two main services for the Roman Catholic Church are the daily Offices and the Mass


The use of a fixed melody in one voice was a compositional technique found in sacred Renaissance motets


Women did not originally sing the higher range parts in Palestrina's Pope Marcellus Mass


Composers in the Renaissance often used ________ in one voice as a basis for elaborate ornamentation in other voices

a cantus firmus

Music performed without instrumental accompaniment is called:

a cappella singing

The constant imitation from beginning to end in between the voices of Sumer is icumen in is characteristic of its genre, which is:

a round

The lower two voices in Sumer is icumen in sing short repeated ideas known as:

as ostinato

How does Josquin create musical contrast in the final two lines of the text, "O Mater Dei, memento mei"?

by using long note values and homorhythmic texture

Culture in the Middle Ages was largely shaped by the rise of:


The Catholic Church's effort in the early sixteenth century to recapture the loyalty of its followers through a return to true Christian piety is known as the:


The beginning of the Middle Ages is marked by the:

fall of the roman empire

The main rhythmic pattern found in Sumer is icumen in is short-short-short-long


Neumatic singing is represented by

generally small groups of up to five or six notes sung to a syllable

The period in which there was a surge in rational, scientific problem solving in the Renaissance is called:


The predominant texture in Josquin's motet Ave Maria . . . virgo serena is:

imitative polyphony

One of the earliest named composers of the Middle Ages was:


Fair Phyllis is best described as a:


Melismatic singing is represented by

many notes set to a single syllable

A melody in which there are many notes sung per syllable is referred to as:


Reading of lessons and singing of psalms was a part of daily services in medival

monasteries and covents

Which of the following is NOT typical of the Renaissance motet?

monophonic texture and sung in the vernacular

Syllabic singing is represented by

one note sung to each syllable of text

Josquin's Ave Maria . . . virgo serena incorporates an older Gregorian chant:

only briefly at the beginning

The melodic texture of Sumer is icumen in is best described as:


The English version of Sumer is icumen in is best described as:

secular music

Cathedral choir schools were training centers for male singers in the Renaissance


The harmony of the Palestrina's Gloria from the Pope Marcellus Mass is best described as full and consonant


The original singers of Sumer is icumen in were probably male


The principal genres of Renaissance secular music are strictly monophonic in texture


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