Unit 1 APUSH 1492-1754

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Half-Way covenant

-admitted to baptism but not full membership -weakened the distinction between elect and others

The events of the First Great Awakening led to

new denominations attracting followers who were drawn to the dynamic sermons of the new preachers The First Great Awakening led to the growth of a number of Protestant denominations such as Methodists and Baptists in the colonies as people flocked to hear the dynamic sermons of the new preachers.

Molasses Act

-1733 -everything has to go through British port and England would get a part of the profits, codified this rule in the act

New Jersey

-2 proprietors got land from Duke of York

Three factors of the American mindset by 1750

-Bernard Bailyn: consensus historiographer, said revolutionary ideas developed gradually -Colonists are embracing a new ideological order, rejecting the status quo, denying authority and working in their own self-interest -doesn't matter who your father was -American mindset was based on Mercantilism (wealth), The Great Awakening (faith), and The Enlightenment (reason)

War of Jenkins Ear

-British captain Robert Jenkins ear was sliced off by Spanish -Colonists were unhappy because England gave back the land the colonists captured

Albany Congress

-British government called an intercolonial congress to Albany, NY -only 7 representatives from the 13 colonies showed up -to keep Iroquois chiefs local to British and achieve colonial unity to bolster common defense against France -led by Benjamin Franklin -London and individual colonists rejected Franklin's plan of colonial home rule

New France

-Edict of Nantes granted toleration to French Protestants, strengthens France -beaver -more autocratically governed (ruler with absolute power)

Mercantilism (wealth)

-England wanted to be self-sufficient and not have to rely on any other countries for products as England was competing with France, Spain, and Portugal to colonize -Exported sugar, rice, cotton, tobacco -England colonized America to grow these products, which caused other countries to be dependent on them -This was beneficial to the colonists because it gave them a guaranteed market with the Mother Country to sell goods and allowed for salutary neglect -This hurt the colonists because it stifled economic initiative because they had more exports than imports -This mercantilist relationship justified England's control because wealth=power -This causes resentment and rage within the colonists

Bacon's Rebellion

-Governor of Virginia William Berkley and the Virginia assembly took away the right to vote for poor men in 1670 -1000 of poor backwoodsmen (pedemonte) rebelled, led by Francis Bacon

New York

-originally New Netherland (dutch) -economically and ethnically diverse


African American dialect that blended English with Yoruba, Ibo, and Hausa

The Great Awakening (Faith)

-rekindling of religious fervor through emotion -Strict religious authority is slipping due to Half-Way Covenants, leads to emotion, feeling open to everyone who wants to listen -old lights are logical, orthodox clergymen who were skeptical of the theatrical style of revivalists -new lights are emotional -helps encourage sparks of independence -Congregational church in New England, Puritan -People in New England are more literate, but the great awakening catches on later in the South as more people higher tutors -Church of England in South, under umbrella of Protestantism -influenced outside of Massachusetts

Pontiac's Invasion

-In 1763, Pontiac led tribes to drive out British people from the Ohio County -British commanders distributed blankets infected with smallpox to Indians, stopping the uprising -In response to his invasion, British stationed regular troops in the frontier -Colonists saw no need to pay for new taxes


-religious group who wanted to purify the Church of England -wanted to remain within Church of England but wanted to make it better with some changes -not tolerant of other religious sects -Congregational church

Virginia Company

-Jamestown in 1607 -joint-stock companies provided the financial means for Jamestown -did not have long term goals -did not bring women -thought they would be there for only a few years to make money and leave -considered themselves gentlemen and did not want to do any work -John Smith enforced rules saying if they did not work (grow crops) they would be whipped -starvation, disease, and Indian raids during the early years at Jamestown -eventually Tobacco cultivation brought prosperity and population growth -House of Burgesses: representative self government in 1619 -same year ship arrived with twenty African slaves

Similarities between plantation colonies

-Maryland -Virginia -North Carolina -South Carolina -Georgia -slavery -Church of England -some form of religious toleration -"soil butchery"

New England Colonies

-Massachusetts -Connecticut -Rhode Island -New Hampshire -English Calvinist religious dissenters: Puritans

Middle colonies

-New York -New Jersey -Pennsylvania -Delaware -diverse -bread colonies -fertile soil

New Hampshire

-separated from Massachusetts and made into a royal colony in 1679

West Indies

-sugar -imported African slaves -created Barbados slave code -brought back to Carolina

The Enlightenment (Reason)

-understanding scientific law and social philosophy

Stono Rebellion

a 1739 uprising of slaves in South Carolina, leading to the tightening of already harsh slave laws

