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Electoral Federalism And The Right To Vote Notes: The Court expressed hope that "__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________".

"millions of non-white Americans will be able to participate for the first time on an equal basis in the government under which they live."

Other Areas Of Cooperation Between The State And The National Government Notes: 2. Law enforcement: _______________________________________________________________________.

(FBI, and combatting threats across the entire United States of America)

Other Areas Of Cooperation Between The State And The National Government Notes: 6. Natural Disasters:_____________________________________________________________.

(Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Floods, Drought, Earthquakes, Wildfires, etc)

Other Areas Of Cooperation Between The State And The National Government Notes: 3. Education : ____________________________________________________________.

(Test standards, Student Loan guidelines, etc)

Other Areas Of Cooperation Between The State And The National Government Notes: 1. Protecting the environment:______________________________________________.

(This is why we have the Environmental Protection Agency)

Federalism in the Constitution Notes: The _____________________ (last in the Bill of Rights) was __________________________.

1. 10th Amendment 2. created to satisfy these states.

Federalism in the Constitution Notes: The ______________________ basically says that all ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

1. 10th Amendment 2. powers not specifically delegated to the national government belong to the state.

The Doctrines Of Nullification And Session Notes: Congress proposed the _______________________ to get rid of the _______________________ in the southern states. Of course, don't forget about the _________________________________________ to begin with.

1. 14th Amendment 2. Black Codes 3. 13th Amendment that freed the slaves.

The Doctrines Of Nullification And Session Notes: The __________________ (adopted in 1868) _______________________________________________________________within their jurisdiction ______________________, which is ________________________________________ had done.

1. 14th Amendment 2. prohibited states from denying "any person" 3. equal protection of the laws, 4. exactly what the Black Codes.

Federalism in the Constitution Notes: Any other country in the world, ________________ would have been elected president in ____________, and _________________ in ____________ since they _____________________________________________________________________where victory depends on which states a candidate happen to win.

1. Al Gore 2. 2000, 3. Hillary Clinton 4. 2016 5. both won the national popular vote but lost in the electoral college.

Federalism in the Constitution Notes: _________________________________________________________, they ________________________________ knowing that they were giving up some of their powers to the national government (the ____________________________ from the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution ___________________________________________________).

1. Although some states were hesitant at first, 2. eventually ratified the Constitution 3. price to pay for switching 4. just to have a better, more workable system.

Defining The Federal Relationship Notes: Enumerated Powers Notes: These are all powers that belong to the Congress (Remember: ___________________________________________ because it is the _______________________ of government).

1. Article 1 deals exclusively with the Congress 2. first branch

Electoral Federalism And The Right To Vote Notes: By all account, ________________________________ was a turning point. By the 1960s, _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

1. Brown v Board of Education 2. Congress began to pay close attention to the issue of voting rights.

The Doctrines Of Nullification And Session Notes: Brown v Board of Education: ____________________________ (1954): The court ruled that a policy of ____________________________________.

1. Brown v Board of Education 2. school segregation is inherently unconstitutional.

Defining The Federal Relationship Notes: So, these are powers that _________________________the ________________________________________of the Constitution.

1. Congress can justify via 2. Necessary & Proper Clause

Cooperative Federalism (AKA: Marble Cake Federalism) Notes: _________________________________: Highlights the _________________________ between the national, state, and local __________________ that _____________________________________ (1930s-1940s) during the presidency of ________________________________________.

1. Cooperative Federalism: 2. intertwined relationship 3. governments 4. began during the New Deal era 5. President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

The Rights Of The Accused: A Case Study In Federalism Notes: Some Important Elements relating to the Rights of the Accused: 3. __________________: Someone________________________________________________________________________ the same jurisdiction. __________________________________________

1. Double Jeopardy 2. cannot be tried for the same offence twice within. 3. Are there exceptions? Discuss.

Types Of Federalism And Economic Relationships Notes: Dual Federalism Notes: The concepts of_____________________________ and _________________________________________________________________________________________________. Supporters of both concepts lost the civil war.

1. Dual Federalism and Nullification 2. were destroyed by the defeat of the confederates in the civil war. 3. Supporters of both concepts lost the civil war.

