TJC US History 1302 Comprehensive Final Exam

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Though Johnson believed the United States had an obligation to keep its promises to South Vietnam, another reason why he committed American forces to combat operations was to

"Americanize" the war and avoid the political damage of seeming soft on communism by losing.

How did Eisenhower describe his domestic policy of dynamic conservatism?

"conservative when it comes to money, and liberal when it comes to human beings"

Democratic presidential nominee Alfred Smith was hurt in the 1928 election by the fact that he was a(n)

"wet" on Prohibition and a Catholic.

What was one way in which the intervention of the United States in Iran in the 1950s was significant?

A CIA-engineered coup in Iran was viewed as successful and emboldened Eisenhower to authorize other secret operations to undermine governments thought to be falling victim to communism.

Which of the following was a tenet of The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783?

A powerful navy was essential for protecting national interests and developing global commerce.

Which of the following occurred at Columbia University in 1968?

A student protest shut down the campus.

The first great cattle town was

Abilene, Kansas.

Who were the Tuskegee Airmen during the Second World War?

African American pilots trained in Tuskegee, Alabama whose performance in the war helped inspire the eventual desegregation of the armed forces after the war

Which of the following statements accurately describes the impact of the Great Depression on African Americans?

African Americans were among the hardest hit by the Depression, as racial discrimination meant they had the lowest-paying jobs in the South and were among the first fired in the North.

Which of the following was a result of the Great Migration?

African Americans who had participated in the migration still experienced discrimination but fewer injustices than before.

Who developed the theoretical basis for quantum physics?

Albert Einstein

Which of the members of Harding's cabinet was jailed for his role in the Teapot Dome Affair?

Albert Fall

Who formed the National Women's Party and led a protest in front of Wilson's White House for six months in 1917?

Alice Paul

What was the result of the Battle of Britain in 1940?

Although German air strikes killed many British civilians, the Royal Air Force used new radar technology to win the battle and postpone German invasion plans.

Which of the following was true of the settlement ending the Vietnam War, known as the Paris Peace Accords?

Although Nixon and Kissinger ended America's combat role and claimed North Vietnam had changed its basic stance, North Vietnam had actually left Communist troops in South Vietnam.

Which of the following statements accurately describes President Eisenhower's civil rights record?

Although committed in principle, he took a very passive approach to civil rights in reality, preferring to leave the issue to local and state governments.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the Sherman Anti-Trust Act?

Although largely for show, it banned the practice of powerful corporations plotting to establish monopolies or hold back trade in their industries.

Which of the following is an accurate assessment of the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960?

Although they were the first civil rights laws since the late nineteenth century, they ultimately were watered down in terms of enforcement and, thus, failed to have much consequence.

Which of the following statements accurately characterizes the United States in the 1950s?

Although white, middle-class Americans enjoyed unprecedented economic growth, the idealized image of America at the time was much more complicated in terms of race and class, and many feared what the new age of nuclear terror might bring.

In 1937, ________ set out to become the first pilot to fly around the world and disappeared over the South Pacific.

Amelia Earhart

Which of the following statements best describes the diplomatic stance of Woodrow Wilson and William Jennings Bryan, his secretary of state?

America has a duty to spread democracy and Christianity throughout the world.

Which of the following is an example of how the United States helped the Allied powers prior to joining the war?

American banks and the U.S. government offered loans and credits to the Allies that allowed the Allies to pay for purchases later but made it harder for Americans to remain neutral.

Which of the following did Frederick Jackson Turner argue in his "frontier thesis"?

American culture and identity developed from the ways in which the frontier shaped those who lived on it.

What combination of factors turned the tide and led to the Allied victory?

American industrial productivity and the Soviet Union's ability to absorb and ultimately repel the German invasion

Which of the following statements accurately describes the decision-making process behind the use of atomic bombs against Japan?

American military planners reasoned that use of the bombs would prevent the necessity of a conventional invasion, which they believed would cost more than a million lives.

Which of the following was a result of Japan's show of strength in the Russo-Japanese War?

Americans began to doubt the security of the Philippines.

What was a reason why the United States intervened in the Cuban War for Independence?

Americans, ironically, were incensed by the brutal imperialism Spain exercised over Cuba, even though they were engaged in their own imperialism.

Over the course of the 1920s, what was the state of labor unions?

Amid soaring industrial production levels, decreasing unemployment, and anti-union efforts by business owners, labor union membership significantly decreased.

Like Theodore Roosevelt and John Fiske, many Americans in the late nineteenth century believed that the ________ race was superior.


Which of the following statements accurately describes the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago?

Anti-war protests outside it turned into massive riots following the arrival of police.

To what did Wilson refer when he spoke of "the heart of the League"?

Article X, which would pledge members to consult on military and economic sanctions against aggressors

Which of the following statements regarding the effect of the Great Depression on many women is true?

As the Depression worsened, married women became some of the primary targets of layoffs due to the thinking that they'd be "stealing" jobs from men and already had husbands supporting them.

Why was the expansion of railroads significant to the growth of the cattle industry?

As the railroads increased the ability to ship huge numbers of southern cattle, more cow towns were established in the West.

Which of the following statements accurately characterizes the decade between the end of the Great War and the onset of the Great Depression?

As wartime agricultural exports dropped, the decade saw the prosperity of the urban middle class and an agricultural recession, resulting in millions of people moving to cities.

How did developments in Germany and Japan compare leading up to the Second World War?

At the same time as Adolf Hitler professed his intention to use Germany's supposed racial supremacy to dominate Europe, Japanese leaders purported their intention for their "master race" to direct a resurgent Asia.

The nation known as the "powder keg of Europe" because of its internal tensions and ethnic diversity was

Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the relationship between African Americans and sports such as baseball in the 1920s?

Baseball remained a segregated sport with so-called Negro Leagues.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the impact of the GI Bill on African Americans?

Benefits experienced by African Americans were limited because for example, most colleges and universities remained racially segregated and refused to admit blacks.

Why did the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) work to replace the leaders of Guatemala and Iran in the 1950s?

Both countries had governments viewed as "unfriendly" regimes, and it was feared they would join the Soviet bloc.

What did the governments of Italy and Germany have in common by the 1930s?

Both had established fascist forms of government.

Which of the following was true of both Republicans and Democrats in the 1870s?

Both parties came to develop factions that promoted honesty in government, even as both had their share of officials willing to buy or sell government jobs and legislative votes.

What was one of the main reasons for McKinley's presidential victory?

Bryan got little support from factory workers in the cities.

Of the following presidents, which tied government and business closer together than at any other time in the twentieth century?

Calvin Coolidge

Which of the following occurred during the 1924 presidential election?

Calvin Coolidge swept both the popular and electoral votes by decisive majorities.

After April 1970, American troops entered ________ to "clean out" hidden Communist military bases, thereby extending the Vietnam War.


Which of the following did modernists believe?

Challenging traditional values and notions of reality is important.

A race riot in which thirty-eight people were killed and over 500 injured took place in July 1919 in

Chicago, Illinois.

Which of the following statements accurately describes child labor in Gilded Age America?

Child laborers suffered many more accidents relative to adult workers.

Where did the Boxer Rebellion take place?


Nixon's new relationship with China was made possible by

China's growing fear of the Soviet Union.

What did advocates of the social gospel believe?

Churches needed to help solve the problems created by a rapidly industrializing and urbanizing society.

Which of the following statements accurately describes life in the South in the 1920s?

Compared to other regions, the South remained the poorest and most rural, with fewer farmers owning their land and black sharecroppers staying especially poor.

What obstacles did John F. Kennedy face in terms of enacting his domestic programs?

Conservative southern Democrats joined with Republicans in blocking efforts such as those to increase federal aid to education.

What was the main idea at the center of what became known as reform Darwinism?

Cooperation, rather than competition, would best promote human progress.

Which of the following was true under the Espionage and Sedition Acts of 1917 and 1918?

Criticism of American government leaders or war policies became a crime.

Why has the Spanish-American War been renamed the War of 1898?

Cubans, Puerto Ricans, and Filipinos also engaged in the fighting.

Which of the following was one of the contributing causes of the stock market crash of October 1929?

Decline of labor unions removed a check on rapid business growth.

Which of the following occurred during the midterm elections of 1918?

Democrats lost control of both houses of Congress, in part due to Wilson's offending Republicans who had mostly backed his war policies.

What was the significance of the "falling-domino" theory?

Describing how quickly communism would spread once it infiltrated a nation, the theory was used by Eisenhower to justify beginning conflicts such as the Vietnam War, despite the fact that anti-colonial insurgencies often resulted from nationalist motives.

How did African Americans tend to respond to white supremacy in the South at the end of the nineteenth century?

Despite great adversity, many African Americans embraced their own lively culture and the new economic opportunities that segregation had ironically opened up in terms of black businesses.

Which of the following statements accurately summarizes the nature of Gilded Age politics?

Dominated by "special interests," the Gilded Age showed more political corruption than political innovation.

What was the relationship between the Great War and the Great Migration?

Due to mobilization for the war, employment efforts led by northern businesses were directed at African Americans as well as whites for the first time, causing many to move north.

