Theology Test #3

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What was the tension that existed in Matthew's community? How did this affect the manner in which Matthew wrote about Jesus?

1. The Jewish Christians are not abandoning their roots. Jesus was one of them. 2. The Jewish Christians protecting the Gentiles. Matthew wrote to be accepting of all Christians as one.


A Greek word meaning "proclamation" or "preaching," referring to the announcement of the Gospel or the Good News of divine salvation offered to all through Jesus Christ. Kerygma has two senses. It is both an event of proclamation and a message proclaimed.


A Hebrew word for Ecclesiastes, meaning "preacher" or "one who convokes an assembly."


A Hebrew word for the poor and marginalized.


A Hebrew word meaning "place of the skull," referring to the place where Jesus was crucified.


A Psalm that conveys mourning and petitioning of God in times of need.


A group of Jewish leaders, including the Temple high priests and Jewish royal families, who collaborated with the Roman governors


A group of pious, ultraconservative Jews who left the Temple of Jerusalem and began a community by the Dead Sea, known as Qumran.


A group of powerful and often wealthy Jews who were connected to the Temple priests and often disagreed with the Pharisees


A literary technique that uses human characteristics to describe nonhuman realities.


A message communicated by prophets on behalf of God, usually a message of divine direction or consolation for the prophets' own time.


A person from the Phoenician cities of Tyre and Sidon. Jews considered Syrophoenicians "outsiders" because of their idolatrous practices.

Stump of Jesse

A phrase taken from Isaiah 11:1 that traces Jesus' lineage to Jesse's son, King David.


A prayer of acknowledgement that God is God. Giving God glory.


A prayer of gratitude for the gift of life and the gifts of life.


A prophetic term for the small portion of people who will be saved for their faithfulness to God.

Messianic Secret

A theme in the Gospel of Mark that portrays the disciples and others as recognizing Jesus' identity as the Messiah. However, Jesus directed them not to tell anyone else.


A tree.

The Cardinal Virtues

A virtue is a habit that creates in us a kind of inner readiness or attraction to move toward or accomplish moral good. The four Cardinal Virtues are the key virtues on which the other virtues depend. They are immediately connected to the messages of the prophets.

Date of authorship of the Gospel of Mark

AD 65-70

Date of authorship of the Gospel of Luke

AD 80-90

Date of Authorship of the Gospel of Matthew

AD 85

Date of authorship of the Gospel of John

AD 90-100

List the Central Events of the Paschal Mystery in Order

Agony in the Garden (Start of Passion) Trial and Scourging Journey to Golgotha Crucifixion (End of Passion) Death on the cross Resurrection Ascension


Also called the Q Source, a theoretical collection of ancient documents of the teaching of Jesus shared among the early followers of Christianity.

Minor Prophets (need to know at least 2-3)

Amos, Habakkuk, Haggai, Hosea, Joel, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Obadiah, and Zephaniah. Easy remember... J.A.M=Joel or Jonah, Amos, Micah


An honored teacher in the Jewish tradition.


An inhabitant of Samaria. The Samaritans rejected the Jerusalem Temple and worshipped instead at Mount Gerizim. The New Testament mentions the Jewish rejection of Samaritans in both the parable of the Good Samaritan and the account of Jesus' speaking with the Samaritan woman at the well.


Based on a word for "good news," in general, anyone who actively works to spread the Gospel of Jesus; more commonly and specifically, the persons traditionally recognized as the authors of the four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Why are the Gospels the heart of all Scriptures?

Because it focuses on the life and teachings of Jesus. And gives us the perfect Revelation of God.

How were the Gospels developed and formed?

Experience Jesus (teachings)→Oral Tradition→Written Tradition

What were some of Ezekiel's symbolic actions, and why did he perform them?

Ezekiel had to shave his head to deliver a message. He had to lay on his left side for 390 days and on his right side for 40 days. He role played to escape captivity. God told him to do these for emphasis of his messages. Dramatic effect.

Why is Ezekiel called a prophet of justice?

Ezekiel is was a prophet of hope. Ezekiel criticized Israelite leaders for putting their own need above that of the poor.


Faithfulness to obligation, duty, or commitment


From the Aramaic word perishaya meaning "the separated ones"; these members of a Jewish sect active during the earthly life of Jesus were distinguished by their strict observance of the Law. Like Jesus, these people taught the resurrection of the body.

Synoptic Gospels

From the Greek for "seeing the whole together," the name given to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, because they are similar in style and content.


From the Latin canticum, meaning "song." It usually refers to biblical hymns such as those found in Song of Solomon in the Old Testament and the hymns of Mary and Zechariah in the New Testament. By extension, canticle is sometimes used to describe other hymns in the liturgy.

Two purposes of Gospel of John: to evangelize both ________ and ____. To strengthen the faith of the local _________ as well as __________ __________.

