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Stephen Austin-

A leading Anglo who lead The Texas Revolt against Mexico.

Benito Juarez-

A liberal reformer who was opposite to Santa Anna in views and background. A poor Indian who was raised on a farm. Moved to the city of Oaxaca and started school at 15 and law degree in 1831. Opened a law office serving poor people. Rose into power as governor of the state of Oaxaca in 1847. Started La Reforma, a liberal reform movement. Sent into exile by Santa Anna in 1853. He returned and after a civil war between the liberal and the conservative upper class mexican and the victory of the liberals. In 1861 he became president of Mexico.

Max Plank

*German * early 1900's - brought back and re-introduced the particle theory. *he studied light given off by hot bodies * he proposed light is given off in bundles of energy which he called quanta (photons) - the amount of energy depends on the color of light

Wilhelm II

*Grandson of Queen Victoria and Kaiser of Germany from 1888 to 1918 * 1859 - 1941 German ruler who insisted on building a big, modern navy to compete with Great Britain

Fashoda Incident

*In 1898 England and France almost came to war over Fashoda, located in Sudan. *The area was of no economic or political importance. *This incident illustrated the dangers of imperialism, in that European nations were willing to fight over useless territory.

Indian National Congress

*Is a major political party in India. Founded in 1885. *Over 15 million members and over 70 million participants in its struggle against British rule in India. *A movement and political party founded in 1885 to demand greater Indian participation in government. *Its membership was middle class, and its demands were modest until World War I. *Led after 1920 by Mohandas K. Gandhi, appealing to the poor.

King Leopold II

*King of Belgium *Supported colonization of the Congo; eventually ruled Congo as his own domain but inflicted pain and torture on the natives *Turned the Congo over to the Belgian government, before he died, which did away with most of these cruel mistreatments

Emilio Aguinaldo

*Leader of the Filipino independence movement against Spain (1895-1898). *He proclaimed the independence of the Philippines in 1899, but his movement was crushed and he was captured by the United States Army in 1901.

Toussaint L'Overture

*Led a slave rebellion, which took control of Haiti, the most important island of France's Caribbean possessions. *The rebellion led Napoleon to feel that New World colonies were more trouble than they were worth, and encouraged him to sell Louisiana to the U.S

Guiseppe Garibaldi

*Nationalist and romantic Italian; assists Piedmont-Sardinia with Italian unification. **Part of Italian unification. *In 1860 led an army of nationalists to conquer and unite southern Italy. **He allowed the King of Sardinia to rule. His group was called the "Red Shirts" because they wore red

Louis Napoleon

*Nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte; Installed as president of the Second French Republic *1848 *Staged coup against French Republic and declared himself Emperor Napoleon III and ruled until 1970. Nationalism in Europe then rejected diversity and opposition was seen as betrayal

Commander Matthew Perry

*Opened up trading ports in the Japan to western influence. *A commodore in the American navy. He forced Japan into opening its doors to trade, thus brining western influence to Japan while showing American might.


*Politics based on practical rather than moral or ideological considerations

Monroe Doctrine

*President James Monroe's statement forbidding further colonization in the Americas and declaring that any attempt by a foreign country to colonize would be considered an act of hostility

Santa Anna

*REASON FOR MEXICAN AMERICAN WAR *Andrew Jackson successfully bribed in, proving he was corrupt. *Also the Mexican dictator who was in charge when war broke out between the Mexicans and Americans. *He lost Texas to rebels, and was the leader of the armed forces during the war.

Labour Party

*Socialist but non-Marxian-reflected well-established union movement-formally committed to gradual reform

"Dollar Diplomacy"

*Term used to describe the efforts of the U.S. to further its foreign policy aims in Latin America and East Asia through use of its economic power. *It protected American investments in Latin America and Asia and encouraged more stable governments.

The Communist Manifesto

*The book written by Karl Marx and Frederich Engels that outlined how every society in the world would eventually reach communism. *Written by Marx and Engels; said that human societies have always been in warring class; put the middle class as "haves" and the working class as "have-nots"; said that IR had enriched the wealthy and impoverished the poor, predicting that the workers would overthrow the owners; inspired revolutionaries to adapt Marx's beliefs to their own situations

Sepoy Rebellion

*The revolt of Indian soldiers in 1857 against certain practices that violated religious customs; also known as the Sepoy Mutiny

Theory of Relativity

*The theory that space and time are relative concepts rather than absolute concepts

Treaty of Nanking

*Treaty that concluded the Opium War. *It awarded Britain a large indemnity from the Qing Empire, denied the Qing government tariff control over some of its own borders, opened additional ports of residence to Britons, and ceded Hong Kong to Britain. (685)

Spanish-American War

*War fought between the US and Spain in Cuba and the Philippines. * It lasted less than 3 months and resulted in Cuba's independence as well as the US annexing Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.

David Livingston

*Was a Euopean explorer that went to Africa and found the head of the Nile and died from disentary on one of his explorations into Africa.

Robert Owen

*Welsh industrialist and social reformer who founded cooperative communities (1771-1858) *(1771-1858) British cotton manufacturer believed that humans would reveal their true natural goodness if they lived in a cooperative environment. Tested his theories at New Lanark, Scotland and New Harmony, Indiana--> but failed


*a movement in literature and art during the late 18th and early 19th centuries that celebrated nature rather than civilization *18th century

Social Darwinism

*the idea that there are certain people that were made better then other people, and should be treated less then the better people, Racist, *The application of ideas about evolution and "survival of the fittest" to human societies - particularly as a justification for their imperialist expansion.

Czar Alexander II

*the son of Nicholas I who, as czar of Russia, introduced reforms that included limited emancipation of the serfs *(1818-1881)

Rene Descartes

-"I think, therefore I am" -analytical geometry -mathematician -helped with scientific method

Galileo Galilei

-(1564-1642) Italian astronomer. First to use a telescope to study the heavens. Discovered the first moons of an extraterrestrial body (Jupiter's four largest moons). -This scientist proved Copernicus' theory that the sun was the center of the solar system and developed the modern experimental method.

John Locke

--English empiricist philosopher who believed that all knowledge is derived from sensory experience (1632-1704) -- said that people could learn from experience and improve themselves. Criticized absolute monarchy and favored self-government. He believed that all people have the right to life, liberty, and property (natural rights). (English, 1650)

Thomas Jefferson

-3rd President of the United States -chief drafter of the Declaration of Independence; made the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 and sent out the Lewis and Clark Expedition to explore it (1743-1826)

How did the Ottomans conquer?

-Bought land -Forming an alliance with neighbors -They conquered people


-French, perhaps greatest Enlightenment thinker. Deist. Mixed glorification and reason with an appeal for better individuals and institutions. Wrote Candide. Believed enlightened despot best form of government. -made fun of government, but fought for tolerance, reason, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech. "I do not agree with a word you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it." (French, 1700


-came up with the idea of checks and balances of power. He also said that Britain as the best-governed and most politically balanced. (French, 1700) -separation of powers

geocentric theory

-earth was the center of the Universe (Aristotle) -religious


-mozart/beethoven -, relating to a simple, elegant style (based on ideas and themes from ancient Greece and Rome) that characterized the arts in Europe during the late 1700s

Baroque style

-sculpture and art in the 17th and 18th century western cultures in europe characterized by exaggeration, overstatement, and flare for the artifice and the theatrical - js bach

enlightened despots

-the absolute monarchs in 18th-century Europe who ruled according to the principles of the Enlightenment

Thomas Hobbes

-wrote "Leviathan" and believed people were naturally cruel, greedy, and selfish; he also believed only a powerful governemnt could keep an orderly society -said that people are naturally selfish and wicked. People had to hand over rights to a strong ruler. (English, 1650)

Define the "positive" and "negative" consequences of colonialism in the "New Age of Imperialism" and provide specific examples of each. Examine the positive and negative from the perspective of both the colonizers and colonized.


Describe and analyze the various (1) economic (2) political (3) cultural motives that impelled the Europeans and Americans to enter the "New Age of Imperialism"


Explain the circumstances surrounding the Spanish-American War and the building of the Panama Canal. How did the United States benefit? Do you agree or disagree with the American government's actions?


Explain the decline of the Qing Dynasty in China - both internal and external pressures. What happened when the Qing declined? Could there have been an alternative fate for the Chines people in the early 20th century?


How did the Safavid empire decline?


Maji Restoration


Sigmund Freud

..., Austrian neurologist who originated psychoanalysis (1856-1939)

Forces of Change

1) Enlightenment Ideas 2) Economic Troubles 3) A Weak Leader

Why was Diaz Despotic?-

1) He had no political parties, 2) natives were considered the lowest class 3) Opponents were bribed, killed, jailed, starved, or exiled his opponents.

What were the three points of Metternich's plan for Europe?

1) The Containment of France 2) Balance of Power 3) Legitimacy

Reform of Mexican Constitution of 1917-Social Issues:

1. Equal pay for equal work 2. Limited legal rights for women

Kings and Popes Clash for Power 5 Problems

1. Lay investiture 2. Simony 3. Vows not kept by some apointees 4. Interference in Papal electronics 5. Papal Indulgence

Reform of Mexican Constitution of 1917-Labor:

1. Minimum Wage for workers 2. Gave them the right to Strike 3. Created labor unions


1. More a philosophy 2. People should concentrate on this life instead of engaging in useless speculations about the next. Social order, harmony, and good order. 3. All humans had their Dao (Way)—Dharma—had to follow their path. Duty—subordinate your personal interests to the needs of the wider community 4. "If the root is in disorder, it is impossible for the branches to be in order." 5."Do not do to others what you would not wish done to yourself." 6. Government should be open to people of ability civil service examination. 7. Mencius (370-290 B.C.E.): understood Confucius to mean people were malleable, inherently good, ruler should govern with compassion.


1. People evil need harsh laws and stiff punishments. 2. The School of Law—superior men were not enough to govern society—what is needed is a set of firm, well-designed laws. a. "If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If men were devils, no law would be sufficient." James Madison. b. Disagreed with the Confucian idea of a natural, moral universal law—if you desire the good, you have to design society to realize it c. Society should hold out promise of material reward; threat of serious reward to motivate people, and not rely on any hope of virtue. Anyone caught without a village pass should have his ears or nose chopped off. d. Officials were easily corruptedàa powerful, firm ruler most important. Burn all writings that are a threat to government.


1. Perhaps legendary Lao Tzu (Lao Zi) or the Old Master, contemporary of Confucius. 2. The importance of intuition, nature—Bruce Lee "Be like water"—not Confucius' hard work and diligence and planning. If you want wisdom, observe the clouds, streams, and birds—nothing in nature strives for wealth and fame. Arguing about good and bad, poor and graceful manners pointless. 3. More individualistic than Confucianism—more liberating. Especially prevalent among intellectuals

Reform of Mexican Constitution of 1917-religion:

1. State took over land owned by Church

What legacies did colonialism leave behind in Latin America?

1. They left Latin America in a cycle of poverty with peonage and wealthy land owners owning majority of land and unable to do anything with it. 2. They left Latin America with political instability because not familiar with democracy (and few had voting rights) so caudillos took charge with support of military.

What are the four nobel truths?

1. life is filled with suffering and sorrow2. the cause of all suffering is people's selfish desire3. the way to end all suffering is to end all desires4. the way to overcome such desires and attain enlightenment is to follow the eighthfold path(path to enlightenment)

What are the reforms that Juarez used to rebuild Mexico?

1. promoted trade with foreign countries 2. opened new roads 3. built railroads 4. established telegraph service 5. established a national education system separate from the Catholic Church

When did the scramble for Africa begin?


What year did Cuba become "independent"?


What were the years they were building the canal and how much did it cost?

1904-1914 and 380 M dollars

When did the Germans return to unrestricted submarine warfare?


Yalta Conference

1945 Meeting with US president FDR, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and and Soviet Leader Stalin during WWII to plan for post-war era

It last until when?


Tang Dynasty

618-907 CE, there was economic development and growth. many inventions and discoveries were also made during this time.

Carolingion Dynasty

751 A.D. to 987 A.D. * Pepin the Short: King by the Grace of God started empire * Charlemagne

Pepin the Short

751-68 A.D. Charles' Son 1st King of the Dynasty (anointed by the Pope) Donation of Pepin-gave Italy the pope


786 to 814 A.D. 800-Dubbed Holy Roman Emporer by the Pope Pepin's Son

About how many soldiers died in WWI? How many were wounded?

8.5 Million; 21 million

Mississippi mound builders

800 A.D. Mound Builders who created villages based on trade.


90,000 stanzas long. written around 100 BCE. Serves to elucidate the dharma. Great war between cousins. Contains the Bhagavadgita. Krishna says don't worry about success or failure of act, only moral rightness of act, do your duty

Song Dynasty

960-1279 CE, was known for creating meritocracy; ruled by officials chosen for their merit. they were economic developments and growth. many inventions were also made

Boxer Rebellion-

A campaign against the Dowager Empress rule and foreign privilege by the society of righteous and harmonious fists. They descending on Beijing surround the European section a chanted "Death to the Foreign Devils".

common law

A law that originated in, and was applied by, the king's court.

How did women associated with the palace court of the Ottoman Empire wield power?

By influencing the sultan behind the scenes

The Hagia Sophia was the canter of what empire?


Which of the following is true in both Mesopotamia and Eqypt? A) Both were organized into city-states. B) Both were ruled by a military dicatorship. C) Both used writing systems. D) Both had monothestic belief systems.

C) Both used writing systems.

Buddhism and Christianity have which of the following in common? A) Belief in one god B) A hierachal organization C) An emphasis on missionary activity D) De-emphasis on rituals

C) emphasis on missionary activity

All of the following were key principles of the formation of the United States except... A) a written constitution B) a federal government based on popular sovereignty. C) equality for all D) three branches of government

C) equality for all

Cultural Revolution

Campaign in China ordered by Mao Zedong to purge the Communist Party of his opponents and instill revolutionary values in the younger generation

How has Hinduism influenced social structure in India?

Caste system: 1)Priests 2)Warriors 3)Traders and Landowners 4)Peasants and Traders


An ancient name for the land of Israel, "land of milk and honey," the land God told Abraham to take his family to live- the promised land

sphere of influence-

An area in which a foreign nation controlled trade and investment in another country. For example- Japan gained a strong sphere of influence in China in the late 19th century.


An artistic movement that sought to capture a momentary feel, or impression, of apiece they were drawing.

Bartolomeu Dias

An early Portuguese explorer that wanted to serve God and the Prince Henry. He thought the king would help finance his goals, and God would get him there safely. In 1488, he ventured far down the coast of Africa until he and his crew reached the tip. A huge storm rose. He realized his ships had been blown around the tip to the other side. He had explored the southeast coast of Africa, and he considered sailing to India; however, his crew was exhausted and their food supplies was low. The captain and his crew returned home.

Describe what the compromises of WWI caused in Europe.

Anger & Resistment

What did he ask the US to do and did we do it?

Annex Hawaii, refused at first, but did

Why the cow is sacred

Aryan pastoral society (wealth judged by cows, Rigveda refers to the cow as Devi (goddess)). Economic importance (practical: milk, butter, dung for lamps). Early Dravidian Sacred bull, (shape of horns might play into this

Who began the Mughal empire?

Babur, 11


Bad Emperor, *37-41, *Mentally disturbed


Bad Emperor, *54-68, *Good administrator but vicious, *Murdered many, *Persecuted Christians


Bad Emperor, *81-96, *Ruled dictatorially, *Feared treason everywhere and executed many


Bark-paper book.

"Tierra y Libertad"-

Battle cry of Zapata ("Land and Liberty")

What were some of the achievements of David?

Beat the giant Goliath, united the Israelites, established Jerusalem as the capital, founded a dynasty,

Why was Nigeria so hard to control?

Because Britain did not have enough troops

Agricultural Revolution

Beginning in the 1700s, large landowners dramatically improved farming methods, leading into this period of time.

What was the colony know as and how much bigger was it than Belgium?

Belgian Congo/ 80 times larger


Belgians declared their independence from Dutch control

The treaties that Stanley signed gave who and what country control of the Congo?

Belgium/ King Leopold II


Benedict's sister; adapted rules for convents; 1st nun of Benedictine order

Indian Religions

Blend of Aryan and Dravidian Culture. Hearth of many religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism - 1/5 of world's population is Hindu or Buddhist - approx. 70% of India is Hindu (700 million+ followers) Mostly in India, don't actively seek converts, an ethnic religion

Buddhism: Holy books

Books on the teachings and life of the Buddha

Francisco Madero-

Born into a wealthy Mexican family and wanted democracy to spread in Mexico and arrested and exiled by Diaz to the US, after announcing his candidacy for president of Mexico. In exile, he called for Mexican revolution against Diaz. After the revolution he was elected president in 1911.

Cavour & Garibaldi Who?

Cavour: Prime minister of Sardinia-Piedmont Garibaldi: a leader in south Italy, an ass kicker (lead the red shirts (peasants) who conquered parts of south Italy)

Where did the religions of Islam and Buddhism come into most contact with each other from 600 to 1450 CE?

Central Asia.

What do the Aztec and Mongols have in common?

Both groups expanded their empire by conquering and dominating neighboring areas.

What is a similarity between the Russian Revolution (1917) and the Chinese Revolution (1949)?

Both involved a bloody civil war.

What is the cause of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the latter half of the 20th century?

Both sides had religious and historic claims to the same land.

Hinduism: leaders


Hindu major Gods

Brama, vishnu, shiva

1 leader (GE)

Chandra Gupta I

End of GE

Chandra Gupta II dies

Cuban Missile Crisis

Brink-of-war confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union over the latter's placement of nuclear-armed missiles in Cuba.

Who controlled Nigeria?


Who won?


What 2 countries helped the Ottomans?

Britain and France

What did the Triple Entente guarantee?

Britain wouldn't fight against France & Russia bud did not have to fight w/ them

Shift in power

Britain, France, Austria, Prussia, and Russia used to be the 5 powers but now the powers are clearly Britain and Prussia

What other European countries were soon claiming parts of Africa?

Britain, Germany, Italy, Portugal, and Spain

What 2 countries fought the Boer War?

British and Boers

Cecil Rhodes

British colonial financier and statesman in South Africa.

In 1905 who was the largest and most powerful empire in the word?

British empire

William Wordsworth and Saul Taylor Coleridge

British poets that honored nature as the source of truth and beauty

Charles Townshend

British prime minister who proposed the Townshend Act.

What does Raj refer to?

British ruler after India came under the British Crown during the Victorian Age

Who did the Boers clash with in the early 1800's and where did they go?

British/ North

How did the Taiping Rebellion end?

Brought down by Taiping leaders and family feuding (after Hong Xiuquan had put them in charge and his bailing). Outside attacks by British, French, and Qing imperial troops. Taiping rebellion ended in 1864 with at least 20 million dead.

Dharma and karma are important concepts in what two religions?

Buddhism and Hinduism.

What new countries had formed in this area?

Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia

What are two technologies that helped the Hittites build their Empire?

Chariots and iron work (wheels, iron swords)

Child Labor

Children were viewed as laborers, working in farms, small businesses, mills, and factories.

Which region had the most advanced naval system from 600 to 1450 CE?


supporting foreigners and robbery"

China did not become highly industrialized for two main reasons. First, the idea of commerce offended China's Confucian beliefs. Merchants made their money "_____________." Second, Chinese economic policies traditionally favored agriculture.

Ming Dynasty

China had become the dominant power in Asia under this dynasty. The rulers were not going to allow outsiders from distant lands to threaten the peace and prosperity that they had brought to China when they ended Mongol rule.

National Assembly

French Revolutionary assembly (1789-1791). Called first as the Estates General, the three estates came together and demanded radical change. It passed the Declaration of the Rights of Man in 1789

What 2 Europeans lived mostly in peace with the Indians?

French and Dutch

What was this conflict called?

French and Indian war

Jean-Paul Marat

French revolutionary leader (born in Switzerland) who was a leader in overthrowing the Girondists and was stabbed to death in his bath by Charlotte Corday (1743-1793), Published a radical journal called Friend of the People.

What did most of the French settlers do?

Fur trading

Who overthrew Carranza?

General Obregon, but did not lead as a dictator and supported reforms such as land and public education. He was assassinated in 1928.

Alvaro Obregon

General who violently seized power/overthrew Carranza because Carranza did not support the final version of the Mexican Constitution. Promoted reforms and was assassinated in 1928.

Where was the Eastern Front?

German and Russian border


Germanic people who lived and held power in France and Switzerland. The Franks had united into one kingdom and controlled the largest and strongest parts of Europe.

When Russia withdrew from the war, who seemed to be winning?


In the Western Front, what did the 2 sides gain?

Germans 4 miles British 5 miles

Why did the Treaty of Versailles not forge lasting peace?

Germans were forced to accept blame for the war and were severely punished.

Who did the Ottoman Turks ally with?


By 1914 who were the Central Powers? Who later joined them and why?

Germany & Austria-Hungary; Bulgaria & Ottoman Empire in hopes of regaining lost territories

Describe unrestricted submarine warefare and what country had this policy.

