THEO 201 - Final Exam

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• Know the 4 aspects of common grace

Rooted in God's work of creation (and the Son's work as the agent of creation in the past and sovereign rulership in the present) b) Results in general provision, preservation & restraint of evil c) Received by all people (and all creation), believers and unbelievers d) Administered through the Noahic Fallen Creation Covenant

• Know the 3 reasons why the virgin birth of Christ is an important doctrine

The virgin birth shows that salvation must ultimately come from the Lord b) The virgin birth makes possible the uniting of full deity and full humanity in one person c) The virgin birth makes possible Christ's true humanity without inherited corruption (and guilt?).

• Know and be familiar the 17 spiritual gift functions mentioned by Dr. Wind and be able to write out 3 of them

a) 1. Word of wisdom 2. word of knowledge 3. faith 4. gifts of healing 5. miracles 6. prophecy 7. distinguishing between spirits 8. tongues (languages) 9. interpretation of tongues 10. helps 11. administration 12. encouraging 13. contributing 14. leadership 15. mercy 16. speaking 17. rendering service

• Know the 8 indications of distinct marriage roles before the Fall claimed by Complementarians (be able to write out 3)

a) Adam was created first, then Eve (1 Timothy 2:13) b) Eve was created as a helper for Adam c) Adam named Eve d) God named the human race "man," not "woman" e) God spoke to Adam first after the fall f) Adam, not Eve, represented the human race g) The curse brought a distortion of the previous roles, not new roles h) Redemption in Christ reaffirms the creation order

• Know the definition of adoption

a) Adoption is an act of God whereby he makes us members of his family.

• Know Grudem's definition of "spiritual gifts

a) An ability that is empowered by the Holy Spirit and used in any ministry of the church

• Know the basic definitions of the 3 inadequate views of the person of Christ which were mentioned

a) Apollinarianism; Fully divine, partially human (only in body, not in mind or spirit) b) Nestorianism: 2 persons and 2 natures c) Monophysitism (Eutychianism): 1 person and 1 nature (a new mixed nature, neither full divine or fully human

• Know and be able to write out the 5 spiritual gift offices of the church during the NT era, as identified by Dr. Wind

a) Apostle b) Prophet c) Evangelist d) Pastor-Teacher (-Elder-Overseer[Bishop]) e) Deacon?

• Know the 3 uses of the concept of "election" in the NT

a) As a comfort b) As a reason to praise God c) As an encouragement to evangelism

• Know what happens to unbelievers and believers at the resurrection

a) BOTH believers and unbelievers, from throughout human history, will experience resurrection (the reuniting of the soul and body). b) Believers will be united with a glorified, eternal body; unbelievers will be united with a corrupted, eternal body.

Know the concept that Dr. Wind said refers to the same experience as new birth, regeneration, union with Christ, and true belief

a) Baptism

• Know the 2 aspects of biblical church discipline

a) Baptism and the Lords Supper

• Know how, practically speaking, both Arminians and Calvinists respond to apostasy

a) Both Arminians and Calvinists agree on this point but only disagree on whether those who fall away were once truly saved or not. Practically speaking, this means both groups respond to apostasy by calling those who fall away to repent and believe.

• Know the 2 key truths about the Trinity that the Complementarian position believes are reflected in God's design for husband and wife relationships

a) Both men and woman should honor one another evena s the persons of the trinity honor each other b) Interpersonal unity

• Know the 5 "solas" of the Reformation

a) By Scripture Alone (Sola Scriptura) b) By Faith Alone (Sola Fide) c) By Grace Alone (Sola Gratia) d) Through Christ Alone (Solo Chisto) e) For the Glory of God Alone (Soli Deo Gloria)

• Know the difference between the Calvinist and Arminian views of regeneration

a) Calvinist: believes that it comes before saving faith b) Arminians believe that it comes after

• Know the sense in which humanity CAN carry out the original responsibilities of the Image after sin

a) Can live out the eternal 7th day in a lesser imperfect sense that in the end, leads only to God's judgement, line of worshippers saved from judgement, waling with God and not dying, noah was righteous, blameless and walked with God. When Christ comes it will once again be able to arry out all things in a perfect sense.