Gentiles Jews community Christians everywhere

Gentiles (Torah)

Gentiles knew nothing about the Torah.

The Gospels are _____ __________.

God's Revelation

The Gospels bring the ____ ____ of the ___________ of Jesus Christ.

Good News Incarnation

Four images of Jesus

Gospel of Mark- Suffering Servant Gospel of Matthew- Teacher/Rabbi Gospel of Luke- Compassionate savior/healer Gospel of John- Incarnate Word

What image of Jesus is prominent in the Gospel of Luke?

He is a compassionate savior/healer

What message was Jeremiah preaching with his analogy of God the potter?

He says, Israelites are the clay and God is farming them but they keep coming out "ugly" so God is smashing his creation to pieces. This will happen overtime until they get it right. After God farms the clay he makes pottery.

Four types of miracles with examples.

Healing miracles- Jesus cleanses a leper Exorcisms- Jesus heals a boy with a demon Control-of-Nature Miracles- Jesus walks on water Restoration of Life- Jesus raises the widow's son

What is the major theme of Jeremiah's message?

His major theme was faithfulness to the one true God.


Hymns or songs of prayer to God that express praise, thanksgiving, or lament.

Babylonian Exile

In 587 BC, the Babylonians pillaged Judah, destroyed the Temple and city of Jerusalem, and banished the people in chains to serve as slaves in Babylon. The Exile lasted until 539 BC.

Paschal Lamb

In the Old Testament, the sacrificial lamb shared at the seder meal of the Passover on the night the Israelites escaped from Egypt; in the New Testament, the Paschal Lamb is Jesus, the Incarnate Son of God who dies on a cross to take away "the sin of the world."

The messianic hope of the Israelites was grounded in the "suffering servant," poems found in what book?


Major prophets

Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel Daniel

Who is the audience to whom the Gospel of Matthew was written?

It is a mixture of Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians.

How is Song of Songs an allegory?

It is an allegory because... It is the love between Husband & Wife→God's love for Israel.

Why is wisdom important according to the Book of Wisdom?

It teaches us what we need to know to be able to turn to God.

What is recounted in the Book of Job?

It's how to make sense of suffering.

How does Jeremiah respond to the idolatrous practices of the Israelites?

Jeremiah tells them that they will suffer for it.

Other titles of Jesus: _____ meaning "God saves," ________/_______ meaning "Anointed One," ____, Son of God, ________ meaning "God is with us."

Jesus Christos Messiah Lord Emmanuel

What role do the parable play in the message of Jesus?

Jesus taught in parables to present the Good News of salvation by showing glimpses of the Kingdom.

What three important accounts about Jesus' life are found in the all three synoptic Gospels?

Jesus' baptism. His temptation in the desert. The multiplications of the loaves and fish.

How do the miracles performed by Jesus manifest the Father's saving plan?

Jesus' miracles banish suffering and death.

Intended Audience for the Gospel of Matthew: Mixed Community of ______ __________ and ________.

Jewish Christians Gentiles

The Gospel of ____ emphasizes the ________ of _____.

John divinity Jesus

List the four Cardinal Virtues with definition of each.

Justice- The fair and equitable distribution of life's necessities. The biblical idea of justice is based on the truth that all humans have innate dignity and worth as children of God. Prudence- An approach to problems and situations using a degree of caution and a discerning heart. Temperance- A balanced life characterized by moderation and self-control. Fortitude- Individual strength and courage to overcome obstacles to a moral life.

What was Luke?

Luke was a Macedonian doctor.

The Gospels are the ____ ______ of information about the ____ ___ _________ of Jesus.

Main source life and teachings

What is unique about the way Mark presents Jesus in his Gospel?

Mark presents Jesus as a suffering Servant through Jesus' humanity.

The four Gospels are _______, ____, ____, and ____.

Matthew Mark Luke John

_______, ____, and ____ are called ________ _______. These Gospels are _______ in _____ and share much of the ____ _______.

Matthew Mark Luke Synoptic Gospels similar style same content

Gospels: Who were the two Apostles?

Matthew and John

What does each Gospel address?

Matthew was directed to the Hebrews, Mark was written for the Romans, and Luke was designed to address the Greeks. John's narrative, however, was cosmopolitan in its thrust.

What is messianic hope, and how is it related to the prophecies of Israel.

Messianic hope is the hope for a savior, spoken by the prophets. The prophecies gave clues on who was coming, and he will suffer greatly. The messiah will be a suffering person. (Jesus Christ/Messiah)

Is prayer the major theme of Jeremiah's prophetic message?

No, it's faithfulness.

Intended audience for the Gospel of Mark: ___-______ __________.

Non-Jewish Christians

Gentiles (Definition)

Non-Jewish People

The second half of the Gospel of John focuses on the _______, _____, ____________, and _________---the events that _______ _____.

