Theatre History to 1700

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List three differences between the Greek and Roman Theater structures.

1. Greek theater structures were not fully enclosed while Roman theater structures were. 2. Rome brought Aulauem, the first use of the curtain while the Greeks brought the Ekkylema, a wagon used to bring dead bodies at the end of the play. 3. The Romans had wires on top of the theater structures in case of rain so that they can cover the top while the Greeks did not.

List three ways that Roman life was different from or similar to Greek life.

1. Romans were different in that they bottled up their feelings so plays were used as a way to let out emotions while Greeks used theater for religious purposes and did not bottle up their feelings. 2. Greeks did not view women as high up, while the Romans had more respect for women and women had a say in regards to the home life. 3. Greek plays were about gods or Greeks, while Romans were about Greeks and made fun of the Greeks.

How many acts were in AMRO-classical plays?


What is the "happy ide" and what, specifically, is the "happy idea" in Aristophanes' Lysistrata?

A happy idea is a ridiculous idea that a character comes up with to solve a problem. The "happy idea" in Lysistrata is for the women to refuse to have sex with their husband's until they stop the war.

______________ was a Greek writer who left us the only existing (extant) trilogy


________________ was a Greek writer credited with adding the second speaking actor


__________________ was a Greek character you should have remembered that some mothers love their daughters more than their husbands


_______________ was a Greek writer best known for his social- commentary comedies


_______________ was a Greek writer used the concept of the happy idea in his plays


__________________ was a Greek writer most famous as a philosopher


Theories of neo-classicism were based on the writing of which two Greek and Roman philosophers?

Aristotle and Horace

Guild of professional Greek performers

Artists of Dionysus

The name for a Spanish religious play is


Japanese puppet theatre


The Spanish golden age ended with whose death?

Calderon de la Barca

Decorum refers to plot, character, or structure?


The English leader who allowed women to finally take the stage

Charles II

Write the name of the country associated with the following. The chalk circle


Wrote Dr. Faustus

Christopher Marlowe

Most famous Greek dramatic competition most famous Greek dramatic competition

City Dionysia

Made a sketch of the swan theater


Device used to reveal gods

Deus ex Machina

Art form from which Greek tragedy evolved:


Device used to reveal dead characters


_____________ was a Greek writer who was not very popular during his lifetime


What type of medieval play is everyman? What lesson is it trying to teach?

Every man is a morality play meant to teach people the only thing you can take with you to heaven is your good deeds and that everything is temporary. The purpose is to tell people to do good things while they are on earth.

Shakespeare could be considered a neo classical playwright. True or false?


Shakespeare and his contemporaries knew their plays would be published and therefore they were concerned about the literary and lasting value of their plays, do you believe this statement to be true or false. Explain your answer

False, because when Shakespeare broke his place he handed it to the clerk and the clerk had it copied for the actors and then the plays were thrown out.

Identify the country associated with each of the following. Write the name of the country on the blank line. Italy, Spain, or France. Cardinal Richileau


Identify the country associated with each of the following. Write the name of the country on the blank line. Italy, Spain, or France. Jean Racine


Why is good deeds the only one to accompany everyman to his grave?

Good deeds is the only one to accompany everyman to his grave because it is the only one who is not temporary or materialistic, that will never go away.

Who wrote that the purpose of drama is to "delight and edify"


Who was the first known female playwright?


Excessive pride, usually a character's tragic flaw, its also known as:


What impressions about Chinese theater did you get from watching the film, Farewell, My Concubine?

I think that farewell my concubine shows how important it was seen to be an actor, and how highly it was looked at. It was so important, a boy's mother was willing to cut off his extra finger so he could be an actor and attend the school. It shows to be a part of the human race, you have to be in the opera and if you're not you are a pig.

What historical factors brought about the end of legitimate, government-approved theatre, it's rebirth in the Middle Ages and the eventual decline of drama? In other words, tell the story of theatre performances from the fall of the Roman empire to 1559. Include as many details as you can.