• Know the senses in which humanity CANNOT carry out the original responsibilities of the Image after sin

a) Can no longer carry out their eternal 7th day; serpent rules over them, power struggle in the home, the ground is cursed, pain in childbirth (image multiplication), broken family relationships (dependent sonship) Barred from Gods temple presence (priestly worship in Gods presence)

• Know the best response, according to Prof. Wind, to the question, "Did Jesus give up some of his divine attributes while on earth?"

a) Christ remains fully God but relinquishes for a time certain roles, status, and privileges that are his as God

• Know and be able to write out 3 of the 5 meanings of the Lord's Supper noted by Dr. Wind

a) Christ's death b) Our participation in the benefits of Christ's death c) Spiritual nourishment (spiritual communion with the physically absent Covenant Lord through the Holy Spirit)

• Know the 2 aspects of Christ's work in the atonement

a) Christs active obedience for us b) Christs passive obedience: suffereing for us

• Know Grudem's definition of common grace

a) Common grace is the grace of God by which he gives people innumerable blessings that are not apart of our salvation

• Know the name of the view that believes that all offices/functions operative during the NT era continue unchanged until today

a) Complete Continuation

• Know the definition of death

a) Death is a temporary cessation of the life of the physical body and a temporary separation of the soul from the physical body.

• Know the 2 aspects of the legal (forensic) declaration that is justification

a) Declares us forgiven and not guilty b) Declares us as credited with Chrsits positive Righteousness (Christs active and passive obedience)

• Know the definition of the unity of the church

a) Degree of freedom from divisions among true Christians

• Know the definition of the purity of the church

a) Degrees of freedom from being wrong in doctrine and conduct and comformity to Gods will for the church.

• Know the 4 key questions concerning actual sin in our lives

a) Does our ability limit our responsibility? True responsibility does not require unqualified responsibility. b) Are there degrees of sin? Legal and relational guilt c) Are infants guilty before they commit actual sin? d) Can infants die saved?

• Know the 4 proper responses to common grace

a) Don't reject the good things that unbelievers do as totally evil b) Be more thankful every day for the countless blessings we all enjoy! c) Don't confuse it with Saving Grace - continue to proclaim the Gospel (special grace mission) d) Be faithful in the Common Grace Mission, just as God is: "Do good to all people as you have the opportunity"

• Know the 2 aspects of the Gospel Call

a) Effective calling can be called the Internal Call and is made to a particular person by God himself and always produces the faith for which it calls. b) The general Gospel call is the external call (as agreed upon by both Calvinists and Arminians) which should be made to all people by human agents and may or may not lead to a response of faith

• Know the 3 areas of the effects of sin

a) Effects a sinners relationship with God b) Effects the sinner c) Effects the sinners relationship with other sinners

• Know how perseverance from a divine perspective fits together with perseverance from a human perspective

a) Eternal security- looking at perseverance from a divine perspective, the wolves will never snatch us out of the flock of Christ

• Know the Latin phrase that describes the traditional Roman Catholic view of the sacraments

a) Ex opera operato

• Know the 3 minimum elements necessary within the external gospel call

a) Explanation of the facts concerning salvation b) Invitiatioin to respond to Chrsit personally in repentance and faith c) A promise of forgiveness and eternal life.

• Know the 2 reasons why Jesus' full humanity was necessary

a) For representative obedience b) For being aa substitutionary sacrifice

• Know the 4 key points about the origin of sin

a) God did not sin and cannot sin b) There is no power equal to or able to challenge God c) God ordained that sin would come into the world through voluntary choices of moral creatures but God did not sin d) First human sin characterizes all huan sin to some degree

• Know the sense in which the atonement WAS and was NOT necessary

a) God was under no outer constraint or obligation to save sinners. In his freedom, God could have allowed all sinners to receive the just penalty of their sins. In this sense, the atonement was NOT necessary. b) In order for God to save sinners, the atonement WAS necessary since there is no other possible remedy which justly punishes human sin even while extending mercy to those same sinnerss

• Know God's 2 motivations in the providing the atonement

a) Gods love b) Gods justice

• Know the 4 categories labeled by Prof. Wind within the Order of Salvation

a) Gods mysterious work of Salvation nefore history; foreknowledge, predestination b) Gods objective work of salvation in history; incarnation c) Gods subjective work of salvation: gospel cal/regeneration d) God's completed work of salvation at the end of history: resurrection and glorification

• Know the 4 different serious problems possessed by each sinner

a) I deserve to die as a penalty for my sin b) I deserve to bear God's wrath against my sin c) I am relationally separated from God by my sin d) I am in bondage to sin and the power of Satan

• Know the definitions of "inherited guilt" an "inherited corruption"

a) Inherited guilt: we are counted guilty because of Adams sin b) Inherited corruption: we have a sinful nature because of Adam's sin.

