Traps, Lats, Levator Scapulae, Rhomboids, Serratus Anterior

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serratus anterior (origins)

anterolateral surface of the upper 8 or 9 ribs

latissimus dorsi (insertions)

bicipital (intertubercular) groove of the humerus

serratus anterior (insertions)

costal aspect of the medial border of the scapula

levator scapulae (nerve innervation)

dorsal scapular, C5

rhomboid major (nerve innervation)

dorsal scapular, C5

rhomboid minor (nerve innervation)

dorsal scapular, C5

levator scapulae (actions)

elevates the scapula, extends and/or laterally flexes the neck, assists to downwardly rotate the scapula

trapezius (actions)

elevates the scapula, upwardly rotates the scapula (upper and lower portions), downwardly rotates the scapula, retracts scapula

latissimus dorsi (actions)

extends the arm (from a flexed position), internally (medially) rotates the arm, adducts the arm, downwardly rotates the scapula

trapezius (origins)

external occipital protuberance, ligamentum nuchae, spinous processes of C1-T12

serratus anterior (nerve innervation)

long thoracic, C5, 6, 7

rhomboid minor (insertions)

medial border of the scapula at the level of the spine

rhomboid major (insertions)

medial border of the scapula from below the spine

trapezius (nerve innervation)

motor: spinal accessory (XI Cranial) sensory: ventral ramii of C3 and C4

trapezius (insertions)

posterior lateral portion of the clavicle, medial surface of the acromion, superior spine of the scapula

serratus anterior (actions)

protracts the scapula, assists to upwardly rotate the scapula, functionally prevents winging

rhomboid major (actions)

retracts the scapula, assists to downwardly rotate the scapula, eccentrically helps to control rate of scapular upward rotation during arm elevation

rhomboid minor (actions)

retracts the scapula, assists to downwardly rotate the scapula, eccentrically helps to control rate of scapular upward rotation during arm elevation

rhomboid minor (origins)

spinous processes of C7 & T1

rhomboid major (origins)

spinous processes of T2-T5

latissimus dorsi (origins)

spinous processes of T7-L5, iliac crest, inferior angle of scapula

levator scapulae (insertions)

superior angle of the scapula

latissimus dorsi (nerve innervation)

thoracodorsal (C6, 7, 8)

levator scapulae (origins)

transverse processes of the upper 3 or 4 cervical vertebrae

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