Germany & said they would sink w/o warning any ship in the waters around Britain

What did the Zimmerman note state?

Germany would help Mexico "reconquer" the land it had lost to the U.S if Mexico would become an ally to Germany

What was the Schlieffen Plan?

Germany's military plan at the outbreak WWI, German troops would rapidly defeat France & then move east to attack Russia

By the turn of the 20th century, who were the 6 great European powers?

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, France

What 3 countries were in the Triple Allliance?

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy

Babur was a descendant of who?

Ghengas Khan

Great Temple

Giant Aztec pyramid with twim temples

Inti, Sun God

God the Inca rulers descended from.


Good Emperor, *117-138, *Consolidated earlier conquests, *Reorganized the bureaucracy

Antoninus Pius

Good Emperor, *138-161, *Reign largely a period of peace and prosperity

Marcus Aurelias

Good Emperor, *161-180, *Brought empire to height of economic prosperity, *Defeated invaders, *Wrote philosophy


Good Emperor, *96-98 , *Began custom of adopting heir


Good Emperor, *98-117 • Empire reached its greatest extent, *Undertook vast building program, *Enlarged social welfare

What country insisted on overseeing financial control of the canal?

Great Britain

Who were the Allied Powers or Allies?

Great Britain France Russia

In 1907 what 2 countries divided Persia up into spheres of infouences?

Great Britain and Russia

Who was in the Triple Entente?

Great Britain, France, Russia

Who were the Munghals trading with?

Great Britian, dutch east trading company and the east India.

Magna Carta

Great Charter; guaranteed certain basic political rights

What 2 countries got their independence?

Greece and Serbia

Where is the Balkan Peninsula and what countries were located there?

Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, Albania, Montenegro

Which region did the philosopher who said, "The unexamined life is not worth living" come from?

Greece. The philosopher was Socrates.

Northeastern tribes

Groups of tribes that spoke similar languages & formed a political alliance.

The Ottomans, Safavids and Mughals were the first to use what?



Habit forming narcotic made from the poppy plant. Smuggled into China for Opium smoking. By 1835 12 million Chinese were addicted.

Restoring china

Han dynasty

Harappan Cities

Harappa in the Punjab and Mohenjo-Daro nearly 400 miles to the South, near the mouth of the Indus River. Origins may be in the Dravidian people in Decccan Plateau. Earliest inhabitants from north through Khyber Pass in Hindu Kush mountains, and/or south from Africa in boats. Definitely had a pigmy-like African people.

used mud to mold, brick structures

Harrapan building

English East India Company

Having had many problems with the Dutch East India Company, they focused much of its energy on establishing outpost in India. There, they developed a successful business trading Indian cloth in Europe.


He established Jainism c.500. He emphasized meditation, self-denial and non-violence to all living things.

What were some of Shah Isma'il's accomplishments?

He got rid of corrupt rulers, brought in artists who helped unify and male the city look better, and conquered Iran.

What did Jahangir do?

He re-adopted Muslim as the state religion, build gardens and palaces, made urdu the official language

How did TImur, the Lame die?

He was traveling back home and died (He traveled more in his life than the majority of people).

Hagia Sophia means what?

Holy Prayers

Frederick I

Holy Roman Emperor who was first to call the lands the Holy Roman Empire; strong personality, elected king; great military skills; a few enemies (Italian merchants and pope), who formed the Lombard League against him;


Holy wars sponsored by the papacy for the recovery of the Holy Land from the Muslims in the late eleventh and early twelfth centuries.


Hongwu's son emerged victorious after the death of his father which had lead to a power struggle. He continued many of his father's policies, but he moved the royal court to Beijing. He was very curious about the outside world. He launched the first of seven voyages of exploration. He wanted to expand China's tribute system.

Where did the Dutch settle?

Hudson River p, Hudson Bay, Hudson Strait

What 3 places were named after him?

Hudson river, Hudson bay, Hudson strait

Interchangeable Parts

Identical components that can be used in place of one another in manufacturing.

Louis Daguerre

Improved on earlier technologies to produce photographs.

navigation school

In 1419, Henry founded this on the southwestern coast of Portugal. Mapmakers, instrument makers, shipbuilders, scientists, and sea captains gathered there to perfect their trade.

Christopher Columbus

In 1492, an Italian sea captain had convinced Spain to finance a bold plan: finding a route to Asia by sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean. In October, he had reached an island in the Caribbean. His voyage would open the way for European colonization of the Americas.

Pope Alexander VI

In 1493, this man had to step in to keep peace between Spain and Portugal. He suggested an imaginary dividing line, drawn north to south, through the Atlantic Ocean. This would be known as the Treaty of Tordesillas.

Vasco da Gama

In 1497, this Portuguese explorer began exploring the east African coast. The next year, he reached the port of Calicut, on the southwestern coast of India. They were amazed by the spices, rare silks,a dn precious gems that filled the shops. Their cargo was worth 60 times the coast of the voyage. His remarkable voyage of 27,000 miles had given Portugal a direct sea route to India.


In 1510, Portuguese captured a port city on India's west coast. They made it the capital of their trading empire.


In 1511, a Portuguese fleet attacked the city of _______ on the west coast of the Malay Peninsula. In capturing the town, the Portuguese seized control of the Straight of _______. Seizing this waterway gave them control of the Moluccas. These were islands so rich in spices that they became known as Spice Islands.

Straights of Hormuz

In 1514, Portugal built a fort here to establish control, connecting the Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea, and help stop Muslim traders from reaching India.

Ferdinand Magellan

In 1521, a Spanish expedition led by a man arrived in the Philippines. Spain claimed the islands and began settling them in 1565.


In 1619, the Dutch established their trading headquarters here on the island of Java.


In 1636, the Manchus conquered and made this place a vassal state. It remained independent, but it existed in China's shadow. It had to organize its government according to Confucian principles.

Lord George Macartney

In 1793, he delivered a letter from King George III to Qian-long. It asked for a better trade arrangement, including Chinese acceptance of British manufactured goods. Qian-long denied Britain's request.

Monroe Doctrine-

In 1823, President James Monroe issued this document to secure Latin America from any European colonization. The US and Latin America feared European colonization. This document protected Latin America from outside control.

Opium War-

In 1839, battle between China and Britain, fought mostly at sea, over the British selling Opium to China. British won because of their steam powered gun boats. China and Britain both signed the Treaty of Nanjing (peace treaty). Giving Hong Kong to British.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo-

In 1845 US annexed Texas and this outraged Mexico and countries went to war again and Mexico lost again. Signed treaty in 1848, US received northern 1/3 of Mexico including California and American Southwest.

Mathew Perry-

In 1853, a US commodore who took 4 massive steamships with canons into Tokyo harbor this shocked Japans shogun. He was "delivering" President Fillmore's letter as a threat not as a polite letter like Fillmore intended. A year later Japan had no choice but to accept it because Perry came back with more ships. So Japan replied with the Treaty of Kanagawa in 1854.

Spanish-American War-

In 1898 when America joined for forces with Cuba against the Spanish. US first attacked the Philippines and Spanish were unprepared for war on two fronts so collapsed. War lasted 4 months.

When and how were the Boxers defeated?

In 1900 they were defeated by a multinational force of 19,000 people who marched to Beijing and quickly defeated the Boxers.

Roosevelt Corollary-

In 1904 Roosevelt issued an extension to the Monroe Doctrine that gave the US the right to be "an international police power" in the Western Hemisphere". The US issued this to protect their economic interests in Latin America.

Constitutional Reform-

In 1908 to create a constitution.

Japanese annexation of Korea-

In 1910 Japan officially annexed Korea, which brought that country under Japan's rule and took total control of Korean life, transforming everything into Japanese culture and life.

What was formed after Obregon was assassinated?

In 1929, the PRI (Institutional Revolutionary Party) arose and initiated an ongoing period of peace and political stability


In 408, this King led the Visigoths across the Alps to Rome, they stormed and plundered it


In China, the class of prosperous families who achieved their prosperity through education and civil service.


In Hindu belief, all the actions that affect a person's fate in the next life

Where was the Mughal empire located?

In India, Pakistan, and Afganistan


In William the Conqueror's reign, a priest and six local people who swore an oath to answer truthfully all questions about their wealth.


Chinese harbor that was the only port that would allow foreigners to do business because China earned money on exports, not imports

Jiang Jieshi

Chinese nationalist leader that was against Mao; supported by the US; loss to Mao, so he and his followers fled to Taiwan


Chinese political philosophy based on the idea that a highly efficient and powerful government is the key to social order.

Machu Picchu

City excavated by Hiram Bingham whose purpose is unknown

Why did Russia withdraw from the war?

Civil unrest due to war-related food and fuel shortage

Holy Alliance

Coalition of Russia, Austria and Prussia created in 1815 at the request of Alexander I of Russia, signed in Vienna on September 26, 1815. Was to instill the Christian values of charity and peace in European political life. Monarchs used this to prevent revolutionary influence (French Revolution) from entering these nations. It was against democracy, revolution, and secularism.

Which crop was not spread from the new world to Afro-Eurasia through the Columbian Exchange?


Discuss the positive effect of Colonial rule

Colonialism reduced local warfare Humanitarian efforts improved sanatation and provided hospitals and schools economic expansion European buisness intrests

merchant guilds

Communal enterprises, people commonly linked by similar occupations as united enterprise provided them with greater security and less risk of losses than did individual action.

What was Istanbul's former name?


Why was the collapse of empire more severe in western Europe than in the eastern Mediterranean and China?

Continued waves of nomadic invasions made recovery difficult.

What did the French, English, and Dutch produce on the Caribbean Islands?

Cotton and Sugar

What does total war mean?

Countries devoted all their resources to the war effort

The Columbian Exchange caused all of the following except... A) the population of Native Americans declined B) American foods were introduced to Europe C) European diseases were introduced to Europe D) African diseases were introduced to Europe

D) African diseases were introduced to Europe

Which of he following empires existed more than 500 years after the others? A) Han B) Roman C) Gupta D) Song

D) Song

All of the following are true statements about Islam except... A) Muhammad was the messenger of God. B) all are equal under the eyes of God. C) Muslims should pray five times a day. D) a clear line of succession was established after Muhammad's death.

D) a clear line of succession was established after Muhammad's death

All of the following were characteristics of classical civilizations except... A) social stratification B) extensive trade C) an organized bureaucracy D) democratic institutions

D) democratic instiutions

All of the following statements describe developments in the Ottoman Empire from 1750 to 1900 except... A) Europeans were exempt from following Ottoman law B) Tanzimat reformers were inspired by Enlightenment thought C) The Young Turk Party promoted reforms D) the Islamic leadership, or ulama, supported the liberal reforms

D) the Islamic leadership, or ulama, supported liberal reforms

All of the following are true about Japan from 1450 to 1750 expect... A) foreign trade was restricated by government B) the shogun ruled the country C) Christians were persecuted C) the economy declined

D) the economy declined

William of Normandy

Defeated Harold Godwinson for the throne at the Battle of Hastings in 1066. AKA William the conqueror and William I of England.

Robert Fulton

Designed the first commercially successful steamboat and the first steam warship.

Why is the Boxer Rebellion significant?

Despite its failure it brought China the sense of Nationalism and that foreign intervention must be resisted especially by their own Chinese government. Eventually Qing court realized they needed to change to survior and went on a World Tour.

What were the other European countries looking for?

Easier and more direct route to the pacific

Which regions participated in Indian Ocean trade from 600 to 1450 CE?

East Africa, South Asia, and Middle East

What is one region that Christianity did not spread to by 600 CE?

East Asia.

From the British victory at the Battle of Plassey who became the leading power in India until 1858?

East India Company

Who set up trading posts at Bombay, Madras, and Calcutta?

East India Company

Jethro Tull

English inventor advocated use of horses rather than oxen. Developed seed drill and selected breeding.

Richard the Lion Hearted

English king; one of the three Europe's most powerful monarchs; agreed to a truce with Saladin

Charles Darwin

English natural scientist who formulated a theory of evolution by natural selection.

Isaac Newton

English scientist; author of Principia Mathematica; drew various astronomical and physical observations and wider theories together in a neat framework of natural laws; established principles of motion and defined forces of gravity.


English speaking US colonists who moved to Texas.

Charles Dickens

English writer whose novels depicted and criticized social injustice; often focused on middle/ lower classes.

John Wycliffe

Englishman who preached that Jesus Chirst, not the pope, was the true head of the Church

Buddhism: Final goals

Enlightenment; Nirvana

What would this later require?

Enslaved Africans

What was not one of the basic ideals of Enlightenment thinkers?

Equality for women.

Subsistence Farming

Farming that provides for the basic needs of the farmer without surpluses or marketing.

What was the capital of the Mughal empire made by Akbar?

Fatehpur Sikri

extraterritorial rights-

Foreigners were not subject to laws of another country. For example-the US and some foreigners were not subject to Chinese law at Guangzhou and 4 other ports in China, after treaties were signed in 1844

When Germany let their alliance with Russia lapse, what did Russia do?

Formed a military alliance w/ France

Cape of Good Hope

Found on the southern tip of Africa, the Dutch also controlled this place which was used as a resupply stop.

Tokugawa Shogunate

Founded by Ieyasu, which held power until 1867. It was a dynasty of shoguns that ruled a unified Japan. This society was very structured. The actual ruler was the shogun, who was the supreme military commander. Below him were the daimyo, the powerful landholding samurai. Samurai warriors were next. The peasants and artisans followed them. Merchants were at the bottom.

Karl Marx

Founder of modern communism; philosopher and economist.


Four noble truths: o All life is suffering o Suffering is caused by desire o End suffering by ending desire o End desire by avoiding a life of vulgar materialism and self torture

What was Woodrow Wilson's peace plan known as?

Fourteen Points

What country did Cartier represent?


What country did Champlain represent?


What country did Verrazano represent?


Open Door Policy-

Proposed by US to china in 1899. To keep China's doors opened to merchants from all nations. The US was worried the China would be divided into different colonies and therefore stop trade with the US. Left China still at the mercy of foreign powers

Sigmund Freud Why Significant?

Proved that the human mind is not rational as thought, humans are driven by Unconscious!! (something deep inside of ones body, don't know where it comes from) weakened peoples faith in the enlightenment

Prussia's expansion

Prussia and Austria formed and alliance and went to war against Denmark to win 2 border provinces( Schleswig and Holstein), a quick victory increased national pride among Prussians, it also won respect from other Germans and lent support for Prussia as head of a unified Germany, after the victory Prussia took control of Schleswig while Austria controlled Holstein

Prussia leads Geramn Unification

Prussia had many advantages: Prussia's army was very strong, Prussia mainly had a German population, nationalism unified Prussia, Austria-Hungary tore apart due to ethnic groups, and Berlin rioters forced a constitutional convention to write up a liberal constitution for the kingdom, paving the way for unification

What Spanish colonies were turned over to the US after the Spanish-American War?

Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines

What group came 10 years after the Pilgrims and why?

Puritans sought religious freedom from England's Anglican church

What things contributed to the English not getting along as well with the Indians?

Pushing Indians off their land, Seizing land, Religious differences

Vikings invade Europe 800 to 1000's

Raided England, Ireland along the coast and rivers Sold people into slavary and took all of their things

George Stephenson

Railway pioneer who first built passenger railway.


In the 1400s, shipbuilders designed a new vessel. It was studier than earlier vessels. It had triangular sails that were adopted from the Arabs which allowed it to sail effectively against the wind.

What is Meiji restoration?

It is a transformation of Japan from a closed feudal society to a modern power. Emperor realized best way to counter western influence was to modernize. So he sent diplomats to Europe and North America to study western ways. For example: they used Germany's constitution and strong central government as a model for their own, imitated British navy and German army as they modernized their military, adopted American system of Universal Public Education (everyone has to go to school). Japan also industrialized. They built their first railroad line in 1872 and their industries grew such as- silk, coal production, ship-building, and unique products. Japan's restoration payed off and Japan became a economic, military, and political powerful country.

What did Article 231 "War Guilt Clause" state and what did it make Germany have to do?

It placed sole responsibility for the war on Germany's shoulders. Germany had to pay reparations to the Allies.

Why were members of the Third Estate dissatisfied with life under the Old Regime?

It was unfair for them to be heavily taxed.

Describe the economic impact the war had on Europe.

It wiped out the treasures of European countries & it destroyed acres of farmland, homes, villages, & tress

What did Japan's expansionism in Manchuria and China in the 1930s conicided with?

It's rapid industrialization

Cavour & Garibaldi What Significance?

Italy is now one country, is now more powerful and a European power/ beware

Who discovered the St. Lawrence?

Jacques Cartier

Who was Akbars son?


What was the difference in the type of people that settled Jamestown from those who settled in Massachusetts?

James town settled by single, males Plymouth families who wanted to build a community

What 2 other countries joined a little later?

Japan & Italy


Japanese history (1467-1568) is known as what?

Zionism (T. Herzl) Why?

Jews had been spread out through Europe and suffered extreme anti-semitism and persecution

John Tyler and James K. Polk-

John Tyler annexed Texas on his last day of presidency. The next day James K. Polk took office.

Berlin Airlift

Joint effort by the US and Britian to fly food and supplies into W Berlin after the Soviet blocked off all ground routes into the city

French invade Mexico, why and what happened?

Juarez stopped paying debt to France, England, and Spain after the liberals defeated the conservatives. French ruler Napoleon III invaded Mexico took over the country with his choice of emperor, Austrian Archduke Maximilian. Juarez rebelled and France withdrew in 1867. The Archduke was captured and executed. Juarez starts to rebuild country returning to his reforms he had proposed 10 years before.

Storming of the Bastille

July 14, 1789 event; 1st sybolic act of violence against the monarchy the beginning of the French Revolution

Who forced Bismarck to resign?

Kaise Wilhelm II

What happened on November 9, 1918?

Kaise Wilhelm stepped down

Hinduism: Moral law


How might the belief in reincarnation provide a form of social control?

Karma was the ultimate form of accountability. If people had bad Karma then they could could achieve Moksha or be reincarnated to a higher caste.

Lay investiture

King created bishops and archbishops, when this was really the Popes job.

Who did Siam modernize itself under?

King mongbut


King sold church offices


Kinship or extended Families such as the ones that Mongols organized their society with.

What are three countries that paid tribute to China at some point in time?

Korea, Tibet, and Vietnam.

Bering Strait

Land bridge used by hunters and gatherers to migrate from Asia to the Americas.

How did foreign countries get a foothold in Latin American Industries?

Latin America would take out a high-interest loan in foreign countries and then could not pay them back so they took over that business.

Maximilien Robespierre

Leading figure of the French Revolution; he was known for his intense dedication to the Revolution. He became increasingly radical and lead the National Convention during its most bloodthirsty time

What ws the association called that the 14th point called for? What was its purpose?

League of Nations; To keep peace among nations

Ponciano Arriaga-

Liberal Mexican leader like Juarez.

La Reforma-

Liberal reform movement who believed in... 1. Redistribution of land 2. Separation of Church and State 3. Increased educational opportunities for poor

By 1914 only what 2 African nations remained free from European control?

Liberia and Ethiopia

natural rights

Life, Liberty, and Property


Literature- poetry Performance arts- drama

Han dynasty emperor

Liu bang

Ferdinand De Lesseps-

Lived from 1805-1894, Born in Versailles, France. He was the French engineer who built the Suez Canal, who then began to dig across the Isthmus in Panama to build the Panama Canal in 1878 for the French, but failed, as construction stopped because the French ran out of money and developed diseases,so stopped.


Located on the Atlantic Ocean at the southwest corner of Europe. It was the first European country to establish trading outposts along the west coast of Africa (they eventually pushed farther east into the Indian Ocean). They also took the lead in overseas explorations in part due to strong government support.

Queen Victoria

Longest ruling monarchy; Queen of Great Britain and India.

What was the French claimed land on the lower Mississippi named and for whom was it named?

Louisiana- French king Louis XIV

Why were lower castes more likely to convert to Buddhism?

Lower castes were treated poorly in Hinduism and not be locked into a social role in Buddhism

John Kay

Man who revolutionized the one-hand loom and increased the production done by one worker.

Division of Labor

Manufacturing technique that breaks down a craft into many simple and repetitive tasks that can be performed by unskilled workers.

Hinduism: Number of gods

Many gods, all faces of Brahman

A State controlled Church

Many of National Assembly's reforms focused on the church. They took over Church lands and declared that church officials and priests should be paid as state officials. The Catholic Church lost both it's lands and its political independence. They used the proceeds from the sale of land to pay off France's debt. This alarmed many devout French Catholics. Even though the thought that the church and state should be together was and Enlightenment idea, many Catholics were offended.

June 1791

Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI try to escape from Paris

What Frenchmen explored the Great Lakes and Upper Mississippi?

Marquette & Joliet

Assembly Line

Mechanical system in a factory whereby an article is conveyed through sites t which successive operations are performed on it.


Medieval poets in southern Europe who wrote and sang lyrical verses devoted to the themes of love, desire, beauty, and gallantry.


Medieval professors who developed a method of thinking, reasoning, and writing in which questions were raised and authorities cited on both sides of a question.

