Theology Chapter 5 & 6 Review

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Passion Narratives

Four separate accounts of the Passion of Christ in the four Gospels. The passion narratives of the synoptic Gospels follow a similar literary and thematic plan. The passion narrative of John's Gospel provides an independent account of these Paschal events.

What message does the Lord instruct Mary to deliver to tell Jesus "brothers?"

He told Mary to tell them that she had seen him. He also said to tell them: "I am going to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God."

What victories did Jesus win for us in his Resurrection?

His Resurrection spelled victory for humanity—victory over Satan, victory over sin, and victory over death.


Is both a noun and a verb. As a noun, ransom might be money paid to free a person who has been captured or kidnapped. To ransom is to pay the money. The plots of modern films are often based on the storyline of a victim whose kidnappers demand a ransom before they will release their captive. Because humanity was captive to sin, Jesus ransomed human beings through his Death on the Cross.


Is the name for a ritual offering made to God by a priest on behalf of the people as a sign of adoration, gratitude, supplication, and communion. In the case of Christ's Death on the Cross, Jesus was both the priest and the sacrifice: he offered himself on behalf of the people. God the Father allowed his Son to suffer and die because Jesus' sacrifice destroyed the power of sin and restored humans to friendship with God


Is the process of buying back or freeing a person by paying a ransom or removing the person's obligation by payment. Jesus redeemed or paid the ransom for humans to release them from sin's imprisonment by dying on the Cross. Jesus paid in full the debt that we owe for our sins.


"The spiritual principle of human beings" (CCC, Glossary). The soul and body together form one human nature. The soul does not die with the body. It is eternal and will be reunited with the body in the final resurrection.

Why did Jesus send the Spirit?

Jesus sent the Spirit so that all he accomplished―his victory over sin and death and his life entirely given in obedience to the Father―may be accomplished in the Church and, through the Church, in the world.


Jesus' passage from this world into divine glory in God's heavenly domain forty days after his Resurrection. It is from this domain that Jesus will come again.

Why is the empty tomb one of the signs that Jesus really rose from the dead?

Neither Jesus friends nor his enemies ever claimed to found Jesus body. No one ever proved that his corpse was stolen. The inability of the guards to account for Jesus' disappearance is proof that the tomb was empty and that no one had come to remove the Body from it.

Beloved Disciple

The "disciple whom Jesus loved," referenced several times in John's Gospel. Church Fathers believed the Apostle John, author of the fourth Gospel, to be the Beloved Disciple, and Church Tradition identifies the Apostle John as the Beloved Disciple who rested his head on Jesus' chest during the Last Supper (see Jn 21:20).


The Church dogma that teaches that the Blessed Mother was taken body and soul into heaven when her earthly life was over. The Feast of the Assumption is on August 15 and is a holy day of obligation.

Explain what the Holy Spirit confers on the members of the Church.

The Holy Spirit bestows divine life on the Church's members and makes them partakers of the divine nature. By joining you to the risen Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit makes it possible for you to live holiness of life and to put Jesus' moral and spiritual teaching into practice.

How was Jesus' Body transformed by the Holy Spirit at his Resurrection?

The Holy Spirit transformed Jesus' Body at his Resurrection, giving it "the glorious state of Lordship." Jesus' human body was gloriously transfigured, filled with the Holy Spirit into an incorrupt, immortal body.


A Greek word for "proclamation," the core teaching about Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. It is the basic Christian message that Jesus of Nazareth died and was raised from the dead by God the Father for the forgiveness of sins.


A Hebrew word meaning "(O Lord) grant salvation," but the invocation became a shout of joy and welcome.


Any thought, word, or act that expresses hatred or contempt for Christ, God, the Church, saints, or holy things.

Explain Jesus' expectations for his Apostles which he gave with his Great Commission.

As Apostles, they were to preach the Gospel, teach the commandments, and baptize "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit."

Last Judgement

Christ's judgment of the living and the dead at his return at the end of time. All human beings will appear in their own bodies before Christ's tribunal to render an account of their deeds. The Last Judgment will reveal that God's justice triumphs over all the injustices committed by his creatures and that God's love is stronger than death. After the Last Judgment, the Kingdom of God will come in its fullness, in which the righteous will reign forever with Christ, glorified in body and soul, and the universe itself will be renewed.


