The Skull- External Surface View II
Occipital Bone
Occipital Condyles
(A1) articulate with the atlas, the first vertebra of the vertebral column
Occipital Protuberance
(A2) - attachment point for muscles, which stabilize the skull over the vertebral colum - ligaments also attach
Foramen Magnum
(A3) the large opening in the occipital bone through which the spinal cord passes on its way to the vertebral canal
Lateral Foramen
(A4) where the internal jugular vein passes and drains blood from the brain area
Condyloid Fossa
(A5) attachment site for muscles
Parietal Bones
(B) the large bones at the superior and lateral portions of the cranial vault
Frontal Bone
Temporal Bone
Zygomatic Process
(D1) - important process of the lateral bone - articulates with the temporal process of the zygomatic bone to form the arch of the cheek
External Auditory Meatus
(D2) opens the eardrum and, behind the eardrum, the middle ear
Mastoid Process
(D3) point of attachment for several neck muscles
Styloid Process
(D4) tongue and neck muscles attach here
Stylomastoid Foramen
(D5) opening through which the facial nerve passes to control activities of the facial muscles
Mandibular Fossa
(D6) where the mandible articulates with the bone
Carotid Foramen
(D7) -opening through which the internal carotid artery passes carrying blood to the brain
Sphenoid Bone
Foramen Ovale
(G) - formed from two maxillae and is the upper jawbone - articulates with every facial bone except the mandible
Nasal Bones
Vomer Bone
Zygomatic Bone
Palatine Bones
(L) maxillae form the hard palate
Occipitalmastoidal Foramen
(L1) opening in palatine bone where nerves and blood vessels to the brain pass through
Squamosal Suture
(N) lower jawbone
Sagittal Suture
Coronal Suture
Occipitomastoidal Suture
immovable joints