The Princess Bride

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Sicilian, can read minds, battle of witts



(adj.) unyielding, harsh, without pity

Name all of the levels of the Zoo of Death. What is in them?

1) Speed - dogs, cheetahs, hummingbirds 2) Strength - anacondas, rhinos, crocodiles 3) Poison - spitting cobras, jumping spiders, vampire bats 4) Fear - shrieking tarantulas, blood eagle, sucking squid 5) Most Dangerous and Powerful - Westley and The Machine

How old is Buttercup when she becomes the most beautiful woman in the world?

21 years old

What object does the author compare Prince Humperdinck to?

A Barrel

What is an intrusive narrator?

A narrator who buts in at random points in a story with comments

Define frame narrative

A story within a story


An action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end


An attendant at a royal court

Prettiest girl in the world, loves Westley, has to marry Prince Humperdinck


Describe Buttercup and Westley's relationship during the visit from the Count and Countess.

Buttercup loved Westley and would get jealous whenever the Countess would look at him. She thought Westley would leave her for the Countess.


Chosen at random or without apparent reason

Prince Humperdinck's right hand man, 6 fingers, built "The Machine", killed Domingo Montoya

Count Rugen

Willing Suspension of Disbelief

Deliberately putting aside audience's or reader's critical beliefs in order to accept the unreal world the author creates.

Inigo's father, famous sword maker, killed by Count Rugen

Domingo Montoya

Giant, fighter, super strong, can't think on his own, loves to make rhymes with Inigo


Both Fezzik and Buttercup do something amazing at the end of this book. What is it?

Fezzik thinks on his own and brings four horses so the group can escape the castle. Buttercup helps the group escape the castle grounds by demanding them to obey her because she is their queen.

How is Goldman's profession Ironic?

He is a writer but couldn't read or focus in elementary school.

What is the deal that Prince Humperdinck makes with Buttercup when she tells him she still loves Westley?

He tells her that she can write 4 letters to Westley telling him to come for her if he still loves her and the Prince will send out his four fastest boats to find him and give him the letter. If Westley comes back for her they can be together but if he doesn't then she has to marry Prince Humperdinck.

What word's does Westley use when he replies to Buttercup's requests? What do they mean?

He uses "As You Wish" which means I love you.

Why did Prince Humperdinck insist on having the Thieves Quarter cleared before the wedding?

He wanted to make sure there weren't anyone in there that would try to sabotage the wedding or try to kill him.

William Goldman say that The Princess Bride is his favorite book in the whole world, but he hasn't actually read it. How is this possible?

His father read it to him when he was sick as a child

What is Prince Humperdinck's true love?


Describe the encounters of the Man in Black with Inigo and Fezzik. Why doesn't he kill them?

Inigo - Inigo is ordered to stay behind and kill him in a duel, The Man in Black ends up winning and ties Inigo to a tree. Fezzik - Fezzik is ordered to crush the Man in Black's head using his strength, the Man in Black makes Fezzik pass out The Man in Black thinks that they are extraordinary and doesn't want to kill them.

Spaniard, swordsman, battled in a duel, wants to kill Count Rugen

Inigo Montoya

Miracle Max claimed that Westley said he needed to come back "to bluff", when Westley actually said "true love". Why did Max say this? Max has a change of heart and decides to save Westley? What changes his mind?

Max claims he said "to bluff" because Inigo and Fezzik offered him a smaller amount of money than he usually works or and he didn't want to try and save Westley. His mind changes when Inigo tells him that if Westley doesn't ave Buttercup then she will have to get married to Prince Humperdinck and that if he does save Buttercup then the Prince can't marry her and he will suffer.

Healer, fired my Prince Humperdinck, saves Westley

Miracle Max

When Billy's son doesn't like the book what does he tell his son are the 5 subjects the Princess Bride Covers?

Passion, Duels, Miracles, Giants, & True Love

Shaped like a barrel, loves to hunt, wants to kill Westley and Buttercup

Prince Humperdinck

What are fairy tales?

Product of oral tradition, dating back before the Middle Ages

What does R.O.U.S. stand for?

Rodents of Unusual Size

Author of the original The Princess Bride

S. Morgenstern

Verbal Irony

Sarcasm or the opposite of what is really meant

After Westley was captured by the Dread Pirate Robert's, how did Buttercup react?

She was devastated and said that she would never love again.

Explain the Dread Pirate Robert's existence.

The Dread Pirate Robert's existed years ago and when he wanted to retire he handed his name down to whoever he thought was worthy and so on and so forth.

Explain why The Princess Bride is a frame narrative, and provide an example where frame narrative is used (movie, show, novel).

The Princess Bride is a frame narrative because William Goldman tells the story of the Princess Bride inside his childhood story. An example of a frame narrative is the movie The Notebook. In this movie and elderly man is tell his wife, who has Alzheimers, the story of their love and all of their memories. While he tells the story the movie plays with the young actors and actresses.

What is the sound that petrifies the people in the city? How does this sound affect Inigo? What do Fezzik and Inigo do as a result of the noise?

The sound is that of ultimate suffering. Inigo remembers this sound because his heart made that sound when his father was killed. Fezzik and Inigo try to find the source of the sound.

Why is it important that the reader knows about Inigo and Fezzik's pasts?

They learn why they act the way they do, and it gives a background on their skills and how they attained them.

Inigo wants to give Westley the resurrection pill at 10 after 5:00 so they can stop the wedding at 6:00. What's wrong with this plan?

They think the pill lasts an hour but it only lasts 40 minutes so Westley won't be able to get to the wedding in time.


To scold or rebuke


To shorten a piece of writing

Farm Boy, The Man in Black, The Dread Pirate Roberts, loves Buttercup


Who is the Man In Black? When/how does his identity become revealed to Buttercup?

Westley is the Man In Black and Buttercup finds out when she pushes him down the hill and he whispers "as you wish".

What is dramatic Irony?

When the reader knows something the character's don't

Author, Narrator, Rewrites The Princess Bride

William Goldman

Head of Florin enforcement, guards the castle, gives the trio the gate key at the wedding


Sword maker, gave Domingo the 6 fingered sword project


Define allusion

a reference to a person, place, book, etc., not part of the story, that the author expects the reader to recognize.


amusing in an odd way


argue or raise objections about a trivial matter

Define the term Hero

central character, one who possesses noble qualities: self-sacrifice, courage, wisdom, etc.


dispute or argue over a price in a petty way; bargain; wrangle


face; facial expression


having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing




unimaginable; beyond understanding

Define Satire

using humor to expose something

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