Unit 1 Test: Theology 10

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List three facts about Biblical Exegesis.

1.) Biblical exegesis involves thoughtful and rigorous interpretation of the Scriptures and what God is communicating to us though his Words. 2.) Biblical exegesis dispels the myth that the people and lessons of the Bible are outdated and affirms that the inspired Word of God continues to speak to us and guide us. 3.) Biblical exegesis is the process of interpreting and critically explaining a passage from Sacred Scripture.

15. Give examples of three types of literary genres, types of literature found in the Bible. Explain each of the four types. Give Biblical examples (the chapter, verse and the words they contain)

1.) Gospels: accounts of real events and teachings from Jesus' life that give deeper insight into the meaning of his life and mission (example: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) 2.) Letters (epistles): letters to early Christians to pass on wisdom, correction, and community information (example: Letters of Paul) 3.) Parables: brief stories told by Jesus to exemplify moral or religious lessons (example: mustard seed, prodigal son) 4.) Prophetic oracles: counsel and wisdom given by God (example: prophetic books)

Write five statements about Sepphoris.

1.) It was an ancient Roman city. 2.) It was discovered by archaeologists. who say it was rebuilt in the first century AD. 3.) It was only about an hour's walk from Jesus' hometown of Nazareth. 4.) Jesus might have worked there with his foster father Joseph during his lifetime. 5.) Jesus would have learned about Greek and Roman culture in the city of Sepphoris.

List 5 facts about the Bishop of Milan.

1.) The Bishop of Milan is Saint Ambrose. 2.) He is a father and a doctor of the Church. 3.) He devoted much of his life to Sacred Scriptures. 4.) He was from a diocese in Italy. 5.) He was recognized as a powerful preacher and a compassionate minister.

List three facts about the NAB.

1.) The NAB is the version of the Bible that is used most often by Catholics in the United States. 2.) The NAB is the translation that is used in the Lectionary and Book of the Gospels that are read from at Mass. 3.) The NAB is the same translation that is listed on the website of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

What three things should a biblical scholar take into consideration when studying a biblical passage?

1.) They must be attentive to what the human authors truly wanted to affirm and to what God wanted to reveal to us by their words. 2.) They must study their culture and context in which the author of a particular book of the Bible lived to more fully develop their understanding of the meaning of the Scripture, the intentions of a biblical author. 3.) The scholar must also look at various literary genres and techniques commonly used at the time.

What are the three stages in the development/formation of the Gospels?

1.) the life and teachings of Jesus 2.) the oral tradition 3.) the written tradition

What was central to the experiences of people during the Old Testament? Explain their experiences.

Central to the experiences of people during the Old Testament is their relationship with God. They experienced God as Creator, Liberator, and Covenant Maker.

In Article 20, Biblical Exegesis, what has NOT CHANGED even though the times have changed?

Even though the times have changed, we still struggle with the same issues people did back then, such as jealousy, idolatry, disbelief, hypocrisy, selfishness, and so on.

If humans were involved in writing the Bible, how is God "the Bible's sole and supreme author?"

God used the Holy Spirit and Divine Revelation to influence the human writers of the Bible, therefore he the is supreme writer of the Bible.

What were the original languages of the Bible?

Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic

Jesus' life and mission took place in Palestine, also called the ...

Holy Land

Who wrote the Acts of the Apostles?

Luke wrote the Acts of the Apostles.

What do the letters NAB stand for?

New American Bible

How many books are contained in the Old Testament and the New Testament?

Old Testament: 46 books New Testament: 27 books

... was divided into three major provinces: Judea (where Jesus was born), Galilee (primary area for Jesus' ministry and Samaria (where Jesus invited the "unclean" into the circle of salvation.


Who wrote the following letters to the Romans, First and Second Corinthians, and Galatians, which were most likely written around 50-60 AD and even before the four Gospels?


How did people most likely communicate in Biblical times?

People in Biblical times most likely communicated through nonverbal deeds and actions, the spoken word, and the written word.

There were many religious groups, or sects, within the Jewish community. Each group emphasized a different way of living the Jewish faith. Describe these different ways.

Pharisees: the educated interpreters of the Law of Moses Sadducees: strictly adhered to the Torah and preserved the sanctity of the Temple Essenes: withdrew to a life of solitude and prayer in preparation of the coming of God Herodians: political leaders collaborating with the leaders of the Roman empire Zealots: revolutionary group concerned with the restoration of Jewish independence These groups made up 10% of the Jewish population. The other 90% made up the great majority.

Name the three main Councils which were instrumental in forming the canon of the Sacred Scriptures.

The 3 main Councils which were instrumental in forming the canon of the Sacred Scriptures are the Council of Hippo (393), the Council of Carthage (397), and the Ecumenical Council of Trent (1543-1563).

What was the rationale for putting the Gospels before these letters in the New Testament?

The Gospels were placed first because they are eyewitness accounts of Jesus' life.

What is the Latin Vulgate?

The Latin Vulgate is St. Jerome's translation of the Bible into Latin.

