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HUMANNESS: God's image in man at creation then consisted in... (all that apply)

Man being a 'soul' or " 'spirit' Man being morally upright before the fall Man's environmental dominion Man's God-given immortality Man's human body which interacts and expresses itself in creation (all of the above)

SALVATION: John 15:4, Cor. 1:27, Rom. 6:3-10, Col. 2:12, 3:1 all teach what?

Our Salvation is Christ dying for us and living in us in spiritual unity

APOSTLES: The New Testament shows the apostles functioning as... (all that apply)

Pastors Evangelists Church Planters (all of the above)

GENERAL RESURRECTION: Glorification is referenced in 2 Cor. 3:18. According to our author, what will our final glorified state include? (all that apply)

Perfect: knowledge of grace enjoyment of seeing and being with GOD deliverance from all things sinful, evil, weakening, and frustrating fulfillment of ALL desires correlating to GOD completion of all good things from earth that desire outrun growth in of all perfect things (all of the above)

WORD AND SACRAMENT: According to our author, what two marks are essential requirements for a regular gathering to be considered a church?

Preaching of God's Word Observance of the Sacraments

UNPARDONABLE SIN: Nonexistence of remorse makes __________ impossible, and nonexistence of __________ makes forgiveness impossible.


HOLINESS: God's Purity cannot tolerate any form of sin, thus calling sinners to constant _____________ in his presence.


ANTINOMIANISM: Our author discussed multiple aspects in which antinomianism can be held. What were they? (all that apply)

Situationist Spirit-centered Christ-centered Dispensational Dialectical Dualistic (all of the above) KNOW THE DEFINITION OF ANTINOMIANISM AND BE ABLE TO EXPLAIN ONE OF THESE

"The thoroughly fundamental and indispensable idea of _____________ is the essential, methodological way of thinking both logically and religiously."

Sola Scriptura

ANGELS: T or F : A consistent role of angels is messengers for God.


CHURCH: T or F : The New Testament assumes that all Christians would take part in the life of a local church.


DEMONS: T or F : Demons are defeated enemies whose limited power is prolonged for the advancement of God's glory as His people contend with them.


DISCIPLINE: T or F : Jesus instituted church discipline.


HEAVEN: T or F : According to our author, in heaven there will be no unfulfilled desires.


HUMANKIND: T or F : The Christian hope is not redemption FROM the body but OF the body.


ILLUMINATION: T or F : The illumination of the Spirit witnessing to the divinity of the Bible is a universal Christian experience.


ILLUMINATION: is the applying of God's revealed truth to our hearts so that we grasp as reality for ourselves what the sacred text sets forth.


INABILITY: T or F : The thought of will is an abstraction.


JUDGEMENT SEAT: T or F : Those who professed faith that did not express itself in a new life-style, marked by hatred of sin and works of loving service to GOD and others, will be lost.


JUSTIFICATION: T or F : The necessary means or instrumental cause of justification is personal faith in Jesus Christ as crucified Savior and risen Lord.


LAW: T or F : Man was not created autonomous, but theonomous.


LOVE: T or F : The hallmark of Christian life is Christian love. It is by active Christian love to one another that Jesus disciples are to be recognized.


PARACLETE: T or F : The Greek word "parakletos" means "one who gives support."


PREDESTINATION: T or F : Predestination is a word used to signify God's foreordaining of all events of world history, present, and future.


RESURRECTION: T or F : All four of the gospels and the book of Acts record Jesus' death, resurrection, and appearance in his resurrected body.


SACRAMENTS: Sacrament is from the Latin word sacramentum, meaning a holy rite, also seen as a soldier's sacred oath of allegiance.


SANCTIFICATION: T or F : Mortification means "to drain the life out of, weaken as a means of killing."


THE FAMILY: T or F : The building of strong family life must always be a priority in our service of God.


THE KINGDOM OF GOD: T or F : The task of the church is to make the invisible church visible through faithful Christian living.


THE LORD'S SUPPER: T or F : Transubstantiation means that the substance of the bread and wine are transformed into the substance of Christ's body and blood.


THE STATE: T or F : Christians are to urge governments to fulfill their proper roles.


VOCATION: T or F : Those who were baptized by John the Baptist needed to be re-baptized with Christian baptism.


WISDOM: T or F : Wisdom in scripture means choosing the best and noblest end at which to aim, along with the most appropriate and effective means to it.


WORSHIP: T or F : The Passover, Day of Atonement, and Booths were shadows of the things to come, all pointing to Christ.


THE FALL: Rom. 5:12-14, Acts 17:26, 1 Cor. 15:22 all discuss what?

The apostolic interpretation of man's fall and subsequent reward

TEACHERS: According to the author, Jesus' teaching takes three main theological themes. What are those themes? (all that apply)

The ethics of God's family The saving work of Jesus The Kingdom of God

TRANSFIGURATION: What was God communicating to us during the transfiguration? (all that apply)

The radiance of God's glory Jesus superseding the prophets and fulfillment of the law

Theologians refer to God's freedom from limits and bounds as his...


SECOND COMING: The Savior's second advent will be... (all that apply)

Visible Physical Personal With judgement With redemption (all of the above)

ADOPTION: Gal. 3:2, 4:4-7 and Rom. 8:17 teach what?

