training and development test 2

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Reninforcement theory

emphasizes that people are motivated to perform or avoid certain behaviors became of past outcomes that have resulted from those behaviors.

Stakeholders include

persons in the organization who have an interest I traing and development and their support is important fro determing its success ( or failure.). they help with needs assemet is by establishing formal advisory group that meet on a regular basisi to discuss learning issues . thehy make sure that revelant stakeholders are included in interviews , etc.

Ability includes the

physical and mental capacities to performa a task

Punishment is

presenting an unpleasant outcome after a behavior, leading to a decrease in that behavior

Mcclelland;s need theory focused

primarily on needs for achievement, affillation and power. These needs can be learned. The need fo r achievement relates to a concern of attaining and maintain self set standards fo exellance . the need for affiliation involves concern for building and maintaining relationships with other people for being accepted by others. The need for power is a concern for obtaining resposiblity, influence, and reputation.

Information processing theories

propose that information or messages takn in by the learner undergo several transformations in the human brain. Stimulus or message, receptors( eye, ears, nose, skin), sensory register, short term memory, long term memory, response generator, effectors, environment/feedback reinforcement

Needs assessment refers to

the process used top determine whether trainig is necessary. Involves organizational analyisis, person analysis, and task analysis. Helps determine whetehr the company will outsource its traiing

Negative reinforcement is

the removal of an unpleasant outcome

Consequences refers to

the type of incentives that employees recive for performing well.

Job incumbets

( employee who are currently performing the job) must be involved in the process because they tend to be most knowledgeable about the job and can be a great hindrance to the training process if they do not feel they have had input into the needs assessment.

Adult learning theory :

Addults have the need to know why they learning something . adults have a need to be self directed. Adults bring a more work related experiences into the learning situation. Adults enter a learning experience with a problem centered approach to learning. Adults are motivated to learn by extrinsic and intrinsic motivators

If trainees reading level does not match the level needed fro the training materials, four options are available.

First trainers ca determine wheter it is feasible to lower the reading level of traiing materials or use video or on the job traing , which involves learing by watching and practicing rather than by reading. Second , employees without the necessary reading level could be identified through reading tests and reassigned to other poisitons more congruent with their skill levels. Third again using reading tests, trainers ca identify employees who lack the necessary reading skills and provide them with remedial training. Fourth trainers can consider whether the job can be redesigned to accomidate employees reading levels. .

The process used in developing a competency model.:

Identify business strategy and goals. Identify jobs, postions, or job families. Conduct interviews and focus groups with top performers. Develop competencies and a competency model. Validate and review the model.

A task analysis involves four steps:

Select the job or jobs to be analyzed. Develop a preliminary lists fo task performed o the job by interviwin g and observing expert employees and their managers and talking with others who have performed a task analysis . validate or confirm the preliminary list s of tasks. This step involves having a group of SMEs answer in a meeting or on a written survey several questions regarding the tasks. You have to identify the kowlege, skills o rtasks that are difficult to learn or prone to errors such as decision making or prombem soving tasks


The process of withdrawing positive or negative reinforcers to eliminate a behavior

Rapid needs assessment refers to

a needs assessmet that is done quickly and accurately but without sacrificing the quality of the process or the outcomes. The scope of the eeds assessmet depeds on the size of the potential pressure point. You must consider using already available data collected for other purposes. If you are attuned to the busiess problems, techolgical developments, and other issues facig the organization you will need to anticpate traiig needs

Positive reinforcement is

a pleasurable outcome resulting from a behavior

A job is

a specific position requiring the completion of certain tasks.

Focus groups are

a type of SME interview that involves a face to face meeting with groups of SMEs in which the questions that are asked relate to specific training needs

Expectancies are belifes

about the link between trying to perform a behavior and actually performing. Is similar to self efficacy

Norms refer to

accepted standards of behavior for work group members

Past accomplishments refers to

allowing employees to build a history of successful accomplishments. Managers can place employees in situations where they are likely to succeed and provide training that employees know what to do how to do it.

Intellectual skills

apply generalizable concepts and rules to solve problems and generate novel products

Crowdsourcing refers to

asking stakeholders to provide information for needs assment.

Goal setting theory

assumes that behavior results from a persons conscious goals and intentions. Goals influence a person's hevairo by directing energy and attention, sustaining effort over time, and motivating the person to develop strategies for goal attainment. Specific , challenging goals result in better performance. Employees are less likely to be committed to a goal if they belive that it is too difficult . suggest that learning can be facilated by providing trainees with specific challenging goals and objectives. You should develop a learning plans, they begin with specific goals providing information regarding the expected action that the learner will demonstrate, conditions under which learning will occur, and the level of performance that will be judged acceptable

Online techonolgy is

available to monitor and track employee performance . useful for identifying traiing needsnd providing employee with feed back regarding their skill strengths and weaknesses.

