Unit 1-5 Lesson 3
The equivalent resistance of the paralleled branches of the circuit is ? .
10.5 Ω
This two branch parallel circuit has an equivalent resistance of ? .
12 Ω
For two resistors to be in parallel with each other in a circuit, there must be ? current path(s).
Find the total resistance of this five branch parallel circuit.
2.4 Ω
The total resistance in this circuit is ? .
2.5 Ω
A circuit contains three 60 ohm resistors in parallel. What is the total circuit resistance? (Use the rule for determining total resistance with resistances of equal value.)
20 Ω
The equivalent resistance of this six branch parallel circuit is ? .
3 Ω
The equivalent resistance in the branches in this circuit is ? .
3.75 Ω
The total equivalent resistance of this circuit is ? .
4.8 Ω
Calculate the total resistance of the circuit.
7.2 Ω
The equivalent resistance of the branches in this circuit is ? .
8 Ω
As resistors are added in parallel, the total circuit current will decrease.
The reciprocal equation can be used to calculate the total ? of any parallel circuit.
To solve for the equivalent resistance of two paralleled resistors of unequal value, the simplest equation to use is ? .
Rt = (R1*R2)/(R1+R2)
The equation used to find the total resistance of a parallel circuit with any number or size resistors is ? .
Rt = 1/((1/R1)+(1/R2)+(1/R3)+...(1/Rn))
The equation used to determine the total resistance of a parallel circuit that contains any number of resistors with equal values is
Rt = Rx/Rn
The total resistance of a parallel circuit is always less than the resistance of the smallest resistor in the circuit.
When all resistors are of equal value in a parallel circuit, the total resistance is equal to the value of one of the individual resistors or branch, divided by the number (N) of resistors or branches.
Closing the SW 3 switch will add the R3 resistor to the circuit. Paralleling this third resistor will ? the total circuit resistance and ? the total circuit current.
decrease / increase
In the circuit, the SW1 and SW2 switches are closed and the SW3 switch is in the open position. When the SW3 switch is closed, the total circuit resistance will be ? .
decreased by 1/3