What effect did the Great War have on the lives of American women?

Due to the large number of men in the armed forces, women were encouraged, as the scope of the war widened until the end of the war, to take jobs that had been held primarily by men.

How has the public and historical perception of Truman's presidency evolved over time?

During Truman's presidency, many Americans blamed him for issues such as higher taxes and higher prices for consumers brought by the war, but years later, many have come to view him more positively, appreciating that he dealt with a complex set of problems.

By the spring of 1945, the United States and Britain were becoming deeply concerned over Soviet actions in

Eastern Europe.

Which amendment to the Constitution is known as the Prohibition amendment?


The ________ amendment to the Constitution is known as the Prohibition amendment and resulted in ________.

Eighteenth; widespread lawbreaking

In 1957, nine African American students attended Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas for the first time. Which of the following statements accurately describes the actions taken by Eisenhower?

Eisenhower reluctantly dispatched federal troops there to maintain law and order, angering many southern politicians.

Which of the following was true of yellow-dog contracts?

Employers used them to restrict union membership.

What was part of Europe's role in the Great Depression?

European nations who had been part of the Allies during the Great War proved unable to pay their war debts, and after the crash, American banks could no longer prop up their economies.

Which of the following statements correctly describes FDR's attitude toward African Americans?

Even as African Americans were shifting toward the Democratic party, he generally showed little concern for the difficulties facing them.

Which London-based American not only wrote and published modernist works but mentored up-and-coming authors?

Ezra Pound

The Roaring Twenties was dubbed the "Jazz Age" by

F. Scott Fitzgerald.

American isolationism declined in turmoil of the Great Depression of the early 1930s.


An incident at the Marco Polo Bridge in 1937 triggered a full-scale war between Japan and French Indochina.


Due to shrinking military production, a deep recession followed the end of the Second World War.


Due to the overall prosperity of the decade, blacks were able to close the income gap with whites by the end of the 1950s.


During the 1950s, the black population in the North decreased as a result of the Second Great Migration.


Dwight D. Eisenhower tried to reduce Social Security and other entitlement programs.


Eleanor Roosevelt was a shy person who shunned attention, but she did much work behind the scenes to raise support for her husband's New Deal.


In the 1936 presidential election between Roosevelt and Alfred M. Landon, a majority of African Americans maintained a historical trend of the time by voting for a Republican president.


John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath focused on the experiences of and guilt felt by Wall Street businessmen after Black Tuesday.


Joseph McCarthy was tried for perjury and sentenced to serve time in jail for his crusade against Communists.


Middle-class whites organized Citizens' Councils after the Brown decision to organize support for integration and African American civil rights.


Society's message to women in the 1950s was that they should strive to combine motherhood and professional careers.


The Agricultural Adjustment Administration required farmers to donate surplus crops and livestock to feed the poor.


The Berlin airlift saw the aerial evacuation of American personnel from Berlin after the Soviets blockaded the city.


The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was revolutionary in that it welcomed women and housed African Americans and Native Americans in desegregated buildings.


The Fair Deal was President Truman's name for his approach to foreign policy in the early days of the cold war.


The New Deal was responsible for ending racial discrimination in the federal government, including the military.


The Nye Committee concluded that the United States should only enter the Second World War if it was directly attacked first.


The United States opened its ports to all Jewish refugees who fled the Holocaust during the Second World War.


The United States supported Britain and France as they tried to seize control of the Suez Canal in 1956.


The Viet Cong supported and defended Ngo Dinh Diem's government in South Vietnam.


The Wagner Act was intended to end labor unions.


The cash-and-carry provision of the Neutrality Act of 1937 permitted belligerent nations to purchase American goods, including arms and munitions, as long as they were transported on the belligerent nation's own ships.


The government initially had plans to develop a Women's Army Corps (WAC) but never received enough funding or interest for it to officially take off.


Truman's firing of MacArthur in 1951 was over MacArthur's refusal to pursue the war in Korea.


What are holding companies?

Firms that control the stock of other companies

Since the nineteenth century, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia had been ruled by


In the election of 1932, which candidate promised a "new deal" for the American people?

Franklin Roosevelt

Where was the commission system of city government first adopted?

Galveston, Texas

As the 1972 election approached, the biggest threat to Nixon's reelection seemed to be

George Wallace's potential to drain away conservative votes from the Republicans.

The governor of Alabama who stood in the door to prevent black students from entering, proclaiming "Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!" was

George Wallace.

What was the "last straw" that provoked the United States to declare war on Germany?

Germany's sinking of five American ships in the North Atlantic in 1917

Who, in 1921, told Hemingway that he and his friends who had served in the war "are a lost generation"?

Gertrude Stein

Which of the following occurred as conditions during the Great Depression worsened?

Government officials called for the deportation of Mexican-born Americans to avoid the cost of providing them with government services.

What assumption did progressives share?

Governments must become more active to address the problems created by rapid industrial and urban growth.

Which court case or legal action brought the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments back to life?

Guinn v. United States (1915)

Which of the following accurately describes Cleveland's response to the depression of 1893?

He acted too conservatively, causing the weak economy to have less money in circulation when it needed more.

Which of the following is true of William Graham Sumner?

He argued in his book Folkways that it was a mistake for the government to promote equality as it went against "survival of the fittest."

Why did W. E. B. Du Bois disagree with what he called the Atlanta Compromise?

He argued that Booker T. Washington's ideas aimed to satisfy powerful whites, thereby giving credence to the idea that African Americans were inferior.

What was Theodore Roosevelt's position on the matter of environmental conservation?

He believed in environmental preservation and, as a result, set aside federal land for conservation purposes created a number of national forests.

Which of the following statements accurately summarizes John F. Kennedy's stance on civil rights?

He celebrated racial equality but was reluctant to promote it himself due to the fear of alienating potential political allies.

Who was Frederick W. Taylor?

He championed the idea of "scientific management," showing employers how to cut waste and improve productivity.

Why did Charles A. Lindbergh Jr. become famous?

He completed the first solo transatlantic flight.

What did Roosevelt do at the outset of his presidency to deal with the banking crisis?

He declared a bank holiday, shutting the banks down briefly.

Martin Luther King Jr. took which of the following approaches in writing his "Letter from Birmingham Jail"?

He declared his preference for nonviolent civil disobedience.

How did Wilson justify the war to Congress during one of his famous speeches?

He described it as a war to make the world safe for democracy.

How was J. Luz Sáenz's experience representative of many Mexican Americans and members of other minorities during the Great War period?

He experienced discrimination following the war, even as a war veteran.

Why did President Truman veto the McCarran Internal Security Act?

He felt it promoted thought control.

By 1968, how did Johnson see his position in relation to the Vietnam War?

He felt trapped in that he saw neither a clear path to victory nor a way to withdraw without appearing weak.

Which of the following accurately describes Richard Nixon in the years leading up to the 1960 presidential election?

He had a reputation for hardline anti-communism and a tendency to conceal his real ideas.

In negotiating with the Big Four over many postwar territorial issues, President Wilson did which of the following?

He had to largely abandon his lofty principle of national self-determination.

What was Joseph Glidden's claim to fame?

He perfected the invention of barbed wire, which sparked "range wars" as well as the loss of Native American lands.

Which of the following statements describes the role State Department official George Kennan played in the onset of the cold war?

He recommended that the United States contain Soviet expansionist tendencies through efforts to undermine the appeal of Soviet communism.

What stance did Eisenhower take in terms of New Deal programs?

He retained most New Deal programs and even expanded some of them, while also working to rid the government of the "excesses" that had resulted from many years of Democratic control.

Which of the following statements was true of Marcus Garvey?

He said blacks should return to Africa.

Which of the following did Richard Nixon do in order to undermine the Democrats and increase his own chances of winning the election in 1968?

He secretly contacted the South Vietnamese government and offered better terms for peace negotiations, hoping to sabotage Johnson's efforts to end the war sooner.

Which of the following was true of William Jennings Bryan?

He transformed fundamentalism into a popular crusade and prosecuted John Scopes for teaching evolution.

Which of the following was a challenge Hoover faced during the Great Depression?

He ultimately lost the respect of most Americans because he failed to grasp or acknowledge the seriousness of the economic issues and hardship many Americans faced.

Which of the following did Calvin Coolidge do as president?

He vetoed many bills from Congress and sought to reduce both federal spending and regulation of business and industry.

Who was Theodore Roosevelt's close friend Gifford Pinchot?

He was a forestry expert and leading conservationist.

Which of the following statements accurately describes Woodrow Wilson's background?

He was a professor and college president.

What is significant about the way Truman got the United States involved in the Korean War?

He was able to do it without a congressional declaration, bypassing a constitutional provision.

Which of the following events was part of Roosevelt's background, and how did it affect his presidency?

He was permanently disabled after contracting polio, which enhanced his ability to identify with people struggling through difficult times.

Who was Emilio Aguinaldo?

He was the Filipino rebel leader.

Who was Richard Wright?

He wrote Native Son, a story of racial prejudice that follows events that transpire after an accidental murder.

Which of the following statements accurately describes Lyndon Johnson?

He yearned to be recognized as a transformational leader.

