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Predictive Maintenance (beyond)

(AKA condition-based maintenance) uses measurement and signal processing to: 1.) Accurately diagnose the condition of equipment based on the deviation from established baseline parameters 2.) Determine when maintenance is required

Preventive Engineering (beyond)

-Also known as Early Equipment Management -Addresses the start-up period for new equipment -Goal is to shorten the lead time for getting the new equipment operating and making defect-free products -TPM considerations are included during: Equipment conceptual design Basic and detail design Procurement and fabrication Testing and turnover -Considerations include: Reliability Maintainability Economy Operability Safety

Benefits of PM Promotion for Operators (beyond)

-Expanded skill base -Better understanding of equipment and processes -Greater ability to correct routine problems -More reliable equipment -Opportunity to improve equipment and work area

Most Common Predictive Maintenance Tools (beyond)

-Laser shaft alignment -Ultrasonic testing -Oil analysis -Wear particle analysis -Laser transit alignment -Infrared imaging and sensing -Vibration analysis Spare parts control!

Benefits of PM Promotion for Maintenance (beyond)

-Opportunity to gain advanced maintenance skills -Less routine maintenance -More time for major preventive/predictive maintenance -Better understanding of equipment and processes -Greater ability to troubleshoot and repair problems

Product Design and 3P Pillar (beyond)

-Products need to be designed with production in mind (DFMA) -At the same time, the equipment need to be designed with specific parts in mind -3P (Preparation/ Process/ Production) is a tool used to optimize equipment and product design, relying on a concerted effort by Product Design, Manufacturing Engineering, Purchasing, Marketing, and Production -3P and TPM input should be a part of a structured new product development process

Key Planned Maintenance Activities (beyond)

-Standardize equipment -Maintain optimal operating conditions -Analyze equipment history -Analyze repair records

TPM Responsibilities: Management

1.) Communicate plans, goals, and expectations, 2.) Provide resources 3.) Recognize and reward success 4.) Lead by example

Improving Predictive Maintenance (beyond)

1.) Condition-based maintenance 2.) Accurate data without disruption 3.) Proactive steps to prevent failure 4.) There are seven condition monitoring techniques

Breakdown of 6 Equipment Malfunctions by 3 Loss Categories

1.) Downtime Losses (adversely affecting availability, utilization) -Equipment breakdowns -Setup and adjustment 2.) Speed losses (adversely affecting efficiency, performance) -idling and minor stoppages -reduced operating speed 3.) Defect Losses (adversely affecting quality output, yield) -Process defects -Reduced yield

Autonomous Maintenance Implementation (beyond)

1.) Identify process critical machinery and equipment 2.) Perform initial cleaning 3.) Resolve sources of dirt and contamination 4.) Create cleaning and lubrication standards 5.) Train operators on equipment maintenance requirements 6.) Implement a comprehensive maintenance system 7.) Establish periodic audits of maintenance effectiveness

TPM Responsibilities: Engineering

1.) Implement equipment improvement ideas 2.) Engineering improvement solutions 3.) Provide technical/training support 4.) Communicate with operators and maintenance

Typical Equipment Challenges: TPM ADDRESSES ALL OF THEM! (OMG SO COOL!)

1.) Lack of Lubrication 2.) Contamination 1 .) + 2.) account for over 70% of FAILURES! 3.) Gages cannot be read or are not working 4.) Electrical connectors are loose 5.) Hydraulic/ air lines are leaking 6.) Filters are dirty 7.) Coolants are at wrong concentration 8.) Fasteners are not tight 9.) Pinch points are not guarded 10.) Cooling fans are dirty 11.) Motors are coated with dirt and oil 12.) Chips and fluids are not contained 13.) Fluids are on the floor 14.) Tools are not always available

Scheduled Maintenance (beyond)

1.) Machine Calibration 2.) Overhauls 3.) Plant Shutdown Activities 4.) Technical Inspections

How to make operators more independent for Autonomous Maintenance: (beyond)

1.) Make documentation more available 2.) Define maintenance/manufacturing activities 3.) Show operator how to perform daily checks 4.) Train in basic operation, maintenance. and defect detection 5.) Make daily activities visible 6.) Clearly identify items to supervise

TPM Goals

1.) Maximize overall equipment effectiveness 2.) Promote PM and equipment ownership 3.) Implement and constantly improve preventive and predictive maintenance 4.) Increase maintenance skills of both operators and maintenance technicians 5.) Effectively manage equipment from design through retirement