Types Of Federalism And Economic Relationships Notes: Dual Federalism Notes: _______________________: Refers to the belief that _______________________________________________ is the best arrangement.

1. Dual Federalism: 2. having separate and equally powerful levels of government

Defining The Federal Relationship Notes: Enumerated Powers Notes: These are _________________that are ________________contained in _______________________ of the constitution.

1. Enumerated Powers 2. specific powers 3. Article 1, Section 8

The Rights Of The Accused: A Case Study In Federalism Notes: Even with the passage of the ___________________________________(14th amendment), some sates continued to _________________________________________.

1. Equal Protection Amendment 2. violate the rights of the accused.

The Rights Of The Accused: A Case Study In Federalism Notes: Some Important Elements relating to the Rights of the Accused: 2. ____________________: A rule that _____________________________________________________________ in a criminal trial.

1. Exclusionary Rule: 2. prohibits the use of illegally obtained evidence

Federal Grants To State And Local Governments Notes: _________________________________: Refers to the ______________________________________ which has essentially _____________________________________________________________.

1. FISCAL FEDERALISM: 2.dominance of federal dollars 3. created a federal/states relationship based on money.

Federalism: A Nation Of States Notes: _____________________________: Refers to a political system in which______________________________________________________________________________________________.

1. Federalism: 2. constitutional authority is divided between a national government and a set of provincial governments.

The Doctrines Of Nullification And Session Notes: Jim Crow Laws Notes: ____________________________: Laws that had the effect of keeping the races apart (pro-segregation laws).

1. JIM CROW LAWS 2. keeping the races apart (pro-segregation laws).

Defining The Federal Relationship Notes: The court ruled in favor of the national government in important cases like _________________________ and _____________________________.

1. McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) 2. Gibbons v. Ogden (1824).

Defining The Federal Relationship Notes: Implied Powers Notes : These are powers that are ____________________ but Congress can assume if it is ________________________for it to carry out any of its _________________________ (those listed above).

1. NOT specifically listed 2.'necessary and proper' 3. Enumerated Powers

Cooperative Federalism (AKA: Marble Cake Federalism) Notes: __________________________________: A pragmatic _________________to federalism that_______________________________________________________________________________________ . Generally, this is what we have today.

1. PROGRESSIVE FEDERALISM: 2. approach 3. views relations between national and state governments as both coercive and cooperative.

Cooperative Federalism (AKA: Marble Cake Federalism) Notes: _________________________________________ immense political and communication skills, as well as his _____________________with the public ________________________________________________________________________________________ that the implementation of his __________________________was just what the country needed to get out of the Great Depression.

1. President Roosevelt used his 2.popularity convince the people and fellow politicians 4. NEW DEAL PROGRAMS

Electoral Federalism And The Right To Vote Notes: ___________________________ the ___________________________ before the Supreme Court. ____________________________.

1. South Carolina challenged 2. Voting Rights Act 3.South Carolina lost.

The Doctrines Of Nullification And Session Notes: DOCTRINE OF NULLIFICATION: ____________________________________________ with laws passed by the national government. In other words, they can ___________________________________________________________.

1. States will decide on their own whether or not to comply 2.ignore laws they do not like or disagree with.

Defining The Federal Relationship Notes: The Supreme Court, especially during the leadership of _______________________________________________, has __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

1. The Supreme Court, 2. Chief Justice John Marshall (1801-1835), 3. helped broaden the powers of the national government in rulings related to implied powers asserted by the national government (Congress).

The Doctrines Of Nullification And Session Notes: ____________________________________________________________ who believed in a _________________________________ and those who supported a _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. The defeat of the south meant ________________________________________________________________.

1. The civil war was also a contest between 2. nation-centered federalism (very strong national government) 3. state-centered federalism (where states are stronger that the national government in terms of powers reserved) 4.the end of any aspirations for state-centered federalism.

Federalism in the Constitution Notes: ________________________________________________________________guarantees that no matter how strong the national government becomes, _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

1. The way federalism works in our constitution 2. the American people have no mechanism for making a purely national decision.

The Doctrines Of Nullification And Session Notes: Jim Crow Laws Notes: _______________________________________________________________ (these three amendments are referred to as the _______________________________________________________________).

