Tortora Chapter 10: Muscular Tissue

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Triad of SR and T-Tubule

(2) dilated end sacs of the sarcoplasmic reticulum called *terminal cisterns* surround (1) T-tubule on both sides, forming a *triad* (3)

Four steps of the Contraction Cycle

*1. ATP Hydrolysis:* myosin head has ATP binding site and *ATPase, an enzyme that breaks down ATP into ADP + phosphate group* (stays attached to myosin); *causes myosin to energize and reorientate* *2. Attachment of Myosin to Actin to form cross-bridges:* the energized *myosin head attaches to myosin-binding site on actin* and *releases phosphate group* *3. Power Stroke:* after cross-bridges form, *myosin head releases ADP* which *generates force*, *sliding thin filament (actin)* past thick filament (myosin) *towards M line* *4. Detachment of Myosin from Actin:* myosin head *binds to another ATP molecule* and *detaches from actin*'s myosin binding site

Properties of muscular tissue

*1. Electrical excitability:* ability to respond to certain stimuli by producing electrical signals (*action potentials*) *2. Contractility:* ability of muscular tissue to contract forcefully when stimulated by action potentials *3. Extensibility:* ability of muscular tissue to stretch without being damaged *4. Elasticity:* ability of muscular tissue to return to its original length and shape after contraction or extension

Functions of muscular tissue

*1. Produce body movements:* total and local body movements by skeletal muscles *2. Stabilizing body positions:* skeletal muscle contractions stabilize joints and maintain body positions (constantly working) *3. Storing and moving substances within the body:* smooth muscle sphincters prevent outflow of contents of hollow organs; cardiac muscle pumps blood through vessels; skeletal muscles promote flow of lymph *4. Producing heat:* muscular tissue contractions produce heat and maintain body temperature

Four steps of a nerve impulse (nerve action potential)

*1. Release of Acetylcholine (ACh):* happens *after a nerve impulse* reaches the synaptic end bulb and stimulates its channels to open, allowing Ca2+ (calcium) to enter the bulb; *calcium enters and stimulates exocytosis of synaptic vesicles* that contain ACh, and acetylcholine diffuses into the synaptic cleft *2. Activation of ACh Receptors:* *acetylcholine binds to the receptors* on the motor end plate and *opens an ion* channel that allows Na+ (sodium) across the membrane into the muscle fiber *3. Production of muscle action potential:* the inflow of Na+ *(sodium) triggers a muscle action potential*; the muscle action potential travels along the sarcolemma to T-tubules, and comes into contact with Sarcoplasmic Reticulum (via triads); *muscle action potential causes SR to release Ca2+* into the muscle fiber cell sarcoplasm and *muscle contracts* *4. Termination of ACh activity:* ACh in the synaptic cleft is *broken down by enzymes* (acetylcholinesterase) that are attached to collagen fibers in ECM; ACh receptors can no longer be activated; Ca2+ returns to the cell's SR

Three types of proteins in Myofibrils

*1. contractile proteins:* *generate force* during contraction; *myosin and actin* *2. regulatory proteins:* help switch the *contraction process on and off* *3. structural proteins:* keep thick and thin *filaments in the proper alignment*, give myofibril *elasticity and extensibility*, and link myofibrils to the sarcolemma and ECM

2 types of isotonic contractions

*1.* Concentric *2.* Eccentric

7 steps of excitation-contraction coupling

*1.* T-tubules have integral membrane proteins called *voltage-gated Ca2+ channels* *2.* muscle action potential travels along T-tubule and the Ca2+ channels detect it and change *3.* change of the voltage-gated Ca2+ channels causes *Ca2+ release channels on the SR* terminal cisternae to open (are now unblocked) and release Ca2+ *4.* concentration of Ca2+ increases and calcium binds to troponin, muscle contraction occurs *5.* terminal cisternae of the SR also have *Ca2+ active transport pumps* that *use ATP to move Ca2+* from sarcoplasm into the SR *6.* constant release of Ca2+ from inside SR into the sarcoplasm and transport of Ca2+ back into SR; *influx of Ca2+ in to sarcoplasm is faster* for duration of muscle action potential *7.* after muscle action potential ceases, *Ca2+ release channels close*; Ca2+ active transport pumps move calcium back into SR; inside SR, *calsequestrin* protein molecules bind to Ca2+ allowing more storage of calcium in the SR

2 types of smooth muscle tissue

*1.* visceral (single unit) *2.* multi-unit

Which type of muscular tissue can contract/stretch the most?

