The Roaring 20s Quiz 2

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Carrie Chapman Catt

(1859-1947) A suffragette who was president of the National Women's Suffrage Association, and founder of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance. Instrumental in obtaining passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920.

What was the KKK

- An organization formed in response to African-American freedom and liberties in the South - Founded by former confederate soldiers - Used terror and intimidation to prevent African-Americans from improving their lives through education, employment or voting

National Origins Act of 1924

A law that severely restricted immigration by establishing a system of national quotas that blatantly discriminated against immigrants from southern and eastern Europe and virtually excluded Asians. The policy stayed in effect until the 1960s.

Al Capone

A mob king in Chicago who controlled a large network of speakeasies with enormous profits. His illegal activities convey the failure of prohibition in the twenties and the problems with gangs. He was possibly the most famous bootlegger and even sold some of his booze to city police officers.


A total ban on the sale and consumption of alcohol

How did household work change during the 1920s?

A typical work week for a housewife before the twenties involved many tedious chores. All the furniture was moved off the carpets, which were rolled up and dragged outside to beat out the week's dirt and dust. The ice in the icebox was replaced and the water pan that lay beneath was repeatedly changed. The clothes were scrubbed in a washing tub on a washboard. An iron was heated on the stove to smooth out the wrinkles. Women typically spent the summer months canning food for the long winter. (sry its so long)

Paul Robeson

African American actor and singer who promoted African American rights and left-wing causes

How could Americans purchase more goods during the 1920s than ever before?

American consumers could purchase more goods during the 1920s because they could develop a line of credit. This made consumers who weren't able to pay for the goods upfront put the cost of credit which would lead to future consumer debt.

Margaret Sanger

American leader of the movement to legalize birth control during the early 1900's. As a nurse in the poor sections of New York City, she had seen the suffering caused by unwanted pregnancy. Founded the first birth control clinic in the U.S. and the American Birth Control League, which later became Planned Parenthood.

After the 1880's from where did most immigrants to the United States emigrate?


What were Palmer Raids?

Attempts by the U.S. Department of Justice to arrest and deport radicals (immigrants); lead by attorney general A. Mitchell Palmer; FBI born from the raids.

How did the automobile give rise to the consolidated high school?

Automobile technology led directly to the other major factor that fostered a teenage culture: the consolidated high school. Buses could now transport students farther from their homes, leading to the decline of the one-room schoolhouse. Furthermore, Americans were realizing the potential of a longer education, and states were adding more years to their compulsory schooling laws. As a result, a larger number of teenagers were thrown into a common space than ever before.

How did the automobile create the teenage phase of life?

Because there wasn't as much of a need for children to work, they were in school for longer and they prolonged the phase of life before marriage. This was called the teenage phase and it is when you are able to go to school and learn before you get a job and start a family.

Cotton Club

Boasted the talents of Duke Ellington

Duke Ellington

Born in Chicago middle class. moved to Harlem in 1923 and began playing at the cotton club. Composer, pianist and band leader. Most influential figures in jazz.

After peaking in the mid 1920's, why did membership fall off by the end of the decade?

By 1929 corruption and sex scandals among the national leadership discredited the Klan dropping their membership sharply


Chinese game that became a fad in the 1920s; cross between playing dice and dominoes. colored tiles with different symbols were randomly arranged geometrically. The object is to remove all the game pieces.

What was the Reader's Digest?

Condensed articles from other periodicals. Boasted half a million subscriptions by 1931

the Reader's Digest inventor

Dewitt Wallace

Flapper Appearance

Dresses that rose to their knee, short hair, makeup, wore high heels

How were fads bennefitted by the radio?

Fads, like the Charleston (a dance) were advertised on the radio and more people were able to actually do them. Similar to silly bands, the Charleston was a dance that everyone knew. Silly bands were a toy that everyone had.


First commercial radio station

In 1925, the Tennessee legislature passed the Butler Law. What did it do? What did the ACLU have to say about the law?

Forbade Darwin's law to be taught in public schools. The ACLU took teachers to court if they wanted to fight the law.

How did the model T change the automobile industry in the US?

Ford's Model T changed the automobile industry by dropping the prices of cars by 400% and by increasing productivity by paying his workers better. This tripled the number of cars on the roads from the 1910s to the 1920s.

