Theology exam 1

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New Covenant

(updated covenant of Grace) Regeneration- I will put the law in your hearts reconciliation- I will be their God and they will be my people Justification- I will forgive their sins REQUIRES FAITH

What is the 2-way Great Exchange that occurred on the cross? What was transferred to Jesus on the cross? And what was transferred from Jesus back to his people?

The Great Reversal refers to all our sins being collected onto Jesus while he gave us his righteousness We transferred our sins and placed them upon Jesus Jesus righteousness and innocence transferred onto us

Be able to remember at least 4 of the 6 elements that we talked about regarding the "Messianic Surprise". You should be able to discuss each one of them in 1-2 sentences. What does this teach us about God's character?

-Messiah was born to poor, uneducated girl (they were expected someone from rich family who could help Jesus become king through connections) -Scandalous because God made Mary pregnant while she was unmarried -The messiah was born in a filthy barn Jesus was known to be form Nazareth a town with bad reputation Jesus was unattractive and did not look kingly Jesus didn't grab political power. Instead, he was humiliated and then killed (people expected King to suppress Rome) - God showed heart his power known thru weakness and has servant heart

Moral Argument

-Objective morality exists Cant condemn morality unless objective moral truth. People who believe in subjective morality still tend to believe that there are some objective moral truths -Objective morality can only exist if a god exists Humans do not follow evolutionary instict but follow moral instincts, How do we know what is moral or not? God. -Therefore, God must exist

Know the broad details of the Passover story, and how they contain a prophetic foreshadowing of the Christ event.

-On the 10th day of the month each family gets a lamb -Inspect lamb for blemishes- must be perfect -Slaughter the lamb on the 14th day to prepare for the night of God's judgement -Wipe blood on door and then eat the lamb the blood of the lamb will protect the people which foreshadows and symbolizes that Jesus' blood saves and protects us (Jesus entered Jerusalem passover lambs-inspected by Roman perfect and declared perfect- killed- protected us)

What 4 historical facts do almost all historians agree on regarding the events of Jesus' death and its aftermath?

1. After his crucifixion, Jesus was buried by joseph of Arimathea who was part of the ruling council in Jerusalem called the Sanhedrin 2. On Sunday following crucifixion, tomb of Jesus was found to be empty by women followers 3. On multiple occasions and under a variety of circumstance, different individuals and groups of people saw Jesus 4. Original disciples believe that Jesus was risen from dead despite their having every reason not to

Describe the transformation that took place in Jesus' disciples between the aftermath of Jesus' death, and then after Pentecost.

1. Were transformed after the immediate death of Jesus. - scared. They witnessed resurrection- stronger 2. After pentecost were given special powers by the holy spirit and risked everything to spread the word of Jesus Christ

You should be able to tell me the approximate date that the prophecies about Jesus in the book of Isaiah were written.·

600-700 BC

Know 2 of the important names in the genealogy of Jesus in the beginning of the book of Matthew, and be able to explain why those 2 names are important.

Abraham: fulfills Abrahamic covenant about blessing all people on earth through him · David: fulfills David covenant that his house and kingdom will endure forever and throne established forever.

1 historical fact all historians agree on

After his crucifixion, Jesus was buried by joseph of Arimathea who was part of the ruling council in Jerusalem called the Sanhedrin -As a member of Sanhedrin, very unlikely to be Christian invention since they would have despised him (they voted to kill him). Location of tomb would also be known- anyone could check the tombs to prove wrong -Early and independent sources

What kind of love did Jesus preach about? What are some of its unusual or defining characteristics? How did he model this definition of love?

Agape love- Love your neighbor and love your enemy. Pray for those who persecute you. He internalizes the laws. It is not about obeying the letter of the law but about the spirit of the law. Spirit of law is about radical love for God and neighbor

Who were the patriarchs?

Alexandria, Jerusalem, Antioch, Constantinople, Rome

Jesus Teaching

All people have abandoned the kingdom of God( failed God's laws of Love) -People didnt realize they were broken Jesus got people to realize Jesus taught people how to gain entrance back into kingdom -God's rescue plan is covenant of Grace which is made possible by death and resurruction of Jesus Jesus taught what the goal of salvation is and what life is supposed to look like once you are inside the Kingdom of God

Be able to give 3-4 sentences about why God couldn't simply just forgive our sins without needing the sacrifice of Jesus (i.e. why was the atonement necessary?). We discussed 2 reasons for this (both taken from Keller ch. 12).

