Annie's salary was _____. $25 per day $25 per week $25 per month
$25 per month
The Kellers lived in _____. New York Boston Alabama
Read the following vocabulary word in context from Act I as found on the page indicated. You may need to read some text before and after the vocabulary word. Then, choose the correct definition intended by the author. Use a dictionary if necessary. haymaker (p. 31, stage directions) someone who cuts hay a punch boot strap
a punch
Complete the following sentence. The story a person writes about his own life is called a(n)
a0 - autobiography
Read the following vocabulary word in context from Act I as found on the page indicated. You may need to read some text before and after the vocabulary word. Then, choose the correct definition intended by the author. Use a dictionary if necessary. constitution (p. 1, dialogue) the physical makeup of a person a system of law a written document
the physical makeup of a person
When Helen wanted her mother, she would _____. call for her clap her hands touch her cheek
touch her cheek
Name the two people that The Miracle Worker is about.
Helen Keller and Annie Helen's tutor.
The Miracle Worker by William Gibson was based upon facts taken from two books. Name the books and their authors.
Helen Keller's autobiography, The Story of My Life. Material from Nella Braddy's biography, Anne Sullivan Macy, also became part of the play
Annie Sullivan needed a ladder to get to dinner because _____. Helen had locked Miss Sullivan in her room Annie lost the key to her room
Helen had locked Miss Sullivan in her room
Write a journal entry of five to ten complete sentences. Imagine you are James. In what way is your life affected by Helen's disabilities? How does this make you feel?
It would be very different in many ways. First, I think I would not get any attention and would probably feel left out. Second, I would have to take on responsibilities because Mom would be busy with Helen. If it were me, I would help as much as possible and try to get a relationship with Helen because she still needs Jesus and has a soul. I would also use the opportunity to grow as a Christian through working with difficult people.
Match the description to the character. 1. Helen's half brother 2. Helen's mother 3. Helen's father 4. Annie Sullivan's brother 5. first word spelled for Helen 6. Annie Sullivan's teacherMr.
Kate 2 Jimmy 4 doll 5 Captain 3 James 1 Anagnos 6
Order the steps for reading a play by selecting the correct step from each blue box. first:Read the dialogue carefully to yourself.Read the description of the set, trying to visualize it.Read the play aloud or with friends.Try to analyze the characters.Visualize details of the stage setting.Read the list of characters, trying to picture each.second:Read the list of characters, trying to picture each.Read the dialogue carefully to yourself.Visualize details of the stage setting.Try to analyze the characters.Read the description of the set, trying to visualize it.Read the play aloud or with friends.third:Try to analyze the characters.Read the play aloud or with friends.Read the description of the set, trying to visualize it.Read the dialogue carefully to yourself.Visualize details of the stage setting.Read the list of characters, trying to picture each.fourth:Read the description of the set, trying to visualize it.Read the dialogue carefully to yourself.Read the play aloud or with friends.Visualize details of the stage setting.Read the list of characters, trying to picture each.Try to analyze the characters.fifth:Visualize details of the stage setting.Read the list of characters, trying t
Read the list of characters, trying to picture each. Read the description of the set, trying to visualize it. Visualize details of the stage setting. Read the dialogue carefully to yourself. Read the play aloud or with friends. Try to analyze the characters.
Write a journal entry of five to ten complete sentences. Answer both of the following questions. What do Annie's flashbacks tell us about her past? How do you think Annie's past will affect the way she deals with Helen?
She had a pretty rough past. with family tragedies, she was probably traumatized. Because of this, it helped her to relate to Helen and what she was going through. Because she could relate to her, she was able to teach her better. Annie's past definitely helped her deal with Helen much better.
Write a journal entry of five to ten complete sentences. What did you think about the way Annie Sullivan handled her first day at the Kellers' house? Be specific.
She handled it well by being polite and kind. When she first was with Helen she had compassion and worked through Helen's stubbornness. She was very patient and a good teacher which really helped Helen. Because she was that way, it help Helen very much. And the first day they thought an old woman was coming, but a younger Miss Annie showed up.
Helen graduated from Radcliffe. True False
Complete the following sentence. A written account of a person's life, written by another person, is called a(n)
a0 - biography
Complete the following sentence. Ordinary speech or writing that is not poetry or verse is called
a0 - prose
Read the following vocabulary word in context from Act I as found on the page indicated. You may need to read some text before and after the vocabulary word. Then, choose the correct definition intended by the author. Use a dictionary if necessary. crone (p. 34, stage directions) an old sheep an old, ugly woman a complaining woman
an old, ugly woman
Read the following vocabulary word in context from Act I as found on the page indicated. You may need to read some text before and after the vocabulary word. Then, choose the correct definition intended by the author. Use a dictionary if necessary. impudence (p. 8, dialogue) disrespectfulness politeness intelligence
Read the following vocabulary word in context from Act I as found on the page indicated. You may need to read some text before and after the vocabulary word. Then, choose the correct definition intended by the author. Use a dictionary if necessary. oculist (p. 6, dialogue) eye doctor professor dietician
eye doctor
Annie mentions three advantages that she has: _____. her blindness Dr. Howe's work her youth her glasses
her blindness Dr. Howe's work her youth
Read the following vocabulary word in context from Act I as found on the page indicated. You may need to read some text before and after the vocabulary word. Then, choose the correct definition intended by the author. Use a dictionary if necessary. benign (p. 5, stage directions) ill heavy kind
Read the following vocabulary word in context from Act I as found on the page indicated. You may need to read some text before and after the vocabulary word. Then, choose the correct definition intended by the author. Use a dictionary if necessary. indolent (p. 5, stage directions) lazy handsome fast
Read the following vocabulary word in context from Act I as found on the page indicated. You may need to read some text before and after the vocabulary word. Then, choose the correct definition intended by the author. Use a dictionary if necessary. darning (p. 5, stage directions) expressing annoyance mending or repairing feeding
mending or repairing
After a fever, Helen Keller was handicapped in three ways: _____. mute unable to feel blind paralyzed deaf
mute blind deaf
Read the following vocabulary word in context from Act I as found on the page indicated. You may need to read some text before and after the vocabulary word. Then, choose the correct definition intended by the author. Use a dictionary if necessary. spinster (p. 23, dialogue) newlywed young girl old unmarried woman
old unmarried woman
Read the following vocabulary word in context from Act I as found on the page indicated. You may need to read some text before and after the vocabulary word. Then, choose the correct definition intended by the author. acute (p. 2, dialogue) sudden and severe an angle in geometry having a sharp point at the end
sudden and severe
Helen's doll was a gift from _____. the children at the Perkins Institute Annie Sullivan Mr. Anagnos
the children at the Perkins Institute
Read the following vocabulary word in context from Act I as found on the page indicated. You may need to read some text before and after the vocabulary word. Then, choose the correct definition intended by the author. Use a dictionary if necessary. flanked (p. 4, stage directions) to have a conversation to cut to place something on both sides
to place something on both sides
Read the following vocabulary word in context from Act I as found on the page indicated. You may need to read some text before and after the vocabulary word. Then, choose the correct definition intended by the author. Use a dictionary if necessary. governess (p. 12, dialogue) tutor babysitter mother
Anne Sullivan _____. was Helen's primary teacher taught Helen to speak
was Helen's primary teacher