Personal characteristics include

basic skills, cognitive ability , language skills, and other traits that employees need to perform thier jobs or learn in traiing and development programs effectively

instrumentality is the

belif that performing a given behavior is associated with particular outcome

External events in fluence learning these events include:

changes in the intensity or frequency of the stimulus that affect attention. Informing the learner fo the objectives to establish an expectation. Enhancing perceptual feautres of the material ( stimulus), drawing the attention of the learner to certain feautures. Verbal insturctions, pictures, diagrams, and maps suggesting ways to code the training content so that it can be stored in memory. Meaningful learning context ( examples, problems) creating cues that facilitate coding. Demonstration or verbal instruction helping to organize the learners response, as well as facilitating the selection of the correct response


choose a personal course of action. Includes a cognitive compeonet ( belifs), an affective component (feeling ), and an intential component ( the way a person intends to behave with regard to the focus of the attitude.

Skill indiciates

competency in performing a task.

Others refers to the

conditions under which tasks are performed.

Organizational analyisis considers the

context in which training will occur. Involves determing the appropriateness fo training, give the compay;s business strategy , it resources available for traiing, ad support by managers and peers for training activites. Strategic direction. Support of managers, peers, and e ployees for traiing activites. Training resources. Do we want to devote time and money to training ? buy vs. build, other HR option, such as selection.

A need is a

deficiency that a person is experiencing at any point in time. A need motivates a person to behave in a manner that satisfies the deficiency.

Benchmarking helps to

determine the approapriate type, level , and frequency of training

Gap analysis includes

determing what is responsible for the difference between employees current and expected performance.

Learners can obtain several benefits from participating in the training programs

easier and interesting wasy to perform their job ( job related), meeting other employees who can serve as resources when problems occur( personal) or increasing opportunities to consider new position in the company ( career related).

Person characteristics refer to

employee knolege, skill, ability, and attitudes.

Self efficacy is

employees belief that they can perform their job or lear the content of the training program successfully.Self efficacy level can be increased by : letting employees know what the purpose of training is to try to improve performance rather than to identify areas in which employee are incompetent. Providing as much information as possible about the training program dn athe purpose of training prior to the actual training. Showing employees the training success of their peers who are now in similar jobs. Providing employees with feedback that learning difficulties they experience in the program. is a person judgement about wheter he or she can successfully learn nowlege and skills. Atrainee with high self efficacy will make effors to learn in a training program and will be most likely to persit in learning even if an environment is not conductive to learning. A person self efficacy can be increased using several methods: verbal persuasion, logical vertications, observation of others ( modeling ), and past accomplishments.

Subject matter experts( SMEs) are

employees, academics, managers, technical experts, trainers, and even customers or suppliers who are knowlege with regard to training issues, including tasks to be performed; the knowledge, skills, abilties required for successful task performance; the necessary equipment; and the conditions uder which the tasks have to be performed.

Traing or development method:

evaluation, learning enviorment, transfer of training.

Motor skills

execute a phyuical action with precision and timing

Knowledge includes

facts or procedures

Maslow's and alderfer's need theories

focused on physicological needs, relatedness needs(needs to interact with other persons) , and growth needs( self esteem and self actualization). Both belived that person start by trying to satisfy needs at the lowest level, then progress up the hierarchy as lower level needs are satisfied. The major difference between alderfer's and maslow's hierarchies of needs is that Alderfer allows the possibility that if higher level needs are not satisfied , employees will refocus on lower levels

From a training perspective, reinforcement theory suggest that

for learners to acquire knowledge, change behavior, or modify skill, the trainer needs to identify what outcomes the learner finds most positive ( and negative)

First trainers collect

general information through positios specific training materials ad job descriptions.they abserve the job to become familiar with the necessary skills. Nest trainers meet with SMEs , including employees, managers, enginerers, or others who are familiar with these SMEs, trainers idetfy a list a list of regularly performed activites and priotize the list according to importance. Finally traiers identfy the skils and skill levels that are needed to perform the activites or job tasks

Stimulus generalization :

general principles are applicable to many different work situations. Training focuses on open skill. Work environment is unpredictable and highly variable. Type of transfer is far

Modeling involves

having employees who already have masterd the learning outcomes demonstrate them for trainees. Employees are likely to be motivated by the confidence and success of their peers

Maintenance refers to

the process of trainees continuing to use what they learned over time.