*Smooth muscle fibers* can stretch considerably and still maintain their contractile function due to lack of striations

titin (structural protein)

*anchors a thick filament* to both a Z disc and the M line, helping stabilize the position of the thick filament

Two types of stimuli that trigger action potentials

- *Electrical signals:* by nerve cells or by autorhythmicity - *Chemical stimuli:* neurotransmitters released by neurons, hormones, pH changes

Two types of myofilaments

- *Thin filaments:* composed mostly of the protein *actin* - *Thick filaments:* composed mostly of the protein *myosin* - Both filaments are directly involved in the contractile process - Overlap of thick and thin filamens creates *striations*

Regulatory proteins and function

- *tropomyosin* and *troponin* are part of the thin (actin) filament - regulatory proteins block myosin from binding to actin - Tropomyosin *blocks* myosin binding site of actin - Troponin *holds tropomyosin* in place - *calcium binds to troponin* causing to change shape and allow myosin to bind to actin (muscle contraction)

Properties of Smooth muscle tissue

- Involuntary contraction - Uninucleate (one nucleus per cell) - No striations (thick and thin filaments are *not* arranged in sarcomeres) - *No T-tubules* and little sarcoplasmic reticulum - *only endomysium* covering each cell - contain structural *intermediate filaments* (*desmin*) - Contains *dense bodies* (similar to Z discs)

Microscopic anatomy of a Skeletal muscle fiber (cell)

- Sarcolemma - Transverse tubules (T tubules) - Sarcoplasm - Myofribrils - Sarcoplasmic reticulum - Sarcomere - Myofilaments

Properties of Cardiac muscle tissue

- Striated (alternating light and dark bands formed by thick/thin filaments in sarcomeres) - Involuntary contraction - Autorhythmicity (ability to repeatedly generate spontaneous action potentials) - Uninucleate (only one nucleus per cell) - Branching muscle fibers - Intercalated discs (joining muscle fibers) - *only endomysium* covering each cell - more numerous mitochondria

Muscle contraction and sliding filament model

- Thick (myosin) filament binds to thin (actin) filament after calcium binds to troponin and tropomyosin uncovers myosin binding sites of thin filaments - Thin filaments slide inward and meet at the M line - Sarcomere shortens (Z discs pulled closer) and so do muscle fibers (muscle contracts) *Lengths of the filaments do not change (only degree of overlap)* -- *H zone:* gets smaller and disappears in fully contracted muscle (full overlap of thick and thin filaments) -- *A band:* no change in length -- *I band:* gets smaller and disappears in fully contracted muscle (full overlap of thick and thin filaments)

Structure and Function of Myosin (contractile protein)

- motor protein in *all muscular tissue* - converts *ATP into mechanical energy* - myosin *tail points towards M line* - each myosin has *2 heads* - each head has 2 binding sites (*actin binding* site and *ATP binding* site)

Gross anatomy of Skeletal muscle

- skeletal muscle consists of a muscle belly - tendons that connect muscle belly to skeleton - rope-like tendons or flat aponeurosis

Structure and Function of Actin (contractile protein)

- thin filaments are anchored to Z discs - actin molecules join to form actin filament twisted into helix - each actin molecule has a *myosin binding site* - Two *regulatory proteins* (tropomyosin and troponin) are part of each actin filament

2 types of muscle contractions

1. Isotonic 2. Isometric

A band

Darker middle part of the sarcomere, which extends the entire *length of the thick filaments* (myosin) - Towards the *ends* of the band, thick and thin filaments overlap

Structure of sarcomere

Z discs, I band, A band, H zone, M line


a feature of cardiac muscle tissue that allows the generation of action potentials without an external stimulus