Atonement= get right with God All true love towards needy people is a sacrifice -True relationships always and necessarily make you vulnerable to other's pain God has to come and be involved in the pain of humans to feel human emotion and pain True forgiveness is costly— involves painful cost -death is established already and God decides to take the pain upon himself.

Jesus as High Priest

Began his ministry when he was 30 Offered sacrifice in Holy of Holies Mediator between us and God He not only offered the sacrifice but he was the sacrifice He was sinless— innocent unlike other priests Entered the true holy of holies in heaven rather than the one on earth

Which 3 types of old test laws still apply to Christians today? Why not the others? Finally, how do they apply?

Civil-Doesn't apply since no "chosen" nation. Christians are in many different countries. Thus, doesn't makes sense to follow these laws (Americans don't follow English laws). Ceremonial-All these laws are fulfilled by Jesus so we don't have to do them anymore Moral-Only laws that still apply to Christians Only have to have faith. Don't have to follow certain rules- strive for agape love

What are the 3 types of Old Testament laws, and what sorts of commands do they cover?

Civil: laws for nation to run smoothly- immigration, debts, the penal codes Ceremonial: laws about proper worship (how to conduct sacrifices, proper functions of priests, etc) Moral: what is morally right and wrong

What was the usual message of the false prophets of Israel?

Claimed to speak for god but wanted money and power. They would always say that everything was fine, and that God loves them no matter what. "You guys are fine everything is fine" "No punishment is coming. Just relax"

cons of day age interpretation

Con The context of genesis 1 argues against defining day as unspecified time Isnt clear how each genesis day fits with geological epoch- ignores what is created each day

What are the cons of a "Young-Earth literal" interpretation of Genesis 1-2?

Cons Interprets the 2 chapteres as historical genre when thery are written in exalted prose narrative Ignores the poetic elements Fails to account for the fact that the word day has many different meaning including a long period of time

the Conspiracy Theory of the Resurrection

Conspiracy theory: disciple lied about resurrection and stole body to further hoax Goes against fact 2 and 4 Goes against the fact that tomb was found empty by women and would not make sense to use women as first witnesses at a time that women were not believed Goes against fact that original disciples had no reason to further hoax and fact that body was seen my multiple people.

Compare and contrast God's covenant of works with his covenant of grace. What is required by each? (Cov of grace)

Covenant of Grace- those who failed - God's rescue mission -conditional agreement made with anyone who has failed the first covenant -God saves people from death and gives eternal life if they have faith- knowing you are a sinner God will still love you faith- reognizing failed first test and trusting god will give you heaven because Gods gift but u dont deserve it

Compare and contrast the Covenant of Works with the Mosaic covenant (if helpful, you can use your teacher's analogy of the adopted girl to help explain your answer). How are they alike? How are they different? What is involved with each?

Covenant of works - with Adam and Eve. Reward of eternal life if perfect otherwise death - eternal salvation -conditional Mosaic covenant -if they obey good things will happen and God will protect- temporary earthly blessings -God is adopting us and saying if we follow the 10 commandments then we will be protected -both conditional

Compare and contrast God's covenant of works with his covenant of grace. What is required by each? (Cov of works)

Covenant of works-past,future,present -conditional made w/ humanity -God saves people from death and gives eternal life if they are perfect - if dont follow then permanent death

How does the story of David's betrayal and murder relate to both the Covenant of Grace as well as to the Mosaic covenant.

David saw bathsheba bathing and lusted after her even though she was married. She becomes pregnant, so David eventually has her husband (uriah) killed (after trying to get him to go home and getting him drunk). Even though he sinned, he is still a part of God's family (salvation not at stake) - wil be punished — As long as you believe will be protected

days of forming and filling

Days of forming - filling 1. light and dark -4. sun + moon 2. sea and sky- 5 fish and birds 3. land and plants- 6 animals and humans

What does your professor mean when he says he believes that Genesis 1-2 were meant to be an anti-trope? Your answer should include some basic knowledge of the ancient culture of that time, the normal trope, and a couple ways that Genesis specifically inverts or subverts the trope.