Congress of Vienna

Meeting of representatives of European monarchs called to reestablish the old order after the defeat of Napoleon I. (p. 594)

Where did Abraham and his family original from?


Francisco "Pancho" Villa-

Mexican revolutionary leader of the north, with "robin hood" ideas.

Emiliano Zapata-

Mexican revolutionary leader of the south, from a poor family like "Pancho", whose battle cry was "Tierra y Libertad" ("Land and Liberty"). "Pancho" Villa and Zapata won important battles against Diaz's army.

Texas Revolt-

Mexico encouraged Anglos to move to Texas for inexpensive land and agreeing to follow Mexican laws but as the population increased the Anglos wanted their own self-government. Mexico refused and Stephen Austin, a leading Anglo, led the revolt against Mexico in 1835. Santa Anna won few early battles but in the Battle of San Jacinto Mexico lost and Santa Anna was captured and later released by Texan Leader Sam Houston.

What man was responsible for this?

Middelic II

Middle Class/ Bourgeoisie

Middle class that included merchants industrialists, and professional people; demand privileges which include freedom from tolls.

The ideas of nonviolence and cottage factories, particulary home spun cloth, was supported by which 20th century leader?

Mohandas Gandhi

Hinduism: Final Goal


Monasteries and Convents

Monasteries: Monks (Men) Convents: Nuns (Women) Both ruled by the Pope

What are two ways in which early Judaism differed from other religions of the time?

Monotheistic, God was omnipotent


Most of Latin American rulers were caudillos, people who controlled new nations as military dictators. The wealthy land owners supported them because the caudillos often gave little power to the lower class. Supported by the army which enabled them to seize control of the government.

Temple of the Sun

Most sacred of all Incan shrines


Mt. Vesuvius erupted in AD 79, killing about 2,000. Best example of frescoes, large, bright murals found here

During the time period of 1450 t0 1750, Ottomans were to the Middle East and North Africa as the ______ empire was to South Asia.


What empire do Babur, Humayun, Akbar, Jahangir, Shah Jahan, and Aurangzib belong to?


What ruling India dynasty af first kept them under control?

Mughal Empire

Today we call people who are powerful and rich what?


Who became the new hereditary ruler of Egypt?

Muhammad Ali

Education 1

Muslims encouraged education and built schools and centers of learning

Who got rid of extraterritorial rights for citizens living in Japan?

Mutsuhito in 1894, foreign powers excepted the abolition of extraterritorial rights

Meiji Era-

Mutsuhito's 45 years of reign over Japan following Tokugawa shogun stepping down over anger that he had given into foreign demands

What event aided the success of the Latin American independence movements in the 1800s?

Napolean's invasion of Spain

Maximilian Archduke of Austria-

Napoleon III choice of emperor of Mexico after invasion by the French, English, and Spain. Executed after the French withdrew in 1867.

Coup d'Etat

Napoleon ended the Directory in a coup d'etat and substituted a strong dictatorship for a weak one. Coup d'etat means "Blow to the state"

March 1, 1815

Napoleon escaped from Elba and was received joyously.

The Invasion of Russia

Napoleon tried to invade but Russians dont fight and retreat, leaving the Grand Army with no food -only 40,000 survived

December 2, 1804

Napoleon was crowned the Emperor of France in an elaborate ceremony in the Notre Dame Catherdral in Paris

What was a powerful force in these countries?


What are Kwame Nkrumah, Jomo Kenyatta, and Franz Fanton examples of?

Nationalist leaders

What are the Indian National Congress and the Pan-African Congress examples of?

Nationalist organizations aimed at removing European control.


Natural object which an individual, clan or group identifies itself.

What was France's empire in North America known as?

New France

What did the Dutch call their land in America?

New Netherlands

What did Verrazano discover?

New York Harbor

Architectural Styles 2

New designs for houses. No longer cone shaped, thatched roofs, but houses made of brick with flat.

Daniel Ortega

Nicaraguan revolutionary leader and politician. He helped establish the Government of National Reconstruction after the overthrow of the Somoza regime (1979) and later served as president (1984-1990).

Did reformers such as Sarmiento often stay in power long?

No, often replaced by caudillos with the support of the military and wealthy land owners.


Nobles, clergy, and others who had fled France and its revolutionary forces

Toyotomi Hideyoshi

Nobunaga's best general continued after Oda had died. He set out to destroy the daimyo that remained hostile. By 1590, by combining brute force with shrewd political alliances, he controlled most of the country. He eventually wanted to conquer China; therefore, he invaded Korea in 1592. When he died in 1598, his troops withdrew from Korea.

The Mongols, Turks, and Vikings are all examples of what?

Nomadic people


Nomads who herded domesticated animals on which they depended for most of their food and traveled a familiar pattern for the best grazing lands.

How did Darwin's theory support racism?

Non-Europeans were considered to be on a lower scale of sulture, so they were not the "fittest" in the eyes of the Europeans


Northeast of the Great Wall lay _____. In 1644, their people invaded China and the Ming Dynasty collapsed.

When did WWI come to an end?

November 11, 1918

What are Dunhuang, Kashgar, and Samarkand examples of from 600 to 1450 CE?

Oasis towns on the Silk Road

Middles Ages

Occurred after the decline of the Roman Empire 500-1500; also known as the Medieval Period


One of the two powerful Manchu rulers that contributed greatly to the acceptance of the new Qing dynasty. He became emperor in 1661 and ruled for some 60 years. He reduced government expenses and lowered taxes. Both a scholar and patron of arts, he gained the support of intellectuals by offering them government positions. He enjoyed having Jesuits at court.

Who unified Germany? What did he do to France?

Otto Von Bismarck; Isolate

With what empire do Osman, Tamerlane, Mehmed I, Murad II, Mehmed II, Suleyman belong to?


Who had been ruling the Balkans?

Ottoman Empire

Napoleon Bonaparte

Overthrew French Directory in 1799 and became emperor of the French in 1804. Failed to defeat Great Britain and abdicated in 1814. Returned to power briefly in 1815 but was defeated and died in exile.

Countries that border the Pacific Ocean are called part of the what?

Pacific rim

What was the peace talks called? Where did they meet?

Paris Peace Conference; Palace of Versailles

Samuel Morse

Patented telegraph and developed the Morse code.

Prince Henry

Portugal's most enthusiastic supporter of exploration was the song of the king. His dreams of overseas exploration began in 1415 when he helped conquer the Muslim city of Ceuta in North Africa.

gold and ivory

Portuguese sailors traded with Africans for such profitable items as what? (2)

Prisoners of war

Preferred sacrifice victims of the Aztecs


Preserver god

John F. Kennedy

President during Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis.

Judaism: leaders

Priests, judges, kings, prophets

Commercial expansion

Primary goal of government to expand trade.

Otto von Bismark Who?

Prime minister of Prussia; real politic and Machiavellian=ruthless, does what has to be done to get the job done

Camillo de Cavour

Prime minister of Sardinia-Piedmont who strove to unite Northern Italy. He increased support for Sardinia by building highways and railroads, granting civil liberties, and restricting clerical privileges. He feared Garibaldi for his attack on Rome (which would bring war w/ France) and his popular appeal.


Principle by which monarchies that had been unseated by the French Revolution or Napoleon were restored

separation of powers

Principle by which the powers of government are divided among separate branches


Runners that carried messages across the Incan empires.

What ally of Serbia ordered the mobilization of troops toward the Austrian border?


What 2 countries did Germany declare war on?

Russia & France

What 2 countries began the Crimean War?

Russia and the Ottoman Empire

What did the Suez Canal connect?

Red Sea to the mediterainan

Sam Houston-

Released Santa Anna because Santa Anna promised to respect Texas Independence.

Why did the Pilgrims come?

Religious freedom

What are Simon Bolivar, Migual de Hildago, and Jose de San Martin examles of?

Revolutionary leaders

Why did Panamanians give the 10 mile wide zone to the US?

Roosevelt offered 10 M/year to Columbia for the right to build the canal. Columbia demanded more money, so the US looked to Panamanians to seperate from Columbia. US joined the Panamanians in defeat of Columbia, as a gift, the Panamanians gave them a gift to build the canal.

White Man's Burden" Who?

Rudy Kipling 1899

Huayna Capac

Ruler of the Inca Empire when it reached its height of glory.

What invention allowed Europeans to travel into the interior of Africa in the early 1800's?

Steam powered river boats

Why did Western nations desire Pacific Rim countries?

Strategic location along sea route to china

What contributed the most to the increase of the Atlantic slave trade?

Sugar plantations

Whos picture is in congress because of his famous laws?


Who expanded the Ottoman empire to the most land they had ever had?

Suleyman ( the lawgiver )

Who was the last great ottoman sultan?

Suleyman I

Chandra Gupta I son


How did Canaan's location make it a true crossroads of the eastern Mediterranean?

The Canaan's were the crossroads of the eastern Mediterranean because they controlled the land that connected Asia to Africa. It's seaports also opened up to the Mediterranean and the Red seas.

Battle of Navarino

Russia, British, and French help Greece destroy Ottoman fleet and sign a treaty guaranteeing an independent kingdom of Greece

Who were not represented in the Big Four?

Russia, Germany, its allies


Russian armies took nearly an entire year to crush the Polish uprising , the old order seemed to have reestablished itself , but the stability didn't last too long


Sacred rituals of the Roman Catholic Church

Who founded the Safavid empire?


Who founded Quebec?

Samuel de Champlain


Samurai attended ceremonial dramas which were based on tragic themes. They read tales of ancient warriors and their courage in battle.

Camilio di Cavour

Sardinia's kings prime minister, he was a cunning statesman who worked to expand Piedmont-Sardinia's power, he set about to control northern Italy for Sardinia, he realized that the greatest roadblock to annexing northern Italy was Austria. Napoleon III(french emperor) agreed to help drive Austria out of northern Italy provinces. Cavour then provoked a war with the Austrians. Sardinia succeeded in taking all of northern Italy besides Venetian.

Ben Franklin

Scientist and inventor. Invented bifocals, odometer, and elecrtricity experiments.Most popular publication was Poor Richard's Almanac. Published clever quotes. Example of Enlightenment spirit.' 1700s

Adam Smith

Scottish economist who advocated private enterprise and trade.

James Watt

Scottish engineer and inventor whose improvements in the steam engine led to its wide use in industry.

What was Verrazano looking for?

Sea route to Pacific

Wu Ding

Shang Dynasty King of China.

oracle bones

Shang kings consulted the gods through the use of _____, animal bones, and tortoise shells on which priests had scratched questions for the gods.

Dowager Empress Cixi-

She held power of Qing China from 1862-1908 and was for traditional values with some limited reforms such as the self-strengthening movement.

How did Dowager notice and help change Chinas government?

She noticed nationalism by the Boxers and hired people to go around the world and look at the foreigners government and copy it. They changed their government and wrote a constitution in 1917.

What is the state religoin of the Safavids?

Shi'a Muslim

What two religions have had the greatest impact on Japan?

Shinto and Buddhism.

Cottage Industry

Small-scale industry that can be carried on at home by family members using their own equipment rather than in a factory.


Someone who organizes a business venture and assumes the risk for it.


Son of David and king of Israel noted for his wisdom

What empire from 1450 to 1750 does lucrative trans-saharan trade, all emperors were Muslim, and islamic universities at Timbuktu describe?


Ngo Dinh Diem

South Vietnamese president that was Catholic and strongly opposed communism. His poor leadership and corrupt government spelled doom

Ganges River Valley

South; India's 'holy river'; a core region of India culture.

The Deccan Plateau

South; hills and an upland plateau reaching from Ganges valley to southern tip of Indian subcontinent. Interior of plateau hilly and dry; eastern and western coasts are very fertile, long one of the most densely populated regions of India.

Mound builders

Southwestern clan that used irrigation to farm in the Arizona area

Working class/ Proletariat

Those who must sell their labor to survive; the lowest class in Industrial Revolution. They were treated very poorly.

spices; Asia

Through overseas exploration, merchants and traders hoped ultimately to benefit from what had become a profitable business in Europe: the trade of _____ and other luxury goods from ______


To better determine their location at sea, sailors used this. The Muslims had perfected it. This tool was a brass circle with carefully adjusted rings marked off in degrees. Using the rings to sight stars, a sea captain could calculate latitude.

What was Leopold's true motive for colonizing the Congo?

To cruely force Africans to collect sap from rubber plants

Alternate attendance policy

To keep the daimyo from rebelling, Ieyasu required that they spend every other year in the capital. Even when they returned to their lands, they had to leave their families behind as hostages in Edo. Ieyasu had tamed the daimyo.

Canton, Macao, and Ningbo

To keep the influence of outsiders to a minimum, only the Chinese government was to conduct foreign trade, and only through three coastal ports:

What was the most important role of the scholar-gentry class according to Confucius?

To promote harmony through the administration of the state.

congress of Vienna Why?

To try to ensure peace in the future

What improved the outlook of the colony?



Toltec ruler that tried to change the religion by ending sacrifices.

In 1908 what did Austria do?

Took over (annexed) Bosnia & Herzegovina

Turkish Empires Rise in Anatolia

Turkish people convert to Islam and establish new empires that renew Muslim civilization.

Millard Fillmore-

US president who sent Mathew Perry to Japan in 1854 for the Treaty of Kanagawa

Nikita Khruschev

USSR leader after Stalin, involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis.


Underground ceremonial chambers used for religious practices.

What late 20th century issue in Latin America can be traced back to colonial times?

Uneven distribution of wealth

Hinduism: Holy books

Vedas; Upanishads, Mahabharata and others

Who revised and adopted the Mexican Constitution of 1917?

Venustiano Carranza

Ho Chi Minh

Vietnamese communist statesman who fought the Japanese in World War II and the French until 1954 and South Vietnam until 1975 (1890-1969)

Second age of English

Viking raids begin


Villages of apartment-style compounds made of adobe, stone or clay.

George Washington

Virginian, patriot, general, and president. Lived at Mount Vernon. Led the Revolutionary Army in the fight for independence. First President of the United States. 1732-1799

New Imperialism

Went on in Africa in the 1700s. European countries set up colonies in Africa.They met at The Berlin Conference in order to decide which countries got which areas in Africa. They did not take into account the tribal cultures & geography which caused many problems in Africa. For example, some tribes were grouped w/tribes they did not get along with.

Language 2

West Africans still used their native languages for everyday speech.

Indus River Valley

West; Now relatively dry area forming backbone of Pakistan, in ancient times more moderate environment, cultural center of India.

Architectural Styles 1

Western African built shrines to the forces of nature, but after converting to Islam built mosques.

What was the deadlocked region in northern France known as?

Western Front


What are the 800 hieroglyphic symbols called

Socialism/ Welfare state

What has the Incan government been compare to?

"Warring States" period

What is Sengoku?


What was the May math system based on?

Wilmot Proviso-

What: An amendment in congress stating that any territory acquired from Mexico would be free. Who: By David Wilmot When: 1846,,,passed the House twice, but failed to ever pass in Senate. The "Wilmot Proviso", symbol of how intense dispute over slavery was in the U.S.


When Byzantium became capital instead of Rome, massive walls protected it. It was filled with imperial buildings and renamed this

To know which God was in charge

Why was it important for the Mayas to have accurate calendars?

iron curtain

Winston Churchill's term for the Cold War division between the Soviet-dominated East and the U.S.-dominated West.


With so many goods from the East traveling to the Netherlands, the nation's capital became a leading commercial center.

What 2 firsts happened during the Crimean War?

Women became army nurses, and First to be covered by newspaper correspondence

What was the difference between the middle and working class European women from 1750 to 1900?

Working class women labored in factories, but middle class women following the cult of domesticity

In Latin America even without caudillos did Latin Americans still lack a voice?

Yes, they had little experience with democracy and voting rights were restricted to few members of the upper and middle class who owned property

roads and canals, coined money, and iron

Zhou improvements in technology and trade

What southern Africa nation finally fell to the British in 1887?


paper, silk

_____ was invented in ad 105. before that, books were usually written on ____


__________ projects under shi huangdi increased farm production. trade blossomed, and pushed a new class of merchants into prominence


__________ were bitter over years of high taxes, harsh labor, and a severe penal system. they rebelled.

manufacturing, commerce

______________ and ________ were actually very important to the han empire.

Closed Country Policy

The Tokugawa shoguns realized that they could safely exclude both the missionaries and the merchants. By 1638, they had sealed Japan's borders and instituted this.

Ottoman Empire Weakens

The Turks ruled over Greeks, Slavs, Arabs, Bulgarians, and Armenians. Under pressure from the French and British the Ottomans granted equal citizenship to all people under their rule. That angered conservative Turks, who wanted no change in the situation, and caused tensions in the Empire.

What was the reason for the US joining forces with Cuba?

The US was scared for their economy because they had business's in Cuba and the US objected to Spanish concentration camps used for Cuban civilians.

How are the Vedas and the Upanishads similar?

The Vedas are all of the holy scriptures in Hinduism. The Upanishads are some of them

Muslims and Italians

The _____ and the _______ controlled the trade of goods from East to West

What is Phoenicia's greatest legacy to the world?

The alphabet

Black Death

The bubonic plague that first struck Europe in 1347. It spread either in the bubonic form by flea bites or in the pneumonic form directly from the breath of one person to another. In less virulent forms, the disease reappeared many times until 1701.

What primarly motivated European interest in the American coloinies between 1450 to 1750?

The chance to make a large profit on cash crops

What does the term syncretism refer to?

The combiniation of different forms of belief or practice.


The desire for new sources of ______ was the main reason for European exploration

What did the Berlin Conference of 1884 to 1885 result in?

The division of Africa among European powers

U.S. Constitution

The document written in 1787 and ratified in 1788 that sets forth the institutional structure of the U.S. government and the tasks these institutions perform. It replaced the Articles of Confederation.

What did the 19th century ideology of Social Darwinism promote?

The domination of Europeans over the subject peoples was an inevitable resutl of natural scientific principles.

What was a major effect of the Crusades of Western Europe?

The exposure to Eastern goods and technology led to an increase in trade


The fertile soil that is blown by the winds from deserts to the west and north.


The first love and wife of Napoleon, she exerted great influence and style in France. Napoleon divorced her when she could not produce his children.

Matteo Ricci

The first missionary to have an impact was an Italian Jesuit. He gained special favor at the Ming court through his intelligence and fluency in Chinese. Still, many educated Chinese opposed the European and Christian presence.


The head of the military government of Japan in the feudal era of the samurai, translates to "Supreme General."

France republic

The new republican govt began to fall apart almost immediately, the radicals split into fractions, one side wanted political reform and the other side wanted social and economic reform, the differences set of bloody battles in Parisian streets, the violence turned French citizens away from the radicals, this led to a constitution stating parliament and a strong president to be elected by the people

Wu Zhao

The only woman to ever declare herself empress of China, she was a member of the Tang Dynasty and declared herself empress in 690.

Crop rotation

The practice of rotating use of different fields from crop to crop each year, to avoid exhausting the soil.


The principle of not backing down in a crisis, even if it meant taking the country to the brink of war. Policy of both the U.S. and U.S.S.R. during the Cold War.


The second king of Israel, a "man after God's own heart." God made a new covenant with all the nations through David.

lay investiture

The selection and appointment of church officials by secular authorities.


The social process whereby cities grow and societies become fore urban.


The sophisticated farming methods of the Maya


The southwestern coast of India, Da Gama and his crew were amazed by the spices, rare silks, and precious gems that filled the shops here.


The three social classes into which France was divided before the French Revolution, including the clergy, the aristocracy, and the common people

Ghengis Khan

The title of accepted by Temujin khan of the Mongols when he ruled from A.D. 1206 - 1227. This title means "universal ruler." He was the founder of the Mongol Empire.

What are the strengths of the Safavids?

They had a strong, central, and secular gov. They were also geographically in the trade routes which made them rich

Why was China self-sufficient?

They had healthy agricultural economy and extensive mining and manufacturing industries.

What regulations were put on the Indians?

They had to produce raw material for Britain, and could have no competition with Britain

What happened to Korea after the Japanese defeated Russia?

They ruled Korea as a protectorate but then annexed it in 1910.


They seized control of old feudal estates during the Japanese civil war. They offered peasants and others protection in return for their loyalty.

How did the US use the Roosevelt Corollary?

They used it to justify US intervention in Latin America.

What did Japan and Italy want and not get?

They wanted to gain territory & gained less than they wanted.

What did the excavations at Knossos reveal about Minoan culture?

They were graceful, athletic people who loved nature, beautiful objects and sports (boxing, wrestling and bull-leaping)


They were masters of the Indian Ocean trade by the time of Qian-long. They accepted China's restrictions. Their diplomats paid tribute to the emperor through gifts and by performing the required "kowtow" ritual.

Who were the "Boxers"?

They were poor peasants and workers who resented special privileges granted to the foreigners.

How did women help with the war?