1. They basically ignored the 13th, 14th,and 15th Amendments 2.Civil Rights Amendments/Civil War Amendments

The Doctrines Of Nullification And Session Notes: __________________ between Lincoln and the southern states __________________________.

1. This standoff 2. ultimately led to the civil war.

The Development Of Federalism: The Founding To The Civil War Notes: Two Camps Notes: These camps were led by _______________________, who was _______________________________________, and ____________________________who felt and ___________________________________________________________________________________________________.

1. Thomas Jefferson, 2. concerned about states' rights, 3. Alexander Hamilton 4. believed that a strong national government was necessary and was best for the country.

Federalism: A Nation Of States Notes: Think about the events of September 11, 2001. The terrorist attacks on the ___________________________ and ___________________________were not seen as a strike against New York and Virginia, but as ________________________. We felt as though _________________________ were____________________________.

1. Twin Towers in New York 2. Pentagon in Virginia 3. an attack on the United States of America. 4. all 50 states plus Washington D.C. 5. attacked collectively.

Federalism: A Nation Of States Notes: This realization led to the adoption of the _____________________________ which _____________________ a ___________________________ of government __________________________________.

1. U.S. Constitution 2. established 3. federal system 4. that worked much better.

Federal Grants To State And Local Governments Notes: _______________________________________________________ on state and local governments that are _______________________________________________________.

1. UNFUNDED MANDATES: Federal Mandates 2. not accompanied by federal funds.

Electoral Federalism And The Right To Vote Notes: It passed the ________________________________, despite the fact that _________________________________________________________________(according to the constitution).

1. Voting Rights Act of 1965 2.election issues are left to the states

Defining The Federal Relationship Notes: The Constitution also _________________________________________________________ between the national and the state governments. It does so with the ______________________contained in ___________________.

1. addressed an expected source of friction 2. Supremacy Clause 3. Article VI

Federalism: A Nation Of States Notes: The _______________________________ with the Declaration of Independence in 1776, ___________________________ , _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ , _________________________________________________________________________________.

1. birth of the nation started 2. but it took time before people from 3. Rhode Island, Georgia, New York, Virginia, Pennsylvania and the other states 4.considered themselves as Americans.

Unitary System Of Government Notes: The central government _____________________________________________________________. For example, Georgia and Tennessee can be forced to become one state______________________________ if the central government in a unitary system so desires.

1. can even eliminate smaller entities (states). 2. (Geonessee)

Federalism: A Nation Of States Notes: The federal system that the Framers ________________________ was _____________________. It had _____________________________________________________________________.

1. created 2. uniquely American. I 3. never been experimented anywhere else before.

The Rights Of The Accused: A Case Study In Federalism Notes: They either failed or neglected to protect their citizens against _____________________, or held ____________________________________________________________________________________.

1. double jeopardy, 2. trials where the accused did not have adequate legal counsel.

The Civil War: A Battle Between Two Ideas Of Federalism Notes: The ruling ___________________________ but was ___________________________ in the South. The ___________________________ between the _____________________ of the ___________ and the __________.

1. enraged many in the North 2. celebrated in the pro-slavery states revealed the deep divisions 4. political cultures 5. North 6. South

Types Of Federalism And Economic Relationships Notes: Dual Federalism Notes: Supported by those who believed in __________________________________________________________________________________. Also described as _____________________________.

1. equal powers between the national government and the states. 2. layer-cake federalism.

Defining The Federal Relationship Notes: THE SUPREMACY CLAUSE: Makes it clear that _____________________________________________________________________________ and state constitutions ______________________________.

1. federal laws and the U.S. Constitution take precedence over state laws 2. when they are in conflict.

Federalism: A Nation Of States Notes: In short, the United States was the ____________________________. In our system of government, federalism, governmental ____________________________ between the_______________________________ in Washington D.C, and _____________________________.

1. first country to adopt federalism. 2. power is distributed 3. national government 4. fifty state governments.

Cooperative Federalism (AKA: Marble Cake Federalism) Notes: New Deal: A collection of _______________________________________________________________________________________________. They were ___________________________________________________________.

1. innovative programs to help the United States get out of the Great Depression 2. focused on Relief, Recovery, and Reform.

Federalism: A Nation Of States Notes: As discussed earlier, the Articles of Confederation________________________________ while the _____________________________________________.