The figure who MOST influenced Nixon's foreign policy was

Henry Kissinger.

Who declared himself a Republican "progressive conservative," sought to increase efficiency as secretary of commerce, and created the Federal Radio Commission?

Herbert Hoover

Which of the following was a result of Wilson's campaign to win public support for the Treaty of Versailles?

His failing health after a stroke, his refusal to compromise, and his alienation of Republican senators ultimately caused the treaty to fail to pass.

Encouraged American propaganda broadcasts through Radio Free Europe, ________ nationalists rebelled against occupying Communist troops in 1956.


Which of the following did "nativists" believe?

Immigrants were a threat to their jobs and way of life.

What was one impact of the Tet offensive?

In part due to its scope, intensity, and surprise nature, it decisively turned public opinion against Johnson's war policy.

Which of the following is true of the Pennsylvania oil rush?

In terms of economic importance, it outweighed the California gold rush of a decade before.

In physics, the theory that the fundamental concepts of space, time, matter, and energy are not distinct, independent things with stable dimensions was developed by

Isaac Newton.

The passage of the Lend-Lease bill in 1941 signaled what about American opinion?

Isolationist strength was weakening.

What was the purpose of the "subtreasury plan"?

It allowed farmers to secure low-interest government loans.

Which of the following is true of the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947?

It allowed the president to impose a "cooling-off" period during major strikes.

Why was the Roosevelt Corollary significant?

It asserted the right of the United States to intervene in Latin America to prevent the military involvement of other countries there.

What did the Seventeenth Amendment do?

It authorized the popular election of U.S. senators.

Why was the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 significant in American immigration history?

It barred Chinese laborers from entering the country, becoming the first federal law to restrict immigration on the basis of race and class.

As a result of the global burdens the United States assumed after the Second World War, how did the federal government change?

It became larger, more powerful, and more secretive, in part due to the actions of both major political parties and the lobbying efforts of the military-industrial complex.

Which of the following statements accurately describes jazz?

It blended several musical traditions, such as ragtime and the blues.

Which of the following is true of the Cuban missile crisis?

It brought the United States and the Soviet Union close to nuclear war.

Which of the following statements is true of the McNary-Haugen bill?

It called for surplus crops to be sold on the world market in order to raise domestic prices.

What effect did the German occupation of Czechoslovakia have on Roosevelt?

It caused him to no longer profess impartiality in the impending European struggle.

Why was hydraulic mining so damaging to the environment?

It caused tons of dirt and debris to clog rivers, kill fish, and pollute downstream farmland.

What was the role of the Truman Doctrine?

It committed the United States to help "free peoples" facing pressure from communism.

What was the primary objection that American senators had to the Treaty of Versailles?

It committed the United States to the League of Nations.

What was the significance of the Federal-Aid Highway Act (1956)?

It created a large network of interstate highways, which in turn helped create jobs, tourism opportunities, and economic growth.

What did the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) do to punish the United States for supporting Israel during the Yom Kippur War?

It cut off oil shipments to the United States.

What was the role of the Potsdam Declaration?

It demanded that Japan surrender or face "prompt and utter destruction."

Which of the following statements accurately describes American foreign policy in Latin American countries in the first twenty years of the twentieth century?

It demonstrated American willingness to intervene in a nation's internal affairs to promote American interests.

Which of the following was true of the Teller Amendment?

It disavowed any American designs on Cuban territory.

During the early twentieth century, what happened to the nation's century-long isolation from European conflicts?

It ended, in part because the interests of the United States became more bound up with the expanding world economy, and new war technology threatened national security.

What was the "American plan" concept of employment?

It established open shops where the employer could hire anyone.

What was the purpose of the Adamson Act of 1916?

It established the eight-hour day for railroad workers.

What role did Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique play in American history?

It explained the challenges of many upper- and middle-class women and helped launch the second phase of the feminist movement.

Which of the following was true of the battleship Maine?

It exploded in Havana Harbor, allegedly because of the Spanish, and fueled calls for war with Spain.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the purpose of the Neutrality Act of 1935?

It forbade the sale of arms and munitions to warring nations.

In retrospect, what was an effect of Johnson's approach to addressing poverty in the United States?

It generated middle-class resentment that benefited the Republican party.

How was the Knights of Labor unique as a labor group?

It grew rapidly, even as trade unions collapsed during the depression of the 1870s, and continued advocating the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism.

What did the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution accomplish?

It guaranteed women the right to vote.

What was the purpose of the Wagner Act?

It guaranteed workers the right to organize unions and bargain directly with management.

Which of the following statements accurately summarizes an impact of the urban-industrial revolution at the dawn of the twentieth century?

It had transformed the size, scope, and power of the American economy such that only governmental intervention could restore economic fairness and social stability.

Which of the following was true of the treaty ending the Spanish-American War?

It initially experienced opposition from some who argued that it would violate the longstanding American principle that people should be self-governing.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the Sixteenth Amendment?

It instated a graduated income tax to help slow the concentration of wealth held by the richest Americans, in accordance with progressives' demands.

What was the role of the Nye Committee?

It investigated and criticized the role that bankers and munitions makers played in America's entry into the Great War.

Which of the following statements about the Social Security Act of 1935 is true?

It involved a federal retirement fund for people over sixty-five and was meant to supplement other sources of income.

What was the Teapot Dome Affair?

It involved the leasing of government-owned oil deposits to private companies, as the secretary of the Interior took bribes from an oil tycoon.

What was one way in which the 1957 Soviet launch of Sputnik was significant?

It led to increased U.S. government funding for science education and defense spending.

What was the state of progressivism by 1920?

It lost ground in the White House, but was promoted by members of Congress and by legislators at the state and local levels.

Which of the following statements describes the Underwood-Simmons Tariff?

It lowered the average tariff and hence was supported by Wilson.

Which of the following statements accurately summarizes the tariff policy of the early 1920s?

It made it harder for other nations to sell to the United States.

Which of the following is true of the Works Progress Administration?

It managed a wide array of jobs, became the nation's largest employer, and included the National Youth Administration.

What significance did the election of 1912 have for progressivism?

It offered voters a choice of four candidates who, despite their differences, believed in the progressive idea that an active government could resolve modern social problems.

In what way was Operation Overlord a turning point in the war?

It opened a western front in the war around the same time the Soviets advanced on Germany from the east.

Which of the following was true of the Clayton Anti-Trust Act?

It outlawed price discrimination and exempted labor unions from anti-trust laws.

Which of the following is true of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

It outlawed segregation in public facilities on the basis of race, sex, or national origin.

What did the Supreme Court do in the case of Schechter Poultry Corporation v. United States?

It overturned the National Industrial Recovery Act, ruling that Congress had given too much power to the president and representing the growing opposition to the New Deal.

Which of the following is true of the congressional resolution for war?

It passed overwhelmingly.

What did Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 do?

It prohibited educational programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance from showing gender discrimination.

What was the purpose of the Open Door policy?

It proposed that foreign powers keep China trade open to all European and American nations on an equal basis.

Which of the following statements characterizes Woodrow Wilson's New Freedom platform?

It proposed vigorous anti-trust action to break up corporate concentration.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act?

It provided for appointment to a number of government jobs on the basis of competitive exams and was a limited first step in remedying the patronage process.

What was the role of the GI Bill?

It provided loans to veterans for education, job training, and the building of homes and businesses.

What was a consequence of the Smoot-Hawley tariff?

It raised tariffs and provoked foreign countries to raise retaliatory tariffs and, as a consequence, made it harder for American farms and businesses to sell abroad.

What was one of the main purposes of the Glass-Steagall Banking Act of 1933?

It reduced the chance that another panic would occur by creating the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to insure customer bank accounts up to a certain amount of money.

What did the Immigration Act of 1924 do?

It reduced the number of immigration quotas of each nationality's population as of 1890 to especially limit the number of southern and eastern Europeans entering the country.

What was "yellow journalism"?

It refers to sensationalist news coverage that was designed to sell papers and manipulate public opinion.

What is one way the Chinese civil war proved significant for the cold war?

It resulted in the victory of Communists over Chinese Nationalists, and the Communists would go on to intervene in the Korean War to aid their North Korean allies.

What was the effect of the Great Railroad Strike of 1877?

It revealed how polarizing the relationship between the working poor and executives had become and ended when the workers, who lacked organized bargaining power, returned to work.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938?

It set a minimum wage of 40¢ an hour.

What was the purpose of the Platt Amendment?

It sharply restricted the independence of Cuba's new government.

What trend did home ownership tend to follow between 1945 and 1960?

It significantly increased.

What was the purpose of the Dawes Severalty Act?

It sought to "Americanize" Indians by forcing them to become self-reliant farmers that individually owned their own land.

What was the purpose of Roosevelt's "Gentlemen's Agreement"?

It stopped the flow of Japanese immigrants to America.

Which of the following is true of the Mississippi Plan?

It stripped African Americans of their voting rights, especially those who moved around as tenant farmers or were illiterate, and set a pattern of disenfranchisement that other states would follow.

What was the Supreme Court's decision in the case Brown v. Board of Education?

