tophat chapters 23-25 (excluding part of 23 that was unchecked)

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The Works Progress Administration

a Employed millions of Americans in federal building projects

When the U.S. entered the war its first military objective was to

a support the effort of its allies in Europe

As a result of the Yalta Conference, Joseph Stalin agreed to

a to release all occupied countries in Eastern Europe

These video showed both the positive and negative elements of New Deal Programs

a true (no correct answer)

The United States suffered far more deaths during WWII than the USSR

b False

Until the Great Depression, the United States had never really faced an economic downturn.

b False

FDR's programs conformed to which economist's theories?

b John Maynard Keynes

In his first inaugural address, what did President Roosevelt claim to be the only thing worthy of fear?

c "Fear itself"

In what year did Wall Street experience a collapse that culminated in an international economic depression?

c 1929

Unions were weak during the 1920s because

c many Americans associated unions with socialism

Which of the following was not a major economic problem in the years leading up to the Great Depression?

d Sluggish growth of the stock market

Which part of the government became most identified with failing to assist Americans in need during the Depression?

d The presidency

What event in 1929 marked the start of the Great Depression?

e The collapse of Wall Street

Sort the following events in chronological order, from earliest to most recent.

Signing of the Four Power Treaty Japanese invasion of Manchuria Japan enters into Tripartite Pact Surprise attack on Pearl Harbour

Click the states hardest hit by the Dust Bowl on this map.

Texas, Oklahoma, nebraska, and arkansas

Sort the following events according to how important you think they were in causing World War II.

The United States electing Franklin Roosevelt as president in 1932 Japanese invasion of Manchuria The Soviet Union and Germany signing a non-aggression pact in 1939 The German invasion of Poland

Match each the following terms in the lefthand column with its most commonly associated social demographic.

Tuskegee Airmen African Americans WAVES Women Executive Order 9066 Japanese Americans

Match each of these nations with their wartime ally.

United States France Germany Japan

Match each nation on the lefthand side with their response to German aggression in Europe during the 1930s.

United States Retreated into isolationism United Kingdom Attempted to solve the problem through diplomacy Soviet Union Joined forces with the Germans to avoid becoming a target

Match the nations in the lefthand column with the actions that each took during World War II.

United States Utilized revolutionary weapons technology to end the war Soviet Union Invaded Manchuria United Kingdom Was the first nation to enter the fight against the Germans following the invasion of Poland

Of Roosevelt's many domestic critics, whose rhetoric was most closely allied with the likes of Hitler and Mussolini?

a Father Charles Coughlin

In the years after 9/11, the New York City Police Department began a controversial surveillance program of Muslim Americans. Which of the following events from the Second World War offers the most direct historical analogy to this program?

a Issuing of Executive Order 9066

Which of the following items were called "Hoover blankets"?

a Newspapers

What undermined the effectiveness of the NRA?

a Participation was voluntary rather than mandatory

The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act best embodies which of the following concepts?

a Protectionism

Which of the following New Deal programs has had the greatest impact on American society and politics?

a Social Security

The week before Black Tuesday, the stock market experienced some unusual activity. What was it?

a The market dropped drastically but then partially recovered

What was the purpose of so-called "yellow-dog" contracts?

a To prevent workers from forming unions

At the beginning of the Great Depression, most Americans did not consider it the federal government's responsibility to help them.

a True

Only after bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki did the Soviet Union begin military operations against Japan.

a True

WWII was the most destructive war in human history.

a True

This event ended the Great Depression in the United States

a U.S. involvement in World War II

What were the Allies' key strategies in the Battle of the Atlantic?

a Deployment of new airplane technology b Improving military intelligence d Coordinated Allied efforts

What did the Smoot-Hawley Tariff NOT do?

a Ease of international tension b Increase American exports c Increase American imports

Which was a reason for the rise in the popularity of the Nazi party in Germany during the 1930s?

a The party's appeals to nationalism b Anger over the Treaty of Versailles c Charismatic party leader

Click on the location of Operation Torch on the map.


