The Reformation

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What did merchants and other do when they had to pay taxes to the church?

They resented.

What did Martin Luther's parents want him to become? What did he become instead?

They wanted him to become a lawyer, but he became a monk and a teacher instead.

What are Anabaptists?

They're a Protestant group who baptized only those who were old enough to decide to be a Christian.

What year did Luther return to Wittenberg?


What is theocracy?

A government controlled by religious leaders.

What does reformation mean?

A movement of religious reform.

Define vernacular.

A native language.

Where did Luther teach about scripture?

At the University of Wittenberg in the German state Saxony.

Why did he teach that priests didn't need to interrupt the Bible?

Because all people with faith were equal.

Tetzel gave people impression that when they were ______ ____ ___ ____ ______.

Buying their way into Heaven.

Charles IV issued the _____ __ _____ and declared Luther an outlaw and heretic. What else did he demand the people not do?

Edict of Worms; He demanded that no one was to provide Luther with food or shelter.

What did many priests and monks lack that resulted in them not being able to teach others?


What did Pope Leo X threaten Luther with if he didn't take back his statements?


Who are Presbyterians?

Followers of John Lenox (who took Calvin's ideas to Scotland).

What are Lutherans?

Followers of Luther.

What is the Catholic Reformation or the Counter Revolution?

Following the Protestant Reformation, it was a movement within the Catholic Church to reform itself.

Many leaders viewed the pop as a ______ and challenged his authority.

Foreign ruler.

The 95 Theses were ______ statements attacking "_______-________".

Formal; pardon-merchants.

Who sheltered Luther?

Frederick the Wise of Saxony.

People thought the Church leaders were too interested in worldly pursuits like what?

Gaining wealth and political power.

Indulgences could not affect what?

God's right to judge.

Luther's teachings taught that _____ _____ were not needed for salvation, and that a person could win salvation based on _____.

Good works; faith.

What did Leo X do after Luther burnt his decree?

He ex-communicated him.

What did Pope Alexander VI do that was considered unacceptable for him to do?

He fathered several children.

While staying with Frederick the Wise, what did Luther do?

He translated the New Testament into German.

Why did Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV summon Luther to Worms in 1521?

He wanted him to take back his statements.

What does predestination mean?

It means that God knows who will be saved from the beginning.

Luther took a stand against _______, who was selling indulgences to pay for the rebuilding of St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome.

Johann Tetzel.

What did Luther do instead of obeying the Pope.

Luther burnt the Pope's decree.

What are Luther's followers known as?


Other clergy ________, drank, or _________.

Married; gambled.

Luther believed that it was okay for clergy to what?


Who are Jesuits?

Members of a society of Jesus (created by the Pope in 1540 for the followers of Ignatius who sought to bring others to Catholicism.

Who challenged the Church as the supreme power in Europe?


When and where did Luther post His 95 theses?

On October 31, 1517 he posted it on the door of the castle church in Wittenberg.

What is a heretic?

One who descents from an accepted belief or doctrine.

Define patrons.

Patrons are those who financially supported the Church.

Many people criticized the church's what?


Define Anglican.

Protestant Church that was created by Queen Elizabeth I of England in 1559.

Because of Luther's actions, Christianity now had two main branches in the Western world. What were they?

Protestant and Catholic.

The princes in Germany that supported Luther banded together to protest against those who were against Luther's ideas became known as who?


Renaissance values led people to _______ the Church.


What famous work of his began the Reformation?

The 95 Theses.

The Church teachings should be based on what book, and not on what person?

The Bible; the Pope.

What does annul mean?

To put aside a marriage as if it never happened.

Many people found Church practices such as indulgences ______.


What was the one thing that the Church had that European princes and kings were jealous of?


What does secular mean?


By the tenth century, what church dominated religious life in Northern and Western Europe?

The Roman Catholic Church.

What is Calvinism?

The ideas of John Calvin (who wrote that men and women are sinful by nature).

What helped spread ideas critical of the Church?

The printing press.

What are Protestants?

They are from the princes that protected the Catholic church (this term also applies to those who are non-Catholic church goers).

What are indulgences?

They are pardons that release a sinner from performing the penalty a priest imposed for sins.

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