The Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment

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What is the Scientific Revolution?

the emergence of modern science during the early modern period, when developments in mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology (including human anatomy) and chemistry transformed the views of society about nature

The witchcraft trials had been going on in Europe for more than a century. How many people had been killed?


All of the following were steps in the Scientific Method except a. Perform tests to identify a problem b. Analyze results and form conclusions c. Record results d. Form a hypothesis that can be tested e. Perform experiments to test the hypothesis

Perform tests to identify a problem

He wrote The Wealth of Nations in which he argued that business activities should take place in a free market.

Adam Smith

What Revolutions occured as the results of the Enlightenment?

American Revolution 1776 French Revolution 1789 Latin America

All of the following were effects of the Scientific Revolution except.. a. New view of the universe as a well ordered system b. An increased role of the church in defining which theories were valid c. Beginnings of modern science d. Belief in progress and the power of reason

An increased role of the church in defining which theories were valid

This Flemish doctor, known for his work in anatomy, dissected and studied the bodies of executed criminals. He hired artists to draw the muscular and skeletal structures of the body and wrote about his discoveries in On the Workings of the Human Bod

Andreas Vesalius

He argued that the best form of government included a separation of powers, which is power divided among several branches of government.

Baron de Montesquieu

Benjamin Franklin was trying to prove that lightning was a supernatural phenomenon when he flew his kite in the storm.


This Italian scientist built the first telescope used for astronomy, was the first to view Saturn and the craters of the Moon, and wrote the Starry Messenger.

Galileo Galilei

He wrote the Law of Universal Gravitation which stated that gravity affects objects in the universe as well as on earth. His works help to create modern Calculus.

Isaac Newton

He believed people were basically born good, but were corrupted by society

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

He believed that people were naturally happy, tolerant, and reasonable and argued that all people were born equal with natural rights of life, liberty, and property.

John Locke

He concluded that the sun, not the earth was near the center of the solar system in his Heliocentric Theory. He wrote On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres in the last years of his life because he knew the church would oppose his work

Nicholas Copernicus

How were enlightenment ideas spread?

People gathered in public places to debate new ideas People published their ideas in books, magazines, and pamphlets

What documents were created as a result of the Enlightenment?

The Declaration of Independence The Constitution of the United States Bill of Rights Declaration of the Rights of Man

All of the following were key Enlightenment ideas, except.. a. Like the natural world, human behavior is governed by natural laws b. The ability to speak is what makes humans unique c. The natural world is governed by laws that can be discovered through reason d. Reason can free people from ignorance, superstition, and unfair government e. Reason can be used to solve problems and improve people's lives

The ability to speak is what makes humans unique

According to Jim Meigs, the key change the Enlightenment brought was to do away with the idea that a powerful authority could tell you how the world worked. How was the Scientific Method different? Which of the following is incorrect? a. The church and the nobility were the source of true knowledge b. No one can tell you what reality is c. Fear and superstition were replaced by reason d. It is a democratic process

The church and the nobility were the source of true knowledge

All of the following were reforms instituted by the Enlightened Despots of Europe except a. Elimination of torture b. Abolish serfdom c. The right to vote d. Reduce censorship

The right to vote

All of the following were causes of the Scientific Revolution except.. a. Continued study of ancient authorities b. The start of the Industrial Revolutio c. Exploration and expansion of trade d. Development of the Scientific Method

The start of the Industrial Revolution

Why were people like Voltaire and Diderot imprisoned for their writings?

They challenged the existing power structure and posed a threat to it

How did the Scientific Revolution influence philosophers and scholars? Which one is incorrect a. They wondered if reason could solve problems of poverty, war, and ignorance b. They began to seek new understanding about society c. They sought out guidance from the leaders of the church They sought out guidance from the writers of the church ey sought out guidance from the writers of the church d. Reexamined old ideas on government, religion, education, and economic

They sought out guidance from the leaders of the church

The author of the Leviathan believed that people were naturally selfish and greedy.

Thomas Hobbes

He advocated for freedom of speech in his writings against the slave trade and religious intolerance.


Why did so many ships wreck during this time period?

it was difficult to know where you were The charts used for navigation were inaccurate

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