Twig Lab EFB 336

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Diospyros virginiana

Ebenaceae. persimmon. Equilateral triangle shaped buds look like smurf hats, slender olive or purple colored twigs, valvate scales, pseudoterminal bud, diaphragmed pith

Robinia pseudoacacia

Fabaceae. black locust. Thin ribbed twig, armed twig with 2 spines per node, tiny bud located within the leaf scar, "gargoyle face-looking"

Fraxinus americana

Fabaceae. white ash. Clunky woody stem, maluable pith, OPPOSITE globose brown buds, tan/cream/grey twig, buds set in U-shaped leaf scar

Fagus grandifolia

Fagaceae. American beech. Long pointy sharp buds, slender twig, solid pith. Buds have orange imbricate scales, small leaf scars, stipule scars don't entirely encircle twig, pseudoterminal bud

Quercus velutina

Fagaceae. black oak. Pubescent tan/white buds terminally clustered, solid stellate pith. Arial view of bud looks like a pentagon, twigs are stout and somewhat acute

Quercus macrocarpa

Fagaceae. burr oak. Clustered tan/brown pubescent terminal buds, white coating on buds, tan/brown/beige ribbed clunky twig

Quercus rubra

Fagaceae. red oak. Small pointy buds are terminally clustered, solid stellate pith. Buds pubescent toward top, buds reddish and not angled to a point

Quercus palustris

Fagaceae. swamp oak. red oak subfamily. Small acute glabrous reddish buds, ribbed twigs, glabrous reddish slender twigs

Quercus nigra

Fagaceae. water oak. highly variable leaf shape, species name is misleading

Quercus alba

Fagaceae. white oak. Buds globose and clustered, twigs purplish red, bud scales somewhat glabrous, pinpoint beige lenticels, twig is ribbed

Quercus phellos

Fagaceae. willow oak. linear leaves with singular bristle tip, species name means corky

Magnolia acuminata

Magnoliaceae. cucumbertree. Tomentose buds, diaphragmed pith, big terete amber-brown twigs, crescent shaped leaf scars, inconspicuous slightly depressed lenticels, single cap-like bud scale, encircling stipule scars

Liriodendron tulipifera

Magnoliaceae. yellow-poplar. valvate bud, shiny twig, stipule scars encircle twig, diaphragmed pith. valvate bud scales, shiny red twig, diaphragmed pith, shield-shaped leaf scars

Sequoia sempervirens

Taxodiaceae. California redwood. different sun & shade foliage, glossy green needle-like leaves 1/2-1", species name means evergreen

Sequoiadendron giganteum

Taxodiaceae. giant sequoia. coarse textured awl-like foliage, species name means giant-sized

Acer negundo

Aceraceae. boxelder. Solid pith, glabrous twigs somewhat glaucous, opposite buds are tomentose, appressed buds, two glaucous imbricate bud scales, vertical lenticels, leaf scars meet with other opposite leaf scars

Acer rubrum

Aceraceae. red maple. Buds have glabrous scales fringed with hairs, doesn't smell foul, OPPOSITE, grey twigs, obtuse buds

Acer saccharinum

Aceraceae. silver maple. Solid pinkish pith, flower buds densely clustered, grey to brown twig, globose flower buds, oval leaf scars are indistinct, shoots holding flower buds are clunky, rank odor, leaf buds have pubescence on scale

Acer saccharum

Aceraceae. suger maple. Solid pith, buds are OPPOSITE, pointed buds. U-shaped leaf scars, 3 terminal pointy buds, imbricate bud scales, 3 vascular bundle scars

Ostrya virginiana

Betulaceae. eastern hophornbeam. Dark pinpoint lenticels, orange/brown color, sticky non-resinous buds when squeezed apart, bracts on bud scales with pointy tips, buds acute, fine SERRATIONS on bud scales, longitudinal striation grooves with waxy accumulations, aments sometimes present, pseudoterminal buds, no spur shoots

Betula populifolia

Betulaceae. grey birch. Really very warty twig, single ament

Betula papyrifera

Betulaceae. paper birch. Plantain-shaped buds, solid pith, very thin twig, tan/orangey pinpoint lenticels, buds taper at both ends, sticky non-resinous buds when squeezed, tan/brown twigs, pseudoterminal bud, "least distinct Betula twig", aments: 2 to 5, preformed male flowers, reddish twig

