The Enlightenment

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The colonies decided to break away from England after a long train of abuses by the king. These abuses are listed in this document for the world to see.

Declaration of Independence

List 2 technological inventions/methods that helped the Enlightenment, start, grow, or spread.

Thermometer,. Encyclopedia, heretical tube, scientific method

Why is it important for people to stand up to authority, especially if the authority is misguided or mistaken? (Be specific with a person who stood up to authority, details of the example, how it turned out.)

Rosa Parks was a civil rights activist who refused to surrender her seat to a white passenger on a segregated bus in Montgomery, Alabama. Her defiance sparked the Montgomery bus boycott. It succes launched a nationwide efforts to end racial segregation of public facilities.

Direct democracy (public election of President and Congress.


This is the style Voltaire wrote in, much like Mark Twain. He would use sarcasm, wit, or derision to expose human vice or folly.


Galileo's findings threatened the church because he said he would be able to prove Copernicus's theory to be correct with observations he made through this.


This economic philosopher thought that it would be better for everyone in a country if individuals were free to seek their own economic gain rather than being controlled by one individual like a king

Adam Smith

The accused have rights, no torture


Adding this to the constitution, because the Antifederalists were afraid the government still had too much power and they wanted to protect the rights of individual citizens, is what cleared the way for approval of the Constitution.

Bill of Rights

The latin phrase for " I think therefore I am", is

Cogito, ergo sum

We can say that the American Revolution was a war over _____________ because at its heart is the idea that there was "taxation without representation."


Colonial leaders used these ideas to justify independence.


This country was inspired by the American Revolution; they wanted reform in their country, so using the US Declaration of Independence as their guide, they began their own revolution

French revolution

In 1992 the church offered an official decree saying that _____________ was right and they were wrong.


The church saw this as a heresy and therefore did this to Galileo for being right.

Galileo was ordered to turn himself in to the Holy Office to begin trial for holding the belief that the Earth revolves around the sun, which was deemed heretical by the Catholic Church. Standard practice demanded that the accused be imprisoned and secluded during the trial.

This theory was presented by a polish astronomer named copernicus originally, that showed that the Earth flies around the sun and the sun is the center of the solar system.

Heliocentric Theory

Johannes Kepler expanded Copernicus's theory to fix the orbits. He realized that planets move in this kind of orbit rather than circular.

Heliocentric theory

Name 4 advantages or attributes the colonists used to defeat the British.

Home-field advantage, underestimated, had to help with the french and mother nature, guerilla tactics, better leadership

This English philosopher wrote that all people have the rights to life ,liberty, and property.

John Locke

Government's power comes from the consent of the governed


When we look at Hobbes' and Locke's social contracts, Americans clearly preferred


This woman died after childbirth at age 38. Her daughter went on to write the classic novel Frankenstein. She was an advocate for educating women.

Mary wolsencraft

This French philosopher's idea was, to avoid tyranny, powers needed to be separated. He wrote, " Power should be checked to power."


system of checks and balances


This famous scientist realized that the universe works like a big machine according to fixed laws.

Newtonian universe by newton

The Revolution created a _____________________. (style of government) the United States of America that became a model for many nations of the world.


Rene Descates, the father of modern philosophy, created a statement that proves that he exists, because he exists as a thinking being. Descartes said that to be thinking I have to

Open to being wrong, evidence

In the 1700s the city was the cultural and intellectual capital of Europe where the brightest minds would convene at social gatherings called salons.


These were educated people who questioned old ideas and old ways of seeing things. They advocated progress that would improve mankind over traditional beliefs that they thought held society back


Name 2 specific Enlightenment philosophers and their specific contributions to the movement.

Philosophers John Locke and Mary wollstonecraft. John Locke contributed to the Enlightenment by inspiring AMerica today. He developed the philosophy that there was no legitimate government under the king's theory. He said that people automatically gained these rights when they are born. Mary Wollstonecraft contributed to the Enlightenment by declaring that both women and men were human beings endowed with inalienable rights to life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness. She also fighted for women to be educated.

This theory above (#9) was started by a Greek philosopher named _____________ and was also being taught by Ptolemy and the Cristian church in the Classical period. (before the Enlightenment)


These are the two tools the philosophers believed are necessary to find the truth of the universe

Reason and Natural law

Why did Denis Diderot's creation upset the religion of the day? Be specific with that the creation was and how it upset religious authority.

The church was worried that they would lose their power if people began to read the encyclopedia because the encyclopedia contradicted the beliefs that the church was teaching.Because the encyclopedia had contradictory info. The church believed it "undermined royal authority."

Ideas from this intellectual movement helped spur the American colonies to shed British rule and create a new nation based on personal freedoms

The enlightenment

How did the Enlightenment change how people thought about the world?

The enlightenment changed people throughout the world by changing faith. From faith in religion to science, reason,doubt, and faith in knowledge. It changed how people thought about the world by giving evidence and creating doubt in most people.they began to experiment and look into topics using their minds and logical reasoning instead of relying on what the people in power (the church and religious leaders) were saying.

What is the Enlightenment?

The enlightenment was an intellectual movement. An intellectual movement was a realization.A Realization is an act of becoming fully aware of something as a fact or the fulfillment or achievement of something desired or anticipated Which was an era where science challenged religion. People started questioning accepted beliefs concerning religion, government, rights of the people, etc. using logic and reason.

This American loved to read philosophy and took the works of the philosopher above (#27) and placed them into our founding document after slightly tweaking the wording to read life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Thomas Jefferson

He was the Philosopher of the American Revolution who gave the country the idea and vocabulary for independence, and then was forgotten, as there are no monuments in his name.

Thomas Paine

He wrote "common sense" which was the most widely circulated pamphlet during the American Revolution. In his pamphlet he attacks the idea of monarchy as an unacceptable style of government.

Thomas Paine

He wrote, "these are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of men and women... What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value. General George Washington found these words so inspiring that he ordered this essay in The Crisis to be read to his men at Valley Forge. Who wrote those words?

Thomas paine

To be open minded as a thinker means that mind it open to the?

To be good critical thinkers we must maintain an open mind. Being open minded means that we must not just hear, but listen, to facts that are opposite from our established beliefs. ... Face it, nobody likes to think that their own beliefs and opinions are wrong.

When laws work here and around the world, for example gravity, these laws can be seen as _________________ meaning that they apply to all people in all times and places.


"I disagree with every word you say, but I would fight to the death your right to say it." was a sentiment expressed by this philosopher.


Free speech, religious tolerance


This French philosopher never stopped fighting for freedom of religion, tolerance, and freedom of speech. His given name was Francois Marie Arouet, his pen name was


This french philosopher thought that it would be a good idea to have many religious in society to help teach people tolerance and understanding and to promote peace.


In a federal system the power is divided up between the _________________,_________________ governments.

Washington DC, Denver

This diplomat, scientist, philosopher, and inventor was key in securing from the French an agreement to help the colonies defeat the British.

benjamin franklin

The belief that the Earth stood still at the center of the universe and the Sun went around is known as

geocentric theory

This philosopher and President of the US rewrote the Bible taking out all the irrational/ supernatural references and keeping the moral teachings of Jesus, whom he esteemed highly.

thomas Jefferson

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