It struck down "separate but equal" in public education.

Which of the following was a legacy of the Watergate scandal?

It suggested the lesson that not even a president is above the law, even though Nixon did avoid jail time.

What was the significance of the events at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company in 1911?

It took the death of workers as a result of a tragic fire there to result in meaningful government regulation of dangerous workplaces.

In early 1968, what was one result of increasing opposition to the war within Johnson's own party?

It ultimately led Johnson to opt out of the presidential race.

Why was the Supreme Court decision in Munn v. Illinois significant to understanding the power of government to regulate industry?

It upheld the right of state and local governments to regulate industry essential to the public interest.

What was the significance of the ship Lusitania?

It was a British passenger ship secretly carrying ammunition, and its sinking by German U-boats caused many civilian deaths, including those of Americans, and sparked an outcry in the United States.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)?

It was a civil rights organization led by Martin Luther King Jr. that coordinated activities between a cluster of organizations such as churches and community groups.

Why was the Armory Show in 1913 significant?

It was a controversial sensation that caused modern art to become one of Americans' favorite subjects of debate.

What was the American Federation of Labor (AFL)?

It was a group of separate national unions organized by delegates from craft unions and primarily concerned with securing concrete economic gains.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the second Ku Klux Klan?

It was a nationwide organization with millions of members in the mid-1920s, dedicated to white supremacy and "100-percent Americanism."

Which of the following statements accurately describes the baby boom in the United States?

It was a postwar trend that reinforced the idea that a woman's place was in the home and helped drive economic growth due the market of goods centered on children.

Why was the attack on Pearl Harbor significant?

It was a surprise attack that immediately caused the United States to enter the war and brought the isolationist movement to an abrupt end.

Why was the episode surrounding the "Court-packing" plan significant?

It was among Roosevelt's most humiliating moments and fractured the Democratic party.

What was the role of the Marshall Plan?

It was an international economic recovery program that also sought to reduce socialist influence in Europe and reestablish a strong Western Europe rooted in American values.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the German blitzkrieg?

It was centered on speed and stunned defenders who faced coordinated air and land forces in western Europe.

What was the purpose of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)?

It was intended to be one giant labor union that would take back the means of production and would be open to all workers.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the result of the 1960 election?

It was likely determined by African American votes in a few key states.

Which of the following was true of the Revenue Act of 1916?

It was primarily to raise money to pay for war preparations.

How did the public view the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Hoover's first and biggest effort at relief?

It was seen as helping only banks and other big businesses rather than individuals in need.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the Immigration Act of 1917?

It was the first widely restrictive immigration law and included requirements for a literacy test and an increased "head tax" upon arriving to the United States.

Which of the following statements about the Battle of Okinawa is true?

It was the largest amphibious operation of the war in the Pacific and the staging area for a planned invasion of Japan.

What was the phenomenon of "white flight" in the 1950s after the Second World War?

It was the movement of many whites to suburbs in response to the migration of African Americans from the rural South to northern cities in search of better opportunities after the war.

In 1964, which of the following was true of the University of California at Berkeley?

It was the site of the formation of the free-speech movement (FSM) following a student sit-in.

Which of the following was true of the Bay of Pigs invasion?

It was thoroughly bungled and embarrassed Kennedy.

Which of the following was true of the 1919 police strike in Boston?

Its aftermath inadvertently made Calvin Coolidge a national hero.

Which of the following best accounts for the success of Standard Oil?

Its eventual corporate structure, known as vertical integration, allowed it to grow tremendously.

What was the purpose behind the Food Administration?

Its goal was to increase agricultural production while reducing civilian food consumption.

What was the state of the Socialist party during the Progressive Era?

Its membership grew dramatically, as it offered an alternative to a stalemated political system; however, many also feared socialism.

Which of the following was a result of the spread of radios in households across America?

Jazz music became a national favorite.

Which of the following was a result of the Scopes Trial?

John T. Scopes was found guilty of teaching evolution.

Which of the followings statements describes the state of South Vietnam in the early 1960s at the beginning of Kennedy's term?

Kennedy was increasing the number of American military "advisers" there because the Viet Cong had been undermining the government of Ngo Dinh Diem.

Which of the following occurred in Asia with the end of the Second World War?

Korea became divided into northern and southern halves, with the Soviets organizing a Communist government in the north and the Americans then helping to establish a democratic government in the south.

Which of the following was true of the Universal Negro Improvement Association?

Led by Marcus Garvey, it took the approach of black nationalism, promoting black separatism from mainstream American life.

Which of the following occurred during Taft's presidency?

Like Roosevelt, he appointed a conservationist and preserved more public lands in four years than Roosevelt had in nearly eight.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the experiences of many working-class women in Gilded Age America?

Many married working-class women worked and had little leisure time regardless, but finding fellowship with other women on the street while tending to other responsibilities was common.

Which of the following statements accurately describes recruitment to the American army as the United States entered the war?

Many men initially rushed to enlist before being drafted, including a significant percentage of immigrants.

During the Gilded Age, which of the following could be said of the wealthy in America?

Many of the newly rich engaged in "conspicuous consumption," such as through elaborate parties, making class divisions appear more pronounced.

Which of the following accurately describes wartime opportunities of American women during the Second World War?

Many women served in the armed forces as well as in the civilian workforce, in part thanks to recruitment efforts by the government.

What was the state of car ownership in America by 1955?

Most American households owned a car, resulting in a greater range of choices such as the growth of fast-food restaurants as well as unintended consequences such as environmental pollution.

During the 1920s, how did the majority of the nation respond to the self-indulgent excesses of the Lost Generation and Jazz Age?

Most instead led traditional lives and defended established values, which contributed to the backlash in national politics against modern city life.

Which of the following is true of Truman's Fair Deal proposals by and large?

Most of them were simply extensions or enlargements of New Deal programs, and a bipartisan conservative coalition in Congress successfully stopped their passage.

Authored by Paul Nitze, ________ endorsed a massive militarized version of containment that guided American foreign policy for decades.


Which of the following organizations sought to set workplace standards, such as child labor restrictions?

National Recovery Administration

Which of the following reorganized the American defense and intelligence establishment in 1947, creating the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Department of Defense, National Security Council and Central Intelligence Agency?

National Security Act

Which of the following statements accurately describes the role of the federal government under Roosevelt?

National economic planning, restoring prosperity, and ensuring social security for all fell under the responsibility of the federal government.

Helen Hunt Jackson's book A Century of Dishonor was influential in describing the United States' exploitation of

Native Americans.

What had happened in South Vietnam by the end of 1975 following the Paris Peace Accords?

North Vietnamese troops gained the upper hand over South Vietnam, successfully invading and capturing Saigon.

A transcontinental railroad had not been built before the Civil War because

North-South sectional differences prevented Congress from selecting a route.

What was the Haymarket Riot of 1886?

Occurring amid a strike in favor of the eight-hour workday, it was what journalists called America's first terrorist bombing and was blamed on anarchist leaders despite a lack of evidence.

The 1896 Supreme Court decision in ________ legitimized racial segregation as constitutional by affirming the idea of "separate but equal."

Plessy v. Ferguson

Germany's invasion of what country triggered the beginning of the Second World War in Europe?


Which of the following occurred when the American-led overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy in the early 1890s was improperly done?

President Cleveland preferred that the monarchy be restored to power after an investigation revealed that native Hawaiians opposed annexation, but white Hawaiians resisted.

Which of the following occurred during the coal strike of 1902?

President Theodore Roosevelt won support for his forceful leadership against corporations and his work refereeing the dispute.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the scope of the progressive impulse?

Progressivism was a national movement including both rural and urban reformers of different backgrounds.

In response to Truman's actions and policies up to that point, the 1946 congressional elections resulted in

Republican control of Congress.

Which of the following occurred during or as a result of the 1964 election?

Republicans continued to make gains in the Deep South, highlighting the region's shift to that party.

Who originated the Wisconsin idea of efficient government?

Robert M. La Follette

Which of the following was a result of the Brownsville Riot in 1906?

Roosevelt dishonorably discharged the entire regiment of African American soldiers.

How did William Howard Taft win the presidency?

Roosevelt urged the Republican party to nominate him as his successor, and he promised to continue the policies Roosevelt had begun.

What was the significance of the 1945 Yalta Conference?

Roosevelt yielded to some of Stalin's territorial desires in order to secure Soviet help to defeat Japan and Soviet participation in the United Nations.

What role did Roosevelt play in the presidential election of 1912?

Running against Taft of the Republican party and Woodrow Wilson of the Democratic party, Roosevelt created the Progressive party with a platform that revealed his liberalism.

Which of the following statements about Eleanor Roosevelt is accurate?

She was especially supportive of women, African Americans, and youth.

What influential figure spoke of sex with frankness and created a new vocabulary for mapping the inner lives of people?

Sigmund Freud

John F. Kennedy described which country as the "cornerstone of the free world in Southeast Asia"?

South Vietnam

An impact of the Korean War was that Truman authorized increased assistance for French troops fighting a Communist independence movement in a French colony in ________, beginning U.S. military involvement there.

Southeast Asia

What was the state of sports in the 1920s?