1. left the states strong 2. national government was weak

Defining The Federal Relationship Notes: Enumerated Powers Notes: They are _______________________(no argument about them). These include the power to ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

1. listed and clearly outlined 2. collect taxes, declare war, coin money, provide for the national defense, regulate interstate commerce, establish a postal system, establishing a system of federal courts.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Federal System Notes: Advantages: 1. Policies can be tailored somewhat to ________________________________________________________________. 2. For example, Nevada's libertarian culture is __________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

1. local and regional differences. 2. more passive than most states with respect to 'vices' of prostitution and gambling.

Defining The Federal Relationship Notes: Even though the _______________________ was ______________________________________________________________, the __________________________________ in ______________ of the Constitution ______________________________for the federal government to expand on its powers.

1. national government 2. given substantial but limited powers, ' 3. Necessary and Proper Clause 4. Article 1 5. provided a grey area

Federalism: A Nation Of States Notes: Since ratification of the U.S. Constitution in 1788, the _____________________of the United Stated has been ____________________________

1. political system 2. constructed on this basis.

Federalism in the Constitution Notes: For example, our _______________________________________________________________________ and the _______________________________________________________________________________.

1. presidential elections are conducted by the individual states 2. electoral college system takes away the value of the national popular vote.

The Doctrines Of Nullification And Session Notes: Jim Crow Laws Notes: These include ______________________________________________________, and using state power over election issues to _______________________________(such as literacy tests, poll taxes, etc.)

1. segregated schools, segregated public facilities, 2. make it harder for African Americans to vote

The Doctrines Of Nullification And Session Notes: As __________________ becoming more ________________ among those _____________________________, ___________________________________________________________________________________. For example, they came up with the _________________________________.

1. slavery was 2. unpopular 3. in the northern states, 4. southern states were looking for ways to justify the practice doctrines of nullification and secession.

The Civil War: A Battle Between Two Ideas Of Federalism Notes: It added that, _______________________ not persons with rights of their own. It concluded that Congress cannot ______________________________________________. It undercut the National Government and it was a victory for the pro-slavery states.

1. slaves were property, 2.regulate slavery in the states.

The Federal Alternative (Federalism) Notes: In this system, __________________________________________________________________________ and ___________________ to them __________________________.

1. state governments as well as the national government are sovereign (superior) 2. all parties have powers given to 3. by the Constitution.

The Doctrines Of Nullification And Session Notes: Jim Crow Laws Notes: Some __________________________________________________________________and their ___________________________ by ruling that they were __________________________________________.

1. state legislatures in the south passed these laws 2. state courts upheld them 3.consistent with their state constitutions.

The Doctrines Of Nullification And Session Notes: LINCOLN'S THOUGHTS ON SECESSION: Abraham Lincoln believed that ___________________________________________ the union. He believed that _____________________________________ the Constitution, ________________________________ afterwards.

1. states did not have the power to leave 2. once you already ratified cannot change your mind

Types Of Federalism And Economic Relationships Notes: Dual Federalism Notes: In other words, ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ even more. The national government emerged stronger _________________________.

1. winning the civil war helped strengthen the power of the national government. 2. AFTER the war.

Confederation Notes: In a ____________________________, ______________________ but the ______________________.

1.Confederation 2. states are sovereign (superior). 3. central government is not.

The Rights Of The Accused: A Case Study In Federalism Notes: Some Important Elements relating to the Rights of the Accused: 1. ____________________ Arresting Officer must tell the accused of his/her right to_____________....,___________________________________________the accused cannot afford one.

1.Miranda Rights: Arresting Officer must tell the accused of his/her right to remain silent..., their right to an attorney and that an attorney will be provided if the accused cannot afford one.

Federalism: A Nation Of States Notes: People in the states were mainly concerned ______________________________________________________________________________________. They feared that _____________________________________________________________________ or even ________________________________.

1.with protecting state sovereignty and unwilling to give up anything. 2.strong central government would usurp (take away) their powers 3. become tyrannical

The Doctrines Of Nullification And Session Notes: ____________________________ state laws in the south that limited the economic freedom and property rights of blacks, and even denied them access to the courts of law.