In the early years theatre was for bidden because of Christianity. It later came back in the church as religious plays. Greece conquered many lands end up having too much territory they lost control and the Romans took over. Alexander also dies and as a result there is the Hellenistic age (blending of greek ideas with places they/Romans have conquered). This overall affected the importance of theater and how it was performed as other ideas were being added, and it changed Greek theater. Eventually people don't want to see players about gods but plays about themselves or people like them. This brought the fall of the religious drama as people are more concerned about their lives and having a life outside of worrying about how they will survive. And they began to live normal lives they began to have cycle plays (multiple stories from the Bible formed by stations)

Write the name of the country associated with the following. Kathkali


Write the name of the country associated with the following. The Mahabharata


According to one theory explained in class, from what type of building did Elizabethan public outdoor theaters evolve?


List three things that helped make Italy the cradle of the renaissance.

It only used the Roman and Greek books/writings as models, they had the ruins for the architecture, and it's a multicultural brewing pot/trade center allowing Italy to be the center of all learning and studies

Identify the country associated with each of the following. Write the name of the country on the blank line. Italy, Spain, or France. Serlio


Identify the country associated with each of the following. Write the name of the country on the blank line. Italy, Spain, or France. Teatro Olympico


Identify the country associated with each of the following. Write the name of the country on the blank line. Italy, Spain, or France. Commedia Eridita


Identify the country associated with each of the following. Write the name of the country on the blank line. Italy, Spain, or France. Commedia dell' Arte


What two countries were the main practitioners of neo-classicism?

Italy and France

Write the name of the country associated with the following. Zeami


Given a theater monopoly in restoration England.

Killegrew and Davenant

What is the name for comic schtik/funny business in Comedia Del' Arte?


Briefly describe the Le Cid controversy, being sure to name the key people in this event and why it was controversial.

Le Cid Was controversial because it was not virtuous and unrealistic. Georges de Scudery said people were fooled into loving it and said Chameen was not virtuous. The French Academy said Corneille broke a rule and Scudery was too harsh.

Who wrote Fuente Ovejuna?

Lope de Vega

What was the Roman equivalent of Greek's City Dionysia?

Ludi Romani

Granted license for performance of Elizabethan plays

Master of revels

The title of the person in charge of coordinating the elements of the medieval play cycles, much like today's director or producer:

Master of secrets

Neoclassicism = ____________ classicism


______________ was a Greek character who should have stopped investigating when people wanted him to stop


What are at least two lessons one should take away from the play Atsumori?

One lesson is that you shouldn't despise interiors because something can change any given day in which the roles may be reversed. Another lesson is that people who are your friends aren't always good, and your enemies aren't always bad, so treat everyone with respect. Be the best you.

Explain one theory of how The first theater event/performance began.

One theory of how the first theater event/performance began is the story-telling theory. The theory states that theatre is a ritual/story-telling is a ritual.

Three sided, revolving scenic device


Kept a diary/journal about his Elizabethan theatre

Philip Henslowe

Who wrote Le Cid?

Pierre Corneille

Identify the play, the speaker of the quote, and why it makes sense that, that character would say that line. "Let them howl-they're impotent. You and I have power now. We will set the house in order once for all"

Play: Agamemnon Speaker: Clytemnestra Clytemnestra says this after she killed her husband and the chorus shames her. She is speaking to Aegithus.

Identify the play, the speaker of the quote, and why it makes sense that, that character would say that line. "I'd never let any man's arrogance bully me into breaking the god's laws."

Play: Antigone Speaker: Antigone This is the scene where Antigone refuses to do what Creon asks and stands by her decision to bury her brotherZ She said the gods found injustice and not burying her brother's body which supports that it's Antigone as she mentions the gods' law.

Identify the play, the speaker of the quote, and why it makes sense that, that character would say that line. "She's worthless in battle and flinches at the sight of steel. But when she's faced with an injustice in the bedroom, there is no other mind more murderous"

Play: Medea Speaker: Medea It talks about the injustice in the bedroom and Jason married another woman, leaving Medea. She is describing herself.

Identify the play, the speaker of the quote, and why it makes sense that, that character would say that line. "Reason with yourself, And ask whether any man would exchange a quiet life, with royal rank assured, for an uneasy throne? To be a king in name was never part of my ambition".

Play: Oedipus Speaker: Creon This is when Creon is trying to warn Oedpius to stop his search, but Oedipus is suspcious as to why Creon would help him. As a result, Creon says why he doesn't want to be king.