Red Grange

Greatest football player of the 1920's

the Lost Generation

Group of writers in the 1920s that were completely disillusioned by the world and alienated by the changed in modern America. For them, the ghastly horrors of trench warfare were a testament to human inhumanity.

In 1859 what theory did Darwin announce?

He believed in the evolution of public schools

What political / economic ideology did the new leadership establish in Russia?

He built on the ideas of Karl Marx and predicted a violent overthrow of the United States Capitalist System.

What did Palmer create?

He created the American Civil Liberties Union and they were a nonpartisan nonprofit organization whose mission is to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in the US by the constitution and the laws of the US.

What did Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer want to make sure did not happen in the U.S.?

He did not want a Bolshevik style Revolution in the United States.

Who was William Jennings Bryan? For what type of constitutional amendment did he lobby?

He represented the state in court. He lobbied for the 17th amendment.

What did Marcus Garvey believe?

He wanted to promote the United Negro Improvement Association which promoted economic cooperation among black businesses.

What did John T. Scopes do? How did Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan become involved?

He was a Virginia teacher he volunteered to testify against the butler law but was arrested. Darrow represented the Scopes and Bryan represented the state.

Who was Billy Sunday?

He was a minister or preacher.

What decision did Judge John Raulston make in the Scopes trial that tipped the balance in favor of the defense?

He was corrupt. He refused to admit expert testimony.

Jean Toomer

He wrote plays and short stories, as well as poems, to capture the spirit of his times.

Alice Paul

Head of the National Woman's party that campaigned for an equal rights amendment to the Constitution. She opposed legislation protecting women workers because such laws implied women's inferiority. Most condemned her way of thinking.

Who created TIME

Henry Luce


Illegal business of transporting alcoholic beverages

Positives of the increase of cars

It created thousands of jobs by increasing the demand for road building and gas stations. The demand for the materials to build the cars was higher and the assembly lines that were created increased productivity.

In what ways did the Harlem Renaissance affect African Americans and White Americans differently?

It gave a lot of African Americans popularity and showed that they were equals to the Whites. It also introduced Whites to African American culture.

When did the Great Migration occur?

It started in about 1890.

How was the 18th amendment different from previous amendments?

It was the first experiment at social engineering

How was the KDKA part of the radio's beginning

It was the first wireless radio channel which launched on November 2, 1920. It was the start of the wireless radio because it was the first station ever broadcasted.

What was TIME

It was the nation's first weekly news magazine


Jazzflouted many musical conventions with its syncopated rhythms and improvised instrumental solos. Thousands of city dwellers flocked night after night to see the same performers.

How successful were these Palmer Raids?

Many Americans spoke out against the Soviet Ark which were the Palmer Raids because they didn't agree with them.

Why did jobs for women increase in the 1920s?

More and more woman were becoming part of the growing middle class which increase the amount of jobs that could have been taken by them. (if that makes sense)


Not-so-secret bars hidden from public view

Louis Armstrong

One of the most famous jazz players who drew huge audiences as white Americans as well as African Americans.

Describe the climate within the United States regarding foreign infiltration.

People thought that America was going to be overrun by undesirable ethnicities.

Bessie Smith

Popularized blues and jazz vocals

What phenomena did radio purchasers enjoy?

Radio purchasers enjoyed sporting events on their radios. This was the first time they had every been able to listen to sporting events without actually being their.

Charlie Chaplin

Recognized as the greatest comedian of the 1920's

Near beer

Regular beer without alcohol

On what grounds was the "winner" of the Scopes Trial determined?

Scopes was in violation of Tennessee Stature so he was guilty.

Rudolph Valentino/Mary Pickford

Sex Symbols of the time

Who was Aimee Semple?

She preached her fundamentalist message over the loudspeakers to arena sized crowds.

Gertrude Ederle

She swam the English Channel

who was Clara Bow

She was a flapper in Hollywood and she basically was like a celebrity to the flappers

book of the month club

Simon and Schuster publication started a national craze that continues in city newspapers today

Negatives for the increase of cars

Some negatives were the increase in oil used as fuel and the increase of carbon dioxide emissions.

In what way did this "greeting" contribute to the Harlem Renaissance?

The "greeting" pushed many African Americans to run down Urban Slums. Writers, actors, artists, and musicians glorified African American traditions, and at the same time created new ones.

Perhaps in response to the FBI, in 1920 the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) was established. What was their mission?

