Why might it be difficult to find the theme in a story?
It might be difficult to find the theme in a story because the theme is not always directly stated. Readers have to INFER the theme.
What is an inferred theme?
A theme that is NOT directly stated in a story and readers have to discover it by the clues given in the story.
What is a stated theme?
A theme that is stated directly; the reader can literally underline it. Readers do not have to infer it because it has been given to them.
What is the strategy/formula readers use to discover the theme of a text?
Conflict + Resolution = Theme
What do good readers do when they don't understand a text?
Go back and reread, underline, highlight, ask questions, until they GET it.
What is the resolution?
How the conflict (problem) is solved.
What is theme?
The general message about life found in a story. The "life lesson."
What is conflict?
The problem in a story.