Tylenol Drug card

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what is the dose of Percocet in children?

0.05mg -0.15mg per kg q 4-6 hours

what is the dose of Percocet of adults under 50kg?

0.2mg per kg q 3-4 hours

what is the children of 1-12 years old dose of Tylenol?

10-15mg per kg per dose q 6 hours

what is the infant dose of Tylenol?

10-15mg per kg per dose q 6 hours

what is the dose of Toradol in an adult who weighs less than 50kg

10mg q4-6 hours this is also if they have renal impairment

what is the dose of Aspirin?

160-325 mg 1-2 pills q 4 hours or 3 pills every 6 hours

what is the dose of Toradol in children 2-16 years old?

1mg per kg per dose

what is the dose of an adult who is less than 65 years of Toradol?

20mg initially then 10mg q4-6 hours

what is the dose of Enoxaparin?

30-40mg TID post surgery

what is the adult and children over 12 dose of Tylenol?

325-625mg q 6 hours

what is the dose of Percocet in adults over 50 kg?

5-10mg q 3-4 hours

what is the dose of Colace?

50-300mg PO once daily

what is the dose of Heplean?

60U per kg

what is the classification of Percocet?

Therapeutic: opioid analgesic pharmacologic: opioid agonists/nonopioid, analgesic

what are the uses of of Hepalean?

absorption, distribution, protein building, metabolism and excretion

what is the generic name of Tylenol?


what is the generic name of Aspirin?

acetysalicycic acid

what are 3 patient teachings for Colace?

advise only for short term use long term use may cause electrolyte imbalance avoid straining in cardia disease patients

what is the generic name for Percocet?


what is the action of Hepalean?

prevents the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin by its effects on factor X. higher doses neutralize thrombin, preventing the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin

what are contraindications of Tylenol?

products containing alcohol, asparatane, dyspnea, constipation, vomitting, hypokalemia

what are the uses of Aspirin?

reduces cold like symptoms, commonly taken for rheumatoid arthiritis

what are the side/ adverse effects of Toradol?

stroke, renal impairment, edema, GI pain, dyspepsia, nausea, drowsiness, abnormal thinking, dizziness, euphoria, and headache

what are 3 patient teachings of Tylenol?

take as directed advise to avoid more than one acetaminophen advise to avoid alcohol

what are 3 patient teachings for Toradol?

take meds as directed and do not double up if you miss a dose advise against driving until they know how the drug affects them advise to notify if they have tinnitus, weight gain, edema, black stools, persistent headache, or flu like symptoms

what is the classification of Enoxaparin?


what are 3 nursing implications for Percocet?

Assess BP, pulse, RR assess pain before and after administration use equinanalgesic chart when changing routes

what is the generic name for Hepalean?


what are contraindications of Aspirin?

NSAID increased asthma, GI bleeding, vitamin K deficiency, epistaxis, and peptic ulcer disease

what are 3 patient teachings for Percocet?

advise/warn of abuse potential advise about drowsiness encourage to turn and cough and deep breathing every 2 hours to prevent atelectasis

what are the contraindications of Percocet?

alcoholism, respiratory depression, hyperthyroidism, bronchial asthma

what is the use of Tylenol?

analgesia and anti-pyretic

what is the classification of Tylenol?

anti-pyretic and non-opioid analgesic NOT AN NSAID

what is the use of Enoxaparin?


what are the classifications of Hepalean?

anticoagulants, antithrombotics

what are the classifications of Aspirin?

antiinflammatory anti platelet and antipyretic

what are the nursing implications for Colace?

assess for abdominal distentions assess color, consistency, and amount of stool asses bowel sounds

what are 3 nursing implications for Toradol?

assess for rhinitis (inflammation of mucus membrane) asthma and urticaria if they have asthma or nasal polyps assess pain ever 1-2 hours after administration assess PT time, BUN levels, serum creatine, and potassium concentrations

what are 3 nursing implication of Tylenol?

assess overall health and alcohol use assess amount and frequency assess toxicity of ovedose

what are 3 nursing implications of Aspirin?

assess pain and limitation of movement before and after administration monitor hematocrit and assess for GI blood loss administer with milk or food

what are 3 patient teachings for Aspirin?

avoid use of alcohol take only prescribed dose report unusual bleeding not recommended during 3rd trimester of pregnancy

what is the action of Percocet?

binds to opioid receptors in CNS, alters the perception and response to painful stimuli

why isn't Aspirin recommended for Peds?

can causes Reyes sydrome (metabolic disorder)

what are the side effects of Percocet?

confusion, sedation, dizziness, dysphoria, euphoria, floating feeling, hallucinations, headache, unusual dreams

what are contraindications of Toradol?

cross sensitivity with NSAIDS, at risk for renal failure, cardiovascular disease, active or history of peptic ulcer disease or GI bleeding

what is the use of Toradol?

decrease pain

what is the action of Aspirin?

decreases platelet ability to form a clot, reduces fever, reduces pain

what is the generic name for Colace?


what is the action of Colace?

draws water into still resulting in a softer fecal mass

what are side effects of Hepalean?

drug induced hepatitis A, alopecia, rashes , uritacara, bleeding heparin induced thrombocytopenia, anemia, osteoporosis, fever, hypersensitivity

what are the classifications of Colace?

fecal softener, emollient(quality of softening) laxitive

what are the contraindications of Colace?

geriatric, pregnancy, abdominal pain, GI bleeding, breastfeeding

what are side effects of Enoxaparin?

increase bleeding, nausea, dizziness, anemia

what is the action of Toradol?

inhibits prostaglandin synthesis (reduces pain) which produces peripheral mediated analgesia. also has antipyretic and anti inflammatory properties

what is the action of Tylenol?

inhibits synthesis of prostaglandins that may serve as mediators of pain and fever

what are 3 patient teachings for Enoxaparin?

instruct not to take aspirin or NSAIDS report any feelings of pruritus or rashes, fever, swelling, and ecchymosis use a soft bristled tooth brush to avoid gum bleeding

what is the generic name for Toradol?


what are contraindications of Enocaparin?

known allergy, any active bleeding process untreated by hypertension

what is the uses of Colace?

laxative/stool softener

what is the generic name for Enoxaparin?


what are the side effects of Colace?

mild cramps, diarrhea, bloating, gas, irritation around rectum

side effects of Aspirin?

nausea, stomach pain, increased bleeding, bronchospasms

what is the classification of Toradol?

non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory, non-opioid analgesic

what are 3 nursing implications of Enoxparin?

observe injections sites for hematomas, ecchymosis, or inflammation assess for signs of bleeding or hemmorhage and bleeding from mucus membranes assess for additional or increased thrombosis

what is the actions of Enoxaparin?

thins blood, acts by mainly accelerating the rate of neutralization of certain activated coagulation factors by antithrombin

What are contraindications of Hepalean?

uncontrolled bleeding, severe thrombocytopenia, open wounds, avoid in premature babies if benzyl alcoholism also being use

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