Spectator sports attracted large crowds, as automobile ownership and rising incomes changed the way Americans spent leisure time.

Ida M. Tarbell is best known for her investigation of

Standard Oil Trust.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the women's suffrage movement during the Progressive Era?

Suffrage activists varied in their motivations and approaches, such as the range of issues they were willing to raise along with the women's vote.

The Waste Land, a poem that became the favorite of many modernist readers because of its sense of disillusionment and its suggestion of a burned-out civilization, was written by

T. S. Eliot.

What was the issue that provoked an open break between Taft and Roosevelt?

Taft fired Pinchot after he showed opposition to the Taft administrations' opening up protected federal lands to commercial development.

What was the significance of the Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade?

The Court ruled that women have a "right to choose" whether to keep a pregnancy, as it would affect their health and well-being.

What was one reason why the Democratic convention in 1896 held in Chicago was one of the greatest turning points in American political history?

The Democratic Party was fractured, and the Silverite, largely rural delegates surprised the party leadership and the "Gold Democrats," or "goldbugs," by capturing control of the convention.

What brought about the end of the Jazz Age?

The Great Depression caused the collapse of the Jazz Age and, with it, helped erode the American belief in freedom at all costs.

What was the title of the novel that described the terrible conditions of the meatpacking industry?

The Jungle

Why did the Supreme Court declare the NRA unconstitutional in 1935?

The NRA had assumed lawmaking powers that were constitutionally only granted to Congress.

What was a major reason why the United States annexed the Philippines despite anti-imperialist opposition in the United States?

The Philippine islands were located very close to China and China's potential markets.

Which of the following happened as a result of the election of 1896?

The Populist party disintegrated, but later reformers would enact many of its ideas.

Which of the following statements accurately characterizes the Progressive Era?

The Progressive Era saw remarkable social activism and political innovation, in part due to the belief that America was experiencing a crisis of democracy because of the urban industrial revolution and the evidence of fraud by elected officials.

Which of the following was a major factor in Wilson's initial rise to the presidency?

The Republican party had split in two.

Which of the following was a result of the Second World War?

The United States became more deeply committed to international affairs.

Which of the following statements is true in regard to Israel's founding in 1948?

The United States became the first country to recognize the Jewish state.

Which of the following was a result of the Spanish-American War?

The United States emerged as an imperial power, along with the reinforcement of racist attitudes.

Which of the following was a result of the Spanish-American War?

The United States gained strategic territories in the Pacific and Latin America without acknowledging the people of those territories as having full representation in the republic.

Which of the following occurred when the United States and Colombia could not agree on a price for the Canal Zone?

The United States lent support to a separatist rebellion in the Colombian province of Panama.

Which of the following complicated American efforts to defeat the Viet Cong in South Vietnam?

The Viet Cong were made up of men and women who blended in among the civilian population.

What did the events in the neighborhood of Watts reveal about the state of the civil rights movement in 1965?

The civil rights movement had begun to fragment, and what came to be called "black power" was competing with the integrationist, nonviolent philosophy of leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr.

Why was the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) significant to American foreign policy?

The commitment to NATO as a mutual defense alliance against the Soviet Union marked an end to isolationism in the United States.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the experiences of most American women in the 1920s?

The conservative political mood helped steer women who had worked for the war effort back into their traditional roles as homemakers.

What was a result of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia?

The country established its first democratic government, overthrowing Communist leaders.

Why did farm prices drop so drastically in the 1920s?

The end of the Great War led to a dramatic decrease in the demand for crops, though production levels remained high, with surplus crops.

Which of the following statements accurately characterizes the period of the 1960s and early 1970s?

The forces that contributed to the complacent prosperity of the fifties had ironically contributed to the sense of upheaval and unprecedented counterculture that helped define the sixties and early seventies.

What was the state of the hippie movement at the very end of the 1960s?

The hard realities the hippies experienced, such as poverty and drug addiction, had caused the hippie phenomenon to begin to fade.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the significance of post-Civil War inventions to women in particular?

The invention of the typewriter and sewing machine opened up new employment possibilities to many women, although often on the basis of the idea that women would work for lower pay.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the Voting Rights Act of 1965?

The law ensured all citizens the right to vote, resulting in the dramatic expansion of black votes in the South.

What was one of the factors that contributed to the passage of the Prohibition amendment?

The majority of beer brewers were German, and a great deal of ethnic and social prejudice was directed toward them in the wake of the Great War.

What was the idea behind the New Frontier according to John F. Kennedy?

The metaphor lent itself to Kennedy's intentions for America to explore science and space, embark on issues of poverty and surplus, and be more aggressive in waging the cold war than Eisenhower.

Which of the following statements describes changes in the way goods were purchased during the 1920s?

The rise of advertising contributed to a new consumer culture, strengthening the perceived relationship between social status and possessions.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the conditions affecting the industrial development of the United States during the second half of the nineteenth century after the Civil War?

The rising tide of immigrants at the time created a large workforce willing to work for low pay as well as a market of consumers.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the toll of the Great Depression?

The sense of shame cut across class lines, but the hardest hit were already the most disadvantaged groups, such as immigrants, women, the elderly, and migrant workers.

Why was there a growth of craft unions during the Civil War?

The war sparked an increased demand for skilled labor.

Which of the following is among the reasons the Great War was especially challenging?

The war would cause more destruction and involve more nations than any previous conflict.

Which candidate was shot during the 1912 presidential campaign?

Theodore Roosevelt

Why has the Rough Riders' charge of Kettle Hill become one of the most famous incidents of the Spanish-American War?

Theodore Roosevelt was second-in-command and led the attack.

What strategy did Republicans commonly use in political campaigns during the 1870s and 1880s?

They accused Democrats of having caused "secession and civil war."

Why was the development of cast-iron and steel-frame construction techniques significant to the growth of cities?

They allowed developers to erect high-rise buildings.

What was the significance of the events involving Mabel Puffer and Arthur Hazzard in Concord, New Hampshire?

They demonstrated that, despite having fought to "make the world safe for democracy," the United States remained unsafe for those who dared to cross the color line.

Which of the following is true of the novels of Ernest Hemingway?

They described the frenetic, hard-drinking lifestyle and the cult of robust masculinity that Hemingway himself epitomized.

Which of the following was true of the leaders of the settlement house movement?

They directed their attention to the problems faced by the working poor and immigrant communities living in cities.

Which of the following occurred during the Tehran Conference where Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt all met together for the first time?

They discussed the planned invasion of France and Russian offense across eastern Europe as well as made early plans for the United Nations.

Which of the following was true of the immigration laws passed in the 1920s?

They favored immigrants from northern and western Europe.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the youths of the counterculture?

They focused more on cultural and individual change than political activism.

Which of the following describes the experience of most soldiers fighting in France during the Great War?

They fought a war of attrition often in miserable conditions, suffering massive artillery attacks and then facing enemy fire to seize well-protected trenches.

What was one main reason electric motors were significant to the industrialization of the late nineteenth century?

They freed factories to locate wherever they wished, not just by waterfalls and coal deposits.

How did most farmers respond to falling crop prices at the end of the nineteenth century?

They grew still more crops in order to make ends meet, tragically lowering the price of crops even more by increasing the supply.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the burglars arrested at the Watergate apartment complex?

They had connections to the CIA and the Nixon campaign, helping engage in partisan sabotage.

Which of the following was true of Wilson's Fourteen Points?

They reflected his belief that the world could be improved and were intended to shape the peace treaty and make the Great War the last world war.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the Pentagon Papers?

They revealed that the Johnson administration had deceived the public in regard to war policy, having never given them the full story on the Gulf of Tonkin incident of 1964.

What was the response of Woodrow Wilson and his cabinet regarding racial issues?

They segregated federal employees and largely ignored calls for racial justice from black leaders.

What was the stance of the Dixiecrats in the 1948 campaign?

They supported states' rights and racial segregation.

What was the result of the invasion of Manchuria, China by Japanese troops in the 1930s?

They took advantage of China's weakness during a civil war by proclaiming Manchuria's independence.

What did Roosevelt and Wilson have in common?

They were both activist presidents who helped bring about the modern presidency by expanding the scope of the executive branch at the expense of Congress.

Which of the following statements accurately describes tenement houses in New York City during the Gilded Age?

They were crammed together and often housed twenty-four to thirty-two families.

What were "war relocation camps"?

They were essentially internment camps for over 100,000 Japanese Americans during the war due to racial and fear-based prejudice.

Who were Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, and what was their significance to the reactionary conservatism of the 1920s?

They were two Italian-born anarchists whose execution for robbery and murder, despite some doubt as to their guilt, is often used as an example of nativism.

What was the significance of the railcars connected to Pullman cars during the Pullman strike?

They were used as justification for a federal intervention, as President Cleveland claimed that the strike must be ended because it interfered with the mail.

What happened to members of the Bonus Expeditionary Force?

They were violently confronted by federal troops under Douglas MacArthur.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the Beats?

This controversial group of artists was self-absorbed and reckless, and often rejected traditional responsibilities of middle-class life.

Why was the battle at the Little Bighorn River in 1876 significant?