Mid level managers are concerned with

how training may affect the attainment of fincail goals for the particular units they supervise. Their organizational aalyis focuses on identifying how much of their budgets they want to devote to training; the types of employees who should receive traiinag and for what jobs training can make a difference in terms of improving products or customer service

A competency model

identifies the competencies necessary for each job.

Compay leaders are involved I the needs assessment process to

identify the role of trainig in relation to other huma resource practices in the company. They want training to anticipate needs, aligned with where the business is going they are also involved in identifying what business functions or units need training ( person analyisis) and in determinging if the company has the knowledge, skills, and abilites I the workforce that are necessary to meet its strategy and be competitive in the marketplace

Task analysis identifies the

important task and knowledge , skils, and behaviors that need to be emphasized in training for employees to complete their task. work activity ( task) . knowledge, skill, abliltiy, perosal capability( competency), conditions under which tasks are performed.

The advantages of surveys is that

information can be collected from a large number of persons. Allows many employees to participate in the needs assessment process. It is difficult ot collect detailed information regarding training needs.

Input relates to the

instructions that tell emplpyees what , how and whe to perform. Refers to the resources that the employees are given to help them perform. ( equipment, time, or budget)

Logical vertifaication

involves perceiving a relationship between a new taska dn a task already mastered. Trainers and managers can remind employees when they encounter learning difficultuties that they have been successful at learning similar tasks.

Processes of social learning theory -Modern reproduction

involves trying out the observed behaviors to see if they result in the same reinforcement that the model received. The ability to reproduce the behaviors or skills depends on the extent to which the learner can recall the skills or behavior. Learner must have the physical capabitiy to perform the behavior or exhibit the skill.learner must have the opportunity to practice and recive feedback to modify their behavior to be similar to the model behavior

Situational constraints include

lack of proper toosl and equipment, materials, and supplies, budgetary support, and time.

Processes of social learning theory -Retention :

learners must rember the behaviors or skills that they abserve. Learners have to code the observed behavior and skills in memory in an organizaed manner so they can recall them for the appropriate situation. Behaviors or skills can be coded as visiual images ( sysmbols) or verbal statements

Performance orientation refers to

learners who focus on task performance andhow they compare to others. They define success as high performance relative to others, value high ability more than learning, and find that errors and mistakes cause anxiety and want to avoid them.

A key issue with SMEs is

makig sure that they are knowledgeable about the content that training must cover, as well as realistic enough to be able to priortixe what content is critical to cover in the time allotted for the subject in the training curriculum

Social support refers to

managers, and peers willingness to provide feedback and reinforcement .

Cognitive strategies-

mange one's own thinking and learning processes.

Cognitive threoy :

menangiful material and coding schemes enhance storage and the rcall of training context. All types of training and environments. Type of training is near and far.

Open skills are linked to

more general learning pricniples.

Trainers are primarly interested in

needs assessment to provide them with information that they need to administer, develop, and support traiing programs.

Verbal persuasion means

offering words of encouragement to convince others they can learn

Managers should take the following steps:

provide materials, time, job related information, and other work aids necessary for employees to use new skils or behavior before participating in training programs. Speak postivitley about the company's training program to employees. Let employees know they are doing a good job when they are using training content in their work.encourage work group members to involve each other in trying to use new skills on the job by soliciting feedvack and sharing trainig experiences and situations in which training content has been helpful. Provide employees with time and apply new skills or behaviors to their work.

Learning refers to a

relatively permanent change in human capabilities that can include knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviors, and competencies that are not the result process. A key part of learning is that trainees commit to memory what hey have learned and can recall it

Competencies are

sets of skills, knowledge, abilites ,and personal characteristics tha tenable employees to perform their jobs successfully

Basic skills refers to

skils that are necessary for employees to perform on the job and learn the content of traiing progrms successfully . they include cognitive abilty ad reading and writing skills. A literacy audit can be used to determine employees basic skill levels

Verbal information

state, tell, or describe previously stored information.

Processes of social learning theory -Attention

suggest that persons canot learn by observation unless they are aware of the important aspects of a model's performances. Is influenced by characteristics of the model and the leaners. Learners must be aware of the skills or behavior they are supposed to observe. Model must be clearly identified and credible. Learner must have the physical capability to observer the model.