I band

a lighter, less dense area that contains *thin filaments* (actin) but no thick filaments - *Z disc* passes through center of each band


a protein only found in muscle that binds oxygen molecules that diffuse into the muscle fiber(inside) from intersitial fluid (outside) - Release the oxygen when cell needs it for ATP production


a region where communication occurs between two neurons (or between a somatic motor neuron and a muscle fiber)

muscle tone

a small amount of tautness or tension in the muscle due to *weak, involuntary contractions* of its motor units - keeps skeletal muscles firm (maintains posture)

motor unit

a somatic motor neuron plus *all* the skeletal muscle fibers it stimulates

smooth muscle tone

a state of continuous partial contraction of smooth muscle tissue; caused by prolonged presence of Ca2+ in sarcoplasm of muscle fiber


a thin wrapping of reticular fibers surrounding each muscle fiber (cell)


alternate dark and light bands found on skeletal and cardiac muscle

nebulin (structural protein)

anchors thin filaments to Z discs and regulates the length of thin filaments

cross-bridges (contraction cycle)

attachment of myosin heads to actin during contraction


basic functional unit of a myofibril - filaments (actin and myosin) inside a myofibril are arranged in these compartments


bundle of muscle fibers wrapped in perimysium connective tissue


calcium-binding protein within the sarcoplasmic reticulum which aids in storage of Ca2+


chemical used by a neuron to transmit an impulse (chemical signal) across a synapse to another cell (muscle fiber)

multi-unit smooth muscle tissue

consists of individual fibers, *each fiber has its own motor neuron terminals*; *few gap junctions* between each muscle cell - STIMULATION OF MULTI UNIT MUSCLE FIBERS CONTRACTS *ONLY* THAT FIBER -

junctional folds

deep grooves of the motor end plate in which ACh receptors are found, that provide a large surface area for ACh


dense irregular connective tissue covering muscle fasicles (bundles of muscle fibers)


dense irregular connective tissue sheets that encircle groups of skeletal muscles (organs)

Connective tissue coverings of skeletal muscle

epimysium, perimysium, endomysium

intermediate filaments

filaments, which contain the protein *desmin*, appear to have a *structural* rather than contractile role; *tension generated* by thick and thin filaments is *transferred to intermediate filaments*


flat sheets of connective tissue that attach muscle to muscle

muscle belly

fleshy well-vascularized central portion of muscle

sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)

fluid-filled system of membranous sacs encircling *each myofibril* - specialized smooth endoplasmic reticulum, which stores, releases, and retrieves Ca++ (calcium)

myomesin (structural protein)

forms the *M line*; binds to Titin; *connects thick filaments* to one another at the M line

synaptic end bulbs

found at end of axon terminal, contain synaptic vesicles filled with neurotransmitters

visceral (single unit) smooth muscle tissue

found in skin, small arteries and veins, hollow viscera (stomach, intestines, uterus, urinary bladder) - muscle fibers connected by *gap junctions* which allow *fast propagation of muscle action potentials* (from a single cell to many cells) - one neuron for many muscle fibers (not every fiber connects to neuron) - STIMULATION OF ONE VISCERAL MUSCLE FIBER CONTRACTS MANY OTHER FIBERS -


increase in muscle fiber (cell) size


increase in number of muscle cell fibers (cells)

acetylcholine receptors

integral transmembrane proteins that bind specifically to ACh (acetylcholine)

Transverse tubules (T-tubules)

invaginations of the muscle fiber's (cell's) sarcolemma, therefore filled with interstitial fluid - transmit action potential through cell (allow entire muscle fiber to contract simultaneously)

intercalated discs

irregular transverse thickening of the ends of cardiac muscle fiber's sarcolemma, which connects it to neighboring muscle fibers; contain *desmosomes* and *gap junctions* that *allow muscle action potentials to travel*

dystrophin (structural protein)

links thin filaments of sarcomere to integral membrane proteins of the sarcolemma; reinfoces sarcolemma; *transmits tension generated by sarcomere to the tendons*

synaptic vesicles

membrane-bounded sacs in which synthesized neurotransmitters are stored

cardiac muscle tissue

muscle tissue found only in the heart's walls - striated - involuntary - autorhythmicity

smooth muscle tissue

muscle tissue located in the walls of hollow internal structures (visceral organs, blood vessels, airways; also attached to skin hair follicles) - nonstriated (smooth) - involuntary - *some* autorhythmicity (GI tract)