Black Codes:

Federal Grants To State And Local Governments Notes: Three types of grants: 2. _________________________ A large grant given to a state by the federal government with only general spending guidelines (i.e. with no restrictions or specifications).

Block Grants

The Doctrines Of Nullification And Session Notes: Brown v Board of Education: Pro-segregation states faced a setback with the___________________________________ ruling by the SCOTUS.

Brown v Board of Education

Federal Grants To State And Local Governments Notes: To this day, the federal government offer grants to states and local governments for different purposes. Three types of grants: 1. _______________________________ Grants that appropriate federal funds for a specific purpose.

Categorical Grants:

The Development Of Federalism: The Founding To The Civil War Notes: Two Camps Notes: To this day, there are people in the United States who belong to one of these two camps.


The Civil War: A Battle Between Two Ideas Of Federalism Notes: It became a slavery /states' rights issue, as seen in the infamous ________________ Supreme Court case of 1857.

Dred Scott

Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Federal System Notes: Disadvantages: 4. _______________________________________________________________because of inconsistent laws among the states and between the states and the federal government.

Federalism allows for a very complex legal system

Federalism: A Nation Of States Notes: Example of Federalism: When ______________________________ devastated the city of New Orleans in 2005, it was an American tragedy, not just a problem for Louisiana. All 50 states plus Washington D.C. are all linked as one unit and they share power with the national government. This arrangement represents a system of governance called federalism.

Hurricane Katrina

Defining The Federal Relationship Notes: Article 1, Section 8 also mention

Implied Powers.

Federal Grants To State And Local Governments Notes: _______________________________: Role and impact of the Courts in shaping the federal system.


The Doctrines Of Nullification And Session Notes: But the southern states started enacting a new set of laws to make the lives of African Americans within their jurisdictions very difficult. They passed___________________________________.

Jim Crow Laws.

Federal Grants To State And Local Governments Notes: Three types of grants: 3._____________________________: Federal funds designated for specific projects within a state or congressional district.

Programmatic Grants:

Confederation Notes: __________________________________ ...remember the problems associated with the Articles of Confederation?

States have all the power

The Civil War: A Battle Between Two Ideas Of Federalism Notes: Dred Scott Case (1857)

Supreme Court ruling that declared slaves were not citizens of the United States.

Unitary System Of Government Notes: _________________________________ individual states in the U.S. all have unitary.

U.K, France, Japan, and the 50

Other Areas Of Cooperation Between The State And The National Government Notes: 4. Welfare:_________________________.

Welfare Reform

Federalism: A Nation Of States Notes: The founding fathers rejected two other options,____________________________.

a Unitary system and a Confederation.

Defining The Federal Relationship Notes: These rulings _____________________________________________________________________________________ without worrying whether its laws fit precisely within the list of enumerated powers in Article 1, section 8.

allowed for considerable discretion for Congress to respond to changing society

Federal Grants To State And Local Governments Notes: States and cities are ___________________________________________for most of their programs. We can point to the New Deal programs for how this relationship started.

almost dependent on federal dollars

The Civil War: A Battle Between Two Ideas Of Federalism Notes: The civil war was__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

an extension of the Jefferson vs. Hamilton disagreement over federalism.

Federalism: A Nation Of States Notes: It helped that they all spoke English,________________________.

and did not have to deal with language barriers.

Federal Grants To State And Local Governments Notes: The goal was to ________________________________________________________________________________________________to protect health, welfare, and safety of their citizens.

assist the states to fulfill their own 'traditional responsibilities'; .

Federalism in the Constitution Notes: Note: Five small states could have easily blocked the ratification process because _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

at least 9 out of 13 states were required to ratify the constitution to make it official.

Federal Grants To State And Local Governments Notes: JUDICIAL FEDERALISM: For example, the Marshall Court played a key role in Judicial Federalism ____________________________________________________________________________________________.

between 1801 and 1835. Remember McCulloch v. Maryland and Gibbons v. Ogden?

Defining The Federal Relationship Notes: It gives the national government opportunities to expand it powers ______________ its _____________________________.

beyond enumerated powers

Federalism in the Constitution Notes: In short, states cannot____________________________________________________.

cannot be overshadowed even by a strong national government.