Identify the play, the speaker of the quote, and why it makes sense that, that character would say that line. "O light! May I never look on you again, Revealed as I am, wrongful in my begetting, Wrongful in marriage, wrongful in the shedding of blood!"

Play: Oedipus Speaker: Oedipus This is from the scene Oedipus finds out the truth and sees the queen has killed herself . He mentions never being able to look again, to which he becomes blind. He also mentions being wrong in marriage and the shedding of blood referring to killing his dad, and marrying his mother.

What were Aristotle's six elements of drama?

Plot, character, thought, diction, music, spectacle

The oldest surviving form of theatre to rise out of the ashes after the fall of the Roman empire was

Quem quaetris trope

What character type, in French neo-classical theater, is considered the voice of reason, speaking for the playwright?


An Indian term for experiencing emotional release in performance


Write the name of the country associated with the following. Vomitorium


Plays that followed a Greek trilogy

Satyr plays

Typically followed performance of Greek trilogy

Satyr plays

Italian Renaissance architect who also designed scenery

Sebastiano Serlio

Who was known as a Roman playwright of closet dramas?


Actors in Elizabethan England earned something like a stable income by becoming


More than 30,000 place for Raiden during the approximately 100 years Of the Spanish golden age. Name at least two reasons why so much theater would have been produced during this time. You cannot of the theater was just really popular. Instead, think about what factors led to such strong support for theatre.

So much theatre was produced because plays were religious at this time and was used to tell the stories of the Bible. Also, the church was a strong influence and this was the time of the Spanish Inquisition which it was used to convert jews.

_____________ was a Greek writer who had a big influence on Freud's Oedipus complex


Identify the country associated with each of the following. Write the name of the country on the blank line. Italy, Spain, or France. Calderon


Identify the country associated with each of the following. Write the name of the country on the blank line. Italy, Spain, or France. Inquisition


Identify the country associated with each of the following. Write the name of the country on the blank line. Italy, Spain, or France. Lope de Vega


In what ways is Tartuffe just as relevant today as it was in Moliere's time?

Tartuffe is as relevant today because it talks about people who are hypocrites and pretend to be something/someone they are not. We still deal with people like that such as religious leaders who preach things but then sin anyway.

What was the first theater with the proscenium arch?

Teatro Farnese

What was the popular sport in France that led to the renovation of new theaters?


List 4 aspects of tartuffe that make it a neo-classical drama. Look carefully at your notes about neo-classicism and look for elements of neo-classicism that are in Tartuffe.

The 4 aspects that make Tartuffe a neo-classical drama include, it has verisimilitudd, characters follow decorum, it has 3 Unities (time place, action), there are not supernatural elements,it has 5 acts, and there are no soliloquies/ it has a raissoner (voice of reason character)

Who made sure that neo -classical principles were a palled and art? (France)

The French Academy

The discovery for this first set of theater ruined eventually lead to the construction of the New Globe

The Rose

Why is Thespis considered the first actor? What exactly did he do?

The space is considered the first actor because he came up with an idea in which they would sing and dance, take a break, and Thespis would tell a story, and then they would sing and dance again.

What impression do you have about the status of theater during the ancient Greek times?

The status of theatre during the ancient Greek times were important, as it was people's duty to act in place as well as the fact that there was a competition dedicated to theatre at Dionysus.

What were the three unities described by Aristotle, not just their names but what they mean?

The three unities are time (play takes place in one time, audience time = play time, no jumps in time or flashbacks), place (no change in setting, takes place in one setting), and action (one storyline)

Name the three unities.

Time, place, action

Who wrote a play about Don Juan?

Tirso de Molina

Who developed the chariot-and-pole system for changing scenery?


To integrate dance, singing and acting in the performance is __________ __________

Total theatre

What place does Shakespeare start writing at the end of the movie, Shakespeare in love?

Twelfth Night

Nicholas Udall, Thomas Kyd and Christopher Marlowe were all members of what club or organization?

University Wits

Term for "the appearance of the truth"?


Another term for non-Latin is _________


The name given for comic servants of Comedia Del' Arte


Greek term for city-state


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