Which of the following was the Bretton-Woods Conference designed to manage?

b A post-war international monetary fund

The name of the counter-offensive launched by Germany to stop the advance of Allied forces after D Day was called

b Battle of the Bulge

The United Stat6es paid for WWII through tax increases only.

b False

The United States has never issued an official apology for Executive Order 9066

b False

When the Soviet Army discovered a German work camp in 1944 called Auschwitz-Birkenau were there was ample evidence of mass murder, including gas chambers, mass graves, and ovens that still contained human remains, this represented the first time anyone, anywhere knew anything regarding the Holocaust

b False

Which of the following statements about Franklin D. Roosevelt is false?

b He contracted polio as a young boy

Which of the following was not a criticism of the New Deal?

b It promoted desegregation and racial equality

What was the name of the 1942 Allied invasion of North Africa?

b Operation Torch

Which physical ailment did Franklin Roosevelt struggle against?

b Polio

Which of the following did the TVA not do for the Tennessee Valley?

b Reduce pollution

Which of the following American exports would have fallen under the aegis of the Lend-Lease Act of 1941?

b Selling tanks to Britain

Which of the following American exports would have fallen under the protection of the Lend-Lease Act of 1941?

b Selling tanks to Britain

Which of the following factors is widely regarded as the proximate cause of the Great Depression?

b Stock market bubble

The practice of buying "on the margin" involved purchasing what?

b Stocks

Why didn't Western powers come to China's aid after the Japanese invasion of Manchuria?

b They didn't want to risk their economic interests in East Asia

The Potsdam Declaration was

b a joint declaration by the Allies that Japan would be met with with "prompt and utter destruction" should it decide to continue fighting.

"Rosie the Riveter" became a cultural symbol that represented

b a symbol of the strength and independence of women of women who worked during WWII

The Japanese decided to bomb Pearl Harbor because

b because they were at an impasse with the U.S. government over trade restrictions and fearful of U.S. intervention in China

Which of the following occurred in the immediate aftermath of the Wall Street collapse?

b Bank closures d Mass firings e Farmers declaring bankruptcy

This agreement between FDR and Churchill included a list of war and post-war goals that included a commitment to restoring self-rule to all of the countries occupied during the war, not seeking colonial holdings after the war, and liberalizing trade.

c Atlantic Charter

Although the Battle of the Coral Sea was significant for the U.S., it was this battle which turned the tide in the Pacific for the U.S. and was the last Japanese military offensive in the Pacific. This battle was

c Battle of Midway

The following is a TRUE statement regarding the New Deal

c Created a more clearly defined difference between Republicans and Democrats.

Which characteristic of the New Deal marked a radical departure from previous federal programs?

c It would utilize deficit spending

Which World War II campaign prompted the creation of the Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives division of the U.S. Army?

c Italy

Which of the following distinguished German fascism from Italian fascism?

c Obsession with racial hierarchy

Which of these battles marked the final major engagement in the Pacific theater before the proposed invasion of the Japanese home islands?

c Okinawa

What did John Maynard Keynes say about the Treaty of Versailles which ended WWI?

c That it would result in another war which would threaten civilization

What ultimately ended the Great Depression?

c The Second World War

This best describes the philosophy of government under Republican leadership in the 1920s

c lassiez faire

Why do you think that the Allies re-taking the Philippines was an especially significant victory for the United States?

c Because it had been a huge surprise when the Japanese were able to take the islands from the U.S. earlier in the war d Because of the huge number of casualties sustained by U.S. troops during the Bataan Death March and in the POW internment camps

Which of the following New Deal programs was not designed to directly address unemployment?


Why did Herbert Hoover fail to take more assertive action to deal with the collapse of the stock market?

d All of the above

As a result of WWII

d All of these are true

Which of the following was not one of the primary ways by which the United States government financed their role in the Second World War?

d By borrowing money from foreign nations

What form of media did President Roosevelt utilize to reach the American people and inform them of his policy decisions?

d Monthly radio addresses

The CCC provided jobs to young men for the following purposes:

d all of the above

The following was AGREED upon by the allies at Potsdam

d all of the above are true

Operation Overlord was

d all of these are true

President Hoover 's lack of reaction to the economic downturn starting in the late 1920s was because

d there is truth to all of the above statements.

