The Reformation

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The Institutes of the Christian Religion

Calvin's formulation of Christian doctrine, which became a systematic theology for Protestantism


Destruction of Catholic Church icons in order to "purify" it

Edict of Nantes

Document issued by Henry IV of France in 1598 that granted liberty of conscience and of public worship to Calvinists, which helped restore peace in France

Central Ideas of Reformers and Why They Appealed to Certain Groups

Faith, power of God's grace, and centered around the Bible/scriptures Did not change status of women Elevated the status of marriage Saw orderly households as the key building blocks of society


Formed in Zurich (Switzerland) Voluntary association of believes, no allegiance to any state Do not believe in secular agreements (ex taxes) No baptism of children No Holy Trinity Luther does not approve of their offshoots

Causes and Consequences of Religious Riots

France=Edict of Nantes Netherlands=divides into P north and Cath south tried to rid people (witches) who could be linked with the devil and were considered he ultimate heretics


French calvinists


Iconoclasm was when the people destroyed church property and religious icons Protestants saw this as a way of purifying the church


The teaching that God has determined the salvation or damnation of individuals based on his will and purpose not on their merit or their works

Tetzel Rationale for Giving Indulgences

Indulgences take you to heaven and you will be guaranteed safety Almost impossible not to sin, so you need letters to save you Without indulgences you have to pay 7 years penance for every sin you commit You can always get your money back through a broker Money doesn't matter anyways once you're in paradise

Act of Succession

King's subjects took an oath to the king Thomas More doesn't take this and is executed maintains most of Cath doctrine Results in Pilgrimage of Grace which is a big mult-class rebellion in England


Members of the Society of Jesus, founded by Ignacius Loyola whose goal was the spread of the Roman Catholic faith


Reformation Calvin (French) Influenced by Erasmus Exiled to Switzerland for religious views Institutes for Christian Religion Predestination Strict Geneva = utopia of Protestant society Home for Protestant exiles City and Church work together no drinking, dancing, gambling Hard Work and financial success pleases God


Reformation Humanist and Preacher Uses Erasmus' edition of the Greek New Testament

Spread of Protestant Ideas beyond Germany

Spreads to Scandinavia then throughout Northern Europe Henry VIII breaks from Rome in England and Elizabeth breaks from Catholic practices Calvinism really impacts Europe and the globe more than Lutheranism

Spanish Armada

The fleet sent by Philip II of Spain in 1588 against England as a religious crusade against Protestantism. Weather and the English fleet defeated it


The name originally given to Lutherans which came to mean all non-Catholic western Christian groups

Holy Office

The official Roman Catholic agency founded in 1542 to combat international doctrinal heresy


Opposition to the clergy


A document issued by the Catholic Church lessening penance or time in purgatory, widely believed to bring forgiveness to all sins


Religious group formed in England looking to purify the church

Council of Trent

All 7 sacraments are valid Salvation by good works and by faith Monasticism, celibacy of clergy No more indulgences, pluralism, simony, nepotism Index of Forbidden Books Seminary Professors trained and selected priests

Union of Utrecht

Alliance of seven northern provinces led by Holland in the Netherlands that declared their independence from Spain and forced the United Provinces of the Netherlands, which was Protestant and the south remained Catholic

Johann Tetzel

Catholicism Under Pope Leo X Sells indulgences Looking for money to build St. Peter's cathedral in Rome

Diet of Worms

Charles V faces Luther who will not back down even when granted a fair trial Luther is outlawed as a heretic and is protected by Fredrick II Translates bible to German

Political Situation in Germany's Impact on the Reformation

Charles did not have complete control over his empire (nobles did) Allows local rulers to gain religious authorities and spread ideas Charles remains Catholic during the religious wars, gains help from France and then they leave Peace of Augsburg in 1555 recognizes Lutheranism, local rulers can choose the religion of their territory


Clerical practice of holding more than one church office at the same time no enjoying the income from each

Causes of the German Peasants' Revolt

Conistsed os peasants, poor soldiers, and craftsmen in the Holy Roman empire. Result of crop failures and land taxes. backed up their claims through the Gospel and the Word of God, saying that all men should be equal. Did not want to be oppressed by lords and say that God wills them to revolt.

