The Vertebral Column
true, false
All the ribs can be divided into two main categories. Give the name of these two main categories
intervertebral discs, invertebral foramen
What are the blue areas? AND what are the holes just behind them?
atlas, vertebral foramen
What bone is this AND what is the big hole in center called?
atlas, superior articular facet
What bone is this AND what is the blue area?
atlas, transverse foramen
What bone is this AND what is the blue area?
spinous process
What is A?
intervertebral foramen
What is B?
intervertebral discs
What is C?
sacrum, sacral spinal curve
What is D? (give bone AND shape)
cervical spinal curve
What is E?
thoracic spinal curve
What is F?
lumbar spinal curve
What is G?
spinous process
What is area red arrow is pointing to?
intercostal space, body, costal angle
What is area red arrows are pointing to? AND what is blue area in right photo? AND what is yellow arrow pointing to?
costal grove, costal head
What is blue area in center photo? AND what is small blue area in RIGHT photo?
body, sternum
What is blue area in center? AND what is the name of the bones in these pictures (all the same)?
xiphoid process, sternum
What is blue area on left? AND what is the name of the bones in these pictures (all the same)?
manubrium, sternum
What is blue area on right? AND what is the name of the bones in these pictures (all the same)?
axis, dens
What is bone AND what is structure protruding out (at blue area)?
auricular surface, coccyx
What is the area A and B. (it articulates with the hip) AND what is the small detached bone on left
What is the bone in these photos? (red arrow and blue region)
rib, tubercle
What is the bone in these photos? AND what is the name of the small blue area on LEFT photo?
true, vertebrosternal
What is the name for ribs 1-7? give both names
What is the name for ribs 8-10?
false ribs
What is the name for ribs 8-12?
floating ribs, 11, 12
What is the name for the last two ribs AND what numbers are these ribs?
xiphoid process
What is the name of the most inferior small part of the sternum?
What is the name of the top of the sternum that rib one is attached to?
What is the part of the rib (red arrow) that sticks out and is near to where the rib joins the transverse process on the vertebrae as shown in illustration
What is this bone?
cervical vertebrae, 7
What is this bone? AND How many are there in total?
lumbar, 5
What is this bone? AND How many are there in total?
thoracic vertebrae, 12
What is this bone? AND How many are there in total?
hyoid, greater horns
What is this bone? and what are larger blue areas on right?
X3, 5
What label is on the first false rib? AND how many of these type ribs are there?
M, 1, 7, true
What letter is on the FIRST vertebrosternal rib? AND what rib number is it? AND how many vertebrosternal ribs are there? AND what is another name for these type of ribs?
s, b, 8-12
What letters are the first and last FALSE ribs? AND what numbers are these?
M, V, vertebrosternal, 1-7
What letters are the first and last TRUE ribs, AND what is another name for these ribs? AND what numbers are these?
X3, 8, 3
Which label is on the FIRST vertebrochondral rib? AND what number is it? AND how many vertebrochondral ribs are there?
7, 12, 5, 1, 1, 26
how many vertebrae are there? xx cervical, xx thoracic, xx lumbar, xx sacral, xx coccyx = xx TOTAL
lesser horns
What are small blue areas on left?
spinous process(es)
What are A?
costal cartilage
What are brown structures?
vertebrochondral ribs, 8-10
What are ribs s, v, and o called? (the bottom attached ones) AND what numbers are these?