The Development Of Federalism: The Founding To The Civil War Notes: The inclusion of the Supremacy Clause did not ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (i.e. Anti-federalists and the Federalists, respectively).

completely resolve all possible tensions between the pro states forces and the pro strong national government forces

Unitary System Of Government Notes: -States are ___________________________________ who do what the central government tell them to do.

considered as only Administrative Units

Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Federal System Notes: Disadvantages: 5.This complexity exist in the criminal law, as well as in the rules of __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

court procedure and jurisdiction, business law, family law, wills, estates, trusts, insurance, zoning, and environmental regulations.

The Civil War: A Battle Between Two Ideas Of Federalism Notes: In its ruling, the _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________of the United States at the time the Constitution was adopted, nor could they become citizens.

court stated that people of African origin or descent were not citizens

Federalism: A Nation Of States Notes: But in the end, they realized that the Articles of Confederation had________________________________________________________.

deficiencies and it needed to be revised

The Doctrines Of Nullification And Session Notes: DOCTRINE OF SECESSION: Threat to __________________________________, or claim under a states' rights interpretation of the Constitution the right to withdraw their ratification of the very Constitution. Do you see any irony here?

either withdraw from the union,

Cooperative Federalism (AKA: Marble Cake Federalism) Notes: Roosevelt_________________________________________________________________________________.

emphasized the point that the federal government must exercise more authority for the programs to succeed.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Federal System Notes: Advantages: 3.You can get away with things in Vegas that you cannot ___________________________________________________________________________________________.

even consider in conservative places in Mississippi, Alabama, and Arkansas. Right?

Federal Grants To State And Local Governments Notes: The New Deal increased the flow of funds from the_______________________________________________________________.

federal government to states and local governments.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Federal System Notes: Advantages: 5. For example, Massachusetts provided a model__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. What other advantages can you think of? Discuss.

for what later became President Obama's National Health Plan (The Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare).

Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Federal System Notes: Disadvantages: 3. In short, federalism allows for _________________________________________________________________________________________.

less accountability especially on the part of state and local governments.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Federal System Notes: Disadvantages: 2. It can lead to corruption, especially at the state and local levels. The media focuses on the_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

national government and state and local governments do not get adequate scrutiny about how they spend their resources.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Federal System Notes: Disadvantages: 1. It is more difficult/inefficient to implement __________________________________________________________________________________________.

national policy (compared to a unitary system). Some states may be too slow to act.

Unitary System Of Government Notes: The right to rule is vested in ___________________________________.

one central government.

The Rights Of The Accused: A Case Study In Federalism Notes: Also, Police Officers in some states conducted ___________________________________________________________________________which addresses the issue of search and seizure.

searches that violated the standards set by the 4th Amendment

Cooperative Federalism (AKA: Marble Cake Federalism) Notes: During this time, and as a result of the Great Depression, _____________________________________________________________________________________.

states and many cities began to take small but important cooperative role in the scheme of governance.

Cooperative Federalism (AKA: Marble Cake Federalism) Notes: The effects of Great Depression called for_______________________________________________________________________.

strong national action by a more robust national government to lead the process.

Other Areas Of Cooperation Between The State And The National Government Notes: 5. Entitlements: ____________________________________________________________________.

such as Medicare, Medicaid, Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

The Doctrines Of Nullification And Session Notes: The defeat of the south meant ___________________________________________________________________.

the end of any aspirations for state-centered federalism.

The Federal Alternative (Federalism) Notes: The Framers came up with a compromise...a _______________(federalism).

totally new system

The Development Of Federalism: The Founding To The Civil War Notes: Two Camps Notes: Immediately after ratification of the Constitution, ___________________________________________ about the appropriate roles of the federal and state government.

two camps started arguing

Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Federal System Notes: Disadvantages: 6. Federalism makes it more difficult to________________________________________________________________.

understand what the government does.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Federal System Notes: Disadvantages: 7. The average citizen may have difficulty figuring ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

what agency at which level of government is responsible for acting or failure to act in a certain fashion.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Federal System Notes: Advantages: 4. Federalism allow states to serve as laboratories, ____________________________________________________________________________________.

where policies are studied before launching nation-wide.

The Doctrines Of Nullification And Session Notes: Those that supported a nation-centered federalism _____________________________________________________________.

won the war and capitalized on the win. states.

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