They worked in factories , offices, shops, built tanks & munitions, plowed fields, paved roads, ran hospitals, worked as nurses


Thinkers of the Enlightenment; Wanted to educate the socially elite, but not the masses; were not allowed to openly criticize church or state, so used satire and double-meaning in their writings to avoid being banned; Salons held by wealthy women also kept philosophes safe; They considered themselves part of an intellectual community, and wrote back and forth to each other to share ideas. -france

Pacific Northwest People

This culture's most important resource was the sea. They hunted whales in canoes.

Declaration of Independence

This document was adopted on July 4, 1776. It established the 13 American colonies as independent states, free from rule by Great Britain. Thomas Jefferson wrote the majority of this document.

Mao Zedong

This man became the leader of the Chinese Communist Party and remained its leader until his death. He declared the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 and supported the Chinese peasantry throughout his life.

american revolution

This political revolution began with the Declaration of Independence in 1776 where American colonists sought to balance the power between government and the people and protect the rights of citizens in a democracy.


This ritual involved kneeling in front of the emperor and touching one's head to the ground nine times.

Napoleonic Code

This was the civil code put out by Napoleon that granted equality of all male citizens before the law and granted absolute security of wealth and private property. Napoleon also secured this by creating the Bank of France which loyally served the interests of both the state and the financial oligarchy

Reign of Terror

This was the period in France where Robespierre ruled and used revolutionary terror to solidify the home front. He tried rebels and they were all judged severely and most were executed

What colony did they Pilgrims settle?


Name 4 new weapons of war.

Poison Gas Machine Gun Tank Submarine

congress of Vienna What Significance?

Political conservatism ruled Europe for a generation and the nationalistic uprisings in much of Europe were overpowered.

Venustiano Carranza-

Politician who wanted to overthrow Huerta and recieved help from "Pancho" Villa and Zapata. Took over government then attacked "Villa" and Zapata, trapped Zapata and murdered him, end of the Mexican Civil War.

Government and Law 2

Power originally with local leaders changed with Islam to a centralized government


Powerful ambitious Incan tuler that conquered all fo Peru.

By WWI what had happened to the Ottoman Empire?

Reduce in size and in power


Reed for protection vassals, fiefs, lords, knights, kings, serfs Local Govt. Protection: local castle, whole town goes in to castle with walls and draw bridge


Relating to farm areas and life in the country.

Sam Houston-

Released Santa Anna and made him promise to respect the Independence of Texas

Henry Bessemer

Revolutionized the way to manufacture steel by purifying the iron-ore.

Middle Path

Right knowledge, right purpose, right speech, right conduct, right occupation, right effort, right awareness, right meditation

Which empires had road systems similar to the Incas and the Tang Dynasty?

Rome and Persia

Treaty of Portsmouth-

Roosevelt drafted the treaty in 1905, giving Japan its captured territories and forcing Russia out of Korea

Leonid Brezhnev

Seized power from Nikita Khrushchev and became leader of the Soviet Communist party in 1964. Ordered forces in to Afghanistan and Czechoslovakia.

What leaders were outraged when this happened because they wanted to rule these countries?


What are two of the Safavid artists?

Shah Isma'il and Shah Tahmasp

Who built the Taj Mahal?

Shah Jahan

What did Magellan's trip prove?

Ships could reach Asia by sailing in the pacific ocean

What disadvantages did Russia have?

Shortage on foods

The Fall of the Harappan Civilization

Signs of natural disaster—Skeletons found in positions of running or hiding—like Pompeii, perhaps fire, earthquake, flood. Signs of gradual decline—trash, overcrowding, neglect of public services. Whichever weakened Harappan civilization, Aryans brought it to final close


Solar calender-round earth-

Who signed a nonaggression pact with Afghanistan?

Soviet Union


Spaniards born in Latin America, they were below the peninsulares in rank, they couldn't hold high-level political office but they could rise as officers Spanish colonial armies; they were the best educated class, studied enlightenment ideas in Europe

What were the Mughals trading?


What did Germany hope the naval blockade of Great Britain would do?

Starve Great Britain into defeat before U.S could mobilize

Who established the Janissaries?


Caste system

System in India that gives every Indian a particular place in the social hierarchy from birth. Individuals may improve the position they inherit in the caste system in their next life through their actions, or karma. After many lives of good karma, they may be relieved from cycle of life and win their place in heaven.

Judaism: moral laws

Ten Commandments

Warsaw Pact

The 1955 treaty binding the Soviet Union and countries of eastern Europe in an alliance against the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Triple alliance

The Aztecs, Texcoco and Tlacopan.

In what battle did the Ethiopian forces defeat the Italians?

The Battle of Andowa

Russian empire crumbles

The Czar ruled Ukrainians, poles, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, Finns,Jews,Romanians, Georgians, Armenians, Turks, and others, they all had their own culture. The ruling Romanov dynasty of Russia determined to maintain iron control over this diversity. they instituted a policy of russification, forcing Russian culture on all ethnic groups in the empire. The policy strengthened ethnic nationality feeling BUT weakened czarist empire.

What was another name for Indonesia because they ruled here?

The Dutch East Indies

What was strange about this?

The Dutch Surrendered w/out firing a shot

Who established control over the 3,000 mile-long chain of Indonesian islands?

The Dutch east india company

Whom were the "gunpowder empires" named by?

The Europeans who did not have the gunpowder

What actually killed more people than the war itself?

The Spanish Flu

What famous building came from the Mughal empire?

The Taj Mahel

What major power rejected the Treaty of Versailles?

The U.S


The ancient indigenous religion of Japan which promotes nature and ancestor worship, translates to "Way of Gods."

What does Neo-Confucianism refer to?

The blending of Buddhism and Confucian ideas

What were some similarities between the Minoans and the Phoenicians in terms of trade?

The both were amazing seafarers and they both controlled the Mediterranean during their reigns. They also traded precious metals and weapons.

Hundred Days

The brief period during 1815 when Napoleon made his last bid for power, deposing the French King and again becoming Emperor of France

The First Estate

The clergy made up the first estate. They included archbishops, bishops, abbots, parish priests, monks, and nuns. There were 400,000 of them which made up 2% of the population

What was the importance of the First Battle of Marne?

The defeat of the Germans left the Shlieffen Plan in ruins


The economic system that governed rural life in medieval Europe in which the landed estates of a lord were worked by the peasants under his jurisdiction in exchange for his protection.


The estate that most European peasants, free or unfree, lived on.


The feathered serpent god.

Tang Taizong

The founder of the Tang Dynasty, he ruled from 626-649 and expanded China to include the Han lands.


The founding father of Judaism; first prophet of Christianity, Islam, and the Hebrews

What was self-determination?

The freedom of people to decide under form of government they wish to live.


The grandson of Kangxi, who ruled from 1736 to 1795. China reached its greatest size and prosperity. An industrious emperor like his grandfather, he often rose at dawn to work on the empire's problems.

What was the very detailed laws made by Suleyman?

The law code


The leader in developing and applying sailing innovations was what?

The Middle Way

The noble eightfold path: right views, right resolve; right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration.


The only port that remained open to foreign traders in Japan.

dynastic cycle

The pattern of rise, decline, and replacement of dynasties.

Which group of people held the power in Latin America during the late 1700s and early 1800s?

The peninsulares

Great Schism

The period during which the Church had two popes, one in Rome and one in Avignon; it caused the ultimate division between the Eastern (Orthodox) and Western (Roman) churches.


The police men of Diaz who kept law and order to the people,,,maintaining stability in the rural areas to help Diaz promote foreign investment in Mexico.

What is the internal problems that lead to rebellions in China?

The population was growing but the food production was barely increasing and Opium addiction continued to raise. Hunger spread throughout China.

Enclosure Movement

The process of consolidating small landholdings into a smaller number of larger farms in England during the 18th century.

Commercial Revolution

The transformation of the economic structure of Europe, beginning in the eleventh century, from a rural, manorial society to a more complex mercantile society.

What was one Western idea not adapted by Peter the Great?

The use of Enlightenment ideas in the government

Why did the Ming dynasty end the voyages of Zheng He?

The voyages were expensive and the world beyond China was deemed of little value.


The world's first space satellite. This meant the Soviet Union had a missile powerful enough to reach the US.

Red Guards

The youths who led Mao's Cultural Revolution. Wore red arm bands and carried his book. Terrorized Chinese citizens and determined who went to camps.

What kind of gov, did the Safavids have?


Zionism (T. Herzl) Who?

Theodor Herzl, a Viennese Jewish journalist

Laissez-fair economics

Theory that opposes government interference in economic affairs beyonds what is necessary to protect life and property.

Original Buddhism


What was happening to the Central Powers?

They began to crumble

What did Latin America benefit from their increase in exports?

They got a little more money on exports but they were buying foreign goods and therefore did not industrialize.

Why did the Phoenicians develop a writing system?

They needed a way of recording transaction clearly quickly

What factors in Africa helped the Europeans to colonize?

They played other groups that were not united against eachother


They sold Asian goods to Italian merchants

People liked the Ottomans when they were captured because...

They treated them well, even improving the life of the poorests lifestyles. They were very nice rulers.

Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists-

They were the secret society that became known as the Boxers.


Throw out of the church

What was Tamerlanes nickname?

Timur, the Lame

What was the main treaty that ended WWI called? (There were 5 in all) What day and year was it signed?

Treaty of Versailles; June 28, 1919

Treaty of Kanagawa-

Treaty which allowed Japan to open 2 ports which the US could take on supplies

What country did the Ottoman empire start?


Who were the Big Four and who were their leaders?

U.S- Woodrow Wilson France- Georges Clemenceau Great Britain- David Lloyd George Italy- Vittorio Orlando

Eli Whitney

U.S. inventor of the mechanical cotton gin.

Alexander Graham Bell

U.S. inventor of the telephone; greatly sped up communication.

Thomas Edison

U.S. inventor; inventions included the phonograph and the electric light, microphone, and kinetoscope.

Richard Nixon

US President who promised peace with honor in Vietnam which means withdrawing American soliders from South Vietnam

Government and Law 1

West Africa was originally matrilineal; Islam changed succession to patrilineal

Decorative Arts 1

West Africa's decorative arts originally included pictures of people and animals

muskets and canons

When the Europeans came to Japan, the most famous and interested "things" that the Japanese liked were what? (2)

Who was the U.S. president at this time?

Woodrow Wilson

Plan of Ayala-

Zapata's plan for removal of Madero and redistributing land to the peasants.


a Chinese thinker and social philosopher of the Spring and Autumn Period.

Peninsular War

a conflict, lasting from 1808 to 1813, in which Spanish Rebels, with the aid of British forces, fought to drive Napoleons French troops out of Spain.

Otto von Bismark

a conservative junker who was chosen to be prime minister, he declared that he would rule without a legal budget, those actions were directly violations of the Constitution,


a country or territory with its own internal government, but under the control of an outside power

What was a maharajah?

a ruler

Hong Xiuquan-

a young man in 1830s who began the Taiping Rebellion.

central asia

after his army forced the nomads to retreat into _______ ____


after several years of fighting, ___________ defeated selecus

social contract

agreement among all the people in a society to give up part of their freedom to a government in exchange for protection of natural rights. John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau were two European political philosophers who wrote about this concept.


an Indo-European people who, about 1500 b.c. began to migrate into the Indian subcontinent.

canon law

another name for Church law to which all medieval Christians were subject.


another name for theravada

White Man's Burden" What Significance?

b/c this is what people actually said they thought they were doing to the people they imperialism... saving then while in reality they took all freedom away from these people and make them their slaves/ treated them life nothing and interrupted their ways of life and culture into their own

What happened to the empire when he died?

broke up into many quarreling corrupt functions. Corruptions and theft, inflation

Guissppe Verdi and Richard Wagner

brought European opera to a dramatic and theatrical highpoint

What was the official title of the one who carried out the gov't orders in India?

cabinet members


calculated the value of pi to four decimal places. also calculated the length of the solar year as 365.358 days.

Four noble truths

can be achieved by following the Eightfold Path (aka the Middle Path: the path between passion/luxury and pain/self-torture)


chandragupta's grandson. brought the mauryan empire to its greatest heights


chandragupta's son ruled for __ years


cheap paper helped spread _________ in china.


chieftain who united the Huns. With 100,000 soldiers, he terrorized the kingdom

floods, geographic isolation, and invasions

china's environmental challenges

ancestor worship

chinese believed in being never mean to their parents. believed in afterlife and servents die with the king.


chinese culture. the ____ was central to chinese society.

Who flocked to Malaysia and now they Malayans are a minority today?

chinese immagrants

syllable or unit of language

chinese language. each character stands for one


chosen by God to be the "father" of the Hebrew people...


city in France where Clement V moved from Rome to


city of the Gods

William the Conqueror

claimed the English crown and invaded England with a Norman army

What did the Ottoman empire trade?

coffee and ceramics

Khmer Rouge

communist party in Cambodia that imposed a reign of terror on Cambodian citizens


concept of zero- decimals- calculate time


conquered the harrapans, very militaristic! blonde hair, blue eyes. CHARIOTS, quick attack. Aryans were: - Nomadic; hunter/gatherers, roving shepherds, always moving to get best grazing land for animals to farmers - Excelled at war - Oral tradition—not writing—Vedas (collection of sacred stories, instructions, traditions) settled down - Rigveda - They fought with each other for the power; Aryans arrived about 2000 BCE

What did he have the Egyptians grow?



creator god


creator of the world


culturally distinct group resist being added to a state or tries to break away(Greeks in the Ottoman empire and French speaking Canadians)


culturally distinct groups form into a new state by accepting a single culture (Turkey and the U.S)

Jean Jacques Dessalines

declared the colony of Saint Dominique a free country, he called the country Haiti which meant "mountainous land"


descended from Indus River culture in India since beginning of its civilization.


descended from pastoral peoples from Central Asia in the second millennium B.C.E.


designed by Roman engineers to bring water into cities and towns


destroyer god


destroyer of the world

What 2 discoveries in Africa increased European interest?

diamonds and gold

Iron plow

dig deeper, last longer, break up tough soil and roots.

What turning point occurred in India in 1858?

direct command of India

Treaty of Verdun

document dividing the land between Charlemagne's three feuding grandsons


drastic drop in the value of money coupled with a rise in prices

Cavour & Garibaldi What?

each of them gained Italian territories


eager to stay at peace with the indian emperor, selecus sent an ambassador, ____________, to chandragupta's capital.

When did the Mughal empire fall?

early 17th century

Great Leap Forward

economic and social plan used in China from 1958 to 1961 which aimed to use China's vast population to rapidly transform the country from an agrarian economy into a modern industrial society.

unpredictable floods and cycles of wet and dry seasons, and rivers that changed course

environmental challenges along the Indus River


families would make __________ with influential people in the court.

Islamic World

farming, trade: caravans, North Africa


father of history, first written history in the western world (Europe).


favored drastic change to extend democracy to all people, they believed that govt's should practice the ideals of the French revolution-liberty,equality, and brotherhood

Joan of Arc

felt moved by God to rescue France from its English conquerors; was burned at the stake

Saint Dominique (Haiti)

first Latin American territory to free itself from European rule; While the French revolution was taking place, many Africans that worked on french plantations rose up against their French masters. In 1791, 100,000 enslaved Africans rose in revolt. In 1804, General Dessalines declared the colony an independent country.


goal of reincarnation

What was the major source of great wealth in Africa?

gold and diamonds

In this new age of imperialism, it was necessary not only to claim a territory but also to ________________________________________________.

govern the people living there


government run public schools


gradually, hinduism changed. a trend toward ____________ was growing

2nd empire

gupta empire


had a feudal system where the nobles had the most power, Russians believed serfdom should end because it prevented the empire from advancing economically


harappan culture was based on


harappan culture was what type of government

mother, fertility, bull

harappan figures included: ______ goddess, ______ images, and the worship of the ____

gold and silver and stones

harappans traded, GS&S


harsh taxes and repressive government made the qin regime _________


have not deciphered what system of writing

Zionism (T. Herzl) What?

he founded the zionist mvt. to recreate a Jewish homeland, safe haven

Sigmund Freud What?

he was more interested in human mind= Anna O. blind and works with her throughout therapy (Psycho Analysis) hypnotizes her, take her back to childhood, she breaks down crying remembering of past visions and emotions of father cheating on mother- few weeks later her vision comes back everything sexual


hinduism became completely dominated by _______

yang chang

hipbone wound. combat. battlefield medicine. found teeth that can tell the diet and childhood. tomb of the warrior ______.


holy war

they hired people who were more qualified to hold office

how did the Tang Dynasty use civil service examinations to improve the bureaucracy?

by using the mandate of heaven

how did the imperial government justify their power?

Maurice Ravel and Claude debussy

impressionists in music

congress of Vienna What?

in 1814-15 - An assembly of representatives, led by the most influential states, concluded diplomatic agreements that established a "Balance of Power" among them and redrew the post-war map of Europe. Limits were set on national movements in central Europe.

Battle of Ayachucho (Peru)

in 1824, the Spanish colonies in Latin America won their freedom....the future countries of Venezuela, Columbia, panama, and Ecuador were united into a country known as Gran Columbia


in Aryan society, a member of the social class made up of priets.


in Buddhism, a state of perfect wisdom in which one understand basic truths about the universe...


in Buddhism, the release from pain and suffering achieved after enlightenment...


in Communist China, a collective farm on which a great number of people work and live together


in the 13th century a group that conquered almost all of asia and took over chinas imperial capitol. they also ended the system of civil service exams. they divided the chinese society into four classes.

When did cotton production increase in India and why?

in the Civil War because they could not get cotton for the United States


in the French Revolution, a radical group made up of Parisian wage-earners, and small shopkeepers who wanted a greater voice in government, lower prices, and an end of food shortages


in the early 1100s a new style of architecture evolved with hugh stained glass windows and thrust upward toward heaven


in the middle ages, a noble who usually was given a fief by his lord in exchange for loyalty

Effect of trade

increased banking, profits thru commerce, indian culture spreads, influence south east asia, spread of buddh

lunar eclipse

indian astronomers proved that the earth was round by observing a _____ _______. during it, the earth's shadow fell across the face of the moon. the astronomers noted that the earth's shadow was curved. thus, the earth was round

What were sepoys?

indian soldiers

chandra gupta ii

indians revered ______ _____ __ for his heroic qualities

Harappan civilization

indus valley civilization is sometimes called

What did Egypt do to block European domination?

initiated social and political reform

Romantic beliefs

inner feelings, emotion, imagination, supernatural, exotic, heroes, heroic actions, folk traditions, and valued common people

Edward Jenner

inoculated people with small amounts of cowpox to prevent them from getting smallpox (1749-1823) -vaccination

What is geopolitics?

intrest in or taking of land for its strategic location or products

William Tablot

invented light sensitive paper that he used to produce negatives. The advantage was that many printscould be made on one sheet,

Antoine Lavoisier

invented system of naming chemical elements; regarded as founder of modern chemistry

Who was the Egyptian leader when the Suez Canal was built?


Why was the Suez Canal known as the "Lifeline of the Empire?"

it allowed britain quicker access to its colonies in Asia and Africa

Dreyfus Affair What Significance?

it sparked antisemitism and Jewish nationalism among Jews

What other leader was outraged by this and set up a boycott?

jamal al-din al-afghani

Describe the culture of the Safavid empire

loved painting, metalwork, textiles, carpets


low status in zhou


merchant-class town dwellers

Greco-Roman culture

mixing of elements of Greek, Hellenistic and Roman culture

Where next did Great Britain get involved in a geopolitical struggle?

muslium lands in central Asia


nationalists work to unite the many separate states on the Italian peninsula, some were independent, others were ruled by Austria, or by the pope. Prince Metternich sent Austrian troops to restore order in Italy.


pay a tenth of one's income, especially to the church

heliocentric theory

planets revolve around the sun

johann Wolfgang von Goethe

published sorrows of young Werther , his novel told a sensitive young man whose hopeless love for a virtuous married woman drives him to suicide

What made India increasingly more valuable?

railroad network


rejection of piece and harmony

What did the French make them grow?


copper, tin, led cups

rice wine. drink out of ___. it is toxic which might explain why they died so young.


rigorous self-denial and active self-restraint

earthen walls

shang surrounded their city with ______ for protection.

What determined the way of life for the British Army in India?

social class


some buddhists also began to believe that many people could become _______


spices gems speciality wood

Shah Abbas...

supported arts, created a standing army, welcomed foreigners, and gave many rights to Christians.

Shang Di

supreme chinese god

What were the plantation crops of India?

tea, indigo, coffee, cotton, and jute


the chinese perfected a ____ that was more efficient because it had 2 blades


the great wall of china arose on the backs of hundreds of thousands of ________


the highest calls, officials went from spain to rule the colonies.


the magadha kingdom was ruled by the _____ family

Domino Theory

the political theory that if one nation comes under Communist control then neighboring nations will also come under Communist control

Urban II

the pope who issued the call for the Crusades


the process of forcing Russian culture on all ethnic groups, this led to the communist revolution.


the religious and moral duties of Hindus

What was a global effect of World War 1?

the rise of nationalist movements in colonial arease.


they ordered useless books to be ________. these books were the works of confucian thinkers and poets who disagreed with the legalists


this city contained pyramids, temples & tall pillars shaped as warriors.