Which of the following are not a component of fascism?

d Encouraging free trade f A free press

Click on the region of the United States that was the main focus of the New Deal program known as the TVA.

dot near where Tennessee would be

Which of the following was FDR's first act as president?

e He restored confidence and stability in the banks

What did the Agricultural Adjustment Administration seek to do?

e Raise crop prices by reducing overproduction

Click on the only person in this image who attended each of the "Big Three" conferences at Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam.

guy in white

Please click on the location where the Nazis believed the Allied invasion of Europe would take place.

top right dot

Put the following events in the correct chronological order.

Atlantic Charter Declaration of the United Nations Tehran Conference Potsdam Conference

Match the World War Two era conference with the nation in which it occurred.

Bretton-Woods United States Potsdam Germany Casablanca Morocco Tehran Iran

Match the following individuals with their positions.

Charles Coughlin Anti-Semitic priest who urged nationalization of banks Francis Townsend Wanted a federal program to provide financial aid to the elderly Huey Long Proposed redistribution of wealth William Randolph Hearst Media mogul who feared radicalism

Match each of the New Deal programs to the economic issue they were designed to address.

Civilian Conservation Core Unemployment National Recovery Administration Overproduction Emergency Banking Act Instability in financial markets Social Security Act Poverty

Arrange these events in proper sequence of occurrence.

Creation of the AAA Dockworkers in San Francisco go on strike Congress passes the Social Security Act FDR threatens to "pack" the Supreme Court

Match the following historical terms.

Emergency Bank Act- Increased president's powers to save banks Reconstruction Finance Corporation- Created by the Hoover administration Tennessee Valley Authority- Developed one of America's poorest regions National Recovery Administration- Symbol was a blue eagle Federal Emergency Recovery Administration- Headed by Harry Hopkins Works Progress Administration- Employed artists and writers Agricultural Adjustment Administration- Helped to raise the profits of farm products Civilian Conservation Corps- Recruited young men for park projects

Sort the following U.S. Presidents by the length of their time in office from longest to shortest.

Franklin D. Roosevelt Calvin Coolidge Herbert Hoover Warren Harding

Match each country the left-hand column with the nation it occupied in 1940.

Germany France Japan Indochina

On what Hawaiian island did the Pearl Harbor attack occur?


Match the following international institutions to their main purpose.

International Monetary Fund To establish exchange rates World Bank To provide loans to developing nations United Nations To prevent future world wars International Military Tribunal To try Nazi leaders for war crimes

Locate on this map the two European nations where fascist governments developed in the 1920s and 1930s.

Italy and germany

Match the celebrities of the 1930s with the genre for which they were best

James Cagney- Crime dramas Orson Welles- Science fiction Ginger Rogers- Musicals Jack Benny- Comedy Joe Louis- Athletics

Sort the following events by the number of casualties incurred, from least to most.

Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor Bataan Death March Allied bombing of Dresden Atomic bombing of Hiroshima

Put the following events in chronological order

Japanese invasion of Manchuria German invasion of Poland London Blitz Attack on Pearl Harbor Battle of Midway Battle of Okinawa

Match the following

Jesse Owens Winner of four gold medals at the 1936 Olympics Jack Benny Famed radio comedian Orson Welles Creator of famed radio broadcast in 1938 Joe Louis Boxing heavyweight champion

Click on the section of the chart where a reduction in federal spending triggered a second major recession in the United States.

June 1938

Match the following historical figures with their mark of distinction.

Led troops against the bonus marchers Douglas MacArthur Argued for the nationalization of all banks Charles Coughlin Notorious criminal of the 1930s John Dillinger Secretary of Agriculture Henry Wallace

Please click on the state where Huey Long served as governor.


Arrange these events in proper sequence of occurrence.

Mussolini becomes prime minister of Italy Collapse of the stock market Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany Italian invasion of Ethiopia

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