Passion death Resurrection Ascension glorify Jesus


People associated with the Pharisees or Sadducees who were skilled copyists, professional letter writers, and interpreters and teachers of the Law.


People who banded together during the time of Christ to violently resist Roman occupation


Poetic song lyrics written to honor God. (And the gifts of life).

______ or the Q source may be a second source used by Luke and Matthew. The first source was Mark.



Related to the author of the first Gospel.


Respected and given devotion

Jewish Christian

Somebody raised Jewish. Basically memorized the Torah.

The image of Jesus as _________ _______ is central to Mark's Christology.

Suffering Servant

________ comes from a Greek word meaning "seeing the whole together."


The Gospel of John is not one of the ________ _______.

Synoptic Gospels

What is the primary difference between the synoptic Gospels and the Gospel of John?

Synoptic Gospels focus on Jesus' humanity, and John focuses on his divinity.

Describe the three types of hymns found in the Book of Psalms.

Thanksgiving- Expresses gratitude to God for his saving actions. Lament- Cries out to God for help. Praise- Recognizes God as Creator of all things and the author of History.


The Book of Psalms of the Old Testament, which contains 150 Psalms.

How is wisdom personified in the Wisdom of Solomon?

The Wisdom is always female.

Infancy Narratives

The accounts of Jesus' birth and early childhood.


The event in which the Archangel Gabriel came to Mary to announce that she had found favor with God and would become the mother of the Messiah.

What was the general message of the prophets before the Babylonian Exile? How did that message change after the Exile?

The general message of the prophets before the Babylonian Exile was, "repent, the Day of the LORD is coming. It will be a day of doom." And it came. After the exile the message became a message of hope. And God was still with them.

What is the difference between major and minor prophets?

The major prophets have longer books than the minor prophets.

What are some of the main themes in the Book of Ecclesiastes?

The number one theme is there is a time for everything. "a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace." There couldn't be meanings of things unless there were the opposites.

What is the overall message of the Gospels?

The overall message of the Gospels is to show that Jesus Christ is God.

Intended audience of both the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles: __________ meaning "_____ of ___."

Theophilus lover God

Why do the Gospels present four different portraits of Jesus?

They all had different audiences and they each wanted to show a unique side of Jesus.

What role do prophets play in salvation history?

They are God's spokes people to preach his message about salvation and repentance.

How are the Psalms important to the people of God, the Church?

They help in times of despair and they help people worship.


This is the first Latin word (from magnus, meaning "great," and faker, meaning "to make") of the prayer of Mary in response to the Annunciation of the birth of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke

How does Jesus accomplish the redemption of humanity?

Through the Paschal Mystery (Passover). Christ suffered, died, Resurrected, Ascension.

What is the main literary genre found in Song of Songs?

To show how great God's love is. Genres are poetry and it is an allegory. The poems are really just love poems.


Translated from a Greek word meaning "good news," referring to the four books attributed to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, "the principal source for the life and teaching of the Incarnate Word."

What lessons can we learn from Job's suffering?

We can learn to be grateful. We learn we should turn to God through suffering, and God hears us through this distress.

What is a central question about the Kingdom of God that the Gospel of Luke answers?

Who is welcome in the kingdom? Who is welcome in Heaven? Everyone who believes is.


Wise men of the East who followed a new star that directed them to the birth of Jesus.


a Hebrew word meaning "God is with us"

Luke paints a picture of Jesus as the _____________ ______ who welcomes all.

compassionate savior

The Book of Ecclesiastes proclaims that true wisdom relies on acknowledging that there is a time for...


The _________ at the beginning of Matthew shows Jesus clear ties to Jewish ancestry.


The Gospels are the _____ of the scriptures.


John uses ____ ___________---a term used to describe how John _________ from the very beginning that _____ is ___, the _______ ____ of the ______.

high Christology proclaims Jesus God Eternal Word Father

Mark emphasizes the ________ of _____.

humanity Jesus

The synoptic Gospels emphasize the ________ of _____.

humanity Jesus

Mark includes the _________ ______ in his Gospel.

messianic secret

Final groups given special attention in the Gospel of Luke are those who are ____ and _______.

sick and sinners

The first half of the Gospel of John, Jesus teaches mainly through _____(________) that reveal his ________(___ __ ___).

signs(miracles) identity(son of God).

In Job, we learn that a life of faith begins our...


Messianic Hope

the Jewish belief and expectation that a messiah would come to protect, unite, and lead Israel to freedom

Matthew highlights Jesus as ___ ___________ of many Old Testament hopes and __________.

the fulfillment prophecies


to proclaim or announce a saving message

Matthew _________ the community's link to the ________ ________ of the past, while justifying their new ________ to Christ and his mission.

validates covenant promises devotion

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