The Help CH. 22-26
What does Celia write on a check to the Junior League?
Two-slice Hilly
Why does Minny fear for her job in chapter 24?
because hilly got to know that she is working for the footes
How old is Mae Mobley at the begining of chapter 22?
How much time does Ms. Stein cut off Skeeter's deadline.
4 weeks
What instrument does Celia use to protect Minny from the crazy naked man in chapter 24?
A fire place poker
Under what name does Skeeter plan to publish her book?
Who attracts a large amount of attention at the Benefit.
Celia Foote
How long does Celia stay in bed after the disaster at the Benefit on Friday?
Four days
What name has Minny chosen as her secret identity in Skeeter's book?
Gertude Black
What does Mae Mobley do when she sees the toilets on Hilly Holbrook's front lawn in chapter 22?
Goes potty on one of them
What does Celia tear from Hilly's dress?
Her cuff (sleeve)
What does Hilly announce at the meeting that officially cuts Skeeter out of her final tenuous attachment to Jackson social society.
Hilly is now the editor
What excuse does Aibileen think Skeeter will use for the toilet confusion at Hilly Holbrook's house?
It was a typo
Who calls Minny at home to speak about Celia.
Johnny Foote
Who tells Aibileen to stay away from Skeeter if she wants to keep her job?
Mr. Leefolt
Who does Skeeter reveal she paid 25 dollars each to put the toilets on Hilly's front lawn?
Pascagoula's brothers
What is the "Benefit" benefitting?
Poor Starving Children of Africa
What name has Aibileen chosen to use in the book she is wrting with Skeeter?
Sarah Ross
Why does Skeeter claim she continues to go to League meetings?
She is editor of the newsletter.
Why does Celia think Hilly does not like her, a misunderstanding she wants to clear?
She thinks Hilly thinks Johnny cheated on her with her.
What does Celia threaten to do in the aftermath of the Benefit.
She threatens to leave Johnny and return to Sugar Ditch.
Where is the benefit being held?
The Robert E. Lee hotel
Why does Skeeter refuse to tell her mother of her break up with Stuart?
she doesn't want to dissappoint her mother