Lucas Cranach the Elder's Ten Commandments

Creates giant painting in Wittenberg Creates this when Luther is questioning the Catholic doctrine Paintings were used by reformers to teach religious ideas *Pictures also showed family roles and ideal marital relations and roles*


Daughter of Ann Boleyn Can practice in private Book of Common Payers 1559

Pope Paul III

Leads Catholic Reformation Looks to improve already existing Catholic doctrine Response to Protestant critics

Twelve Articles

List of peasant demands to end feudalism Inspired by Luther Rebellion is crushed

Rosary Beads

Loops of beads that were used with children during the Catholic Reformation to help remember and count a set sequence of prayers

Edward VI

Moves to P and is Henry's son but doesn't last very long Only baptism and communion

Henry VIII

Once Defender of the Catholic Church Annulment from Catherine of Aragon daughter is Mary Tudor Breaks from Church of England Pope Clement can't help (tight with Charles) Charles is Catherine's uncle Thomas Cranmer convinces him to break from church Act of Supremacy 1534 makes head of the state the head of the church

Catholic Church's Response to Reformation

Papacy leads counter reformation within the church Ban old principles that went against Scriptures Catholic doctrine reaffirmed at Council of Trent New Religious orders help spread ideas

Why does Luther turn against his peasant followers?

Peasants promised to yield to the law and they did not They practice the work of the devil through their rebellious acts Says they have committed sins in robbing and pillaging and lying They went against authority of the lords and for they that will be punished It is okay to slay a rebellious man Rebellions result in destruction and he doesn't want to be a part of this Calls them criminals and murderers If they do not turn against the peasants, peasants will only cause more trouble Peasants have been corrupted by the devil People justify violence with good intention but in reality violence is a sin and they should instead promote peace and virtue

Responses to the German Peasants' Revolt

Peasants were condemned, saying their revolts were going against God. Say that peasants have overstepped their boundaries in rebelling. Authoritative figures tried to crush the revolt. Some peasants tried to surrender saying that they will obey nobles so long as they are reasonable. Others supported the rebellion using God as their claim and saying that God wants them to fight.

Theological Issues Questioned by Luther and Accusations

Pope does not have the power to take back sins Only God has the power to remit guilt Indulgences will not save you from your sins Indulgences only deceive the people Money won't save you and will only benefit the church Buying indulgences will condemn you and whoever sells them Should instead do good things and stay faithful Popes are rich so they shouldn't need the people's money to build cathedrals Selfish to care where you go after life and you should work on being faithful regardless of where you end up Enter knowing you are good rather than knowing you paid money to get there

Picture of Pope Leo

Pope is depicted as a monster Shown with talons and claws Rope could be him roping in innocents to pay money for indulgences Depicted as a fool Pope thought he had power over where people went after death


Reformation Augustinian Monk; Unitversity of Wittenberg Opposes Catholic Church 95 Theses 1517 criticizes indulgences Questions scriptural authority of Pope Luther refuses to stop his crusade despite Pope's wishes Fredrick II of Saxony protects him Reform Catholic Church not create a new one Questions infallibility of Pope and general council; John Hus shouldn't have been executed = point of no return Salvation achieved through faith alone Baptism and Communion are only two sacraments valid No need for chastity, poverty, obedience Excommunicated by Pope Leo X in 1520

John Wyclif

Reformation Bible is sole authority Foreshadows Martin Luther Personal communication with God Sacraments aren't important Bible translated to English Lollards are his followers

John Hus

Reformation Ideas similar to Wyclif Nationalist Movement in Bohemia Burned at the Stake for his Views

John Calvin

Reformation Influenced by Erasmus After Luther, humanists turn monasteries into schools Printing press allows for spread of ideas

Erasmus "Praise of Folly"

Reformation Says church is corrupted and clergy are hypocritical Say he laid the egg that Luther hatched


Reformation Swiss Reformation Relies on Scriptures Resents clerical privilege

Presbyterians (john Knox)

Religion of Scotland Presbyters governed the Church

Mary Tudor

Reverts back to Catholicism Takes back Henry and Edward's laws Executes Cranmer Known as Bloody Mary

Three Main Luther Beliefs

Salvation through faith alone Bible is some authority Church consists of entire Christian community

Renaissance Humanism Impact

Separates state from religion Promotes individualism Questions Catholic Church's authority Questions bible validity

Corruption of the Church

Simony: sale of church offices Pluralism: Holding multiple offices and enjoying the revenue Nepotism: favoring family members in church appointments Absenteeism: officials not participating in services but getting paid Lots of Priests were Illiterate Pope Alexander VI has affairs and children

Ignacius Loyola and Jesuits

Society of Jesus Reform Church through Education; Spread Gospel to pagans; fight Protestantism Oversaw Spanish Inquisition organized in military fashion

Why German Princes Became Lutheran

Wanted to escape the Catholic Church and keep the Church lands for their benefit (gained land and kept their own authority)

Charles V

Wants to stop spread of Protestantism Allies with Pope to keep religious unity in Europe Takes care of heretics Preoccupied with wars and spends time in Italy so he couldn't focus on stopping spread of Protestant religions


catholic and Protestant moderates who thought that only a strong monarchy could save France from total collapse; Henry was one and then brought absolutism later on

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