Expectancy theory suggest

that a person's behavior is based on three factors: expectancy, instrumentality and valence. Various choices of behavior are evaluated according to their expectancy, instumentatlity and valence. Suggest that learning is most likely to occur when employee belive that they can learn the content of the program ( expectancy). Learning and trnaserfer of training are enhanced when they are liked to outcomes such as better job performance, a slalary or peer recognition ( instumentatiltiy ) and when employees value these outcomes ( valance)

Social learning theory emphasizes

that behaviors that are reinforced ( a motivational process) will be repeated in the future. Is the primary behavior modeling training and has influenced how models are used in videos, which ccan be part of face to face, online, or moble training programs

Social learning theory emphazies that

that people learn by observing other persons ( models), whom they believe are credible and knowelege. Recognizes that behavior that is reinforced or rewarded tends to be repeated. Modesl behaviors or skill that is rewarded is adopted by the observer. Learning new skills or behviors comes from directly experiencing the conseqences of using that behavior or skill, or the process observing others and seeing the consequences fo their behavior. Learning is influenced by a persons self efficacy.

Readability refers to

the difficulty level of written materials.

A task is

the employee work activity in a specific job.

Goal orientation refers to

the goals held by a trainee in a learning situation. Goal orientation can include a learing orientation or a performance orientation. Is belived to affect the amount of effort that a trainee will expend in learning . learners with a high learning orientation will direct greater attention to the task and learn for the sake of learning, as opposed to learners with a performance orientation. Learners with a performance orientation will direct more attention to performing wel and less effort to learing.

feeback refers to

the information that employees recive while they are performing.

Output refers to

the job's performance standards.

Verbal comprehension refers to

the person capacity to understand and use written and spoken language. Quantitative ability refers to how fast and accurately a person can solve math problems. Reasoning ability refers to the person capapcitly to invent solutions to problems.

Job analysis refers to

the process of developing a dscripion of the job. That an employee must have to perform it.

Need theories help explain

the value that a person placews on certain outcomes. Suggest that to motivate learning , trainer should identify trainee needs and communicate how training program content relates to fulfilling these needs.

if a needs assement is not properly conduted,

these situations could occur: training may be incorrectly used as a solution to a performance problem. Training program may have the wrong content, objectives, or methods. Trainees may be set to thraining programs for which they do not have the basic skills, prerequisite skills, or confidence needed to learn. Training will not deliver the expected learing, behavior change, or financial results that he company expects. Money will be spent on training programs that are uncessary because they are unrelated to the compay business strategy

Employees have several interest in needs assessment :

they are concerned with how the company learning. They want to know if their manager can be expected to encourage them to take couses and programs,or informally leader , ad if they will provide support to apply what they have learned.they have to determine if they are motivated to learn as well as what tasks, knowledge, skills, or competencies they need fo rthier current job or career.

Cognititive ability includes

three dimensions: verbal comprehension, quantitative ability, and resoning abilty .

Near transfer refers to

trainees ability to apply learned capbailties exactly to the work situation.

Generalization refers to a

trainees ability to apply what they learned to on the job work problems ands situations encountered in the learning environment.

Motivation to learn is

trainees desire to learn the content of traiing programs. Influenced by person charactertistics , input, output, consequences, and feedback.

Transfer of training refers to

trainees effectectvly and continuially applying what they have learned in training to their jobs

According to reinforcement theory

trainers can withhold or provide these benefits to learners who master program content.

For newly created jobs

trainers often do not have job incumbents to rely on for this information. They technical diagrams,simulations, and equipment designers can provide information regarding the training requirements, tasks and conditions under which the job is performed.

Identical elemnets :

training enviorment is identical to work enviorment. Training focuses on closed skills. Work enviorment features are predicatable and stable. Type of transfer is near

Behavior modification is a

training method that is primarily based on reinforcement theory .

Closed skills refefr to

training objectivites that are linked to learning specific skills that are to be identically produced by the trainee on their job. There is only one correct way to complete a task

Learning orientation relates to

trying to increase ability or competence in a task. they belive that training success is defined as showing improvement and making progress, prefer trainers who are more interested in how traines are learning than in how they performing, and view errors and mistakes as part of the learning process

Valance is the

value that a person places on an outcome.

Readiness for training refers to

whether employees have the personal characteristics ( ability, attitude, belifes, and motivation) necessary to lear program content and apply it on the job, and the work enviornmetn will facilitate learningand not interfere with performance.

Person analyisi helps identify

who needs training. Involes determining whether performance deficiencies results from a lack of knowledge, skill, or ability ( a training issue) or from a motivational or work design problems; identifying who needs training; and determining employee readiness for training.person chartertistics. Inupt, output, consewquences, feedback.

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