Thousands of Indians led by Crazy Horse annihilated a detachment of Custer's soldiers, leading Congress to prepare for "total war."

At the end of the Second World War, Korea was divided along the 38th parallel.


By 1960, millions of homes in the United States had a television set.


Conservatives and business leaders considered Roosevelt a "traitor to his class" for the increase in taxes that came with the New Deal.


Despite the New Deal, full recovery from the Depression did not come until the crisis of the Second World War.


During Dwight D. Eisenhower's presidency, moderate republicanism involved the promise of restoring the authority of state and local governments.


During the Second World War, presidential authority expanded at the expense of state and local authority.


During the presidential election of 1940, Franklin Roosevelt won an unprecedented third term.


Early in his presidency, Roosevelt ended Prohibition, in part to regain federal tax revenues from the sale of alcoholic beverages.


France rapidly fell to the Nazis, shocking the world and causing complacency toward the Nazis in the United States to turn to fear.


Going to movies was a widespread activity during the thirties, in part because movies offered a sense of release and rarely dealt with hard times.


Harry Truman was famously short-tempered and outspoken.


Henry Wallace ran for president in 1948 as the Progressive party candidate.


Hitler portrayed himself as Germany's savior from the humiliation of having lost the Great War.


In the civil war that broke out in Greece after the Second World War, the United States assisted the British-supported government and announced what came to be known as the Truman Doctrine.


In the ideological contest against the United States, Communists highlighted examples of racism to win influence among newly emerging African nations.


Israel's creation in 1948 was followed immediately by a war with its Arab neighbors.


Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066 without plans for holding trials and despite the fact that not a single incident of espionage involving Japanese Americans was found.


Roosevelt wanted Americans to view their retirement checks through Social Security as something they had paid for themselves and deserved.


The Eisenhower Doctrine committed the United States to provide economic and military assistance to Arab nations that were threatened by communism.


The Federal Highway Act was the largest federal project in history.


The GI Bill of Rights provided financial assistance for home loans and college expenses.


The Manhattan Project was a secret U.S. government project to develop the atomic bomb before the Germans did.


The Servicemen's Readjustment Act was also known as the GI Bill of Rights.


The federal government expanded its regulatory power over Wall Street as part of the First New Deal.


The loss of Dien Bien Phu signaled the end of French rule in Indochina.


The phrase "In God We Trust" was added to coins and currency in the 1950s.


The year 1949 saw both the Communists' winning control of China and the Soviets' development of an atomic bomb.


Truman banned racial discrimination in the federal government and segregation in the military.


When Truman removed wartime restrictions on prices and wages, there were strikes and other labor disputes in the steel, coal, and railroad industries.


Whittaker Chambers accused Alger Hiss of supplying secret U.S. documents to the Soviets.


Which of the following statements accurately describes the political climate as the 1948 election approached?

Truman had not yet successfully cast away the widespread impression that he was not up to the role of president, and most political analysts assumed he would lose the next election.

Nixon's trip to the Soviet Union resulted in

U.S. wheat sales to the Soviets.

How did unions often fare in organizing labor around the years 1860-1900?

Unions faced significant obstacles, such as the so-called blacklisting of union organizers to keep them from getting hired.

Mexico's revolutionary leader who successfully took control of Mexico City in 1911 was quickly ousted by

Victoriano Huerta.

At the turn of the century, ________ argued that the black response to racial prejudice should be one of "ceaseless agitation" directed toward achieving political and social equality.

W. E. B. Du Bois

Which of the following figures was considered the greatest champion of the social gospel movement and worked in the Hell's Kitchen neighborhood of New York?

Walter Rauschenbusch

The MOST important of all the federal mobilization agencies was the ________ because it had the unprecedented authority to ration raw materials, construct factories, and set prices.

War Industries Board

Which agency was created to direct industrial conversion to war production?

War Production Board

Who wrote the book Working People and their Employers and argued that true Christianity was based on the idea that "thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself"?

Washington Gladden

Why was Lester Frank Ward's Dynamic Sociology considered a challenge to William Graham Sumner's "social Darwinism"?

Whereas Ward believed intellect, informed by science, gave humans the ability to shape social change, Sumner believed society functioned according to natural selection.

What was the significance of the Securities and Exchange Commission?

Whereas there had been little government oversight of the stocks and bonds industry prior to the Great Crash of 1929, the Securities and Exchange Commission was one of the first major pieces of federal legislation involving governance of the issuance and trading of stocks and bonds.

Which of the following was one of the ironies of the Second World War?

While fighting racism celebrated by fascism abroad, the United States tolerated racism at home, continuing to racially segregate the military.

Richard Nixon's victory in the election of 1968 was made possible by what shift in voting behaviors?

White wage earners from both the North and South were increasingly voting Republican instead of Democrat.

Who was the "Ohio gang"?

Who was the "Ohio gang"?

What was the significance of the birth-control pill in the 1960s?

Widespread access to the pill led to more open discussion of birth control, reproduction, and sexuality in general.

Of the following, who eventually became chief justice of the Supreme Court?

William Howard Taft

The People's party (the Populists) supported which candidate in the election of 1896?

William Jennings Bryan

Which of the following occurred when news of the European war first reached the United States?

Wilson publicly promoted neutrality while privately ensuring that the United States would help provide supplies to the Allies.

What were among the main U.S. foreign policy concerns following the Second World War and why?

With the elimination of German Nazism, the United States and the Soviet Union no longer seemed to share a united goal; the power vacuums in Europe and Asia due to the defeat of the Germans and Japanese left the Americans and Soviets competing for global influence.

Which of the following statements describes the experiences of industrial workers in Gilded Age America?

Working and living conditions remained dangerous.

The "House That Ruth Built" is known as

Yankee Stadium.

A believer in Social Darwinism would agree with which of the following?

a "hands-off" government policy in regard to business intended to protect a free, competitive marketplace

Who was David C. Stephenson?

a Ku Klux Klan leader who became influential in electing local and state officials but whose scandals eventually helped caused membership to dwindle

The event that triggered the Great War in Europe was

a Serb's assassination of the Austrian Archduke.

Which of the following differentiated the postwar era from earlier periods of prosperity?

a consumer culture in which a large number of people participated

Who were the Yippies?

a countercultural and anarchistic group who wanted to overthrow the power structure

Fitzgerald's stories during the 1920s were

a criticism of the social elite, including himself.

What change did young people experience during the 1920s?

a defiant sexual revolution

Conservative moralists saw the flappers as just another sign of

a degenerating society.

Who were the Mugwumps?

a group of Republicans against James Gillespie Blaine who believed in reform and building honest government

What was the Atlantic Charter?

a joint British-American statement of anti-Axis war aims

Contrary to his party's tradition, President Taft called for

a lower tariff.

What was the turning point for the Allies during the Great War?

a massive Allied offensive in September 1918 toward Sedan, France

UN forces reaching the Yalu River brought about

a massive Chinese intervention

The Nixon Doctrine implied a foreign policy that was shaped largely by

a need to be selective in its commitments abroad.

What did the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, pushed through Congress by Andrew Mellon, create?

a new Bureau of the Budget to streamline the process of preparing an annual federal budget

What did Andrew Mellon favor?

a reduction of the high wartime level of taxation as well as a reduction in federal spending

The 1937 economic slump was caused in part by

a sharp decrease in government spending

Economists coined the term "stagflation" in the early 1970s to describe

a simultaneously stagnant economy with inflationary prices.

From late 1941 into early 1942, the Second World War in the Pacific included

a succession of Japanese victories that saw numerous Allied outposts fall.

According to the advertisements in popular magazines at the time, the ideal woman of the mid-1950s was

a white suburban housewife.

The hippie movement sought to

achieve personal liberation by exceeding limits, embracing plain living, and rejecting the pursuit of wealth and careers.

In early 1937, Roosevelt proposed to reform the Supreme Court by

adding up to six additional members.

At what point did Russian participation in the Great War end?

after Vladimir Lenin had taken power in Russia and was willing to accept harsh terms ending Russian participation in order to concentrate on the ongoing civil war there

At what point did Congress revise the 1935 Neutrality Act to do more to stop "aggressor" nations?

after the invasion of Poland

William Howard Taft used the State Department to

allow American companies and banks to invest in foreign countries.

Drawing on the assumptions of the "domino theory," Truman believed the Soviet and Communist activities in Greece would

allow for the fall of the other nations in eastern Mediterranean, followed by those in Western Europe, if unchecked.

Who was Alvin York?

an American soldier from Tennessee who earned the Congressional Medal of Honor

Which of the following would MOST likely have been a Gilded Age Democrat?

an Irish immigrant

Who was Margaret Sanger?

an early advocate for women's access to birth control and contraception

Which of the following was recommended to Wilson as a Fifteenth Point but went ignored?

an end to racial discrimination

To what did Winston Churchill compare the boundary between Soviet-occupied Eastern Europe and Western Europe?

an iron curtain

In 1935, Hitler, in flagrant violation of the Versailles Treaty, began rebuilding Germany's

armed forces.

Violence in the mining towns was

as common as ethnic prejudice toward groups such as Mexicans and Chinese.