Otto von Bismark What?

unified southern and northern Germany through trickery in to one. Instituted a policy of blood and iron

Brazil's independence

unique because it took place without bloodshed, when Napoleons army invaded Spain and Portugal, his aim was to close the ports of these countries to British shipping.As French troops approached Lisbon(Portuguese Capital) the royal family and Prince John tried to escape. They took their court to Brazil (largest colony). Rio De Jernio became the capital of the Portuguese empire. After Napoleons defeat, King John and the Porteugese govt returned to Portugal. King John planned to make Brazil a colony again but the people signed a petition sating they wanted Dom Pedro (John's son) to rule.

303 bc mauryan empire...

united 200 miles of north india

Frederic chopin

used Polish dance rythmsin his music

Felix Mendelsson

used the midsummer nights dream as an inspiration for his music


weren't loyal to kings, but to their people, to those who share common bond, nationalists believed that people of a single "nationality" should unite under a single govt. However people who wanted to restore the old order from before he french revolution saw nationalism as a force for disunity. Authoritarian rulers saw that nationalism could also unify masses of people that is why they built nation-states in areas where they firmly remained in control.

king of Hui

western zhou king. ruled in royal lands.

they opened up the civil service exams to more candidates which created meritocracy

what changes did the song dynasty make to create a meritocracy?

Did Mughals have religious tolerance?


Did the Mughals have a HUGE impact on architecture?


Contributing Military factors to Fall of the Western Roman Empire

• Threat from northern European tribes, *Low funds for defense, *Problems recruiting Roman citizens; recruiting of non- Romans, *Decline of patriotism and loyalty among soldiers

Kievan Russia

• Vladimir expands Russia into Poland, and north to Baltic Sea • Vladimir's son, Yaroslav the Wise, rules Kiev in 1019 • Forges alliances, creates legal code, builds churches

What is the meaning of "Meiji"?

"Enlightened rule"

Jean Jacques Rousseau

-- said that man is inherently good, and all men are created equal. (French, 1750) -, A French man who believed that Human beings are naturally good & free & can rely on their instincts. Government should exist to protect common good, and be a democracy

Sir Francis Bacon

-English thinker who promoted the scientific method and said, "knowledge is power." -1561-1626 -empiricism (experimental method)

What are the three empires?

-Ottoman -Safavid -Mughal

scientific method

-a method of investigation involving observation and theory to test scientific hypotheses, -Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo began it

What were some of Tamerlanes (Timur the Lame)'s accomplishments?

-burned Baghdad to the ground -He crushed the Ottoman forces at the Battle of Ankara in 1402. This defeat halted the expansion of the empire

Discuss the various factors that explain why Japan adapted to the forces of change in the 20th century more readily that did China


"Bloody Sunday"

..., conflict with Japan over Korea led to Russo- Japanese war; the war resulted in a stunning defeat for russia , then Father Gapon's march home resulted in soldiers open firing at them

Why was Diaz Paternalistic?-

1) Added to the quality of life for most Mexicans 2) Rule was peaceful for 35 years. 3) Foreign companies invested in Mexico due to reputation for stability.

What was the long term legacy of the Congress of Vienna?

1) Diminised the power of France 2) Increased the power of Britain and Portugal 3) Nationalism began to spread

Reform of Mexican Constitution of 1917-land:

1. Break up large estates 2. Restrict foreign ownership of land 3. Gave government control of oil

What were the greatest challenges for the US to build the Panama canal?

1. Disease from Mosquitoes (malaria, yellow fever) and Rats (bubonic plague) 2. Floods 3. Heat

Early Aryans Background

1. Part of group of Indo-European speaking people fromCentral Asia. 2. Some moved West into Europe, others South into India, through Khyber Pass in Hindu Kush Mountains

Justinian Code. After its completion, the code consisted of four works.

1. The Code contained nearly 5,000 Roman laws that were still considered useful for the Byzantine Empire. 2. The Digest quoted and summarized the opinions of Rome's greatest legal thinkers about the laws. This massive work ran to a total of 50 volumes. 3. The Institutes was a textbook that told law students how to use the laws. 4. The Novellae (New Laws) presented legislation passed after 534.

Name 3 factors that contributed to the Europeans conquest of Africa

1. superior technology 2. means to control 3. quinine

By 1880 what % of Africa did Europeans control?


Ming Dynasty

1368-1644 CE, where they opened up china to foreign influences during the start of the dynasty. closing down china at the end of the dynasty.

How old was Shah Isma'il?


When did the Mughal empire begin?


When did he die?


When did British economic interest begin in India?


What year was Jamestown settled?


When did the US begin to show an interest in Hawaii?



1793, the Qing emperor agreed to receive an ambassador from England and England was giving products to China, but China already had all of them so the emperor sent the letter to England's King George stating that China had everything that they needed.

Albert Einstein who? (

1879-1955), German-born U.S. physicist. apart of a larger revolt against the enlightenment

When did Britain's interest greatly increase in Persia and why?

1908, discovery of oil

By what year was nearly all of Africa distributed among European Powers?


What year did the Panama canal open in?



19th century artistic movement in which writers and painters sought to show life as it is rather that life as it should be

the huang he and the chang jiang

2 major river systems in china

mountains and desert

2 natural barriers that helped protect the Indus Valley from invasion

indus and ganges

2 rivers that surround the plain

How many U.S. ships did they sink?


German Confederation

39 German states formed a loose grouping, the Austrian empire dominated the confederation

How many provinces did ME have


Merovingion Dynasty

447 A.D. to 75 A.D. Did not do primogeniture, instead they divided all land between the sons. Clovis


481 A.D. to 511 A.D. Christianized Frankland/France


5-7-5 syllable, 3 line verse poetry. This poetry presents images rather than ideas.

Romans Rule

50 A.D. to 476 A.D. Huns chase Angles and Saxons who move into Rome and take over

How long was the Western Front?

500 miles

What was this War known as?

7 years' war

Charles "Martel"

714-41 A.D. Tours 732: takes French army to Tours and became defender of Christendom Advisor to King (Not actually King)

Zheng He

A Chinese Muslim admiral led all of the seven voyages that Yonglo had wanted. The voyages ranged from Southeast Asia to eastern Africa. Everywhere he went, he distributed gifts including silver and silk to show Chinese superiority. Chinese scholar-officials complained that the voyages wasted valuable resources that could be used to defend against barbarians' attack on the northern frontier. After the seventh voyage, in 1433, China withdrew into isolation.

Legislative Assembly

A French congress with the power to create laws and approve declarations of war

Francis Xavier

A Jesuit that led the first mission to Japan. He baptized about a hundred converts before he left Japan.


A Latin American military dictator who ruled new nations using the support and help of the military. A typical caudillos was Juan Vicente Gomez.


A business firm whose articles of incorporation have been approved.


A ceremony involving food, drink & figts to the community in which families showed their rank & prosperity.


A church, headed by a bishop, which forms the administrative center of a diocese. From the Greek term kathedra, meaning 'seat,' since the cathedral housed the throne of the bishop.


A class of warriors in feudal Japan who pledged loyalty to a noble in return for land, word translates to "One Who Serves."


A code of conduct that governed the conduct of a knight, characterized by the virtues of bravery, generosity, honor, graciousness, mercy, and gallantry toward women.


A colonial legacy where workers in Latin America had their debt accumulate and passed from one generation to another. These "free" workers were a little better than slaves.

Dutch East India Company

A company founded by the Dutch (Netherlands) in the early 17th century to establish and direct trade throughout Asia. Because of this, Netherlands became a leading sea power. The Dutch owned the largest fleet of ships in the world- 20,000 vessels.

Cold War

A conflict that was between the US and the Soviet Union. The nations never directly confronted eachother on the battlefield but deadly threats went on for years.

Jose Marti-

A cuban exiled writer who called for a second war for Cuban independence against the Spanish in 1895. Was killed on the battle field after only a month after the war began.

The rights of man

A document which was similar to the American Declaration of Independence; it preserved French citizens' natural rights.

Koryu Dynasty

A dynasty that ruled Korea from A.D. 935 to 1392 whose wealth was based on rice production.


A fourteenth-century term used to describe the Christian crusade to wrest Spain back from the Muslims; clerics believed it was a sacred and patriotic mission.

Porfirio Diaz-

A general, new caudillo, and an Indian from Oaxaca and took control of Mexico by ousting president in 1876. Had the support of the military and his rallying cry was "order and progress". He offered land, power, or political favors to anyone who supported him and terrorized those who refused to support him. He is significant because he used his dictatorial powers to make progress. For example: expanded railroads, built banks, stabilized currency, and increased foreign investment. The thing that did not progress was that most Mexicans remained poor farmers and workers, the wealthy acquired more and more land.


A group of Southern Vietnamese, communist guerrillas who, with the help of North Vietnam, fought against the democratic South Vietnamese government in the Vietnam War

Iroquois League

A group of several eastern tribes. They developed varied cultures.


A knight who has sworn loyalty to a particular lord. Vassal is derived from a Celtic word meaning 'servant.'


A large estate, including farmland and villages, held by a lord

General Victoriano Huerta-

A military leader who took over Mexico's presidency after Madero resigned. Probably ordered assassination of Madero.


A mission in San Antonio where Santa Anna defeated the separatists leaving survivors of the battle who would later declare "Remember the Alamo" and go on to defeat Santa Anna.

Judaism: Finals goals

A moral life through obedience to God's law


A movement advocating greater protection of the interests of consumers; the theory that an increasing consumption of goods is economically beneficial.

Taiping Rebellion-

A movement where Hong Xiuquan built a massive peasant army to build his kingdom where all chinese people would share the wealth of china and live in a "heavenly kingdom of great peace".

What might have caused the collapsed of Minoan culture?

A natural disaster


A peasant who has lost his freedom and become permanently bound to the landed estate of a lord.


A peasant's son that commanded the rebel army that drove the Mongols out of China in 1368. That year, he became the first Ming emperor. He ruled from the former Yuan capital of Nanjing in the south. He began reforms designed to restore agricultural lands devastated by war, erase all traces of the Mongol past, and promote China's power and prosperity. He encouraged fish farming and growing commercial crops, such as cotton and sugar cane. He used respected traditions and institutions to bring stability to China. He encouraged the return to Confucian moral standards. Later, when problems developed, he became a ruthless tyrant. Suspecting plots against his rule, he conducted purges of the government, killing thousands of officials. He died in 1398.

What is urdu?

A persian language mixed with Arabic and Hindu

Marshall Plan

A plan that the US came up with to revive war-torn economies of Europe. This plan offered $13 billion in aid to western and Southern Europe.


A poet or musician who traveled around and entertained people with songs about chivalry and courtly love.

Open Door Policy

A policy proposed by the US in 1899, under which ALL nations would have equal opportunities to trade in China.


A political system in which nobles, or lords, are granted the use of lands that legally belong to the king.


A portion of land, the use of which was given by a lord to a vassal in exchange for the latter's oath of loyalty.

Domesday Book

A record of a survey ordered by William the Conqueror to determine how much wealth there was in his new kingdom, who held what land, and what land had been disputed among his vassals; it is an invaluable source of social and economic information.

Domingo Sarmiento-

A reform-minded President of Argentina and had strong commitments on improving education. (Presidency-1868-1874)

What was the 14th point?

A series of peace proposals drawn up by Woodrow Wilson

How are the ideas of karma, reincarnation and moksha connected?

A soul's karma - good or bad deeds - follows from one reincarnation to another. By the process of reincarnation an individuals soul is born again and again until Moksha is achieved.

What is common feature in both Japanese and European feudalism?

A strict social structure

Angkor Wat

A temple complex built in the Khmer Empire and dedicated to the Hindu God, Vishnu.


A theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution and of capital, land, etc.

Juan Vicente Gomez-

A typical ruthless caudillo who ruled Venezuela for nearly 30 years. His quote was "All Venezuela is my cattle ranch."


A university was made up of a collection of these privately endowed residences for the lodging of poor students.

What do many developing nations struggle with?

A weak industrial base.

What does "Dowager" mean?

A widow who holds a title or property from her deceased husband.


A young Chinese emperor, introduced measures to modernize China, Qing officials saw these as threats to their power so Dowager Empress Cixi arrested him and she regained power and reversed his reforms.


A young Japanese emperor, who symbolized countries pride and nationalism and took over from Tokugawa shogun in 1867 after the people were outraged about Tokugawa giving into foreign demands.

Marco Polo

A young Venetian traveler who explored Asia in the 13th century by traveling the "Silk Road" and served Kublai Khan from A.D. 1254-1324.

By 1914, what 2 camps was Europe divided into and who was in each?

A) The Triple Entente- Great Britain, France, Russia B) Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy

All of the following contributed to Bantu Migration except... A) animal domestication B) population pressure C) use of iron tools D) cultivation of bananas

A) animal domestication

Which of the following statements most accurately reflects a major difference between the fall of the Roman and Han Empires? A) The effects of a decline in trade were more severe in Rome than in Han. B) only Rome suffered from major issues with government corruption. C) While the Han had difficulty collecting taxes, the Roman Empire maintained an efficient tax collection system. D) The spread of Buddhism had a large impact on the decline of Han, while Christianity had little impact on the decline of Rome.

A) the effects of the decline in trade were more sever in Rome than in Han

List the 4 forms of Imperialism and explain each.

A. colony: a country or a territory goverened internally by a foreign power B. protectorate: a country or territory with its own internal government but under the control of an outside power C. sphere of influence: an area in which an outside power claims exclusive inverstment or trading priviledges D. economic imperialism: an independent but less developed country controlled by private buisness intrests rather than other governments

Who ended the taxes on non-muslims?

Abu Akbar

Who was the "greatest ruler of all time" of the Mughals?

Abu Akbar

Who was the 3rd emperor?

Abu Akbar

Kabuki theater

Actors in elaborate costumes, using music, dance, and mime, performed skits about modern life. The paintings the people enjoyed were often woodblock prints showing city life.


Advances in ______ made the voyages of discovery possible.

Discuss the negative effects of Colonial Rule

Africans lost control of their land and independence breakdown of traditional cultures division of the African continent which was most harmful to the political legacy famine by changing crops to cash crops

Douglas MacArthur

After World War II, he was put in charge of putting Japan back together. In the Korean War, he commanded the United Nations troops. He was later fired by Harry Truman for insubordination.

Even though Cuba was "independent" why were they still mad?

After defeating the Spanish the US put military government in Cuba which upset the Cubans.

convert Non-Christians

After the crusade, European countries believed that they had a sacred duty not only to continue fighting Muslims, but also to do what?

nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon, and pepper

After the crusades ended, Europeans continued to demand such spices as what? (name all 4)


Agreement between Pope and Napoleon: Napoleon recognized Catholocism as the religion of the majority of France, Pope does not ask for any land back seized during the Revolution

What new warfare was introduced in WWI?


Who created "God-ism"


Dreyfus Affair What?

Alfred Dreyfus was falsely accused of selling out the French, he was an easy target. huge public trial saying Jews get out of France.

What was the only African nation that successfully resisted the Europeans?


Where did the Safavid empire cover?

All of Iran, and parts of TUrkey and Georgia

What did the Ottomans have to give up? What did they keep?

All of their former empire; Turkey

congress of Vienna Who?

All the powers of Europe

What had France lost to Germany in the France-Prussia War of 1870?


Pope Gregory I

Also known as Gregory the Great 590-604 Defended Rome against the Lombards (with the help from Pepin) reinstated papel authority over the bishops.

Pax Mongolia

Also known as the mongol peace. A time when global trade expanded due to the political stability provided by mongol rulers.

What did the force migration of Africans as slaves to the Americas in the 17th and 18th centuries result in?

Altered male to female ratios in Africa

What is an armistice and who signed it?

An agreement to stop fighting & a representitive from the new German govt. & Commander Marshai Foch

First age of English

Anglo Saxon Invasion

How are the Aryans different from the non-Aryans (dasas) that the Indo-Europeans encountered when migrated to India?

Aryans were taller and had lighter skin color, spoke a different language and had no writing system and counted their wealth in cows. Dasas were town dwellers who lived in walled communities.

end of empire (ME)

Asoka dies- breaks to smaller kingdoms

craft guilds

Associations of artisans and craftsmen organized to regulate the quality, quantity, and price of the goods produced as well as the number of affiliated apprentices and journeymen.

Even thought the Serbs agreed to most of Austria's demands, what happened?

Austria declared war on Serbia

Emperor Francis Joseph

Austrian emperor who split his empire in half, declaring Austria and Hungary independent states

New Europe

Authority became increasingly localized in the hands of aristocratic families. Societal structure was feudal and manorialism was the dominant economic system throughout the Middle Ages.

Montezuma II

Aztec emperor that caused the empire to weaken. .


Aztec god of sun and warfare.

Which of the following represents an idea of Karl Marx? A) the formation of trade unions would alleviate the problems of the industrial workers. B) the abuses of the capitalist system would be sovled only if the system was overthrown. C) Democratic reforms wouls bring equality to the underprivileged D) Factory owners should give workers minimum wage and health insurance.

B) the abuses of the capitalist system would be solved only if the system was overthrown

Which of the following statements best descibe the political heritage of classical China? A) Citizanes are obligated to participate in the institution of government B) The emperor is to the state as the father is to the family C) the leader with the strongest army will wield the power D) The emperor should be questioned by his people.

B) the emperor is to the state as the father is to the family

All of the following are results of the Industrial Revolution except... A) changes in working conditions B) the family unit serving as an economic unit. C) greater opportunity for economic advancement D) cheaper manufactured goods

B) the family unit serving as an economic unit

Why did Great Britain form an alliance with France?

B/C Germany was buidling ships to create a navy as strong as Britains

Zionism (T. Herzl) What Significance?

B/c there's a new Jewish nationalism(pride) looking for a nation

Who was the first Mughal emperor?


Seven Weeks War

Bismark purposely stirred up conflicts with Austria over Schleswig and Holstein. these tensions provoked Austria into declaring war on Prussia in 1866. This conflict was known as the seven week's war.In the end, the Austrians were forced to give up the region of Venetia, which was given to Italy. Prussia ended up taking control of northern Germany. For the first time the eastern and western parts of Prussian kingdom were joined.

What did the war-guilt clause leave behind?

Bitterness & hatred in the hearts of German people, other countries felt cheated & betrayed


Black or green volcanic glass

three major gods of Hinduism

Brahman, often referred to as Brahma: the creator, considered highest yet gets very little devotion (made thing and stepped aside) Vishnu: The preserver Siva: the destroyer


Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra

All of the following are advancements that occured during the Tang or Song except... A) the first use of the compass B) the invention of gunpowder C) the decimal system D) paper money

C) the decimal system

What did the Ottomans make the first of to take to Constantinople?


Who formed the New Mexican Constitution?

Carranza in 1917


City established on an island on Lake Texcoco.


Code of Conduct for Knights


Code of conduct for Samurai during the feudal period in Japan, translates to "Way of the Warrior."

Where did Stanley explore and whose interest did it spark?

Congo/ KIng Leopold II

Qing Dynasty

Created by the Manchus (people from Manchuria). This dynasty ruled for more than 260 years and expanded China's borders to include Taiwan, Chinese Central Asia, Mongolia, and Tibet.

James Hargreaves

Created the spinning jenny, beginning of a machine doing a man's work.

Pope Leo III

Crowned Charlemagne Holy Roman Emperor

How did Cuba's first 10-year war against Spain end?

Cuba lost in 1878.

How do India and Cuba's roles during the Cold War compare?

Cuba was a supporter of the Soviet Union, while India remained nonaligned.

Fidel Castro

Cuban socialist leader who overthrew a dictator in 1959 and established a Marxist socialist state in Cuba (born in 1927)


Culture that greatly influenced the Maya.


Czech liberals demanded bohemian independence, by 1849 Europe had returned to the conservatism that controlled the govts before

What missionary from Scotland went deep into Africa and was presumed dead?

David Living Stone

Who claimed the lower area Mississippi for France?

De La Salle

Where did Jahan move the capital to and why?

Delhi because he was so distraught when his wife died.

What 2 European countries clashed in South Africa?

Dutch and British

Who was the first European country to settle in South Africa? When?

Dutch in 1652

What were Boers?

Dutch settlers

Rajas and Maharajas

Each tribe led by chieftain ('prince'); aided by council of elders composed of other leaders of the tribe. Normally a member of warrior class kshatriya. Representatives of the gods, not gods themselves. 5. As society grew more complex, ('great princes'). Custom of limited power continued.

When did the Ottoman empire fall?

Early 19th century but they still have an effect in the 20th century.

Domestic System

Early industrial labor system in which workers produced goods at home.

Buddhism: Moral law

Eightfold path

Otto I

Established a Kingdom in Germany. He entered Italy twice to protect the church. He eventually was crowned, the first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire


Explored and conquered by Prince Henry. The Portuguese invaders found exotic stores filled with pepper, cinnamon, cloves, and other spices. They encountered large supplies of gold, silver, and jewels.


Farm plots built on marshy fringes of the lake.


First king of the Israelites

Gothic novels

Gothic horror stories became very popular, they took place in Gothic medievil castles and were filled with violence and supernatural events.