Describe the literal and spiritual senses as it applies to the "crossing of the Red Sea in the Book of Exodus."

The Literal sense tells us God delivered the Israelites by opening the Red Sea. God di this so the Israelites could cross, and then he closed the sea to drown Pharaoh's army. The Allegorical sense shows us the comparison between then and now. The Moral sense compares the drowning of the Pharaoh's army in the Red Sea to the "drowning" of Original Sin in baptism. The Anagogical sense says that we enter our promised land, Heaven, just as the Israelites entered their promised land.

Explain why the New Testament is called "new".

The New Testament is called "new" because God the Father radically broke into the human condition by sending his only Son, Jesus Christ, to initiate a New Covenant with his people.

In writing the Gospel of Mark, what did the author wish to emphasize?

The author wished to emphasize Jesus' faithfulness to his mission.

What standards did the early bishops use to discern what books belong in the Canon of the Old Testament?

The early Bishops used four standards to discern which books belong in the Canon of the Bible. The first standard has to do with the apostolic origin. The second standard centered on the universal acceptance of the book. The third standard revolved around the early Christian community's use of the texts. The fourth and final standard involved delving deeply into the book to see if its message was consistent with the other Christian and Hebrew writings.

What are the goals of Biblical study?

The goals of biblical study are to discover meaning, depth, truth, and making sense out of the Sacred Scriptures.

What was the main purpose of the author in writing the Summa Theologica?

The main purpose of the author in writing Summa Theologica was to lay the foundation for modern biblical interpretation.

What is the primary goal of the Gospels?

The primary goal of the Gospels is to inform people about the life, ministry, teachings, Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ.

In spite of the fact that there are different translations of the Bible, what remains the same for ALL THE TRANSLATIONS?

The truths of Divine Revelation (God's saving love) remain the same throughout all of the versions of the Bible.

How were the peoples faith tested at the time of Mark's Gospel?

They were tested by Roman persecution.

Biblical readings from both the Old and New Testament is used at most Sunday Masses. Explain.

This is done to show the unity and the continuity between the Old and New Testaments.

What are the books of law known as?

Torah (Hebrew; meaning law) Pentateuch (Greek; meaning five books) Law of Moses

Is the Bible one book or a collection of books?

a collection of sacred books

Who said, "Study your heart in the light of the Holy Scriptures and you will know therein who you were, who you are, and who you ought to be."

an early Church Father, Saint Fulgence of Ruspe

All of the following statements about the Bible are true except: a) Most do not appear in the order they were written b) Many were written shortly after the events they described had happened. c) The Bible's human authors were true authors. d) Mark probably wrote the first Gospel.

b) Many were written shortly after the events they described had happened.

What is St. Jerome most known for?

his translation of the Bible into Latin

"Old does not mean 'Out of Date'" What we don't always realize ...

is that the old paves the way for the new. We need the old to appreciate and understand the new. The same is true for the Scared Scriptures. The Old Testament is not out of date or insignificant. Rather it is the foundation of our identity as a people, a family of faith, profoundly touched by the incarnation of God.

Was the Bible written in one sitting?


What are the three basic forms of communications?

nonverbal deeds and actions, spoken word, and written word

What do the words "biblia sacra" mean?

sacred books

The Catholic Church teaches that faith can coexist with

science and history.

There are three categories of the spiritual sense. Which is being described when we say that this sense deals with "realities and events in terms of their eternal significance?"

the Anagogical Sense

How do people today communicate?

through text messaging and social media

True or false: The Literal sense is the meaning conveyed by the words of Scripture. The interpreter examines the actual events being spoken about.


In the Sacred Scriptures, we come to know the amazing works of God, the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. God's revelation is ....

understandable to us because in the Sacred Scriptures, he speaks to us human words. It is a sign of God's tremendous respect for us that he uses human language, words, and symbols as vehicles of his saving grace.

How does the Catholic Bible differ from the Protestant Bible? Explain in detail.

All Christians used the Greek translation of the Old Testament, called the Septuagint, which contained the deuterocanonical books. The Protestant reformers rejected the Septuagint as the basis for the Old Testament, so their bibles do not contain these seven books.

An authentic interpretation of the Sacred Scriptures has been entrusted to whom?

An authentic interpretation of the Sacred Scriptures has been entrusted to the Magisterium. The Magisterium interprets the meaning of a particular text by reading and interpreting it within the Tradition and teachings of the Church. It also interprets a text "In the sacred spirit in which it was written."

What is Sacred Tradition and how is it connected to our knowledge of the Bible?

Sacred Tradition is passing on the Gospel message. Sacred Tradition is connected to our knowledge of the Bible because it began with the oral communication of the Gospel by the Apostles, was written down in Scriptures, and is interpreted by the Magisterium under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Who was the Bishop of Milan?

Saint Ambrose

What are the different forms of the type of communication?

Some forms of the spoken word were prophesying, preaching, storytelling, and poetry.

Who wrote "Summa Theologica?"

St. Thomas Aquinas

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