TPM Philosophy

1.) Optimized maintenance requires competent operators trained in autonomous maintenance and equipment knowledge 2.) The traditional approach of detecting and correcting faulty conditions as they occur requires replacement and waste of productivity 3.) Use of a proactive system which monitors and corrects causes 4.) A maintenance strategy based on understanding the cause and effect system affecting process and equipment performance 5.) The operator is the first line caretaker 6.) Maintenance personnel are the strategic specialized caretakers

TPM Responsibilities: Operators

1.) Prevent equipment deterioration 2.) Measure equipment deterioration 3.) Correct or report equipment abnormalities 4.) Participate in equipment improvement

TPM Responsibilities: Maintenance

1.) Provide technical support to operators 2.) Train operators 3.) Perform major equipment repairs/overhauls 4.) Improve preventive/predictive maintenance 5.) Participate in equipment improvement


1.) Safety 2.) Autonomous Maintenance 3.) Planned Maintenance 4.) OEE Focus and Process Improvement 5.) Early Equipment Management 6.) Product Design and 3P 7.) Training and Skills Development

Seven Condition Monitoring Techniques (beyond)

1.) Thermal methods include the use of: -Thermal paint to render motor overheating visible -Thermography to monitor the temperature of furnaces and the condition of power lines 2.) Lubricant Monitoring -Methods range in sophistication from monitoring lubricant color, oxidation, and metal particle content to spectro-chemical analysis 3.) Leak Detection -Leaks from pressure vessels are detected using ultrasonic methods or halogen gases 4.) Noise Monitoring -Various types of devices monitor the condition of the equipment through the noise it generates 5.) Corrosion Monitoring -Acoustic emission and other methods are used to monitor the condition of metals 6.) Crack Detection -Detected using magnetic flux, electrical resistance, eddy currents, ultrasonic waves, or radiation 7.) Vibration Control -Shock pulse and other methods are used, mainly on machinery with moving parts

Typical Reported Results: after TPM implementation in 150 companies

1.) Unplanned downtime (down 50-60%) 2.) Breakdown costs (down 70-80%) 3.) Spare parts costs (down 15-30%) 4.) Product defects (down 85-90%) 5.) Lead times (down 50-75%) 6.) On time deliveries (up 50-95%)

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

1.) Utilization (Availability) -actual run time : available run time -90% or better (95% = world class) 2.) Efficiency (Performance) -actual run speed : design run speed -95% or better (97% = world class) 3.) Yield (Quality Output) -quality items produced : total items produced -99% or better (99.9%+ = world class)

Did you know?

75% of all equipment deterioration can be detected by a trained operator (OMG!!) --> The remaining 25% can be detected by trained maintenance technicians performing scheduled and predictive maintenance --> Therefore, all breakdown can be prevented

Total Productive Maintenance

A "lean" maintenance strategy for maximizing equipment reliability

What is TPM?

A company-wide process for maximizing equipment value A focus on total effectiveness, not just "uptime" A minimization of equipment life cycle costs A shift in responsibilities to maximize associate involvement A program that increases operators' skills A competitive advantage


A comparison of the actual output and what the equipment is designed to produce

Quality Output

A comparison of the number of products produced and the number of products that meet the customer expectation (or specifications)


A comparison of the potential operating time with actual time the equipment is producing products

Training and Skill Development Pillar (beyond)

A structured Program for developing associate skills and knowledge to support TPM implementation and improvement -Skill levels should be defined and tracked -Maintenance should be heavily involved in leading and contributing to most of the training -Training goals should be established and measured -Skill-set charts should be developed and updated on a regular basis TPM requires flexibility/skill matrix! Be ready to move between jobs rapidly.

Corrective Maintenance (beyond)

All unscheduled maintenance actions caused by breakdowns in equipment. Corrective Maintenance cycle includes: 1.) Locating and isolating the failure 2.) Disassembly 3.) Item replacement or repair 4.) Re-assembly 5.) Condition verification 6.) Perform a root-cause Corrective 7.) Analysis to ensure that the problem will not re-occur - "Ask the 5 Why's"

Look at slide 24, looks like something important

But it makes no sense in a quizlet format

Maintenance Responsibilities Shift (beyond)

Daily routine (Operators) --> Strategic Issues (Maintenance) Operators: Adjusting, lubricating, setups, inspection/PM Maintenance: Improvement, overhaul, predictive maintenance, new equipment input, training operators

OEE: The 6 Big Losses (40% of total losses)

Downtime losses --> Breakdowns + setups/adjustments Speed losses --> Reduced speed + minor stoppages & idling Defect losses --> Defects & Reworks + Startup & Yield losses

Six Major Equipment Malfunctions in Three Loss Categories

Equipment Related Waste: 1.) Downtime Losses 2.) Speed losses 3.) Defect Losses

OEE Calculation Example (look at slides 28-31)

Equipment availability - scheduled downtime = net operating time Availability = run time/net operating time Performance = net run time/running time Quality = productive run time/net run time OEE = A * P * Q

To effectively manage equipment, we need good equipment design and lifecycle costs.