Slavery becomes black slavery

-No evidence of explicit racial superiority -slavery=commerce -Europeans were amazed by African cities like Timbuktu -Anthony and Mary Johnson: worked as any other planted in Virginia, breaks the stereotypical image of the African-American experience -Europeans who took part of the headrights program as indentured servants were white men who thought of themselves as gentleman and the work was very labor intensive -Native American slaves died very soon of diseases and knew the land better -Africans resisted diseases better and didn't know the land at all -Easy to identify black and white people and therefore divide them -1619: 1st known slave ship arrives -1640: John Punch and two other white men are sentenced for a crime, and John gets a harsher sentence -1661: codification of slavery -1662: Virginia law says children follow the condition of the mother (chattel slavery), slave owners making their own slaves

English colonization

-Spain attempted to invade England but English seamen and a storm stopped the Spanish ships -England was a strong, unified state under a popular monarch with religious unity -Elizabethan golden age -Protestantism -late 1500s there was an economic depression with many unemployed people -population growth: workers -chastened Spain: opportunity for colonization -unemployment: motives -joint stock companies: financial means

Women in the 17th Century British Empire

-State and family are the same thing and at the head of both is the man -Femme Couvert: women covered (politically, socially, economically) -harsh patriarchy whereas in African and Native American culture family was matrilineal -Female realms of authority: domestic economy, midwifery

Southern Women in the Colonial Era

-There was an unbalanced gender ratio as men died younger -3 women for every man in Chesapeake region (Maryland and Virginia) -Unstable families -Widowed women had separate property titles and right to inherent husbands estates -Increased sexual freedom: pregnant by the time they are married -Margaret Brent: single, landowner, attorney, runs for Maryland colonial assembly


-a sermon warning of doom and calling for repentance -in the middle of the 17th century, preachers were criticizing people for their declining devotion

French and Indian War

-a war in North America between France and Britain (both aided by Indian tribes) -British troops showed contempt for colonial militiamen -British refused to recognize any America militiamen above the rank of a captain -George Washington attacked in Ohio country -under William Pitt won at Quebec, removing the French from North America -colonists gained confidence in their own abilities and resented the British treatment of them -removal of French also decreased the colonists reliance for British defense

What was the leading industry in colonial America?

-agriculture, 90% of people -tobacco in Chesapeake -bread in middle colonies

Structure of Colonial Society

-began to show signs of stratification (visible arrangement or society into a hierarchical pattern with distinct social groups) and barriers to mobility -raised worries about the "Europeanization" of America -small upper class, growing lower class -slaves and "jayle birds" at the bottom -small farmers, artisans and tradespeople in the middle class -wealthy planters and merchants at top


-buffer colony to protect the valuable Carolinas against Spaniards and French -founded for people in debtors jail -James Olgethorpe founded

South Carolina

-close ties with the British sugar colonies in the West Indies -brought back Barbados slave codes

George Whitefield

-credited with starting the Great Awakening -also a leader of the "New Lights" -held revival meetings, new style of preaching

Jonathan Edwards

-deepest theological mind in America -declared the need for complete dependence on God's grace


-did not like any remnant of Catholicism -most extreme -separatists -wanted to break away from the Church of England -William Bradford, leader of the Pilgrims

Salem Witch Trials

-end of 17th century -girls accused older women of bewitching them -20 people were hanged -not an isolated incident -accused were market elite


-founded by Lord Baltimore for financial profits and for Catholics -refuge for Catholics -tobacco (did not provide economic diversity) -Act of Toleration for all Christians


-founded by Puritans -had a closer church and government alliance than in Massachusetts -merged New Haven with other settlements in Ohio Valley

Rhode Island

-founded by Roger Williams after he fled from Massachusetts when he criticized their charter -he established religious toleration for all -for jews and catholics too -no compulsory attendance in church -most religiously and politically tolerant of the colonies


-founded for Quakers by William Penn -diverse -Pennsylvania dutch were Germans who moved to Pennsylvania


-given own assembly in 1703 -until American Revolution, governed by Governor of Pennsylvania

Northern Women in the Colonial Era

-man at the top of family, church, state -social stability causes stricter gender roles -no property rights -families lived longer, more close-knit -"birthplace of grandparents" -Anne Hutchinson: antinomianism- the truly saved should not have to follow laws of God or man -Salem Witch Trials: born out of Calvinist theology

Massachusetts Bay Colony

-not given financial support from Church of England -founded by Puritans fleeing persecution in England -John Winthrop; governor -common religious and moral purpose -Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams were banished

North Carolina

-rebellious -against aristocratic feudal society -most democratic -rice and indigo were main export for Carolinas

Why did Indians lose

1. Disease -smallpox and measles 2. Disorganization -lacked unity against well-organized British military 3. Disposability -had nothing to offer and colonists wanted their land -1st Anglo-Powhatan War: led by Lord De La Warr, settled by marriage of Pocahontas and John Rolfe -2nd Anglo-Powhatan War: Indians attacked first but were defeated

