The Medicine Bag Close Read Questions

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What is the effect of readers learning more about Grandpa at the same time Martin does?

Readers can identify with Martin's growing respect for his grandfather.

What does wearily mean?


The Latin word porcus means "hog or pig." What kind of behavior would most likely be described as porcine?

Eating greedily and sloppily

What can a reader infer about Grandpa's physical appearance? (p. 13)

Grandpa doesn't look like the Indians that people are used to seeing on TV. He looks different than people might expect a Native American to look.

What can you conclude about Grandpa's belief in fate and destiny?

Grandpa makes a connection that because Iron Shell found the iron, he was destined to become a blacksmith.

When Grandpa gives Martin "The Medicine Bag," he says, "[You] need not wear it." What does this show about Grandpa's thinking?

Grandpa realizes that the medicine bag will be more meaningful at a later time.

What do Martin's feelings about the medicine bag suggest about Martin?

These details make me think that Martin is frightened about receiving the medicine bag because he doesn't relate to his Native American heritage. He also knows that when Grandpa says it is time to give him the medicine bag, it means Grandpa is probably going to die soon.

What is an example of frail?

A sickly person being helped up the stairs.

Why does Grandpa tell Martin the story of Iron Shell?

Grandpa tells Martin the story of Iron Shell to teach him the history of the medicine bag, help him understand what the medicine bag is, and connect Martin to his Native American heritage.

What does the piece of iron most likely symbolize?

Grandpa's father's purpose in life.

Why does Grandpa collapse after arriving at the house?

He has heat exhaustion.

How does Grandpa arrive at the narrator's home?

He is walking down the street with dogs following him.

Before Grandpa comes to visit, how does the narrator feel about talking to his friends about his Lakota grandfather?

He likes the fact that his stories about Grandpa appeal to the other kids.

Why does Grandpa say he has arrived for a surprise visit with the family?

He wants to see where his only existing descendants live, and he wants to give Martin the medicine bag.

In paragraphs 50 and 51, what do Grandpa's actions suggest about his character?

His actions show that he remembers what it's like to be a young man and that he understands that Martin may have been embarrassed about him.

What does sheepishly mean?

In an embarrassed way

What is Iron Shell's experience? (paragraph 66)

Iron Shell was taken from his home by soldiers and sent to boarding school. He was angry and lonesome for his parents and for the young girl he had wed before he was taken away. At first, he resisted the teachers' attempts to change him, and he did not try to learn. However, when he began to work in the blacksmith shop, his life changed.

Why is the pouch referred to as a medicine bag?

It holds items that protect and guide the wearer.

What can you conclude about Grandpa from the journey he took?

It shows that Grandpa had a lot of courage to strike out on a new, completely unfamiliar course of action. He also had the persistence to see it through.

Why does Martin feel the way he does about receiving the medicine bag?

Martin does not relate to his Indian heritage; he might be ashamed or embarrassed by it.

What can you conclude about Martin and his sister by the way they greet Grandpa?

Martin is at an age during which his friends' opinions strongly influence his actions and feelings. He is conflicted between loyalty to his family and feelings of possible peer judgment. Cheryl is happy to see Grandpa probably because she is younger and less concerned about people needing to look and dress like everybody else.

In paragraphs 59 and 60, how does Martin feel about receiving the medicine bag?

Martin is scared. The author also describes Martin's dreams to suggest he is nervous or fearful about receiving the medicine bag.

How does Martin feel about receiving the medicine bag? (paragraphs 41-42)

Martin is upset or unhappy about being given the medicine bag. He is especially unhappy about having to wear it because he is worried about what his friends will say if they see it.

How would you describe Martin's characterization in the early part of the story?

Martin worries about his friends' opinions.

What are two ways the medicine bag is symbolic?

Martin's respect for his grandfather. Martin's acceptance of his family heritage.

How is the medicine bag to be passed down from generation to generation?

Only through males.

What does bearish mean?

Rough or grumpy

Why might the author have included the information about how Martin feels about receiving the medicine bag?

The author describes Martin's dream as being "weird" and includes details that call to mind Native American culture, suggesting that Martin's uneasiness is related to the Native American ritual he is about to take part in.

Why does the author provide so much detail about Grandpa's journey? (paragraphs 31-32)

The details show how hard it was for Grandpa to get to the house. It also shows he is not familiar with the city.

Why are Cheryl's (Martin, the narrator's sister) and Martin's (the narrator) greetings to Grandpa so different? (paragraphs 12, 18-21)

The narrator (Martin) is unhappy or embarrassed by Grandpa's appearance. Cheryl is happy to see Grandpa and responds to him directly.

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