Kublai Khan

Grandson of Genghis Khan, and Mongol ruler, he completed the conquest of China and founded the Yuan dynasty.

Penance at Canossa

He stood in the snow outside the gates of the castle of Canossa for three days, from 25 January to 27 January 1077, begging the pope to rescind the sentence (popularly portrayed as without shoes, taking no food or shelter, and wearing a hairshirt)

What did Mutsuhito symbolize?

He symbolized pride and nationalism.

Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna-

He was a powerful and clever Latin America caudillos who led Mexico's independence from Spain in 1821 and then became Mexico's president in 1833. During the Texas Revolt he won few early battles including the Alamo but lost in the battle of San Jacinto and lost Texas. Captured by Sam Houston then released to Mexico and fought again against the US because Texas was annexed by the US. Texas and the US signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Then exiled for 20 years and returns as unknown. He is significant because he was a powerful caudillos and led Mexico's independence from Spain.

What was one of Suleyman's failures?

He was not a good father, he had his son be killed that was heir of the throne. He had his second son exiled. The his unqualified 3rd son was put to power.

Cao Zhan

He wrote "Dream of the Read Chamber" which examines upper class Manchu society in the 1700s.

civil war

In 1467, this shattered Japan's old feudal system.


Inca creator god.

What is propaganda?

Information or material spread to advance a cause or to damaged an opponents cause

Immediate Cause of Fall of the Western Roman Empire

Invasion by Germanic tribes and by Huns

Wright Brothers

Inventors of the first modern airplane.

Vladimir Lenin was the the Russian Revolution as Ayatollah Khomeini was to the ___________.

Iranian Revolution

Robert Boyle

Irish chemist who established that air has weight and whose definitions of chemical elements and chemical reactions helped to dissociate chemistry from alchemy (1627-1691)

What Indians did the Dutch trade with?


What was the capital of the Safavid empire?


Pakistan and Indonesia are most associated with what religion?


What two religions does the Hagia Sophia combine?

Islam and Christianity

Decorative Arts 2

Islam change the arts to where geometric patterns and calligraphy about the Qur'an are important.

What style of architecture is represented in the Taj Mahal?


Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini

Islamic religious leader who led a revolution to overthrow Iran's government in 1979; he ruled the country for the next ten years on a strongly anti-American platform

What is the Ottoman empire's capital?


How would you characterize Japan's imperialism in Korea?

It was brutal. They were harsh rulers. The world saw the brutal results of Japanese imperialism in Korea.

What was the one asset of Russian?

Its numbers

Buddhism: leaders


Besides Africa, where else did Europeans go to colonize?

Muslim lands, Mediterranean


Muslim leader and Kurdish warrior during the Crusades

Continental System

Napoleon's efforts to block foreign trade with England by forbidding Importation of British goods Into Europe.

Did we join the League of nations?



Organization formed in 1949 as a military alliance of western European and North American states against the Soviet Union and its east European allies.

Papal Indulgence

Paper that gives forgiveness for sins

Pueblo builders

People who lived in the four Corners region & built cliff dwelligns

I Ching

book of changes. Yin and Yang. consequences and rewards.

Popol Vuh

book that recounts the Maya version of the creation story.


buddhas walked the paths circling the stupas as part of their ___________

hinduism, buddhism

by 250 bc, _______ and _______ were india's 2 main faiths


by 303 bc the chandraguptan empire stretched _____ miles, uniting north india politically for the first time


by the time of the mauryan empire, hinduism had developed a complex set of __________ that could be performed only by the priests.


capital city of the Minoans...

China government

centralized govt, large beuracracy, lower taxes, lighten up punishments, civil service, study of confuscionism

What is a warrior for Islam?

a Ghazi


a Hebrew kingdom in Palestine, established around 922 b.c.

Dreyfus Affair Who?

a Jew officer in French army accused of treason 1893


a Roman historian who is known for presenting the facts accurately. He was concerned about the Roman's lack of morality


a court held by the Church to suppress heresy


a device used during the French Revolution for beheading people


a direct vote in which a country's people have the opportunity to approve or reject a proposal.

great king of kings

chandra gupta i took this title

north, ganges

chandra gupta i's empire included the magadha and the area _____ of it, with his power base along the ______ river


chandra gupta ii defeated the ______, and added their coastal territory to his empire. this increased trade

samudra gupta

chandra's son, became king in 335. lover of the arts, but had a warlike side. expanded the empire


chandragupta divided the empire into _ provinces, each headed by a royal prince. each province was then divided into local districts, whose officials assessed taxes and enforced the law


chandragupta maurya was born in the powerful kingdom of ________


chandragupta moved _________, seizing all the land from magadha to the indus


chandragupta relied on an adviser named _________, a member of the priestly caste. he wrote a ruler's handbook called "arthasastra" which proposed tough minded policies to hold an empire together

The Franco-Prussian War

a few German states remained independent(free from Prussia) the majority were catholic, Bismark created the impression that the French ambassador had insulted the Prussian king. The French reacted to Bismark's deception by declaring war on Prussia. The Prussians had captured Napoleon III and he surrendered due to starvation. The war was the final stage in German unification, the nationalistic fever seized people in southern Germany and they finally accepted Prussian leadership.

Imperial government

a government headed by an emperor or sometimes an empress


a great Indian epic poem, reflecting the struggles of the Aryans as they moved south into India...


a group of semi-nomadic peoples who, about 1700 b.c., began to migrate from what is now southern Russia to the Indian subcontinent, Europe, and Southwest Asia


a highly organized body of workers with many levels of authority


a kindgom of the united Hebrews in Palestine, lating from about 1020 b.c. to 922 b.c.; later the norternmost of the two Hebrew kindgoms...

King Minos

a king of the Minoans who legend has it owned a half-human, half-bull monster called the "Minotaur"

Aegean Sea

a large sea that the island of Crete was located in....


a long effort by the Spanish to drive the Muslims out of Spain


a military leader operating outside the control of the government


a military servant often holding land on the condition that he serves his master as a mounted man of arms

What is God-ism?

a mixture of Islam, Hindu, Christianity, and Buddhism. Akbar was the God and it died when Akbar died.

Kublai Khan

a mongol that took the position of chinese emperor in 1279. he ended the civil service exams, and did not believe that confucian learning should be given in government jobs.


a movement in the 18th century that advocated the use of reason in the reappraisal of accepted ideas and social institutions


a mutural promise or agreement-especially an agreement between God and the Hebrew people as recorded in the Bible...

three-field system

a new system, farmers could grow crops on two-thirds of their land each year, not just half of it; population grew dramatically because of it


a payment made by a weaker power to a stronger powper to obtain an assurance of peace and security...

White Man's Burden" What?

a poem written by Kipling on imperialism/ it is to civilize any non white or non western Europeans b/c they are uncivilized, we are saving them, they might hate you during the process but they will thank you in the end


a policy of creating strategic alliances in order to check the expansion of a hostile power or ideology or to force it to negotiate pecefully

What was paternalism?

a policy of treating subject people as if they were children, providing for their needs but not giving them rights

Miguel Hidalgo

a priest in the small village of Dolores, he was poor but well educated, he called for a rebellion against the Spanish (grito de Dolores= "cry of Dolores"), the next day Hidalgo's Indian and Mestizo followers began a march toward Mexico city, this alarmed the Spanish army and creoles, they defeated Hidalgo

Jan Hus

a professor in Bohemia who taught that the authority of the Bible was higher than that of the pope

Papal States

a region around Rome that was captured from the Lombards by Pepin the Short and given to the pope


a region at the easter end of the Mediteranean Sea where the Phoenicians lived...


a religion founded in India in the sixth century b.c. whose members believe that everything in the universe has a soul and therefore should not be harmed...

11th Century

a renewal of ecclesiastic influence. Monasteries, religious orders, and the Papacy itself were reformed. This renewal of Christian enthusiasm, however, relied heavily on the emergence of a powerful common enemy: Islam. A papal call to retake the city of Jerusalem led to the Crusades, and nearly two centuries of warfare between Christians and Muslims. The Crusades initially met with success, and a number of small, Christian kingdoms were established in Muslim territory. These, however, were short-lived, and the sacking of Constantinople by the Crusaders led to long-term animosity between the eastern and western branches of Christianity.


a ruling class of noble families


a seafaring and trading people that lived on teh island of Crete from about 2000 to 1400 b.c....


a serfaring people of Southwest Asi, who around 1100 b.c. began to trade and established colonies throughout the Mediterranean Sea...

Concert of Europe

a series of alliances among European nations in the 19th century, devised by Prince Klemens von Metternich to prevent the outbreak of revolutions


a series of jousts between knights contesting for a prize

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

collected fairy tales and created dictionary of German grammar

rig veda

collection of 1000 hymns. the oldest of the vedas. foundation of Hinduism.

religious practices 1

combined with their ancient beliefs: respect the spirits of dead ancestors and pray or make sacrifices to spirits and wore amulets to protect them.

Hindu re-born

contact w/mono- sticks to 1,2, or 3 gods.

Alexander II

decided to move Russia toward modernization and social change. He and his advisers believed that his reforms would allow Russia to compete with Western Europe for world power, his first reform was to free the serfs, , the govt had to pay the nobles for their land, , each peasant community had 49 years to pay off their land, while they were free they were in debt,


dry grass covered plains

gupta empire

during the ______ ______, knowledge of astronomy increased further.


during the han dynasty, the chinese population swelled to __ million

What did the US do in the Philippines?

educated and christianized them

Boer War

either of two wars: the first when the Boers fought England in order to regain the independence they had given up to obtain British help against the Zulus (1880-1881)


a single spiritual power that Hindus believe lives in everything

civil service examinations

a test given to qualify candidates for positions in the government.


a tribute of labor.

common law

a unified body of law that the rulings of England's royal judges formed

Great Fear

a wave of senseless panic that spread through the French countryside after the storming of the Bastille in 1789.

Social Darwinism What Significance?

a way of describing the way of life and that the fittest survived, ones that can adapt survive longer and have more advantages then those who cant

Indian civilization began

about 3 to 5,000 B.C.E. Indus Valley civilization about as old as Egypt or Mesopotamia. But unlike those areas, Indian civilization has substantial links with ancient culture.

religious toleration

acceptance of people who held different religious beliefs

collar harness

allowed horses to pull much heavier loads than did the harness being used in europe at the time


although the buddha had forbidden people to worship him, some began to teach that he was a ___

Battle of Trafalgar

an 1805 naval battle in which Napoleon's forces were defeated by a British fleet under the command of Horatio Nelson.


an Indo-European people who settled in Anatolia around 2000 b.c.


an ancient language of India (the language of the Vedas and of Hinduism)

xiang yu

an aristocratic general who was willing to allow the warlords to keep their territories if they would acknowledge him as their feudal lord


an assembly of representatives from all three of the estates, or social classes, in France


an early 19th century movement in art and in thought, which focused on emotion and nature rather than reason and society

White Man's Burden" Why?

an excuse to make colonies and to take over places to have more control and better oneself... why, b/c area has valuable natural resources for example

United Nations

an organization of independent states formed in 1945 to promote international peace and security


an organization of individuals in the same business or occupation working to improve the economic and social conditions of its members


ancient home of the Hebrews....

What set the stage for Vietnamese against the French?

anger over the pesants decreased rice comsumption

Napoleon surrenders

april 1814

Holy Roman Empire

area that included most of Germany and northern Italy that Otto I established


around 1027 these people overthrew the Shang

selecus i

around 305bc, chandragupta began to battle _______ _, one of alexander the great's generals

Where did the Phoenicians settle and trade?

around the Mediterranean


as a result of asoka's sorrow, he studied _______ and decided to rule by the teaching of "peace to all beings"


as contact with people from other lands increased, the chinese realized how valuable their silk was as an item of _____

Four Noble Truths

as taught by the Buddha, the four basic beliefs that form the foundation of Buddhism

What view did France and other European powers have concerning Africa countries handing the running of a country?

as unable to handel the complex buisness of running a country


asoka also improved conditions along the roads to make travel easier for his officials and to improve _____________ in the vast empire


asoka felt ______ over the slaughter at kalinga


asoka had extensive _____ built so he could visit the far corners of india

well being

asoka was very concerned for his subjects' ____ _____

What did the French really end up doing?



at this battle, asoka's army killed 100,000 soldiers. even more civilians perished.

What were some of the effects of Solomon's reign?

beautified the capital city and built temple twice: Building project required high taxes, strained the kingdom. After his death the Jews in the north revolted, and the kingdom divided in two: Jews and Israelites

Diocletian 284 AD

became emperor who restored order to Rome and increased its strength. Governed as an absolute ruler and limited personal freedoms. Also created a tetrarchy in which there were 2 main leaders and 2 co-rulers.

Jose Maria Morelos

became leader of the rebellion after Hidalgo's death for 4 years, however he was defeated by Agustin de Iturbide


became part of Italy, and the last part was known as the papal states, the pope however kept n control of Vatican city


because drought was common, farmers often had to _________ their crops

Why did Britain treasure India so much?

because of its potential


because sailors on trading ships used the stars to help them figure their position at sea, knowledge of __________ increased.

Dreyfus Affair Why?

because someone sold out the French in their plan to get back and obliterate Germany


because there were so many people to feed, confucian scholars and ordinary chinese people considered ___________ the most important and honored occupation

shi huangdi

begun his reign by halting the internal battles that sapped china's strength. next he turned his attention to defeating invaders and crushing resistance within china to his rule.


belief that people's greatest loyalty should not be to a kintg or empire but to a nation of people who share a common culture and history

When did the Ottoman empire begin?

between 1300 and 1326


between 800 and 1100 churchs had round arches and a heavy roof held up by thick walls and pillars with little light

Where do some historians think the Aryans lived before they arrived in India?

between Caspian and Aral Seas

When did the Safavid empire exist?

between the 16th-18th century

Ang Yang

birthplace of chinese archaeology. in 1976 they discovered the tomb.

mandate of heaven

heaven chose a particular dynasty to rule, heaven supported the dynasty for as long as the emperor ruled well. If the emperor did not rule well, heaven would send down signs such as natural disasters.


in Hinduism and Buddhism, the totality of the good and bad deeds performed by a person, which is believed to determine his or her fate after rebirth...


in Hinduism and buddhism, the process by which a soul is reborn continuously until it achieves perfect understanding...


in china, women were treated as

the Shang Dynasty

first family of chinese rulers to leave written records. (1700 B.C. to 1027 B.C.)

former han

first part of the han dynasty. ruled for 2 centuries


first practical photographs, they were named after the French inventor Louis Daguerre, the images won him worldwide fame


following kautilya's advice, chandragupta created a highly ______________ government.

silk mills

for a time, the government also ran huge ____ ____, competing with private silk weavers in making this luxurious cloth.

advances of mauryan empire

forced greeks out, huge army-by force, heavy taxes


foreign soldiers who fought for money

Pope Gregory VII

fought lay investiture by issuing a decree forbidding high-ranking clerics from receiving their investiture from lay leaders. Excommunicated Emperor Henry IV.

Siddhartha Gautama

founder of Buddism; born a prince; left his father's wealth to find the cause of human suffering; also know as Buddha

What were castes?

four categories of class systems


four collections of sacred writings produced by the Aryans during an early stage of their settlement in India.

What 2 European countries invested largely in the building of the canal?

france and Great Britain


from greek invaders, indians adapted western methods of keeping ____. they began to use a calendar based on the cycles of the sun rather than the moon.

Fu Hao, ang yang

full of riches, only unlooted tomb in the shang era. finely carved jade, ivory, bone, axes, bronze. human sacrifice. _______'s tomb found at _______

Did the Safavids have religious tolerance?


Was Britain able to take Afghanistan?


What are three reason that historians give to explain why Indo-Europeans migrated?

no one knows

china's heartland

north china plain a.k.a.


not a strong economic system, maritime trade, silk road, farming

Albert Einstein What?

not all things are rational(balanced/ calm/ collected) (so no universal truth), everything is relative to the observer. created Universal Law of Gravitation. E=mc2. qualities of light(physics) Theory of Relativity= explore nature of gravity. Overturned the basis of Newtonian Physics, only light remained fixed

earthen, floods, grid

india's first cities had ______ walls and raised the cities for ______, laid out their cities on a precise ______ system, and had plumbing

gupta empire

india's second empire, the _____ _____, oversaw a great flowering of indian civilization, especially hindu culture

eastern zhou

king Ping Wang

Louis XVI

king of France from 1774 to 1792 his failure to grant reforms led to the French Revolution; he and his queen (Marie Antoinette) were guillotined (1754-1793)

King Wilhelm I

king of Prussia was crowned kaiser(emperor) , Germans called their Empire the Second Reich(HRE was the first)....Bismark achieved Prussian dominance over Germany and Europe "by blood and iron"


king of hui. nobles had power over nobleman. reward system. ________ zhou.

King Minos

king who owned half bull half human monster called the Minotaur...


land granted by a lord to a vassal in exchange for loyalty and service


landmass that includes India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh as the indian


landowner that controlled his own military

Government (ME)

large bueracracy

Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, and Pierre Auguste Renoir

leaders of impressionism

Percy Bysshe, John Keats, George Gordon and Lord Byron

leading romantics poets of the time. fought for Greece's freedom, wrote poems celebrating heroes, passionate love, and the mystery of beauty and nature

Simon Bolivar

led 2,000 soldiers on a daring march through the Andes into what is now Columbia, he had won Venezuela's independence

Toussaint L' Overture

led enslaved Africans in revolt against the French that ended slavery and ended slavery and resulted in the new nation of Haiti, French sent him to prison in the Alps where he died


legislative group; started by Edward I

Congress of Vienna

liberals and nationalists through out Europe were revolting against conservative govt's, the congress of vienna was breaking down

38th Parallel

line of latitude that separated North and South Korea

centralized government

liu bang followed shi huangdi's policy of establishing ____________ __________, in which a central authority controls the running of a state

martial emperor

liu bang is called this because he adopted the policy of expanding the chinese emperor through war.


liu bang's first goal was to destroy the rival kings' _____


liu bang's great grandson. continued liu bang's centralizing policies. held the throne longer than any other han emperor


lu had powerful _______ in court who helped her seize power.


lu retained control of the throne by naming ________ as emperors. they were too young to rule, so she remained in control.

The Second Estate

made up of rich nobles. Only made up 2% od population, but owned 20% of land and paid almost no taxes. most hated enlightenment ideas b/c they threatened their status.

What was the story behind Maji-Maji?

magical water that if sprinkeled on their bodies would turn the European bullets into water


manages to win back almost of all of the old Roman Empire's territory


maritime trade, farming


maritime trade, farming, nomadic herding


maritime trade, nomadic herding, farming

Henry II

married Eleanor of Aquitaine; introduced the use of the jury in English courts

first empire

mauryan empire


megasthenes wrote _______ descriptions of chandragupta's palace


merchants commissioned the carving of cave ________ out of solid rock.


mergers of politically divided but culturally similar lands (9th century Germany and Italy)

Thomas Aquinas

mid-1200s scholar argued that the most basic religious truths could be proved by logical argument

What did millions of people do in Southeast Asia that they didn't do in other colonial area?


expansion (GE)

military moves west trade w/ med

numerals, zero, decimal

modern _________, the ____, and the _______ system were invented in india

What type of British attitude was commonplace in India?


Harold Godwinson

most powerful noble, became king of england in 1066 after death of Edward the Confessor, ruled for brief time until defeated and killed at the Battle of Hastings


mostly middle class business leaders and merchants, they wanted to give more power to elected parliaments , but only the educated and the landowners would vote


moved from tightly controlled formal compositions about enlightenment to celebrating heroism and national pride , musicians became popular,


movement in which artist reacted against realism by seeking to convey their impressions of subjects or moments in time

What is Burma called today?



named in the Torah as the man who led the Hebrews out of slavery...


nationalist leader, Louis Kossuth called for a parliament and self government for Hungary


negotiations between the US and the USSR which opened in 1969 in Helsinki designed to limit both countries' stock of nuclear weapons

Popular Buddhism

new teachings, can become buddha, worship buddha, mahayana


new trends in buddhism inspired indian ___

Marie Louise

niece of Marie Antoinette; part of Hapsburg family (Austria); mother of Napoleon I; 2nd wife of Napoleon

silk, 30, mud,

shang and zhou important things: _____, symbols, river civ., __ kings, ____ houses, warriors, hunters, chariots, bronze


shi huangdi established an ________-a government that has unlimited power and uses it in an arbitrary manner

first emperor

shi huangdi means this


shi huangdi set _________ for writing, law, currency, and weights and measures.

human freedom

shi huangdi unified china at the expense of _____ ______


shi huangdi was determined to close the gaps around his empire and extended the wall almost to the length of the empire's ______


shi huangdi's ___ proved less able than shi, although he was as cruel. the qin empire fell to peasants from han

huang he, vietnam

shi huangdi's armies attacked the invaders north of the _____ __ and south as far as what is now _______

strengthening the trunk and weakening the branches

shi huangdi's policy to crush the power of rival warlords. he consolidated all families into the capital and carved china into 36 administrative districts controlled by qin officials

li su

shi huangdi's prime minister, a legalist philosopher


shi huangdi's program of centralization included building a _______ network of more than 4000 miles.