• Know the 3 elements of the doctrinal significance of the resurrection

a) Insures our present regeneration b) Insures our present justification c) Insures our future resurrection

• Know the difference between the membership of the covenant community as God sees it (invisible church) and as humans see it (visible church)

a) Invisible Church: God has always seen with perfect clarity those who are truly united to him by faith (the invisible covenant people/church; b) Visible Church: A person can give some external evidence of legitimate faith/membership in the covenant (the visible covenant people/church; membership of the covenant community as humans see it), but eventually prove not to be (or never to have been) a member of the invisible covenant people.

• Know and be able to write out 1 of the reasons given in support of believers' baptism

a) It is an outward expression of an inward reality, one needs adequate evidence of possessing that inwardly symbol.

• Know the 3 truths we know from scripture in response to the question, "Could Jesus have sinned?"

a) Jesus could be tempted b) Ultimately could not sin because he was God c) Resited sin not by relying on his divine nature and experienced them as fully man

• Know the 3 elements that demonstrated Christ's full humanity

a) Jesus' virgin birth b) Jesus human weakness and limitations c) Jesus real temptation

• Know the definition of Justification

a) Justification is an instantaneous legal act of God in which he 1) thinks of our sins as forgiven and Christ's righteousness as belonging to us, and 2) declares us to be righteous in his sight.

• Know Christ's threefold office

a) King: Christ is God and has always there fore been a member of the triune Kingship b) Prophet: Christ the eternal Word of the Father, has always been a prophet. c) Priest: Christs priesthood includes both his active and passive obedience, active as the priest of eternity and passive in his sacrifice.

• Know the 3 elements which true, saving faith must include

a) Knowledge, approval, and personal trust

• Know the 3 elements of the 3-Legged Stool of Assurance

a) Leg 1: present personal trust in the objective doctrinal truth of the Bible b) Leg 2: Personal evidence of the fruit of the Spirit, expressed primarily and objectively confirmed within the family relationships of the local church c) Personal experience of the subjective, internal testimony of the Holy Spirit (internal confirmation)

• Know what analogy Dr. Wind gave for the Lord's Supper

a) Lords Supper as an ongoing covenant meal, ongoing family meal.

• Know the 3 key points concerning "man AS the image of God"

a) Mankind is designed to be Gods mirror image who represents God ans is like God in some ways b) Be visible represenatives of the invisible God c) Designed to dwell in Gods presence, beholding and reflecting his glory in the eternal 7th day.

• Know what analogy Dr. Wind gave for water baptism

a) Marriage ceremony

• Know the 3 orientations of the ministry of the new covenant community

a) Ministry to God, Ministry to beleivers and ministry to non believers

• Know why the cessasitonist view believes Apostles and Prophets are no longer necessary

a) Miraculous gifts have functioned to authenticate the foundational apostolic teaching- this teaching has been authenticated historically so there is now no need for further miraculous gifts

• Know the name of the view that believes that the church offices of unique, foundational authority and the miraculous, spectacular functions ceased being operative after the close of the Apostolic era

a) Mostly complete cessation

• Know the 3 elements of the ethical significance of the resurrection•

a) Motivates steadfastness in the Lord's work b) Focuses us to aim for our heavenly reward c) Obligates us to fight sin

• Know Dr. Wind's preferred term for baptism and the Lord's Supper

a) New covenant ceremonies

• Know Grudem's view on the effect, necessity, and minimum age of water baptism

a) No effect in and of itself, not necessary for salvation, minimum age depends on the child

• Know the 4 truths about death

a) Not a punishment for Christians b) Death is the final outcome of living in a fallen world c) Death is a tool used by God to continue and complete our sanctification d) Teach beleivers that our relationship with God is more important than anything else, even that preserving our lives