Emphasizes making right the offense by paying the just penalty. Jesus atoned for the sin of the world, both Original Sin and all personal sin, by paying the penalty that human beings deserve for their offenses against God, other people, and the world. The eternal Son of God emptied himself of his power and glory to offer himself as an atonement for disobedience, sin, and death; by being obedient to the Father even to the point of Death on the Cross, he atoned for your sins (cf. Phil 2:5-9).

What rich themes from the Gospel of Luke are included in the Emmaus account?

Faith and vision, and hospitality to strangers

Although people appropriately venerate Jesus because of his holiness, he always points to Mary.


Jesus' glorified body was immortal and supernatural and was unlike a normal human body.


Luke's Gospel was written for a Gentile Christian audience by an author who was a Jewish Christian.


The Resurrection accounts in the four Gospels all draw from the eyewitness accounts of the apostles.


What does the Lord help the disciples understand about the Scriptures? What does he want them to do?

The Lord then opens his disciples' minds to understand what the Scriptures had foretold: the suffering of the Messiah and his Resurrection on the third day. He tells the disciples that they are to be witnesses to all that he has said and done and that their task has only begun.

Briefly explain the separate parts of the Paschal Mystery and Jesus' Glorification.

The Resurrection should always be considered as part of the Paschal Mystery, the saving action of Christ that comprises Jesus' Death (Good Friday), his descent to the dead (Holy Saturday), and his Glorification. Jesus' Glorification consists of the Resurrection (Easter Sunday); his Ascension into heaven (forty days after Easter); and Pentecost (fifty days after Easter), when the Apostles and Mary gathered in the Upper Room in Jerusalem, received an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and began the Church.

Summarize three things all four Gospel accounts agree on?

The Resurrection took place early in the morning on the first day of the week. • Women were present at the tomb. Mary Magdalene is mentioned in each account. There were also "messengers" at the tomb who told the women to tell the disciples what they witnessed. • The empty tomb was important to the Resurrection accounts. It was an essential sign of Christ's Resurrection, a first step in acknowledging God's work in bringing the Son back to life. It corroborates that something happened. The enemies of the early Christians were never able to produce Jesus' corpse, though they probably tried to do so.


The day fifty days after Easter when the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles and gave them the power to preach with conviction the message that Jesus is risen and is Lord of the universe. The Church celebrates Pentecost every year as the beginning of the new "age of the Church," when Christ lives and acts in and with his Church through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Paschal Lamb

The lamb slaughtered by the Israelites in preparation for the Passover. God instructed the Israelites, while they were enslaved in Egypt, to sprinkle the blood of a lamb on their doorposts, which the angel of death saw and "passed over." They were instructed also to eat the lamb and to commemorate this event (the Passover), which signified their preservation from death and their liberation from captivity. In the New Testament, Jesus is recognized as the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world by shedding his blood. By his blood, death passes us over. In the Eucharist we celebrate and share in the new Passover in his Body and Blood.


The letters posted above the crucifix. The Romans posted criminals' offenses above the criminal's cross to deter others from committing similar offenses. INRI abbreviates Latin words that would have been posted: Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudeorum, which translates to "Jesus the Nazorean, the King of the Jews."

High Priest

The priest in charge of Temple worship. The high priest shared in the general priestly duties; however, he was the only one allowed to enter the holy of holies, and then only on the Day of Atonement. Jesus is the High Priest of the New Covenant. Christ fulfilled everything that the priesthood of the Old Covenant prefigured (cf. Heb 5:10, 6:20). He offered himself once for all (cf. Heb 10:14) in a perfect sacrifice upon the Cross.

How do we know that Jesus' disciples were not expecting Jesus' Resurrection?

They were heartbroken, saddened, and afraid after his Crucifixion. They were in hiding in Jerusalem, fearful that they too might be arrested and executed.

Both the Ascension of Jesus and the Assumption of Mary are a reminder that our rightful home is heaven and that we live in the hope that we may one day follow them there.


On Easter Sunday Jesus gives his disciples the gift of the Holy Spirit and the authority to forgive sins in his name.


The Gospel writers consistently emphasize that the risen Jesus was transformed.


The differences between the four accounts of the Resurrections can be best understood by remembering how people typically tell about the same powerful events in the different ways.


The disciples were transformed into zealous preachers of the Gospel after the Resurrection of Jesus.


The events of the Paschal Mystery are inseparable.


The longer ending in Mark's Gospel were probably taken from the other Gospels.


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