What had caused European nations to want to colonize?

similar economics, political, and social reforms

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

slogan of the french revolution that inspired nationalist feelings and the goal of the revolution

Life (GE)

small villages-agricultural based- irrigation- family based-male dominated

Old Regime

social and political system of France in the 1770s


some tamil groups were __________, headed by the mother rather than the father. property, and sometimes the throne, was passed through the female line


spanish peasant fighter, supported by British to rebel against French king put in Spain by Napoleon


strongly conservative members of Prussia's wealthy landowning class,

Hugh Capet

succeeded Louis the SLuggard and began the Capetian dynasty

What type of plantations became very successful?


What major crops were grown in Southeast Asia?

sugar cane, coffee, cocoa, rubber, coconuts, bananas, pineapples

Social Darwinism What?

survival of the fittest" stated that those who were strong deserved their superiority while the weak deserved their inferiority


technology-paper agriculture-growing population-horse collar

What present day country is Siam?


What gossip spread among the sepoys and why did it upset them?

that the cartridges of their Enfield rifels were greased with beef and pork fat

How did Latin America refer to the US as politically and economically?

the "Colossus of the North"

Klemens von Metternich

the Austrian foreign minister who was the leader of the Congress of Vienna; claimed that he was guided by the principal of legitimacy

Who established a trading port at Singapore?

the British

What European power had been active in Vietnam was early as the 17th century?

the French

Who took over Indochina on the Southeast Asian mainland?

the French

Who claimed the Marshall Islands and parts of New Guinea and the Solomon Islands?

the Germans


the Hindu or Buddhist doctrine that person may be reborn successively into one of five classes of living beings (god or human or animal or hungry ghost or denizen of hell) depending on the person's own actions


the Incan capital city.

What act eliminated the tariffs on all sugar entering the US?

the Mckinley Tarriff act

Harrapan Economy

o Economy based largely on agriculture—wheat, barley, rice, and peas primary crops (GGS—not a package one could have found anywhere in the New World.) Perhaps first to master cultivation of cotton. o Trade networks with Sumer and other civilizations in the West for things such as copper, lumber, precious stones and other luxury goods. Much trade by ship through Persian gulf. - historically much quicker, though more frightening and precarious than any other method. o Religious artifacts might link to modern Hinduism—figures might represent Shiva (Not in text) Mother goddess, fertility images found all over the ancient Eurasian world.


the Southwest Asian peninsula now occupied by the Asian part of Turkey-also known as Asia minor

Lyndon B. Johnson

the US president who sent soldiers into Vietnam because his goal was to stop the spread of communism.


the act of moving from one place to settle in another


the battle on 18 June 1815 in which Napoleon met his final defeat, Located in Belgium, the place where the british army and the prussian army forces attacked the french. Napoleon's final defeat against the British and Prussians


the belief in a single god...

What is racism?

the belief that one race is superior to others

What did the Russians want access to but the Ottomans controlled land around it?

the black sea

Why was this geopolitical?

the black sea


the buddha had stressed that each person could reach a state of peace called _______. this was achieved by rejecting the sensory world and embracing spiritual discipline

self denial

the buddhist idea of ___ ______ proved difficult for many to follow


the buying and selling of Church positions

Why did some business leaders push for annexing Hawaii?

the change cut into the sugar producers profit

Bishop Odo of Bayeux

the commissioner of the Bayeux Tapestry.

balance of power

the distribution of power among nations so that no single nation can dominate or interfere with another

How did the British and Dutch differ on how they thought of their Southeast colonies?

the dutch though of indonesia as their home

buy off

the early han emperors tried to ___ ___ the xiongnu by sending them thousands of pounds of silk, rice, alcohol, and money. usually the xiongnu accepted these gifts and continued their raids.

Who led African and Asian nationalist movements in the 20th century?

the educated class

Scientific Revolution

the era of scientific thought in europe during which careful observation of the natural world was made, and accepted beliefs were questioned (mid 1500s-late 1700s)


the everyday language of their homeland

Commercial Revolution

the expansion of trade and business; increased availability of trade goods and new ways of doing business changed

Xia (Shyah)

the first chinese dynasty. leader was Yu. Yu helped with flooding.


the first gupta emperor came to power not through battle but by __________ a daughter of an influential royal family

Siddhartha gautama

the founder of Buddhism...

nonaligned nations

the independent countries that remained neutral in the Cold War competition between the United States and the Soviet Union

Fredrick William

the liberal parliament refused him money for reforms that would double the strength of his army. He saw the parliaments refusal as a major challenge to his authority. the junkers supported him.

October, 1813

the month Napoleon faces European allies outside of Leipzig

What did the brightest "jewel in the crown" mean?

the most valuable of all Britain's colonies

Louis Napoleon

the nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte won president election, he took the title of Emperor Napoleon III , they welcomed a strong ruler who would bring peace and stability to France, he built railroads , encouraged industrialization, an promoted and ambitious program of public works, because of him unemployment decreased in France, and the country experienced real prosperity

mass religion

the new ideas changed buddhism from a religion that emphasized individual discipline to a ____ ________ that offered salvation to all and allowed popular worship

Georges Danton

the newly appointed minister of justice who led the sans-culottes in revenge on those who had aided the king and resisted the popular will.


oldest and most important Shang cities. built made out of wood.

Fu Hao

one of many wives of King Wu Ding of the Shang Dynasty and was known as the warrior princess


one of the four classes of people in the social system of the Aryans who settled in India- priets, warriors, peasants or traders, and non-Aryan laborers or craftsmen....

Philip II

one of the most powerful Capetians; "philip agustus"; established royal officials called bailiffs

liu bang

one of xiang yu's generals. turned against yu. declared himself 1st emperor of han dynasty.

bubonic plague

one-third of the population of Europe died of this deadly disease

What did the British trade with China and for what?

opium for tea

Why was monotheism unusual in its time and place?

other religions were polytheistic

vishnu, shiva

out of the 3 gods, ______ and _____ were by far the favorites.

fall of han

overthrown by wang mang-natural diseasters




peasants faced a terrible choice: work on the great wall or ___


peasants had 8 plots of working. nobles had the 9th. early form of feudalism. you work, you get protection. ______-______ system.


people of mixed European and African ancestry, 4th in rank in Spanish-American Society


people of mixed European and Indian ancestry, 3rd in rank in Spanish-American Society

peace, stability

people throughout the empire appreciated the _____ and _________ that liu bang brought to china


people who were born in Spain, the were at the top of the Spanish-American Society

What 3 island groups did the US get as a result of the Spanish-American War in 1898?

phillipine islands, Puerto Rico, and Guam

Social Darwinism Who?

philosopher Herbert Spencer 1820-1903

Describe the start of Jamestown?

planting crops


plastic surgery-medicines and treatments injections

Tennis Court Oath

pledge made by members of France's National Assembly in which they vowed to continue meeting until a new constitution was drawn up


poet who spent ten years writing the most famous work of Latin literature, the Aeneid, the epic of the legendary Aeneas. which praised Rome and its virtues. It was modeled after the Greek epics of Homer


policy of equipping and training of the South Vietnamese to fight for themselves


potential buddhas. could choose to give up nirvana and work to save humanity through good works and self sacrifice


preserver of the world

Ronald Reagan

president, 1981-1989, who led a conservative movement against détente with the Soviet Union and the growth of the federal government.

Agustin de Iturbide

proclaimed Mexico's independence in 1821, declared himself emperor, refused to recognize declaration of independence . he was overthrown, after he had been overthrown central America declared its absolute independence from Mexico

What did the Minoans export?

produce some of the finest painted pottery of the time, swords, figures and vessels of precious metals.

Charlemagne's influence

provided Western Europe with its first real unity since the collapse of Rome, the division of his empire following his death introduced a renewed decentralization. The lack of a centralized authority made Europe an easy target for invaders. Vikings from Scandinavia extended their influence from Russia to the coasts of North America. Magyars moved into Europe from the east.

What woman was removed from power in Hawaii when she tried to restore power if Hawaiians at the expense of wealthy planters?

queen liliuokalani

Marie Antoinette

queen of France (as wife of Louis XVI) who was unpopular her extravagance and opposition to reform contributed to the overthrow of the monarchy; she was guillotined along with her husband (1755-1793)

What 2 things were causing discontent among the Indians?

racism and economic problems

What 2 things did many nations look to Africa for?

raw materials and as a market for industrial products

What did it turn into?


Queen Victoria

reign from 1837-1901 was the longest in English history. Her sense of duty and moral respectability reflected the attitudes of her age, which has ever been known as the Victorian age. British feeling of national pride,


relaxation of tensions between the United States and its two major Communist rivals, the Soviet Union and China

Describe Indirect Control

relied on existing political rulers. Each colony handeled much of the daily management of the colony. Each colony had a legislative council


religious officials, such as priests, given authority to conduct religious services

qin dynasty

replaced the zhou dynasty. its leaders employed legalist ideas to subdue the warring states and unify china


reported to liu bang's central government, local provincials


river trade, farming, nomadic herding

trade by sea

rome, africa, china


rule by officials or proven merits

han dynasty

ruled china for over 400 years

Ping Wang, warring states

ruler of eastern zhou. period of ______. monarchy. shaping period of chinese culture.* foundation for china.


ruler's handbook written by kautilya. proposed tough-minded policies to hold an empire together, including spying on the people and political assassination


rumblings of _________ during the qin dynasty grew to roars in the year's after shi huangdi's death.


sacred texts in the Hindu religion, they are a set of four collections of hymns and religious ceremonies transmitted by memory through the centuries by Aryan priests

In 1894, who was named President of the new Republic of Hawaii?

sanford b. dole


seasonal winds that dominate India's climate.

later han

second part of the han dynasty. ruled for 2 centuries

Guiseppe Garibaldi

secretly helped nationalist rebels in southern Italy, he captured Sicily, called the red shirts, united the southern areas he conquered with the kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia, cavour made king Victor Emanuel II step aside

alexander the great

selecus i was one of _________ ___ _____'s generals


selecus wanted to reestablish __________ control over the indus valley

Henry IV HRE

sent vicious letter to Gregory VII, humbled by pope, stood in snow

Cavour & Garibaldi Why?

to unite Italy as one country


to win his wars of conquest, chandragupta raised a vast ____. 600,000 soldiers on foot, 30,000 soldiers on horsebak, and 9,000 elephants


to win popular support, liu bang departed from shi huangdi's strict ________

What crop did Nasir al-Din sell to a British company?


Mandate of Heaven

told zhou that they should take over and that god gave them to the right to control.

After the expansion of Islam into West Africa...

trade increased.


traditionally, the emperor chose the favorite among his _____ as the empress and appointed one of her sons as successor.

African Societies and Kingdoms

trans-Saharan trade, gold, slate, Timbuktu


tried to bring liberal reforms to France, fell from popular favor

King Charles X

tried to stage a return to absolute monarchy in France, the attempt sparked riots that forced Charles to flee to Great Britain, he was replaced by Lois Philippe

Napoleons conquest of Spain in 1808

triggered revolts in the Spanish colonies, when he removed Spain's king Ferdinand VII and made his brother Joseph king of Spain,. The Creoles broke out a rebellion because they did not feel loyalty to a king imposed by the French.

September 7, 1812

two armes, French and Russian, clash at the battle of Borodino.


wealthy buddhist merchants who were eager to do good deeds paid for the construction of _______ - mounded stone structures built over holy relics

Third World

underdeveloped and developing countries of Asia and Africa and Latin America collectively


usually wealthy property owners and nobility, they argues for protecting the traditional monarchies of Europe

What were divided into 4 broad categories called what?


What countries made up French Indochina?

vietnam, Laos, Cambodia

Why do many Hindus say their religion in monotheistic

view their gods as incarnations/manifestations of one ultimate reality, so in a way they view it as a monotheistic religion

return of han

wang mang assasinated 25 AD-220AD spread into 3 kingdoms


war god, caos, transformer god. (aryans)


warrior cheiftains (warrior leader) became lords in a new kind a Japanese feudalism. It meant "great name."

The Third Estate

was 98% percent of Frances population. The third estate contained three parts to it. (1) a city-dwelling middle class called the bourgeoisie, (2) urban lower class, (3) peasants. The bourgeoisie was the fastest and richest growing part of the third estate. They staged the French Revolution.

Eric the Red

was a Viking who found and named Greenland. Even thought this was a cold land he named it Greenland to encourage people to come to this area to settle.

Lao Tzu

was a mystic philosopher of ancient China, best known as the author of the Tao Te Ching. considered the founder of Taoism

Pol Pot

was the leader of the Khmer Rouge of Cambodia responsible for the genocide in Cambodia

Greece gain independence

the ottomans controlled most of the Balkans(region that contains present day Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, and Turkey) but the Greece had kept their culture alive, the Russians felt a connection to the Greek orthodox Christians and the Europeans (including Americans) adored their artwork that is why they assisted them in destroying the ottoman fleet


the palace women and their families competed fiercely for the emperor's ______

What kept the Indians from uniting against the British?

weak leadership

Albert Einstein Why Sign?

weakened peoples faith in the enlightenment... he unified a field theory that explains the relationship among all important force fields in nature


the ritual suicide of a samurai

excitement, growth

the royal court of the 3rd gupta emperor was a place of __________ and ______.


the second book of the Old Testament: tells of the departure of the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt led by Moses

Define imperialism

the seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country


the shutting of a port to keep people or supplies from moving in or out


the silk road expanded through asia, india, all the way to ____

Great Schism

the split in the Church/division

tectonic plates.

the subcontinent of India revealed evidence of shifts in


the techniques of silk production became a closely guarded state ______

warring states

the time of the ______ ______. the west royal family and the east fought about the amount of land.

Hundred Years' War

the war that Edward III launched for that throne continued on and off from 1337 to 1453


the whole meeting of the council of the Third Estate


the xiongnu made raids into china's settled ________. there they took hostage and stole valuable items.

north, west

the xiongnu roamed the steppes to the ____ and ____ of china.


there was a tax on _____, and every month people had to give a day's worth of labor to maintain wells, irrigation ditches, resovoirs, and dams


these power plays distracted the emperor and his officials so much that they sometimes could not ______ effectively

In what ways are The Ten Commandments similar to Hammurabi's code?

they are both moral codes that are created for people to follow and both deal with equality and punishment.

What did Christianity believe was a good reason for colonization?

they believed it would end the slave trade

What did the maharajahs do?

they broke away from Mughal control

Why were they called the "gunpowder empires"?

they developed the first canon. They were the first to use gunpowder in weaponry.

Why did the Americans not like the idea of colonization?

they had to fight for independece


those who accepted new buddhist doctrines belonged to the _________ sect


those who held to the buddha's stricter, original teachings belonged to the __________ sect

Czar Nicholas I

threatened to take over part of the Ottoman Empire in the Crimean War, however Russia industries and transportation system failed to provide adequate supplies for the country's troops, as a result Russia lost the wara gainst the combined forces of France, Great Britian, Sardina, and the ottoman Empire

How did Buddhism spread?

through missionaries and traders carried beyond India


throughout the empire, asoka erected huge stone _______ inscribed with his new policies

The demand for what made Singapore one of the busiest ports?

tin and rubber

What did Leopold claim was his motive for colonizing the Congo?

to abolish the slave trade and promote Christianity

What did Europeans believe was their right and duty?

to bring the results of their progress to other countries


to clothe, feed, and pay the troops, the mauryan government levied high _____

What was the Berlin Conference in 1884-85 about?

to lay down rules for the division of Africa


to prevent criticism, shi huangdi and his prime minister, li su, ________ hundreds of confucian scholars

they believed that confucian learning was not needed for government jobs

what did the mongols believe about the confucianism?

United Provinces of Central America

when Central America declared itself independent from Mexico it took a new name with countries today known as, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica


when a group has exclusive control over the production and distribution of certain goods


when a nation had its own independent govt, it defends the nation's territory and way of life, and it represents the nation to the rest of the world

Alexander III

when his father was assassinated, he had the power, he encouraged industrial development to expand Russia's power. A major force behind Russia's drive toward industrial expansion was nationalism.

empress lu

when liu bang died his son became emperor in name, but the real emperor was his mom _________ __.


when lu died, people who remained loyal to liu bang's family rather than lu's family, came back into power. they rid the palace of the old empress's relatives by _________ them

What was the French policy of assimilation?

where a nation forces or encourages a subject people to adopt its institutions and customs

Sui and Song dynasties

which dynasties reunited china after the disunity of the han?

laying bricks for india's first cities

while egyptians were building pyramids, people in the indus valley were

Hill peoples

who may have lived in the region before history began.

Until the beginning of the 19th century how did the East India Company rule India?

with little interference

San Martin

with the help of Bernardo O' Higgins he freed Chile, he then planned to drive Spanish forces out of Lima, Peru but in order to do this he needed a larger army....In Ecuador San Martin left his army for Bolivar to command, the army then went to defeat the Spanish at the Battle of Ayachucho

The fourteenth and fifteenth centuries

witnessed a downturn in the fortunes of Europe as climate variations brought a series of poor harvests, which led to economic depression and disease. Beyond the tremendous loss of life created by the Black Death, there were social, psychological and economic consequences that would impact European society for centuries. This and other factors engendered the Hundred Years' War, which devastated France and brought economic disaster on England.

Ludwig van beethoven

work evolved from classical music to the Enlightenment to romantic compositions,his ninth symphony celebrates freedom, dignity, and triumph of human spirit

William Langland

wrote "Piers Plowman"...suffering of poor vs. corruption

Mary Shelly

wrote Frankenstien

charles Dickens

wrote about London's working poor, and life of working middle class wrote Little Dorrit

victor Hugo

wrote les miserables and the als against a hostile society

Honore de Balzac(the human comedy) and Emilie Zola

wrote novels that describes the brutal struggles of everyday people. miseries of french workers in factories

manchuria, korea

wudi also colonized areas to the northeast, now known as _________ and _____. he sent his armies south to present day vietnam.


wudi attempted to make his northwest border safe by settling his troops on the xiongnu's former ________


wudi realized that the bribes were making the xiongnu ________, and sent more than 100k soldiers to fight them.


wudi's first set of enemies. fierce nomads known for their deadly archery skills from horseback.

Plague of Justinian

• Bubonic plague repeatedly sweeps empire; kills many residents and weakens the empire

Attacks from East and West

• Byzantium faces attacks from many different groups • Empire survives through bribery, diplomacy, and military power • Constantinople falls in 1453; brings an end to Byzantine Empire

Emergence of Russian Culture

• Byzantium trades with Slavs—groups living north of Black Sea • Eventually Slavic and Greek traditions produce Russian culture

Contributing Political factors to Fall of the Western Roman Empire

• Political office seen as burden, not reward, *Military interference in politics, *Civil war and unrest, *Division of empire, *Moving of capital to Byzantium

Contributing Economic factors to Fall of the Western Roman Empire

• Poor harvests, *Disruption of trade, *No more war plunder, *Gold and silver drain, *Inflation, *Crushing tax burden, *Widening gap between rich and poor and increasingly impoverished Western Empire

Decline of the Abbasids

• Powerful Abbasid Empire faces many attacks during 700s and 800s • Persians conquer Abbasid capital, Baghdad, in 945

Kiev Becomes Orthodox

• Princess Olga of Kiev visits Constantinople; converts to Christianity • Her grandson, Vladimir, becomes leader of Kiev around 980 • In 989, Vladimir has all Kiev citizens baptized in Dnieper River • Beliefs and traditions of Orthodox Christianity flourish in Kiev

When found by American reporter Henry Stanley what famous greeting made history?

"Dr. Livingston, I presume"

Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in India

"In the South is Deccan, a region of conservative peoples and civilizations. In the North- west, the arid lands of the Indus are linked with Iran and, beyond the Khyber Pass, with Turkestan and all of turbulent Central Asia. - No single political power has ever succeeded in dominating the whole subcontinent - except perhaps for British."


"Inhabitants of small villages" or English serfs.

What were the Balkans nicknamed?

"Powder Keg" of Europe

The words of the Monroe doctrine are:

"The American continents are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers"

What does taiping mean-

"great peace"

Pan o palo-

"the bread or the club" This approach was used by Porfirio Diaz.


"the politics of reality" the practice of tough power politics without room for idealism

Nicolaus Copernicus

(1473-1543) Polish clergyman. Sun was the center of the universe; the planets went around it. On the Revolution of Heavenly Spheres. Destroyed Aristotle's view of the universe - heliocentric theory.

Sigmund Freud Who?

(1856-1939), Austrian/ Vietnamese physician, neurologist, and founder of psychoanalysis, who created an entirely new approach to the understanding of human personality.

Sino-Japanese War-

(1894-1895) Lasted 4 months between China and Japan. China invaded Korea to help Korea's king from being overthrown. Japan protested and said this was a violation of the "hands-off" agreement between Japan and China. Japan sent in troops, they defeated the Chinese, and gained a foot-hold in Manchuria and signed a peace treaty in 1895 giving Japan colonies in Taiwan and Pescadores islands.