• Know what the main debate concerns in considering the relationship between Israel and the church

a) One end of the continuum: complete continuity between Israel and the Church (Israel is the old church, the church is new Israel) b) The other end of the continuum: complete discontinuity between Israel and the Church (Israel is Israel, the church is the church, the two always remaining separate and distinct) c) Between the two absolute and extreme positions on the continuum (which almost no one holds), the main debate concerns how much continuity and discontinuity there are between the two communities (Israel and the church)

• Know the 3 reasons why Jesus' full divinity was necessary

a) Only an infinite God could bear the penalty for the sins of many b) Only God himself is able to save mankind c) Only God himself could be a mediator between God and humanity

• Know the typical usage of the term "justification" by Paul contrasted to the typical usage by James

a) Paul: justified hy grace through faith apart from works; declare righteousn b) James: James says we are justified by our works; demonstrate how to be righteous

• Know the labels for the 3 main theories of original sin

a) Pelagianism: newborn human soul is free from any corruption of guilt, humans have no natural inclination toward sin and can fufill Gods commands. b) Arminian Theory: humans are born with a corrupt nature, but not with actual guilt. Grace is extended by God to al humans neutralizing the corruption received by Adam c) Calvinist Theory: humans are born with a corrupt nature and actual guilt

• Know the names of the 5 main theories of the atonement

a) Penal Substitutionary atonement: bore our penalty in our place b) Ransom to Satan Thoery c) Moral influence theory: demonstates how much God loves us d) Governmental Thoery: Gods law had been brokeb requiring some sort of general penalty to be paid

• Know how Grudem characterized the eating of covenant meals throughout the OT and NT

a) People communing in a unique way with their covenant Lord

• Know the 4 aspects of Christ's suffering on the cross

a) Physical pain and death b) Spiritual pain from bearing sin c) Abandonment by his friends and his Heavenly Father d) Bearing the wrath of God

• Know the 3 stages of sanctification

a) Positional Sanctification: sanctification has a definite beginning at regeneratin b) Progressive Sanctification: increases throughout life c) Perfect Sanctification: Santification is completed at death and when Christ returns

• Know the 2 elements of election, according to Grudem

a) Predestination and reporbation

• Know the 4 marks of the true church named in the Apostles Creed and the 3 marks of the true church often named by the Protestant Reformers

a) Protestant reformers: Before the Reformation, the key, minimal, and essential marks of the true church were typically identified (as reflected in the Apostles' Creed) as: One, Holy, Universal, & Apostolic Church b) The Protestant Reformers rejected the Roman Catholic church's emphasis on: institutional oneness, sacramental holiness, and the universality of the visible church, instead emphasizing spiritual and confessional oneness, positional and ethical holiness, and the universality of the invisible church. c) The Protestant Reformers highlighted the 2 marks of the right preaching of the Bible (corresponding to "Apostolic" in the Creed) and of the right administration of baptism/the Lord's Supper (flowing from the right preaching of the Bible); for many of the Reformers, a third mark of church disciple also often accompanied the first 2 marks. d) Apostle creed; there are true and false churches, there are more pure and less pure churches, more healthy and less healthy churches, unity of the church is its degree of freedom from divisions among true Christians, functional process of corrective church discipline is necessary.

• Know the definition of regeneration

a) Regeneration is a secret act of God in which he imparts new spiritual life to us; being born again.

• Know the 4 primary responsibilities of the Image in the Eternal 7th Day

a) Representational Ruleship b) Image Multiplication c) Dependent Sonship d) Priestly Worship in Gods presence

• Know what position of "monism" gets right and what it gets wrong

a) Rightly emphasizes the unity of human nature, inadequately accounts for the many biblical passages that indicate the ability of a persons immaterial self to exist independently apart from material itself.

