The Help Quiz Chapters 1-10

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Which words BEST represent Skeeter's date with Stuart Whiteworth?

A complete disaster.

What advice did Elaine Stein give Skeeter?

Write about things that disturb you, but not others.

Who tells Mea Mobley she is "smart and kind"?


Who used to pick cotton on Miss. Skeeter's family plantation?


Why does Minny have to work for Celia in sercet?

Because Celia wants her husband to think she can handle the cooking by herself.

Why did Aiblieen recommend Minny to celia Foote in secret?

Because Elizabeth never would have recommended Minny to Celia.

Which word BEST describes both Aibileen and Miss. Skeeter?


According to Miss. Skeeter's mother, what is Miss. Skeeter's BEST attribute?

Her trust fund.

Which of these is NOT a narrator for this novel?


What is wrong with Elizabeth's dining room table?

It has a crack in it.

What is the setting of the story?

Jackson, Mississippi in the 1960s.

What new secret does Minny have to keep?

Johnny knows that Minny is Celia's, maid

According to Minny, which is the BEST word to describe Celia?


Who is Constantine?

Miss. Skeeter's beloved maid of her childhood.

Why did Minny lose her job?

Miss. Walter is being sent to an old folks home.

What good news did Skeeter receive from Aiblieen?

She agreed to tell her story.

What concern does Elaine Stein have about Skeeter's writing idea?

She doesn't think people will tell Skeeter the truth.

Why is Miss. Skeeter's mother disappointed in her?

She failed to find a husband in college.

What is ironic about Miss. Skeeter's new job with the Jackson Journal?

She is writing a column on housekeeping tips, but she doesn't know anything about it housekeeping.

Why does Miss. Skeeter object to the Home Help Sanitation Initiative?

She thinks it is demeaning discriminatory.

Why did Skeeter say, "I'm sorry, but were you dropped on your head as an infant"?

Stuart Whitworth asked her if the women at Ole Miss majored in husband hunting.

Who is Stuart Whitworth?

The boy Hilly wants to set Miss. Skeeter up with.

Why isn't Celia Foote accepted by the women in Jackson?

They think she is below them in class, and she married Miss. Hilly's old boyfriend.

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