During this time, there was an explosion of creation stories with a lot of having the same trope. Many cultures thought that there were many gods, the universe was created as a result of war between them, and that humans were meant to be slaves for the many different gods. In Christianity, there is only one god, the universe was result of love and creativity from God, and humans were meant to be his free friends.

What is the "Day Age" interpretation of Genesis 1-2?

Each day stands for a long period of time

What is the best definition of Christian theology (at least for Christians) and what does this mean?

Faith seeking understanding is an active love of God seeking a deeper knowledge of God. This is done through asking questions and its so Christians want to learn more about God because they love him. Similar to the start of a crush where one wants to find out everything about the person. Faith seeking understanding - questioning and love for God that drives to understand and establish a deeper connection with God

What was the Jerusalem Council? What did this council decide and why?

First church council States did not have to follow Civil laws or ceremonial laws to convert to Christianity- do not need to convert to judiasm first. They decided this since they thought people only had to believe moral laws in Bible and have Faith in God to be a Christian.

What is the difference between General and Special Revelation?

General revelation are clues that God has left behind in the universe that are transmitted through nature, logic or our experiences Special revelation are messages written through scriptures in the Bible from God

Covenant of works

Genesis 1-2 Conditional agreement made with all humanity God saves people from death and gives eternal life if they are perfect- if you obey me you will live with me in paradise and never die- salvation

How did God end up fulfilling the different elements of the Abrahamic covenant?

God eventually allowed them to have a son (a descendant), Isaac who would be the father of Jacob who would be the father of the 12 sons who became 12 tribes of Israel and inhabit the great nation of Isreal. Then Jesus would come from this line and bless the entire world

Give me 1-2 sentences of explanation for strange sounding laws like: "Here's how a man should treat his first wife when he takes a second wife...

God knows that Israelites are sinful, and he slowly wants people to transform them into more loving and just people. Slowly distance away from past customs. Training wheels before get pushed into full laws like if adopt child. Slowly introduce to new rules let her get accustomed.

Describe the Christian view of the Inspiration of the Bible. Does this view allow for errors? If so, which kind? Explain this answer in a few sentences.

God moved and guided certain people to write down his words for our benefit The Bible is without error only in regard to what it intends to teach. For example, bible says that sun traveled across the sky. The bible intends to teach us about God, human nature, and about how we might have the correct relationship with God. . We are interested in the literal intention. This isn't meant to teach some scientific truth that the sun revolves around the earth. Rather, it was meant to say that time was passing. There are spelling errors in Bible. However, bible wasn't trying to teach how to spell.

What things are included in the Davidic covenant? Are the blessings of this covenant conditional or unconditional?

God promises him land/protection as well as an everlasting royal dynasty. It is unconditional (it is a gift)

Hallucination Theory

Hallucination: disciples so mentally distraught that led them to have hallucinations of Jesus o Goes against fact that tomb was found empty and that more than 500 people saw him

What does Lamb mean when he talks about how people from the future will be very confused when they hear this church rule from today: "Don't buy Sports Illustrated magazine in early February." (This is from your reading titled "Legalistic or Gracious."

He is trying to show how societies in the past have their own unique cultural contexts and that it is hard to understand a different culture form a different time without learning the context and the different peculiarities of the culture. Avoid sexual sin now but in future it would not make sense as it does today

How many Covenants were ongoing when David was alive (at least the ones we've talked about)?

Works, grace, abrahamic, mosaic,

What does it mean that humans were created in the Image of God?

Humans are created in the image of God in that they have free will, possession of a soul/spirit, reason and rationality, holiness

From a Christian perspective, describe the symbolism and importance of the episode where God asks Abraham to sacrifice Isaac and then doesn't let Abraham go through with it.

Humans broke the covenant of works so we deserve to die. Isaac symbolizes humanity and how we all are going to die, but because God loves us he will save us and send a sacrifice. The lamb that was sacrificed instead of Isaac represents Jesus who will sacrifice himself for humanity's sins.

Know the main elements involved in the covenant that God made with Abraham (the Abrahamic covenant).

I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you, I will make your name great and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse. And all people on earth will be blessed through you - bless him and his family - prosperous name - great offspring from descendants - all people on earth will be blessed through you

High Priest

In charge of the other priests. Once a year he entered the center of the temple (Holy of Holies) to make a sacrifice for the sin of all the people

Be able to explain in 4-5 sentences what the point of the plagues were all about. Why did God go through this lengthy process when he decided to save the Israelite slaves? What was the point?