Which one of the following is associated with Detroit, Michigan?

automobile industry

The new tactic of the "sit-down strike" was used successfully in 1937 by ________ and inspired other workers to ________.

automobile workers; join unions

What industry provided the leading example of modern, mechanized mass-production techniques in the 1920s?


The major motivation behind the "Saturday Night Massacre" was Nixon's desire to

avoid handing over the key White House tapes.

As president of the WCTU, Frances Willard lobbied for legislation that would ________ alcohol.


By 1966, black leaders like Stokely Carmichael and H. Rap Brown were proponents of what they termed

black power.

Buffalo soldiers were

black soldiers, most of whom had been Civil War veterans, fighting in the West against the Indians.

William Harrison "Jack" Dempsey was a hero to millions as a


Proponents of the New South believed that the South should

build a society of small farms as well as industrialize.

What does the term "economies of scale" describe?

business enterprises that produced large quantities of product cheaply thanks to large workforces and machines

The postwar South suffered from an acute shortage of


Nixon's southern strategy involved winning southern support by

capitalizing on southerners' skepticism of federal social welfare programs.

Violence erupted during the Homestead strike when

chief executive Henry Frick tried to break the strike by bringing in Pinkerton agents.

Despite the many well-founded criticisms of Warren Harding as president, he was a visionary for his era in the field of

civil rights.

The single most important stimulant to the postwar economy was

cold war-related military spending.

The result in the presidential election of 1920 might be attributed to the

conservative postwar mood in which Americans were "tired of issues" and "sick at heart of ideals."

Which of the following factors helped stall the development of the New Deal in the late 1930s?

conservative southern Democrats joining with Republicans to block proposed New Deal programs

Which sectors were the leading cause of economic growth in the 1920s, or "New Era"?

construction and automobile manufacturing

What were so-called bonanza farms that spread across the country during the second half of the nineteenth century?

corporate-owned farms that were run like factories

Through the Lend-Lease bill, passed in January 1941, "any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the United States"

could receive military equipment, supplies, and other necessary materials even if that country lacked the funds to pay for those items.

The goal of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 was to raise farm income mainly through

cutbacks in production.

In what came to be called the Civil Rights Cases of 1883, the Civil Rights Act of 1875 was

declared unconstitutional due to the ruling that the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments did not give Congress the authority to pass laws dealing with racial discrimination.

Which of the following was a tactic of the Ku Klux Klan?

directing anger at whatever prejudices were dominant in a certain area

In part because of the Black Power movement, by the mid-1960s, Martin Luther King Jr. had decided to

emphasize the need for economic uplift for the black urban poor.

The National Child Labor Committee pushed to

enact laws prohibiting the employment of young children.

On the domestic front, President Truman soon made clear his intention to

enlarge the New Deal.

The energy crisis of the early 1970s increased support for


Although an important document in American history, Turner's "frontier thesis" is in some ways problematic because it

exaggerated the homogenizing effect of the frontier environment and virtually ignored the role of women, Native Americans, African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians.

By 1960-1961, a number of students had become inspired to become social reform activists by the

example of the American civil rights movement, such as that of the Greensboro four.

Gertrude Stein was a(n)

experimentalist writer.

Senator McCarthy was very effective in

exploiting public fears.

What did the muckrakers consider their primary objective?

exposing social problems to the public

The feminist movement experienced a setback with the

failure of the states to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment.

What prompted Congress to pass the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?

false reports that the North Vietnamese had fired on two American naval ships

As part of the crop-lien system, which of the following services did "crossroads" merchants provide in exchange for the pledge of a portion of participants' future crops?

food, clothing, seed, and other items "on credit"

Harold Edward "Red" Grange is best associated with


Why did Truman fire General MacArthur?

for insubordination

Between 1880 and 1890, the traditional pattern of immigration changed in that most new immigrants were

from southern and eastern Europe.

One of Truman's strengths as he assumed the presidency was his

genuine demeanor and ability to arise above his limitations.

President Johnson's first priority on the domestic front was to

get Kennedy's legislative program through Congress.

false reports that the North Vietnamese had fired on two American naval ships

get Kennedy's legislative program through Congress.

With the end of the Second World War, women workers who had taken on traditionally male jobs during the war were encouraged to

give up their jobs to returning veterans.

Which of the following did Nixon's policy of "Vietnamization" involve?

gradually reducing the number of American troops in Vietnam

One of the most troublesome, unintended consequences of the growth of urban populations at the turn of the century was the

growth of disease from the lack of sanitation in crowded city neighborhoods.

Which of the following helped Jimmy Carter win the 1976 election?

his non-Washington background in the aftermath of Watergate

Which of the following contributed to Hitler's rise to power?

his use of showmanship and organization of a police state employing tyranny, terrorism, and propaganda to impose absolute control

What is the name for the business strategy in which a dominant corporation buys or forces out most of its competitors?

horizontal integration

Which of the following appears to have led to the cold war in retrospect?

ideological competition between democratic capitalism and totalitarian communism and their opposing views of what the postwar world should become

British and American differences over where to attack Germany first were resolved with the decision to launch an offensive

in North Africa.

Labor's new direction in the late 1930s was toward

industrial unions.

In June 1941, Germany widened the war by ________ as part of Operation Barbarossa.

invading the Soviet Union

General Douglas MacArthur and Admiral Chester Nimitz developed the ________ strategy to defeat the Japanese in the Pacific war.


The global scope and scale of the Second World War ended America's ________ during the previous two decades.

isolationism in terms of global conflicts

Proponents of creating a "New South" argued that the Confederacy lost the Civil War because

it relied too much upon King Cotton.

The Philippine-American War became known for

its brutality and the atrocities committed by both sides

What was the greatest triumph of the New Deal?

its role in demonstrating that American democracy could cope with the collapse of capitalism

Early in the war, Germany believed that the United States

lacked instruments of modern warfare.

Truman's response to the Soviet blockade of West Berlin in 1948 was to

launch a massive airlift of supplies into West Berlin.

What did the NAACP emphasize?

legal action against discrimination

What did Nixon and Soviet premier Leonid Brezhnev achieve by signing the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT I)?

limitations on the number of nuclear missiles and prohibition of missile-defense systems

For all of his accomplishments and abilities, Woodrow Wilson had

little experience in international relations before he was elected president.

The rise of the cattle industry

made Chicago the fastest-growing city in the nation.

The term "Hooverville" refers to

makeshift shantytowns that sprouted up in vacant lots, the name of which emphasized growing discontent with Hoover.

American imperialism in the late nineteenth century was justified as a broadening of what earlier American principle?

manifest destiny

The Comstock Lode refers to a

mining discovery of gold and silver in Nevada that was the most profitable at that point.

The novel This Side of Paradise concerned

modernist student life at Princeton.

The fight for survival in the trans-Mississippi West made men and women

more equal partners than were their eastern counterparts, as farming required a lot of help.

Which of the following eventually proved the MOST effective answer to the sluggish economy, unemployment, and the plight of farmers?

national mobilization for the Second World War

By the end of 1970, the unemployment rate in the United States

nearly doubled.

Blacks who moved to northern cities tended to find

new problems due to racial prejudice but better lives overall.

What tactic did Martin Luther King Jr. and the activists who organized the Montgomery Bus Boycott follow in their protest?

nonviolent civil disobedience

In his 1920 campaign for president, Warren Harding famously said the country needed a return to


Why did America enter the Great War when it did? Why did it not enter before?

open ended question

The Soviet acquisition of the atomic bomb in 1949 inspired Truman to

order the development of a hydrogen bomb.

Nixon's Watergate-related resignation came with the revelation that he had

ordered a cover-up of the original Watergate break-in.

Although there were many factors that contributed to the Great Depression worsening, what combination of factors led to a growing recession in the months before the 1929 Great Crash?

overproduction and underconsumption

Gerald Ford suffered terrible political damage when he

pardoned Nixon.

In The Affluent Society, John Kenneth Galbraith pointed out the

persistence of poverty in the 1950s.

Following the 1867 "Report on the Condition of the Indian Tribes," Congress decided that the best way to end the Indian wars was to

persuade the Indians to live on out-of-the-way reservations.

Michael Harrington's book The Other America influenced President Johnson to declare war on


Which of the following helped drive the reactionary conservatism of the 1920s?

prejudice toward immigrants from outside western Europe and a strong Protestant movement for a return to the primacy of traditional Christian morality

An important reason for passage of the GI Bill was to

prevent widespread unemployment.

The Tennessee Valley Authority employed thousands in order to

produce cheap electric power.

One major reason that the Second World War inspired postwar changes in race relations in the United States was the

racist nature of opponents of the United States, such as the Nazis, during the war.

Which of the following cultural movements developed due to the experiences of the Civil War, combined with an increasingly scientific approach to modern life?


For violating the Espionage Act, Socialist leader Eugene Debs

received a ten-year prison term.

Which of the following best describes the method used by most progressives to solve the problem of economic power and its abuses?

regulating giant corporations

Herbert Hoover's initial response to the growing social crisis of the Great Depression was to

remain upbeat and trust in the voluntarism of charities and individuals to provide relief.