Z discs

narrow plate-shaped regions of dense protein material that *separate* one sarcomere from the next - distance from one Z disc to the other is one sarcomere

H zone

narrow zone in the center of each A band that contains thick filaments (myosin) but no thin filaments (actin)

involuntary muscle

regulated by neurons that are part of the autonomic (involuntary) division of the nervous system and by hormones released by endocrine glands

muscle fibers

skeletal muscle cells (myocytes) - surrounded by connective tissue

sliding filament model

skeletal muscle shortens during contraction because the thick and thin filaments slide past one another and overlap


small thread-like structures which are the contractile elements of skeletal muscle - have prominent *striations* that make the whole muscle fiber (cell) look striated


smaller protein structures (filaments) within myofibrils - Actin (thin filament) - Myosin (thick filament)

dense bodies

structures attached to sarcolemma to which intermediate filaments attach; during contraction, *intermediate filaments pull on the dense bodies*, causing shortening of the muscle

M line

supporting proteins that hold the thick filaments together at the center of the H zone form the M line (middle)

Structure of tendons

tendons are continuations of all connective tissue coverings (endomysium, perimysium, and epimysium) that run through the muscle and emerge at the ends of the muscle belly as muscle fiber cells taper off - This gives muscles their strength

eccentric isotonic contraction

tension generated resists movement of load, *muscle increases in length* (but tension slows lengthening down)

action potential

the ability to respond to certain stimuli by producing electrical signals - muscle action potentials - nerve action potentials (nerve impulses)


the cytoplasm of a muscle fiber (cell) - contains *myoglobin* only present in muscle cells

axon terminal

the end of an axon (of a nerve cell)

skeletal muscle tissue

the function of skeletal muscles is to move bones of the skeleton - striated - voluntary

acetylcholine (ACh)

the neurotransmitter released by the neuron at the NMJ (neuromuscular junction)


the plasma membrane of a muscle fiber (cell) - nuclei located just underneath


the production of heat in the body as a result of muscle contrations

motor end plate

the region of the sarcolemma (plasma membrane of the muscle fiber) opposite of the synaptic end bulbs

The Contraction Cycle

the repeating sequence of events that causes filaments of the sarcomeres to slide across each other (causes contraction, shortening of the muscle cell); as SR releases Ca2+ into sarcoplasm, *calcium binds to troponin*and causes *tropomyosin to uncover myosin-binding sites on actin*, contraction cycle begins

fibrosis (scarring)

the replacement of muscle fibers by fibrous scar tissue - regeneration of skeletal muscle tissue is limited


the scientific study of the structure, function, and diseases of skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscular tissue

excitation-contraction coupling

the sequence of events that links excitation (a muscle action potential) to contraction (sliding of the filaments)

synaptic cleft

the small gap that separates the two cells (neuron and muscle fiber)

neuromuscular junction

the synapse between a somatic motor neuron and a skeletal muscle fiber from which *muscle action potentials are created*

isotonic contraction

the tension (force of contraction) in the muscle remains almost constant while the *muscle changes its length*; *PRODUCES BODY MOVEMENTS AND MOVES OBJECTS*

isometric contraction

the tension generated is *not enough to exceed the resistance* of the object to be moved and the *muscle does not change its length*

concentric isotonic contraction

the tension generated is great enough to overcome the resistance of the object to be moved, *muscle shortens*

Differences between muscular tissues

the three types of muscular tissue differ in 1) microscopic anatomy, 2) location, and 3) how they are controlled my nervous/endocrine system


thicker covering of dense irregular connective tissue surrounding muscle belly (bundles of muscle fascicles)

Structural proteins of skeletal muscle fibers

titin, myomesin, nebulin, dystrophin


tough, glistening white dense regular connective tissue structures that attach muscle to bones

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