Good equipment design: reliability, maintainability, accessibility, flexibility, productivity. + Lifecycle costs

Early Equipment Management Flow (beyond)

Mass Production --> System Initiation --> System Development --> System Maturity --> System Excellence

World Class Targets for OEE

OEE = 92% A = 95% + P = 97% + Q = 99.9% +

Who owns TPM?

Ownership is company wide: Operators, Maintenance, Engineers, Managers. All about treating equipment like its your own.

What are the benefits of TPM?

PEOPLE: productivity, skill levels, morale, safety and ergonomic improvements, teamwork and communication PROCESS: quality, breakdowns, costs


Producing a desired quality outcome (YIELD), with decisive performance (AVAILABILITY), and the desired effect or output (EFFICIENCY/PERFORMANCE) Thus, efficiency is a component of effectiveness.

Safety Pillar (beyond)

SAFETY IS NUMBER 1! A safe manufacturing environment has: 1.) A safety training program 2.) Adequate lighting 3.) Sound ergonomic design 4.) Lock-out/Tag-out Procedures for machinery 5.) Visual controls 6.) Mistake proofing in place 7.) PPE matrix posted

Key Planned Maintenance System Elements (beyond)

Task descriptions and lists Standards Schedules Completion reports Machine condition reports Downtime/failure reports Corrective action reports Training/certification records

Why is TPM important?

The AVAILABILITY, PERFORMANCE, and QUALITY OUTPUT from equipment is critical in a lean enterprise

Overall Equipment Effeciveness

The industry standard for measuring the effectiveness of equipment. It is more than just a traditional measure of efficiency. It includes Availability, Performance, Quality Output. OEE = Uptime * Efficiency * Yield

Early Equipment Management: (beyond)

The strategic assessment questions are: 1.) Are efforts made to systematically understand the causes of startup problems in new equipment? 2.) Do engineering, development and procurement teams work with maintenance and production personnel to participate and prevent costly retrofitting or debugging after installation? 3.) Do standard operating procedures (S.O.P.) exist for capturing and applying the knowledge gained in startup improvement activities to prevent problems in the future?

OEE Focus and Process Improvement (beyond)

This pillar directly addresses equipment related losses Establishment of an OEE measurement System: -Loss data is captured real time -Data is analyzed and issues are prioritized -Team members can be engineers, maintenance, supervisors, operators, technicians -Kaizen events, SMED -Project work, Six-Sigma project -Just establish the system

Planned Maintenance Pillar (beyond)

This pillar represents the responsibilities of the Maintenance Team in establishing a structured process to prevent/ minimize equipment losses. Made of: Scheduled Maintenance Corrective Maintenance Predictive Maintenance Spare Parts Control

Autonomous Maintenance Pillar (beyond)

This refers to activities carried out by shop floor teams (operators), in cooperation with maintenance staff (when needed), to stabilize basic equipment conditions and identify problems early. The majority of all equipment problems can be detected, at an early stage, by equipment operators that are trained and expected to detect problems. On average, corrective maintenance is 10x more expensive than effective TPM.

Lifecycle Costs

Tip of the iceberg: 1.) Acquisition costs (planning, design, development, construction, installation) 2.) Distribution costs (packaging, transportation, storage) ~Below the water: the bulk of the iceberg~ 3.) Training costs 4.) Operating costs (labor, utilities, space, taxes) 5.) Ongoing maintenance costs 6.) Tool and test equipment costs 7.) Inventory costs (spares, materials) 8.) Retirement and disposal costs

Rahkshani's goal

To give us the means to be successful in any job, any position, any industry, any country, any culture, anytime, anywhere

The 5 Why's (beyond)

Why did the machine shut down? A: The Motor burned out. Why did the motor burn out? A: The shaft seized. Why did the shaft seize? A: There was no lubrication. Why was there no lubrication? A: The line filter was clogged. Why was the line filter clogged? A: It was the wrong-sized mesh! <-- ROOT CAUSE!

Why is TPM important? (without vs with)

With vs. Without 1.) Standard work: difficult vs. enabled 2.) Productivity: poor vs. better 3.) Delivery: unpredictable vs. predictable 4.) Scheduling: complex vs. easier 5.) Morale: low vs. high 6.) Quality: low vs. higher 7.) Safety: more risks vs. safer

Ultimate Goals of TPM Program

Zero Accidents Zero Breakdowns Zero Defects

OEE Tracking

track dat ish!

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