In cultures back then, they believed that when two people went to war, their respective gods would fight. Whichever side of gods one would then be translated down onto the battlefield with that people group winning. God sent the 10 plagues in order to show that he is more powerful than any of the Egyptian gods.

Be familiar with what John is teaching in John 1:1 and John 1:14 regarding the Logos.

In the beginning was the word (logos- ultimate power, meaning and logic behind universe) and the word was with God, and the word was God The word became flesh and made his dwelling among us Jesus as logos which is God. He then states that logos becoming flesh which means that logos became human. This signifies that Jesus is both God and Human. 100% God and 100% human

What does the "Fall of humanity" mean, what were its implications, and how has this affected all humans who were born after? Does the Fall mean that humans can never act morally good?

It means that people have turned their backs on God to live as their own masters. Sin used to be avoidable. Now, it is inevitable. God and humans have become separate as a result of this human rebellion. Cant act morally good because have become tainted and have evil

Why does Christian theology believe that Special Revelation is necessary?

It is necessary since general revelation is not enough to know about God, human nature, and how to have a correct relationship with God.

what happened at pentecost (quick)

It was the anniversary of God giving the mosaic covenant on Mt Sinai and celebration of first fruits of crop cycle. It was important since Jews would come from all over the world to Jerusalem in order to celebrate it. This allowed Christianity to spread when Holy Spirit gave power of languages to disciples.

What is the fundamental problem that the New (Messianic) Covenant is meant to solve?

It would solve the fundamental problem of the cycle found in to Old Testament.

How did the Eastern-Empire view of Church governance differ from that of the Western-Empire view?

JACA were eastern- spoke greek, believed pentorchy- all equal with Rome first among equals Rome believed in Papal primacy- Rome has authority

What did this difference of opinion lead to?

Led to Great Schism- excommunicated each other became roman catholic vs eastern orthodox

What is the difference between the literal meaning of the words in a text and the literal intention of the author? Which of these is more important for understanding Genesis 1-2?

Literal meaning is what the actual meaning of the words mean but In genesis 1-2 it is important to look at the literal intention. We are trying to decipher what the Bible is trying to say and intend.

Abrahamic covenant

Made with Abraham "I will make you into a great nation and all people on earth will be blessed through you" unconditional

Why is it interesting that God used Moses as his spokesperson, and what does this teach us about God?

Moses was a dirty shepherd with a speech impediment It shows God prefers working through weak people and that he has a "heart for the weak." In addition, shows power of God because only a mighty God can work through weak people. Weak gods work with powerful while powerful Gods worth through weak

Who was the first prophet and why did the prophetic office get started?

Moses was the first prophet and prophets were needed in order to try to get people from repeating cycle of obedience- blessing -lazy-disobedience-punishment, and then repentance. People asked for it to have a mediator because saw power of God

pros of literary framework

Pays careful attention to the unique poetic form of the genre and interprets it accordingly Makes much greater sense with the order of creation (how was light created before sun)

What happened on Pentecost? What are two reasons for why God chose this to occur on this particular Jewish holiday?

Pentecost is 50 days after passover. Its when Jews from all over would come back to Israel - Holy Spirit came and gave the disciples special powers and regenerated the heart. Pentecost celebrates anniversary of God giving his people the law on stone tablets The very first crops of the harvest cycle called firstfruits Why pentecost Jews came from all over the world allowed spread to be easy Celebrating firstfruits of christianity

Cons of literary framework

Not interpreting it literally- then dont interpret entire Bible literally Disagree on whether adam and eve are meant to be real or not- if not where did sin come from

Know the basic Old Testament pattern involving obedience, blessing, disobedience, etc. Be able to explain how and where the prophets fit into this pattern.