We are now heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, adopted into his heavenly family.

The principle of interpreting scripture by scripture is sometimes called the _______ of scripture.


Christ's present role in glory is commonly referred to as his heavenly...


ORIGINAL SIN: According to our author, sin can be defined as...

A lack of conformity to the law of God in act, habit, attitude, outlook, disposition, motivation, and mode of existence.

LAW IN ACTION: In what ways does God intend his law to function? (all that apply)

A mirror reflecting to us both the perfect righteousness of God and the sinfulness of man To restrain evil To guide the regenerate into the good works that God has planned for His people

COVENANT: What covenant did God make with man that is still in effect today? (all that apply)

Abrahamic Covenant God's Covenant of Grace Noahic Covenant

Psalms 104:24 says "How many are your works, O Lord! In wisdom you made them all, the earth is full of your..."


BAPTSIM: According to our author, baptism signifies what of the following aspects of the union with Christ? (all that apply)

Death Burial Resurrection

MISSION: What are the two tasks that our author lists when referring to the mission of Jesus? (all that apply)

Deeds of mercy and compassion Worldwide witness, discipline-making, and church planting

SATAN: The following names for Satan appear in Scripture:

Diabolos Apollyon The Tempter The Evil One god of this world

HOPE: Our author lists various ethics to which hope pervades the New Testament. What were those ways? (all that apply)

Ethic of... Power Pilgrimage Patience Purity

OBEDIENCE: According to our author, what were the two stages listed for the purpose of the Father and Son relationship? (all that apply)

Exaltation Humiliation

CONSCIENCE: T or F : Romans 2:14-15 states that God has written some of the law on human hearts, but 1 Timothy 4:2 states that the law was broken and the heart is purely evil.


ELDERS: T or F : All pastors should teach.


ELECTION: T or F : Reprobation is the term given to those who do not choose to follow God.


HELL: T or F : Speculations about a "second chance" after death or personal annihilation of the ungodly at some stage have biblical warrant.


LEGALISM: T or F : Legalism is a form of obedience that can produce truly good works.


MORTALITY: T or F : Purgatorial discipline after death is a correct view of a further stage of sanctification.


PERSEVERANCE: T or F : Heb. 3:6, 6:11, 10:35-39 declare that the regenerate are not saved through persevering in faith and Christian living to the end.


REGENERATION: T or F : is monergistic: the fruit of man.


REPENTANCE: T or F : Contrition is a remorse, self-reproach, and sorrow for sin generated by fear of punishment.


SPIRITUAL GIFTS: T or F : The Greek work Pneumatika refers to the gifts which are specific manifestations of grace.


TWO NATURES: T or F Monophysitism affirms that Jesus had two natures.


VIRGIN BIRTH: T or F : We can confirm that God could have produced sinless humanity apart from the Virgin Birth.


GOODNESS: God's ________, along with other aspects of his gracious goodness as set forth in His Word, is always a solid ground on which to rest our faith and hope.


WORKS: Our author lists three aspects of faith. What are they?

Fiducia Assensu Notitia

THE WORLD: What are two of the threefold tasks appointed to Christians according to our author? (all that apply)

Fulfillment of the Cultural Mandate Evangelism

What is the Greek work for knowledge?


MYSTERY: Psalms 97:2 and 1 Timothy 6:16 state:

God dwells not only in thick impenetrable darkness but also in unapproachable light.

TRINITY: What is the heretical belief of modalism?

God exists as Father, Son, and Spirit in different eras.

General revelation is?

God's self-disclosure through creation and human experience.

In 2 Timothy 3:16, Paul described the Old Testament as...


Why did God disclose himself to humanity?

He chose to be gracious to us.

Proverbs 15:3 and Psalm 33:13-14 declares what about God's nature? (The eyes of the Lord are...)

He is omniscient

What did J.I. Packer mean when he said "God's dominion is total?"

He wills as He chooses and carries out all that He wills and none can stay His hand or thwart His plans.

PROPHETS: 1 Kings 22:1-28, Jer. 23:9-40 and Ezek. 13 all record what about prophets?

How false prophets spoke their own opinions rather than God's

EFFECTUAL CALLING: In the 16th century Westminster Confession states what about effectual calling? (all that apply)

Illumination Regeneration Faith Repentance

MARRIAGE: According to Matt. 19 and Mal. 2:16, God hates divorce with exceptions. What is that/are those exceptions? (all that apply)


ENTERPRISE: John 8:29 and Romans 15:1-3 speak about what aspect of Jesus' ministry and example?

Jesus did not live to please himself, nor should we.

INCARNATION: The Eutychian idea rejected what two aspects of the incarnation of Jesus? (all that apply)

Jesus is one divine human person in two natures Jesus has two natures that fully retain their attributes

MEDIATION: The book of Hebrews refers to what three aspects of Jesus' work? (all that apply)

Jesus is the... self-sacrificial High Priest Messianic King Chief messenger

SINLESSNESS: John 8:46, 2 Cor. 5:21, Heb. 4:15, 1 Pet. 2:22, 1 John 3:5 all insist on what aspect of Jesus? (all that apply)

Jesus was entirely free from sin.

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