The American Civil Liberties Union was a nonpartisan nonprofit organization whose mission is to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in the US by the constitution and the laws of the US.

Scott Fitzgerald

The Great Gatsby (Lost Generation)

What was the Harlem Renaissance?

The Harlem Renaissance was an intellectual, social, and artistic explosion centered in Harlem, New York, spanning the 1920s.

Al Jolson

The Jazz Singer

T.S. Elliot

The Wasteland (Lost Generation)

Whose ideas did the new leader espouse?

The ideas of Karl Marx.

Explain why might the murder trial of Nicola Sacco and Bartholomew Vanzetti be a perfect example of the 1920's decade of intolerance.

The judge violated all semblance of impartiality by criticizing their political views in court instead of talking about how they killed a few men. They were never actually found guilty or innocent. It didn't matter. Because they had different political views, they were guilty and killed by the electric chair.

Criticism of the flappers

The political agenda embraced by the previous generation was largely ignored until the feminist revival of the 60's. Basically, they were ignored

Sinclair Lewis

The sharpest critic of American middle-class lifestyle (Lost Generation)

How were Flappers different than women of prior generations?

Their dresses almost showed the knee and they had shoulder length hair. They were basically dressing very slutty for the time.

Arguments in favor of Prohibition

There would be a decrease in alcoholism and alcohol-related diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver. Family savings would also increase because there would be less money spent on alcohol.

How did laborers change their work posture after World War I?

They demanded wage increases to keep pace with inflation.

How did religious fundamentalists, most populated in the nation's rural sections, respond to Darwin's announcement?

They didn't like his theory because it didn't agree with what it was saying.

How did the Bolsheviks respond to the U.S. efforts? .

They murdered the entire royal family and eventually controlled the Soviet Union.

Whom did the new KKK target?

They targeted African Americans, Catholics, Jews, and "non-Nordic" immigrants. They were victimized by the new reign of terror.

What did the United States want to do in Russia after World War I ended? Include Czar Nicholas and Reds in your response.

They wanted to restore Czar Nicholas to the throne so they sent troops to Russia hoping the white russians could oust the communist reds.

Where did the people migrating go?

They went to the Urban North.

What were some of the more common complaints about immigration from 1880 to approximately 1920?

They were coming over, claimed the jobs that were paying insanely low, and worked at these low wages to barely feed their families. These were jobs that no American wanted because they thought they deserved more pay and better working conditions.

Sports Heros

They were role models for hundreds of thousands of American boys.

Why might African Americans have wanted to leave the south after slavery was no more?

They would have wanted to leave the South because White Supremacy was quickly, legally., and violently restored to the New South.

How did William Simmons, Elizabeth Tyler, and Edward V. Clarke boost KKK membership by 1920?

They wrote the Birth of a Nation which glorified the KKK and helped grow its membership.

Volstead Act

This was the law that was implemented to enforce the Eighteenth Amendment. the problem was that there were big loopholes making it easy to abuse.

How did Northerners greet African American migrants?

Unfortunately, northers did not welcome African Americans with open arms. While the legal systems of the northern states were not as obstructionist toward African American rights, the prejudice among the populace was as acrimonious.

Charles Lindbergh

United States aviator who in 1927 made the first solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean (1902-1974)

Who came to power in Russia in 1917?

Vladimir Lenin

Ernest Hemingway

Wrote of disillusioned youths wandering Europe in the Wake of World War I in search of meaning in the The Sun Also Rises. (Lost Generation)

Zora Neale Hurston

Wrote the novel, Their Eyes are Watching God


Young women of the 1920s that behaved and dressed in a radical fashion

Shuffle Along

first musical written, produced, and performed by African Americans. It was credited with initiating the movement

Langston Hughes

he cast off the influences of white poets and wrote with rhythmic meter of blues and jazz

Spirit of St. Louis

name of the plane that made the trip from New York to Paris

Private distilleries

people who made anything alcoholic so they could have a drink. they sometimes caused blindness, nerve damage, and death

Billie holiday

popularized blues and jazz vocals with Bessie Smith

What was the 21st amendment?

repealed prohibition

Flagpole Sitting

the object was simple: be the person who could sit atop the local flagpole for the longest period of time. sounds like a good time

How is the introduction of the radio similar to the introduction of the television.

they both introduced a way to receive news and be entertained.

Claude McKay

urged African Americans to stand up for their rights in his powerful vurses

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