Obedience, Blessing, Laziness and Disobedience, Punishment, Repentance. Prophets would appear between moment of disobedience and punishment to try to steer them away from punishment since God didn't want to punish them-- last moment to repent

Old testament pattern

Obedience- blessing-laziness and disobedience-punishment -repentance- repeat

2 historical fact all historians agree on

On Sunday following crucifixion, tomb of Jesus was found to be empty by women followers - Couldn't invent "empty tomb" since it could be immediately and easily disproven since place of tomb was known -Found by women— no one believes women so they wouldnt hold women as first witnesses Independent and early sources

3 historical fact all historians agree on

On multiple occasions and under a variety of circumstance, different individuals and groups of people saw Jesus - paul lists eyewitnesses - Sources of resurrection are independent

What's so surprising about the titles given to Jesus in Isaiah 9:6-7, especially given the fact that the Israelites (and now Christians) are monotheists?

One of the titles calls him Might God. That is surprising since they believed that only God was the one, true God. They did not believe in multiple gods.

4 historical fact all historians agree on

Original disciples believe that Jesus was risen from dead despite their having every reason not to -They had nothing to gain by faking it. IN fact, they had everything to lose (many were brutally killed)

What 3 Old Testament authority figures (or offices) did Jesus take up as his own and bring to perfection?

Prophet, King, and High priest


Prophets deliver God's word and taught people how to live

Pros of day age interpretation

Pros It recognizes that day can mean any allotted time Each day could refer to entire geological age

What are the pros of a "Young-Earth literal" interpretation of Genesis 1-2?

Pros It takes the 6 days as literal 24 hours An all powerful god can create a universe in 6 days or even 6 minutes

When defining theology as "rational discussion about God," what does "rational" mean in this context, and why is it important?

Rational means to ask questions for the pursuit of truth. - have evidence Rational is not just about belief in blind faith but is through faith seeking understanding. It is to understand God better and have beliefs that stem from truth and not opinions just for the basis one is right.

What are the 3 main components of the New (Messianic) Covenant as outlined by Jeremiah 31:31-34? Be able to say what each means in a sentence or 2.

Regeneration: I will put the law on you hearts Reconciliation: I will be their God and they will be my people Justification: I will forgive them their sins

Why were Christians persecuted by the Romans?

Rome was pretty tolerant of other religions because every time they took over a new region they added the new religion's God into collection. They said they would allow others religion as long as follow everyone elses too. Christians refused and states only their God and they were monotheistic so they were killed by Romans..


Rule over the people and defend them

Who was Saul and what happened to him?

Saul was a Christian Persecutor First king of Isreal Becomes christian after seeing Jesus and being blinded and puts all faith in Jesus Got baptized into Wrote much of the new tesetiment

How can Jesus' atonement on the cross be a sufficient substitute for our punishment when A) Jesus only died once (instead of once for every person on Earth), and B) Jesus only stayed dead for a couple days (even though our punishment was supposed to be an eternal death sentence)?·

Since the punishment for human sin demands a human death, the humanity of Jesus fulfills this when he dies on the cross However, since he was also god at the same time, his death had infinite more value than just a human death, resulting in him saving all of us form our eventual deaths due to sin Jesus' human nature makes his suffering able to substitute for humans while divine nature gives his sacrifice infinite value

Jesus as Prophet

Teaches God's truth Gives important prophecies about the future Not only teaches God's revelation, he himself is the full revelation of God

In several sentences evaluate whether the following claim is true: "Jesus preached a radical ethic about loving and praying for your enemies to show you how to become a Christian. People who want to be saved and go to Heaven when they die must follow all of his strict and radical teachings about love."

The first claim is true. Jesus preached about Agape love a term used to describe and preach about loving your enemies as you love your neighbor. The second claim is false as Jesus preaches about how the only thing they have to do to be saved is to have faith and believe in God

How is the Davidic covenant related to the Messianic expectation of the Jewish people around 600 BC? According to Christian theology, how is the Davidic Covenant finally fulfilled?

The people, when in exile, began waiting for a king to rescue them and restore their nation and bring out peace. They knew a king was coming since god promised to David and God can't lie. It will be fulfilled through Jesus (know because of genealogy)

What was the main duty of Israel's High Priest? And what was at the center of the Jewish Temple? What did Jesus do as the final High Priest?

The role of the high priest was to sprinkle blood of sacrifice on the ark of the covenant (which was at center of temple in Holy of Holies) once a year to atone for sins of all Jews. Jesus became the High Priest by using his own blood as the sacrifice, atoning every one of their sins and also allowing them to experience God first-hand.

What happened in the Jewish Temple when Jesus died on the cross?

