The World Tang Soo Do Association History
What happened at the Charter Convention? (List five things)
1) New constitution was passed 2) New insignia selected 3) Uniform and belt system was revised 4) New organizational standards were adopted 5) Master JCS was recognized as Grandmaster of the WTSDA
The United States Tang Soo Do Federation reorganize to fit new demands after _ years of Tang Soo Do promotion.
The Association started out with _ member studios and _ Charter members.
17; 164
Master Jae Chul Shin traveled to the U.S. in... (Year)
Master JCS formed the United States Tang Soo Do Federation in (location)
Burlington, New Jersey
What happened on November 13-14, 1982? (Event)
Charter Convention for the World Tang Soo Do Association
Charter Convention was held in... (Location)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
What are the three mottos?
Traditionalism, Professionalism, and Brotherhood
Master Jae Chul Shin traveled to the U.S. as a... (Role)
U.S. representative for the Korean Soo Bahk Do Association
Master JCS formed the _ in Burlington, New Jersey
United States Tang Soo Do Federation