During the summer of 1941, the United States attempted to restrain Japanese expansion by

restricting oil exports to Japan and freezing Japanese assets in the United States.

The music Alan Freed labeled "rock 'n' roll" was actually

rhythm and blues.

Which of the following led to the Great War?

rivalries in Europe driven by hypernationalism, racist beliefs, imperial competition over foreign colonies, and a desire for military supremacy

Around 1900, what urban gathering place often hosted political discussions as well as social gatherings for immigrants and working-class men?


Despite Josephus Daniels's racist views, President Wilson still nominated Daniels for

secretary of the navy.

The first step in Egyptian General Gamal Abdel Nasser's bid to become the leader of the Arab world was

seizing the Suez Canal.

Sears, Roebuck and Company was a pioneer in

selling goods by mail order, thereby helping transform rural towns.

In the election of 1968, Richard Nixon appealed to those he described as the ________ of working- and middle- class Americans who viewed protesters of the time with contempt.

silent majority

Charlie Chaplin is best associated with

slapstick comedy

Truman viewed the results of the 1948 election as a mandate for

social welfare programs.

What was the policy of "massive resistance" as promoted by senators such as Harry F. Byrd of Virginia?

southern opposition led by the Citizens' Councils and local and state governments against federal efforts to integrate public schools

During the 1896 campaign, William Jennings Bryan

spoke and campaigned all over the country

What industry did Andrew Carnegie dominate by 1900?


The American policy of "massive retaliation" refers to the

strategy of using the threat of nuclear war to prevent Communist aggression and, thus, keeping the financial cost manageable.

American interest in Hawaii during the late-nineteenth century was in part because of trade in what commodity?


In the election of 1900, the McKinley-Roosevelt ticket campaigned on a platform that

supported American territorial acquisitions following the Spanish-American War.

When not able to convict Al Capone on bootlegging charges, the federal government convicted him of

tax evasion.

The principal accomplishment of the South's industrialization after the Civil War was the dramatic growth of the ________ industry.


Essential to breaking the Watergate case was the 1973 testimony before the Ervin committee of White House legal counsel John Dean. What did he testify?

that the president had approved a White House cover-up

Which of the following was part of the Versailles negotiations and contributed to the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party?

the "war guilt" clause that forced Germans to accept responsibility for the war and its full expense

On November 9, 1918, a German republic was proclaimed after

the German Kaiser resigned.

What did President Johnson label his overall program of domestic reform?

the Great Society

Ultimately, what event led to the end of the organized progressive movement in the United States?

the Great War

Which of the following MOST pushed the development of the airplane?

the Great War

As discontent rose among farmers in both the South and West at the end of the nineteenth century, many joined what group that claimed to represent them against the political interests of the North and East?

the People's (or Populist) party

In the election of 1892, what political party emerged to champion the interests of rural Americans in the South and West?

the People's party

In 1924, with which political party did Robert La Follette campaign for the presidency?

the Progressive party

During his presidential campaign, what did Huey Long propose as an alternative to the New Deal?

the Share-the-Wealth Society to raise taxes on the wealthy and redistribute money to "the people"

Who was Eugene V. Debs?

the Socialist candidate who came out surprisingly strong in the 1912 election

What was the virulent menace that Americans faced in the postwar period that caused more casualties than the war itself?

the Spanish flu pandemic

Senator Joseph McCarthy's power began to unravel when he made reckless charges about Communist influence in

the U.S. Army.

Following the conclusion of the Second World War, the two most powerful nations in the world were

the United States and the Soviet Union.

Violence erupted in 1962 when James Meredith attempted to integrate

the University of Mississippi.

The guerilla fighters in South Vietnam who sought to overthrow the U.S.-backed government were known as

the Viet Cong.

What was the first place in the United States to extend equal voting rights to women, underscoring how the larger region to which it belonged was the most supportive of women's rights?

the Wyoming Territory

In late summer 1940, President Roosevelt agreed to send fifty "overaged" destroyers to Britain in return for

the ability to build U.S. naval and air bases on British islands in the Caribbean.

During the election of 1968, candidate George Wallace hoped for what scenario?

the absence of an electoral majority for Humphrey and Nixon, resulting in the election going to the House of Representatives

Which of the following was part of the reason for the stock market crash?

the buying of great amounts of stock on margin

Harry T. Burn is best associated with

the deciding vote needed for the Nineteenth Amendment.

One of the factors that contributed to religion's growing appeal in the 1950s was

the desire to combat "godless" communism.

Which of the following led voters to elect Warren G. Harding as president in 1920?

the desire to restore traditional values and social stability

Which of the following is an example of progressives' efforts to empower citizens' voices within politics?

the direct primary

George Westinghouse and Nikola Tesla invented which device that revolutionized American industry?

the dynamo, or electric motor

What was the single biggest economic factor that ignited the spirit of progressives?

the economic depression of the 1890s

Johnson's Medicare program provided medical benefits to

the elderly.

What significant objective motivated Japanese expansion into Southeast Asia and the Pacific during 1940-1941?

the expansion's provision of access to vitally needed raw materials

Which of the following were among John F. Kennedy's shortcomings?

the fact that much of the glamour surrounding him was cosmetic

In 1947, President Truman took actions to banish Communists from ________ by issuing an executive order known as the Loyalty Order.

the federal government

Who was Louis D. Brandeis?

the first Jewish member of the Supreme Court and a famed defender of unions

Which of the following was an important issue for the People's party in the election of 1896?

the free coinage of silver

The 1890 census data indicated that

the frontier era in American development was over.

What led to the growing concentration of the working poor in the "inner cities," while middle-class professionals and business executives increasingly lived further away from city centers?

the growth of transportation options such as streetcars and trolleys

What was known as the Great Migration?

the mass movement of African Americans from the South to the North in pursuit of better living conditions and jobs

Who were known as the "great silent majority"?

the middle-class Americans whose votes had brought Richard Nixon to the presidency

Before becoming president, Eisenhower was MOST shaped by his experience in

the military.

What was the Second New Deal?

the more radical phase of the New Deal that included projects such as Social Security

What was the Great Migration?

the movement of southern African Americans to the North and West during the war

Which of the following did James (Jimmy) Carter Jr. represent?

the new moderate wing of the Democratic party

What was the first industry to contract with "investment banks" to raise capital by selling shares of stock to investors?

the railroad industry

The horrors of the Great War accelerated

the rise of modernism in the arts.

The development of a "mass culture" in the 1920s refers to

the rise of national brands, advertising, and radio and film releases with a national audience.

Which of the following was an effect of the Great War?

the rise of the United States as the world's dominant power

Harding's administration is MOST remembered for

the scandals that plagued it.

What protest tactic did black students in Greensboro, North Carolina initiate?

the sit-in

The postwar era witnessed its most dramatic population growth in

the suburbs.

Which of the following contributed to the Red Scare of 1919-1920?

the violent actions of militants in the United States and the belief that the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia had spread to the United States, causing the wave of labor strikes and race riots

What was Hitler's "Final Solution"?

the wholesale extermination of the Jews, who Hitler blamed for most of Germany's problems

"Exodusters" migrated to the West often because

they were making their exodus from the South in search of a place devoid of racism and poverty.

What was the purpose of the Federal Reserve Act?

to adjust the nation's currency supply and create a national banking system to promote growth and ensure the stability of member banks

Why did Theodore Roosevelt send the Great White Fleet on a world tour between 1907 and 1909?

to demonstrate that the United States had arrived as a world power

What was the main reason the Soviets placed missiles in Cuba?

to deter another American-supported invasion of Cuba

Why did Congress pass the Homestead Act?

to encourage settlement of the western lands

What was the main purpose of the Civilian Conservation Corps?

to provide work relief for young men through the preservation of national resources

What was the purpose of the Committee on Public Information?

to pursue propaganda and shape public perceptions about the war to generate support for the American war effort

Why did the United States fight a war in the Philippines after the Spanish-American War?

to quell an insurrection of Filipinos who opposed annexation by the United States

What was the role of the Office of Price Administration?

to ration and set price ceilings on high-demand items such as tires, sugar, and gasoline

Why was the Interstate Commerce Commission created?

to regulate railroads

What was President Wilson's immediate response to the sinking of the Lusitania?

to take a pro-British stance and dismiss German claims that the ship carried rifles and ammunition

Economic distress in the 1930s fed the growth of what in Europe?

totalitarian regimes

What gave the Great War its lasting character?

trench warfare and powerful new weapons

By the 1950s, suburban life was marked by an increasing


During his presidency, Gerald Ford achieved a record for


The Yalta pledges of democratic elections in Eastern Europe were

violated by the Soviet Union.

What export crop spurred growth in agriculture in the West during the late nineteenth century?


The redeemers emphasized the restoration of

white supremacy.

By November 1941, the United States insisted it would reopen trade with Japan only after that country

withdrew completely from China.

President Taft's domestic policies generated a storm of division

within the Republican party.

Which of the following accurately describes the "new women" of the 1920s such as flappers?

women who defied traditional standards for women with a carefree, self-indulgent rebelliousness

The railroads were key in helping the United States to emerge as a

world power.

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