Betula alleghaniensis

Betulaceae. yellow birch. Red brown to cream twigs, glabrous twigs, buds with imbricate slightly pubescent scales, 3 dark vascular bundle scars

Gleditsia triacanthos

Caesalpiniaceae. honeylocust. Reddish orange twigs, 3-thorned, orange/yellow buds, minute buds set within leaf scar, twig more stout than that of blacklocust

Cornus florida

Cornaceae. flowering dogwood. Distinct flower buds, OPPOSITE, olive green to pink twigs, leaf buds look like snake mouths, glabrous and glaucous twigs

Liquidambar styraciflua

Hamamelidaceae. sweetgum. Big shiny buds with imbricate scales, knobby twigs, pith shape angled

Carya cordiformis

Juglandaceae. bitternut hickory. Vertical lenticels, naked sulfur yellow buds, deformed-heart shaped bud scars. Valvate buds, scars U-shaped, many vascular bundle scars

Juglans nigra

Juglandaceae. black walnut. Monkey face-looking leaf scar, chambered pith, pubescent to tomentose buds

Juglans cinerea

Juglandaceae. butternut. Tomentose tan buds, fuzz above bud scars, pith distinctly chambered and dark. Monkey-face-like leaf scars, 3 vascular bundle scars, dark brown chambered pith, large heavy gnarled twig

Carya ovata

Juglandaceae. shagbark hickory. Deciduous outer bud scales, thick clunky heavy twig, tomentose buds, dark brown pith, fat egg-shaped bud. Dark twig with orange lenticels

Umbellularia californica

Lauraceae. California-laurel. leathery aromatic leaves, green twig

Sassafras albidum

Lauraceae. sassafras. Greenish buds with reflexed scales, glabrous greenish twigs, dark leaf scars, "smells like fruity pebbles"

Nyssa sylvatica

Nyssaceae. blackgum. Koala face-looking lead scars, spur shoots, pith is diaphragmed, chestnut brown twig, buds with imbricate brown to cream scales

Pinus taeda

Pinaceae. loblolly pine. 3 needles/fascicle 4-5", species name means torch of resinous pine wood

Pinus edulis

Pinaceae. pinyon pine. 2 needles/fascicle short & thick, species name means edible (fruit)

Platanus occidentalis

Platanaceae. American sycamore. Solid orange/brown pith, single cap-like bud scale. Alternate, stipule scars encircle twig, leaf scar encircles bud, round pith in cross-section

Prunus serotina

Rosaceae. black cherry. Solid pith, many white/grey lenticels, bud scales tan with brown dark margin, small acute buds with imbricate scales, tiny half-circle leaf scars, 3 vascular bundle scars

Salix nigra

Salicaceae. black willow. Solid pith, brown to orange twig, slightly pubescent twig at top, heartish-shaped small leaf scar, appressed buds have a single cap-like bud scale, pseudoterminal bud

Populus deltoides

Salicaceae. eastern cottonwood. Clunky grey to orangey brown twigs, scaly buds, leaf scar looks like a sloth face, resinous buds, buds larger than those of P. tremuloides

Populus tremuloides

Salicaceae. quaking aspen. Pointy buds, knobby twigs, stellate pith, smile shaped leaf scars. Glabrous acute buds with some striations, scales are imbricate, appressed buds are non-resinous, 3 groups of vascular bundle scars

Tilia americana

Tiliaceae. American basswood. Solid pith, small vertical lenticels, "backpack" bud scales. Two distinct bud scales, alternate, pith round in cross-section, pseudoterminal bud, mucilaginous buds

Ulmus americana

Ulmaceae. American elm. Diaphragmed pith, small buds, thin twigs. 3-4 vascular bundle scars, oval leaf scar shape, imbricate bud scales, buds are appressed, slightly pubescent bud scales, pseudoterminal bud

Celtis occidentalis

Ulmaceae. hackberry. Diaphragmed pith, apressed buds with tan and brown scales, leaf scales, leaf scars half the size of the bud, jutting pseudoterminal bud, pubescent bud scales, thin fluted twig

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