• Know the different views of "righteousness" in the Protestant and Roman Catholic doctrines of justification

a) Roman Catholic: "justification" changes us internally by nature by infusing us with a new righteousness that we possess as our own moral character b) Protestant: Our justification is always and only on the basis of Christ's actual righteousness and never on the basis of our own possessed righteousness

• Know the 4 aspects of special grace

a) Rooted in God's work of salvation (and Christ' work as the agent of salvation) b) Results in eternal salvation c) Received by believers d) Administered through the New Covenant (and the Abrahamic, Mosaic & Davidic Covenants previously)

• Know the 4 elements of the doctrinal significance of the ascension

a) Rulership of Christ from the heavenly throne b) Foreshadows our future meeting of him in the air (1 Thess 4:17) c) Assures us of our eternal him with Christ d) Allows us to be seated partially with him on his throne now and fully with him in the future

• Know the 4 different ways Christ meets through his death a sinner's 4 serious problems

a) Sacrifice: He pays my sin penalty for me b) Propitiation: He bears God's wrath for me c) Reconciliation: He reunites me in relationship to God d) Redemption: He frees me from slavery to sin and Satan

• Know the definition of sanctification

a) Sanctification is a progressive work of God and man that makes us more and more free from sin and like Christ in our actual lives

• Know and be able to write out 1 of the reasons given by Roman Catholics in support of infant baptism

a) Saving grace irrespective of the personal faith of the recipient, relying on church's faith

• Know and be able to write out 1 of the reasons given by some Protestants in support of infant baptism

a) Sign of new covenant parallel to circumcision as the covenant sign of the old covenant.

• Know Grudem's definition of "sin"

a) Sin is any failute to conform to the moral law of God in act attitude and nature

• Know the 2 basic evidences of the deity of Christ

a) Spiritual evidence, Alpha Omega and Lord b) Jesus possessing the attributes of God

• Know the 4 primary biblical metaphors of the church

a) The family/ household of God the Father b) The Bride of Christ the Son c) The Body of Christ the Son d) The Temple of God the Holy Spirit

• Know the definition of the Perseverance of the Saints

a) The perseverance of the saints means that All who are truly born again will be kept by God's power and Will persevere as Christians until the end of their lives, and that Only those who persevere until the end Have been truly born again.

• Know what happens to unbelievers and believers at death

a) The souls of believers go immediately into God's presence. b) Soul of unbeleivers go immediately to hell

• Know the function of the warning statements of Scripture

a) Their need to actively persevere in faith to the end are one of God's chosen means to insure that true believers do persevere.

• Know the names of the 3 versions of how to practice the Lord's Supper in terms of who's eligible to participate

a) Those who give credible evidence of true personal belief b) Those who have examined themselves in light of maintain the unity of the body of Chrsit c) No explicit requirement for administereing the Lords supper

• Know the 4 reasons for common grace

a) To redeem those who will be saved b) To demonstrate God's goodness and mercy c) To demonstrate God's justice d) To demonstrate God's glory

• Know the two kinds of church discipline mentioned by Dr. Wind

a) Transubstantiation b) Consubstantiation

• Know the 2 missions which the church has toward non-believers

a) Verbal proclamation mission, good deeds mission.

• Know the two kinds of baptism that Dr. Wind introduced

a) Water Baptism, believers baptism, infant baptism

• Know why and for what role God created humanity

a) We were created to be Gods mirror image, this was reflected in Christ how he perfectly mirrored God and showed the radiance of the glory of God.

• Know the 4 components of sin

a) What you do? b) Why you do it? c) The context of sin also affects the weight d) Real world impact

• Know the definition of sin as "Natural Desires Fulfilled Wrongly"

a) When natural desires are fulfilled outside of God designed purposes and limitations it becomes sinful.

• Know the key debated question when considering the relationship between the local and universal church

a) Where is there continuity and where is there discontinuity between the Old and New Covenant communities? b) Does the level of discontinuity between the Old and New Covenant communities require the term "the church" to be reserved as a reference to the New Covenant community alone?

• Know how many sacraments the Roman Catholic church practices

a) five

• Know the literal meaning of the Greek word "baptizo"

a) immersion

• Know the definition of conversion

a) is our willing response to the gospel call, in which we sincerely repent of sins and place our trust in Christ for salvation

• Know the term many Protestants use instead of the term "sacraments"

a) ordinances

• Know the definition of reprobation

a) the sovereign decision of God before creation b) to pass over some persons, c) in sorrow deciding not to save them, and d) to punish them for their sins, and e) thereby to manifest his justice."

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