Colonization in the South

1. Economics -joint stock companies (capitalism) -Chesapeake region= tobacco (Virginia, Maryland) -Carolinas= rice, indigo, economic hub for West Indies 2. Social -landed aristocracy -Feudal 3. Political -1619 House of Burgesses (wealthy people) -chattel slavery

Colonization in the North

1. social (religion) -families, not individuals -god is the glue -calvinism -10 years added to life span 2. political -broader franchise -more participatory/"Town Hall" meetings 3. economics -more evenly distributed -"Cod is god" -lumber/shipbuilding

Which of the following was the most important reason that Native American relations with English settlers differed from Native American relations with other groups of European settlers in the 1600s? a) Larger numbers of English colonists settled on land taken from Native Americans. b) English settlers were technologically more advanced than other European settlers. c) Native Americans understood the English language better than other European languages. d) English colonization along the Eastern Seaboard provided fewer opportunities for conflict between the two sides than did colonization in the interior.

a) Larger numbers of English colonists settled on land taken from Native Americans.

Difference between French and Spanish colonies and English colonies

French and Spanish colonies are very centralized whereas English colonies are decentralized and left alone to make money

The experience of enslaved people in the southern British colonies was similar to the experience of enslaved people in the northern British colonies because

Many enslaved people in both regions developed strategies to resist slavery The experience of many enslaved people in both the northern and southern British colonies was similar because they developed strategies to resist slavery, which included work slow downs, running away, and violent revolts.

Traingular Trade

New England -> Africa -> West Indies -> New England -profitable, but small in relationships to total colonial commerce

What development most directly contributed to Reverend Whitefield coming to the British North American colonies?

Protestant evangelism came to the colonies from Great Britain and Europe Reverend Whitefield came to the British North American colonies from England as a part of the exchange of religious and philosophical ideas that had begun to be shared across the Atlantic, sparking the First Great Awakening.

Pushes/Pulls for England Colonization

Pushes: -population growth -primogeniture laws: (2nd, 3rd, etc sons can't inherit property) -Enclosure acts= squeezing out small farmers Pulls: -land=wealth -land is abundant in Americas, accessible, abundant -headright system: people that have nothing can come to America if they work as an indentured servant for 7 years, Virginia company will give sponsors of indentured servants more land as an incentive

What most directly contributed to the decision in Philadelphia to build a specific meeting house for the new preachers?

Religious pluralism was more accepted in the middle colonies and particularly in the colony of Pennsylvania than elsewhere. People settling in the middle colonies generally exhibited more toleration for ethnic and religious diversity than did those in either the New England or southern colonies and therefore were more willing to provide support for different religious practices, as shown in the excerpt.

Which of the following represented a change in the labor force of the southern British colonies by the 1700s?

Slavery became more widespread than indentured servitude. By 1700, the southern colonies in British North America had largely shifted from using European indentured servants to using enslaved Africans to provide labor for plantation agriculture.

The change in White and Black populations in various regions most strongly suggests the influence of which of the following?

The demand in Europe for commodities such as tobacco and sugar The expansion of populations in colonies in the South and West Indies, especially the extreme increase in the population of enslaved Africans, was a result of the widespread expansion of the production of crops for European consumption.

What did the emigrant population lead to?

The makeup of emigrant populations led to greater reconstruction of English family life in New England than it did in the Chesapeake. The New England emigrant population ensured the "successful transfer of familiar patterns of social relationships," unlike the age and sex structure of the Chesapeake settler population.

What was the population of men and women like in the New England?

The populations of men and women in New England were roughly equal from the time of its founding. The sex ratio of New England's emigrant population resembled England's and nearly half of the settlers in New England were female, unlike the Chesapeake where men outnumbered women throughout the seventeenth century.

The efforts of Spanish colonists to convert Native Americans to Christianity were most directly influenced by which of the following simultaneous developments? a) The effect of the Columbian Exchange on the population of Europe b) The extraction of gold and other wealth from the land in the Americas c) The arrival of English colonists seeking religious freedom in the Americas d) The success of the French and the Dutch in their interactions with Native Americans

b) The extraction of gold and other wealth from the land in the Americas As the Spanish sought to extract more gold and wealth from the land, they developed new institutions that converted many Native Americans to Christianity in order to subjugate the population and assimilate them into Spanish colonial society.

English colonists in North America in the 1600s and 1700s most typically sought which of the following? a) Chances to spread Christianity to Native Americans b) Jobs working in factories c) Political independence from England d) Opportunities to improve their living conditions

d) Opportunities to improve their living conditions

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