Russo-Japanese War-

(1904-1905) Japan asked Russia to stay out of Korea in return for recognizing their rights in Manchuria. Russia refused to stay out of Korea, so Japan attacked Russian ships in Manchuria, captured most of Russians fleet and drove Russian troops out of Korea.

Breakup of Austrian Empire

(Slovens, Hungarians, Germans, Czechs, Slovaks, Croats, Poles, Serbs, and Italians) Prussia defeated Austria in the Austro-Prussian War, with its victory Prussia gained the north american confederation, a union of Prussia and 21 smaller German units. Then pressured by Hungarians Emperor Francis Joseph split his empire in half, declaring Austria and Hungary independent states. The empire was called the austro-Hungarian Empire.After World War 1 Austria-Hungary broke into several separate nation-states.


(in the French Revolution) a member of a radical society or club of revolutionaries that promoted the Reign of Terror and other extreme measures, active chiefly from 1789 to 1794: so called from the Dominican convent in Paris, where they originally met.

Mass Production

The manufacture of many identical products by the division of labor into many small repetitive tasks. This method was introduced into the spinning of cotton thread by Richard Arkwright.

they blended the teachings of confucianism, buddhism, and Daoism, this created neo-confucian teachings.

During the song dynasty what changes happend in confucian thought?

Who's followers became known as Ottomans?

Osman I (Othman)


Phoenecians trade, farming, nomadic herding

Who came to America in 1620?


Khmer Empire

The most powerful and longest-lasting kingdom on the mainland of southwest Asia, centering in what is today Cambodia from A.D. 800 - 1200.

Crimean War

*(1853-1856) **Resulted from Russian expansion into the Ottoman Empire but the French and British intervened and helped Ottomans


**(philosophy) the philosophical doctrine that physical object continue to exist when not perceived

Otto von Bismarck

**Chancellor of Prussia from 1862 until 1871, when he became chancellor of Germany. *A conservative nationalist. *He led Prussia to victory against Austria (1866) and France (1870) and was responsible for the creation of the German Empire

Frankfurt Assembly

**German Parliament met in Frankfurt to fulfill a liberal and nationalist dream: the preparation of a constitution for a united Germany *1848--> FAILED

Social Darwinism

**The application of ideas about evolution and "survival of the fittest" to human societies - particularly as a justification for their imperialist expansion.

Boxer Rebellion

*1899 rebellion in Beijing, China started by a secret society of Chinese who opposed the "foreign devils". *The rebellion was ended by British Troops.

James Watt

*A Scottish engineer *Created the steam engine that worked faster and more efficiently than earlier engines *Continued improving the engine, inventing a new type of governor to control steam pressure and attaching a flywheel.

"The White Man's Burden"

*A poem written by Rudard Kiplling, it was about slavery, many europeans believed that they had a duty to spreAd their religion and culture to people whom they considered to be less civilized said by Rudyard Kipling


*A school of late 19th century French painters who pictured appearances by strokes of unmixed colors to give the impression of reflected light. *, An artistic movement/revolution that wanted to capture a momentary feel, or impression, of the piece they were drawing

Concert of Europe

*A series of alliances among European nations in the 19th century, devised by Prince Klemens von Metternich to prevent the outbreak of revolutions.


*An increase in the percentage and in the number of people living in urban settlements.

Suez Canal

*Artificial waterway in Egypt, connecting the Mediterranean Sea to Gulf of Suez, and then to the Red Sea. * Ship canal dug across the isthmus of Suez in Egypt, designed by Ferdinand de Lesseps. *It opened to shipping in 1869 and shortened the sea voyage between Europe and Asia. * Its strategic importance led to the British conquest of Egypt in 1882.

Mohandas Ghandi

*Became one of the most respected spirtual and polictal leaders in India in the 1900's, 1869-1948. *Major spiritual and political leader of India and the Indian Peace Movement. *Known as "Father of The Nation" in India for his defiance of British government and success in civil rights movement. * Lead famous Dandi Salt March in opposition of British Salt Tax.

Cecil Rhodes

*Born in 1853, played a major political and economic role in colonial South Africa. *He was a financier, statesman, and empire builder with a philosophy of mystical imperialism. *Made a fortune in gold and diamond mining; helped colonize the territory now known as Zimbabwe

Berlin Conference

*Conference that German chancellor Otto von Bismarck called to set rules for the partition of Africa. It led to the creation of the Congo Free State under King Leopold II of Belgium.

Direct Rule vs Indirect rule

*Direct- Colonizer rules *Indirect- Colonizer rules through people

Tai Ping Rebellion

*Economic problems led to a peasant revolt, led by Hong Xiuquan. *The goals of the rebellion were to give land to peasants,treat women as equal. *The rebels seized Nanjing. *The Europeans came to aid of China and brought the rebellion to an end. twenty million people killed during rebellion.

Emmeline Pankhurst

*English feminist-militant in her demands-heckled politicians and held public demonstrations *(July 14, 1858 - June 14, 1928) British suffrage leader. Led movement to win the vote for women in Great Britain. Founded the Women's Social and Political Union in 1903, which held public meetings and led protest marches to the House of Commons. Jailed several times between 1908 and 1913, in where Pankhurst used hunger strikes to protest. World War I compelled Pankhurst to stop her feminist campaigns and join the war effort.

2nd Industrial Revolution

*European's belief in progress after 1871- gave rise to steel as replacement for iron, as well as chemicals, electricity and petroleum. * Added white collar workers, new class structures, more leisure time from new work week structure, economic growth, health reforms, urban sprawl, population boom, emmigration, compulsory education, mass politicsc

"The Rocket"

*First public railway line; opened in 1830, extended 32 miles from Liverpool to Manchester. could reach 50 mph *1830

Louis Pasteur

*French chemist and biologist *Whose discovery that fermentation is caused by microorganisms resulted in the process of pasteurization (1822-1895)

Sun Yat-Sen

* The first great revolutionary leader in 20th century China who founded the Alliance League in 1905. *The League aimed to overthrow the Qing to make china a republic, get rid of foreign powers and distribute land to peasants. *He created the three principles of the people, Nationalism, Socialism and Democracy. *After the Revolution, he returned from overseas to lead china, however failed to lead successfully. He handed power to Yuan Shikai.


* Was an artistic and literary movement of the early 20th century that pushed for experimentation, technicality,impersonalism, and intellectualism


A market in which there are many buyers but only one seller.


A massive uprising by French peasants in 1358 protesting heavy taxation.


A medieval European political system that defines the military obligations and relations between a lord, his vassals, and the granting of fiefs.

Hanseatic League

A mercantile association of towns that allowed for mutual protection and security.

Factory system

A method of production that brought many workers and machines together into one building.


An economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, esp. as contrasted to cooperatively of state-owned means of wealth.

Treaty of Tordesillas

An imaginary dividing line, drawn north to south, through the Atlantic Ocean. All lands to the west of the line, known as the Line of Demarcation, would be Spain's. All lands to the east of the line would belong to Portugal.


An imaginary place considered to be perfect/ ideal (Thomas Moore)

Labor Union

An organization of workers that tries to improve working conditions, wage, and benefits for its members.


Aquinas and his fellow scholars who met at the great universities were known as schoolmen

Language 1

Arabic became the language of religion, learning, commerce and government

Who ruled for the last 50 years of the Mughal empire?


Who was shot while visiting the Serbia capital?

Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie

What does the term dar al-Islam refer to?

Areas that share a common Muslim culture as a basis for society.

scorched-earth policy

Destroying crops and livestock so that one's enemy has nothing to use for food as they invade. Used by the Russians when Napoleon invaded in 1812.

What was discovered in southern Africa in the 1860's and 1880's?


Order and Progress-

Diaz's political slogan

Anastasio Somoza

Dictator of Nicaragua who for years ruled it like a private preserve, executing opponents at will. By the late 1970's poverty stricken people supported a new party (Sandinista National Liberation Front)

World Tour-

Dowager Empress sent a group of Chinese officials to study foreign countries different governments. When they returned to China they suggested to restructure their government to be like the Japanese Constitutional Monarchy. Cixi began making reforms and in 1917 they established a full constitution.

What did the English King Charles II grant allow his brother the Duke of York to do?

Drive the Dutch out of New Netherland

Self-Strengthening Movement-

During the 1860's. This movement in China promoted by Dowager Empress Cixi to update China's military, education, and diplomatic service.

Guglielmo Marconi

Electric engineer known as the father of the radio.


Emperor of the Incan Empire when the spanish arrived.

Treaty of Nanjing in 1842-

Ended the Opium war gave Britian the island of Hong Kong.

Battle of San Jacinto-

Ended the Texas Revolt (1835-1836) and Santa Anna was captured.

Gottlieb Daimler

Engineer and automobile manufacturer, who produced first high-speed internal combustion engine.


English author from 1759-97 who was one of the first feminists and preached woman's rights and denounced men for excluding them from Enlightenment ideas

What is ethical monotheism and why is it important?

Ethical monotheism is a term used to describe the belief in a God who guides humanity through ethical principles....

Where did the Ottoman empire expand to?

Europe, North Africa, South East Asia, and South West Asia (Middle East)

Where were France and England also fighting?

Europe, West India's and India

Why was the contest between the Europeans and Africans never equal?

European's superior arms

Who was guilty of it?



Eventually, Portuguese sailors traded for African captives to be used as what?

End of the Terror

Finally Robespierre goes too far and is arrested and sentenced to death., he is the last victim of the terror.

Truman Doctrine

First established in 1947 after Britain no longer could afford to provide anti-communist aid to Greece and Turkey, it pledged to provide U.S. military and economic aid to any nation threatened by communism.

religious practices 2

Follow the 5 pillars of Islam, go on pilgrimages, Worship in Mosques, give alms

Factions split France

Food shortages and government debt still caused problems. The Legislative Assembly split into three groups.

Who was the Dutch's leader?

Henry Hudson

Education 2

Highest degree required ten years study. Students wore headdress called turban that was symbolic of divine light, wisdom, knowledge and excellent moral character

Himalayan and Karakoram mountains ranges

Highest mountains in the world. "roof of the world" - over 29,000 miles high - Tibetan word "Yeti" magical creature; abominable snow man. On border of India, Nepal, and Tivet. 1925 a Greek photographer claimed to see it and prints. Reputations (incl. Sir Edmund Hilary, character & competence)

What 2 religions kept India separated?

Hindu and Muslim

Religious Change

Hindu-all about priests Buddh- increasingly difficult

What important contributions did the Aryans make to the culture and way of life in India in terms of religion, literature, and roles in society?

Hinduism, Vedas and Caste System

U-2 Incident

In which the Russians shot down a high altitude US spy plane over the Soviet Union; this incident exposed a secret US tactic for gaining information.


Incan extended family.


Incan set of knotted strings used to record data.

The Boxer Rebellion was to China what the Sepoy Mutiny was to _______.


Who was considered Britain brightest "jewel in the crown?"


What 2 methods of management emerged and who used each?

Indirect: Britain and USA Direct: France

Movable Type

Individual characters made of wood or metal that can be arranged to create a job for printing and then used over again.


Individuals that had lived particularly holy lives, and were consequently accorded great honor by medieval Christians. Saints were believed to possess the power to work miracles and were frequently invoked for healing and protection.


Official language of the Inca.

The English and the French fought over what land claims?

Ohio Valley

Judaism: Number of gods

One God

Oda Nobunaga

One daimyo defeated his rivals and seized the imperial capital Kyoto in 1568.Following his own motto, "rule the empire by force," he sought to eliminate his remaining enemies. It was the first time firearms had been used effectively in battle in Japan. He wasn't able to unify Japan. He committed suppuku when one of his own generals turned on him.

Tokugawa Ieyasu

One of Hideyoshi's strongest daimyo allies that completed the unification of Japan. In 1600, he defeated his rivals at eh Battle of Sekigahara. His victory earned him the loyalty of daimyo throughout Japan. He became the sole ruler (shogun). He moved the capital to Edo.

What did the Dutch do to encourage settlers?

Open door to a verity of people

Social Reform

Organized attempt to improve what is unjust or imperfect in society.

Buddhism: Number of gods

Originally no gods

Harappan Geography

Origins o Lower reaches of Indus Valley in modern Pakistan. Used to be much more fertile (a common theme - present dispute about global warming) o May have covered 600,000 square miles, from Himalayas to coast of the Indian ocean. An area much larger than that of Egypt or Mesopotamia. 100's of villages and many cities along river valleys


People of Manchuria. They invaded China and the Ming Dynasty collapsed. They seized Beijing, and their leader became China's new emperor. They took a Chinese name for their dynasty, Qing Dynasty.

Describe Africa in the mid 1800's before European domination of Africa

People were divided into hundreds of ethnic and linguistic groups. They had different religions and spoke more than 1000 languages

In the 1890's where did the US begin to colonize?



The Jewish version of the bible, considered the most sacred writing in their tradition...

Babylonian Captivity

The Jews were forced out of Israel and had to live in Babylonia

The Great Schism

The Great Split: (A.D. 1054) Western Europe: Roman Catholic Eastern Europe: Eastern Orthodox

What did the war become known as? Why?

The Great War; Millions had lost their lives and everyone was affected


The Hebrew prophet who led the Israelites from Egypt across the Red sea on a journey known as the Exodus

What does the works of Leonardo da Vinci, the importance of the Medici family, and the wealth of Mediterranean Sea trade descibe?

The Italian Renaissance.

What British passenger ship was sunk in 1915, and how many Americans were on board?

The Lusitania; 128

In July, 1918 where did the Allies along with U.S. troops clash with the Germans?

The Marne River-2nd Battle of Marne

The middle ages

The Middle Ages also saw a rise in movement toward the cities and the emergence of powerful merchant classes throughout Europe. Merchants tended to consolidate and protect their interests through the establishment of guilds. As an indicator to this economic growth, there was a significant increase in both the number and the size of churches and cathedrals that were built. Universities emerged in many major cities, which tended to focus on theological, medical, and legal courses of study. Classes were conducted in Latin and were limited to men. Vernacular literature also flourished, with many songs, poems, and stories written down in local dialects. The troubadours of southern France, with their love songs and ballads emerged as vehicles of popular culture.

What didn't the Hindus want restored?

The Muslim Mughal Empire

Third age of English

The Norman conquest 1066

Bill of Rights

The first ten amendments of the U.S. Constitution, containing a list of individual rights and liberties, such as freedom of speech, religion, and the press.


The idea that the goal of society should be to bring about the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people.

What is rationing?

The limiting of the amounts of goods people can buy


The ratio of the quantity and quality of units produced to the labor per unit of time.

Fourth age of English

The resurgence of English

Name & describe the 3 gradual developments that ultimately led to WWI.

The rise of Nationalism: Europe's great powers all had a deep devotion to their nations. This caused competition for materials and markets and territorial dispute. Imperialism: European countries were competing for colonies in Africa and Asia. This made their rivalry and mistrust among countries greater. Militarism: the European nations all wanted a powerful military. This caused a dangerous European arms race.

What was "no man's land"?

The space between the opposing trenches

What was a result of the political revolutions in the late 18th and 19th century?

The spread of Enlightenment ideas through Europe and the Americas

What best defines genocide?

The systematic murder of ethnic minorities.


The term for the architectural and artistic style that prevailed in Europe from the mid-twelfth to the sixteenth century.

What were some of the borrowings of the Hittites?

They borrowed the language Akkadian from the Babylonians they had conquered. They also borrowed ideas about literature, art, politics and law from the Mesopotamians


They bought Asian goods from Muslims. They controlled trade across the land routes of the Mediterranean region. They resold the items at increased prices to merchants throughout Europe.


They built fortified castles and created small armies of samurai on horses. Later they added foot soldiers with muskets (guns) to their ranks. Rivals often fought each other for territory. This led to disorder throughout Japan.

How did the new Imperialism differ from the old Imperialism?

They Europeans demanded more influence over the economic, political, and social lives of the people. They also wanted the people to adopt European customs

Why didn't many French settle in America?

They didn't want to build towns or raise families

Judaism: Holy books

Torah and other books of the Hebrew Bible

What type of war was it known as and why?

Total War because everything was destroyed and everyone was involved

What was the treaty Russia signed with Germany to end the war between them?

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

What type of war was in the Western Front and describe it?

Trench Warfare; Soldiers fought eachother from trenches

Eleanor of Aquitaine

most celebrated woman of the age; French duchy of Aquitaine, later queen of England, mother of two kings


most indian families were __________, headed by the eldest male.

small villages, farmers

most indians lived in _____ ________. the majority were _______, who walked daily from their homes to outlying fields

Kiev's Decline

• Yaroslav divides realm between his sons; causes civil war • Kiev's commerce is further weakened by the Crusades • The Crusades—clash between Christians and Muslims over Holy Lands

What trade did they want to control in Nigeria?


record keeping

paper was much more convenient for ______ _______, so chinese bureaucracy expanded

A Religious Split

• Christianity develops differently in Eastern and Western Roman Empires • Two churches disagree over many issues, including use of icons • Icons are religious images used to aid in prayer• Leading bishop of Eastern Christianity known as patriarch • In the West, pope excommunicated emperor—banished him from theChurch • Pope and patriarch excommunicate each other over religious doctrines • Eastern and Western churches officially split in 1054 • West—Roman Catholic Church; East—Orthodox Church

Constantinople's Hectic Pace

• City becomes trading hub with major marketplace • Giant Hippodrome offers chariot races and other entertainment • Racing fans start riots in 532; government restores order violently • Empress Theodora—powerful wife and adviser to Justinian

The Seljuks and the Crusaders

• Crusades begin in 1095—Christians drive Turks out of Anatolia • In 1099, Crusaders capture Jerusalem; massacre Muslims and Jews • Fragment of Seljuk Empire fights back, Muslims recover Jerusalem • Captain Saladin allows Western pilgrims access to Christian holy places

Contributing Social factors to Fall of the Western Roman Empire

• Decline in interest in public affairs, *Low confidence in empire, *Disloyalty, lack of patriotism, corruption, *Contrast between rich and poor, *Decline in population due to disease and food shortage

Byzantine Missionaries Convert the Slavs

• Eastern Orthodox missionaries seek to convert northern peoples, Slavs • Missionaries create Cyrillic alphabet—basis of many Slavic languages • Alphabet enables many groups to read the Bible

Malik Shah Dies

• In 1092 Malik Shah dies; no capable shah replaces him • Seljuk Empire disintegrates into loose collection of minor kingdoms

Slavs and Vikings

• In 800s, Vikings settle among Slavs; move to Kiev • Vikings and Slavs mix cultures, become one

Creating the Imperial Capital

• Justinian launches program to beautify capital, Constantinople • Constructs new buildings; builds magnificent church, Hagia Sophia • Byzantines preserve Greco-Roman culture and learning

New Laws for the Empire

• Justinian seeks to revise and update laws for governing the empire • Justinian Code—new set of laws consisting of four main parts • Code regulates much of Byzantine life; lasts for 900 years

An Empire Emerges

• Late 1400s Ivan III becomes prince of Moscow; challenges Mongol rule • Takes the name czar, Russian for "Caesar", and vows to restore Russia • Russian and Mongol armies face off at Ugra River in 1480 • Both armies retreat and Russia gains freedom from Mongol rule

Seljuks Face the Mongols

• Mongol armies under leader Hulagu capture Baghdad in 1258 • Hulagu, Genghis Kahn's grandson, burns palace, kills Abbasid caliph • Ends Turkish rule with much bloodshed

Mongol Rule in Russia

• Mongols give Russians many freedoms, but demand obedience, tribute • Russian nobles such as Alexander Nevsky support Mongols • Mongol rule isolates Russia from rest of Europe

The Mongols

• Mongols, nomads from central Asia, begin conquests in early 1200s • Kiev falls in 1240 to Genghis Khan's grandson, Batu Khan • Mongols rule much of Russia for the next 200 years

The Rise of Moscow

• Moscow founded in 1100s—located near Russia's three main rivers

Moscow's Powerful Princes

• Moscow's princes grow strong under Mongol rule throughout the1300s

The Eastern Roman Empire

• Roman Empire officially divides into East and West in 395 • Eastern Empire flourishes; becomes known as Byzantium • Justinian becomes emperor of Byzantium in 527 • His armies reconquer much of former Roman territory • Byzantine emperors head state and church; use brutal politics

Geography of Russia

• Russian territory: west of Ural Mountains, Black Sea to Baltic Sea • Forests in north, hilly grasslands in south; three great rivers

The Conquering Seljuks

• Turks are a nomadic group living along western border of China • Group led by Turkish family—the Seljuks—seizes Baghdad in 1055 • In 1071 Seljuk sultans crush Byzantine Empire at Battle of Manzikert • Seljuks take most of Anatolia; bring Turks close to Constantinople

The Turks Secure Persian Support

• Turks seek support of Persians and embrace Persian culture • Give Persians key posts, including that of vizier, or prime minister • Adopt Persian language and religion—Islam • Malik Shah was one of the most famous Seljuk rulers, or shahs • He and other shahs support Persian artists; build mosques

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