Transcultural Nursing

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Incorporating beliefs and practices into nursing care Encourage helpful, neutral cultural practices and discourage harmful practices

Access to care

Lack of access to preventable care and language barriers can account for differences in health disparities Hispanics experienced significant access to caste issues scoring lower in 75% of measures compared with 50% for blacks and 28% for Asians


Learning social rules and rings, learning behaviors, norms, values by perceptions of others in same groups or role Process of learning to become a member of a society of

Minority griup

Made up of individuals who share race, religion, or ethnic heritage. Usually have fewer members that majority group Minority sometimes used to refer to people who receive different and unequal treatment from others in society because of their perceived differences to those in dominant group

Health Status

Minority groups experience higher rates of illness and death and in general poorer health status Infant mortality significantly higher for blacks and American Indians Blacks, American Indians, Alaskan natives higher prevalence of asthma diabetes and cardiovascular disease Blacks 8-10x more likely to have higher rates of HIV/AIDS

Quality of care

More than half of high income households received better care than low income household 2/3 of individuals that are uninsured have shown worse care


New members gradually learn and take on essential values, beliefs, and behaviors of dominant culture


Ordered system of beliefs regarding cause, nature, purpose of the universe, especially related to the worship of a God

health care jargon

Peculiar terminology and abbreviations with clients do not understand

Cultural Sensitivity

Personal attitudes and being careful not to say or do something that might be offensive to silence from a different culture

Cultural values, beliefs, and practices depend on...

Principles, standards, ideas, and behaviors that members of a cultural group share

cultural stereotyping

the unsubstantiated belief that all people of a certain racial or ethnic group are alike in certain respects

Cultural specifics

values, beliefs, and practices that are special or unique to a culture

Do not assume that....

A client shares your values/beliefs/practices of that of dominant culture


A negative attitude toward an entire category of people, often an ethnic or racial minority.


A particular preference or point of view that is personal, rather than scientific.


A symbol for reminding some of the culture species Usually not negative

Cultural awareness

Appreciation of the external signs of diversity

Material culture

Art Writings Dress Artists


Assumption that members of one sex are superior than those of the other


Becoming culturally aware requires three skills: Awareness Knowledge Desire


Behavioral manifestation of prejudice


Belief in the superiority of one's nation or ethnic group.

Characteristics of a culture

Beliefs provide identify and sense of belonging Common beliefs and practices Is both universal and dynamic Exists at many levels Values, beliefs and traditions passed down from generation to generation Cultural assumptions and habits are unconscious Culture is diverse

Barriers to culturally competent care

Bias Ethnocentrism Cultural stereotyping Prejudices Discrimination Racism Sexism Language barriers Street talk, slang, jargon

Challenges nurses face with cultural competency care

Care that is appropriate For dominate culture may be ineffective or inappropriate for people with different cultural heritage


Clients perspective may differ from yours about effects of particular practices; negotiations acknowledge the gap Must negotiate when folk or traditional practices might be harmful to client


Concurrent process of cultural and psychological change occurring when individuals or groups from one culture are placed into contact with another culture and acquire stone if those elements

Cultural competency

Continuum, ranging from incompetent to competent

Spector definition of culture

Culture is like luggage that we carry around for our lifetime; includes beliefs, habits, practices, likes and dislikes

non-material culture

Customs Traditions Beliefs Practices

American health care culture reflects...

Dominate European American culture

Language barriers

Foreign languages, dialects, regionalism, street talk and jargon


Form of prejudice and discrimination based on belief that race is the province determining factors of human traits and capabilities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority or inferiority

Dominate culture

Group that has most authority or power to control values and reward or punish behaviors Usually largest group


Groups whose members share a common social and cultural heritage that is passed from generation to generation Ex: French Canadians, Hmong, Latinos


Groups within larger culture or social system that have some characteristics that are different from those of dominant culture

Goal of Healthy People 2020 is to improve

Health status Quality of care Access of care

Leininger's definition of culture competence

Provides culturally congruent caring beliefs and practices through accommodation, re-pattering and negotiation

Understanding of cultural and ethnicity will help in...

Providing direct care, teaching, supervising, and modeling competent care to other care providers

Purnell Model for Cultural Competence

Stresses teamwork in providing cultural competent care will improve individual, family and communities


Strictly related to biology; refers to grouping of people based in biological similarities such as skin color, blood type, or bone structures Ex: white, African American, Asian


Unsubstantiated beliefs that all people of certain racial or ethnic group are alike in many respects Often negative, but not always

cultural universals

Values, beliefs and practices that people from all cultures share

Strategies for providing culturally competent care

When teaching: find out whether it conflicts with pt's folk beliefs or alternative treatments Identify educational negus that are most appropriate for clients needs When caring did pt's of vulnerable populations, important to focus on strengths and resources, not exclusively in difficulties and risks


When you attempt to change your actions or clients lifestyle While still respecting cultural values and beliefs, support and encourage client to significantly modify behaviors and to adopt new, different and beneficial health behaviors

Street talk, slang, jargon

Words or expressions used by subculture

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