The veil separating people from Holy of Holies split from top to bottom. God was the only one who could break the barrier between the people and Jesus' death allows it to happen

In 3-4 sentences explain the "Trilemma" (liar, lunatic, or Lord?) that Keller speaks about in his article called "Grieving Sisters". How does understanding the nature of the Trilemma make it unreasonable for a person to partially follow Jesus (i.e. why does it make it unreasonable to moderately respond to Jesus)?

There is no moderate way to respond to Jesus because he claimed to be God. Option 1- Jesus was lying He is evil so dont trust anything he says Option 2— Jesus was mentally ill He is sick- dont trust anything he says Option 3— Jesus was actually the lord If he really is God, you have to listen to everything he says If christianity false- not important If christianity true- of infinite importance Since Jesus claims to be God, you must view him as either lying, sincere but mentally unstable, or the Lord. He must be trying to deceive everyone on purpose, deluded himself into believing he is God, or that he is actually who he claims to be.

Why were Christians persecuted by some of their fellow Jews?

They were persecuted by Jews because Jews believed there was only 1 God and Jesus was not it

Explain the significance of the prophecy given in Genesis 3:15 and how it relates to the Covenant of Grace.

This prophecy foreshadows Jesus and his triumph over Satan. It states that there will be enmity between the woman and the serpent represents the devil. The womans seed will bruise the serpent's head and the serpent will strike the heel. It is pointing towards the covenant of grace that the people will be saved if they have faith This is referencing Jesus and how Jesus will be the fatal blow to the devil and save humanity but it will end in death/ sacrifice

Be able to give 1-2 sentences evaluating the accuracy of following sentence: "God picked Abraham out from the other people alive at that time to have a relationship with him, because Abraham had stronger faith and was a better person than anyone else at the time.

This sentence is inaccurate. God prefers working through weak people. Abraham was as sinful as everyone else, but Abraham believed in God so God credited him as righteousness. He was justified in God's eyes and God gave him salvation

What are the 2 main reasons why the Church produces Creeds?

To protect Christian message when people started to misinterpret it To help guide and correct possible interpretations of bible -- People disagree creed helps which interpretations are within guidelines

What is the "Literary Framework" interpretation of Genesis 1-2?

Topical explanation of creation and not sequential explanation

Explain either the Cosmological Argument or the Moral Argument for God's existence (including the form of the argument), and then explain why Christians believe this is an example of General Revelation?

Uses logic, nature, human experience

David Covenant

Will receive land + everlasting royalty unconditional

How does C.S. Lewis argue against the idea that our innate moral beliefs are merely byproducts of our evolutionary history and byproducts of natural selection?

We know can't treat moral beliefs as accidental. We treat them differently than instincts. we follow moral instincts rather than evolutionary instincts. For example, we have instinct to eat hamburger over broccoli but when we suppress it, we are applauded. However, if we suppress saving dying man, we are a disgrace. We recognize the inherent goodness of morals. In addition, it isn't really an instinct since it usually sides with weaker instinct. If there were two instincts in conflict, stronger on would win. But moral law wants us to side with weaker one. Thirdly, can't point to any one instinct and say that it is always good.

What does Genesis chapters 1-3 tell us about God's character, his attitude toward sin, and his relationship with sinful humanity?

We learn that God is both loving and just (important to realize that he is both, not just one) Every time we sin, we cheat on God (like cheat on wife once a month) He is righteous towards us, meaning that he will punish sin. However, he is also loving towards us, meaning he will eventually redeem us through Jesus.

Cosmological Argument

Whatever begins to exist must have a cause for its existence At one point the universe began to exist (big bang) Therefore, the universe was caused by something beyond the universe Cause must be immaterial, timeless, powerful, uncaused, space less. This points to a deity.

What does the divine name mean (in English) and what two things does it reveal about God?

Yahweh= "I am who I am" a. God's nature does not change b. God's faithfulness to us does not change

Covenant of Grace

conditional agreement made with anyone who has failed the first covenant God saves the people from death and gives eternal life if they have faith

Jesus as King

fulfilled God's promise to install a Davidic King Jesus defeated the powers of Satan that held his people in bondage His reign is not temporary but permanent He rules over not just Israel but the whole world

Mosaic covenant

if give all love and obey God then will be protected if dont then God will not fight their battles and will not protect condtional

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